Project Outline 2022-2023 - Revised

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ECU11031 Introduction to Economic Policy A

Group Work Project 2022/2023

Aim and Outline of the Project

Different people learn in different ways, some people like to see things visually, others
learn more from words and written explanations and others learn best when actively
engaged in the information. With this in mind, this group work project will allow you to
get stuck into the course material and to create learning resources for you and your
classmates to suit many different learning styles.

The way the project will work is that your group will be assigned one of three topic
areas. As a group you then create some learning materials that best explain the topic.
Unusually for a University assignment you have complete creative control in the
manner in which you explain the topic. You could create a short video, a podcast, a
poster, a photo montage, a case-study, a website, an interactive game ... the list is

You create your learning materials together as a group and submit them to your TA
who will grade them.


This project is worth 30% of your final grade. A grade will be assigned to the group
and this grade is then given to each member of the group. The submissions will be
graded on the following criteria:

 Accuracy
 Demonstrate understanding of the issues
 Comprehensive coverage of the topic area – you can cover all/ most topic areas
in the chapter or you can specialise in specific areas. If you specialise you will
need to go into greater detail.
 Originality (the more original the better!)
 Quality and educational usefulness
 On time submission (10% will be deducted for each day of late submission).


1. You should work in groups of 4 – 5 people from within your tutorial class and inform
your TA of the following information by 6pm on Friday 15th October at the very latest.
Group Name: e.g. Economists united
Names of Group Members: e.g. 1) John Smith 2) Mary Byrne 3) ... 4) ... 5)... 6)...

Student numbers of Group Members: e.g. 1) 10546856 2) 09567335 3) ... 4)... 5)... 6)...

Degree programme of group members: e.g. 1) Sociology and Social Policy

2)TSMEconomics&... 3)... 4)... 5)... 6)...

Please, use the table at the end of this document and provide it to your TA (one per

Tutorials commence on Monday 4th October. Groups will be formed during the first

If you miss your first tutorial for some reason, you have until your second tutorial to ask
your TA to find a group for you.

If you fail to inform your TA of your group membership after your second tutorial of the
term, you will forgo the full 30% awarded for this assignment.

2. Once you have selected your project group from within your tutorial class, your group
then will be assigned one of the flowing topic areas A, B or C.

Topic A: will cover Supply, Demand, Equilibrium, Elasticity, Price controls (chapters 3, 6
and 7).

Topic B: will cover Public goods, Common resources, Merit goods, Externalities,
Asymmetric information (chapters 8 and 9)

Topic C: will cover Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly (chapters 11, 12

and 13)

The book is Economics (5th Edition) by Mankiw and Taylor, Cengage learning.

3. Together with your Project you need to upload a script of your Project. In other words,
you need to type the whole content of your Project. We need to evaluate the
copyright. So don’t forget to include citations and references.

REMEMBER: One submission per group

4. As a group you should prepare your learning materials and submit your project
electronically via Turnitin by the following date:

Group project due date: 5pm on Friday 3th December.

No extensions will be granted and a 10% penalty will apply for each day of late

The Teaching Assistants for this module are: Aislinn Hoy ( , Conor Kavanagh
( and Nouf Abushehab (

Group Project information

by 6pm on Friday 15th October latest

Group Name:
Topic (select): A /B /C
Group members information
Names Student ID Degree programme

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