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Chapter 7

1. Why was Basil shocked when he spoke to Dorian?

Because after Sibyl´s death, Dorian didn´t talk to her mother.

2. Why did Basil want to see the portrait?

Because he wanted to show the portrait in an exhibition.

3. Where did Dorian decide to hide the portrait? Why did he decide to
hide it there?
In his old study, upstairs because nobody entered there.

4. In your own words, explain why Dorian gave his personal servant a
note for Lord Henry.
Because he didn´t want that his servant saw the two men bringing the
picture upstairs.

5. What did the workmen do ten minutes later, and what did Dorian do
when they left?
They carried the picture to the old study and Dorian locked the door and
put the key into his pocket.

Chapter 8
1.What happened when Dorian was walking home from Lord
Henry´s house, and what was his reaction?
He met Basil, he was not happy and he didn´t want to speak to him but
Basil spoke to Dorian and they went to Dorian´s house.

2. Why was Basil worried?

Because he Heard that everyone in London was saying terrible things
about Dorian and he was losing his reputation.

3.What did Basil see when he removed the cloth, and what did he
He saw a tired, ugly face with evil eyes and he understood that it was
Dorian in the picture Basil had painted.

4. What did Dorian do when Basil was dead?

He cleaned the knife, put it on a desk , left the room and locked the door.

5.why was Dorian sure that nobody saw him kill Basil?
Because it was the servants´ free day.
Chapter 9.
1.What did Dorian see when he entered the living room and what
did he plan to do later?
He saw Basil´s coat and bag and he planned to burn them later.

2.What did Dorian do after he wrote the note, and what happened
He sent the note with a servant to Alan Campbell who came after
Reading it.

3. how did Dorian persuade Alan Campbell to help him?

He told him that he was going to tell the people the bad things that
Campbell had done.

4. What did Dorian do after Alan Campbell left the house?

He went upstairs, looked inside and the body was not there. He put the
cloth over the picture and left.

Chapter 10
1. A strange man was walking behind Dorian. Describe the man.
He was wearing blue clothes and tattoos in his arms, he looked like a

2. Why was James Vane sure that Dorian was Sibyl´s Prince
Charming and what was James Vane going to do?
Because he Heard an old woman saying Dorian´s name and he was
going to kill Dorian.

3. How did Dorian convince James Vane that he wasn´t Prince

He said that eighteen years ago he was a small child,

4. What did James do when he Heard this and why was he then
They went under a Street light and looked at Dorian´s face and he
was shocked because Dorian looked very Young.

5. What Will James Vane do if he finds Dorian again?

He Will kill him.

Chapter 11
1.what did Dorian see from his living room and why did this
make Dorian nervous?
He saw a face outside the window and it was the face of James
2.What did Dorian and his Friends do at Dorian´s country
They organised a shooting party.

3.There was an accident. Describe exactly what happened.

They shot a rabbit that ran between the trees and they killed a man.

4. What did the servant tell Dorian about the man in the stables?
He told Dorian that the dead man looked like a sailor.

5.What happened in the stables, and why did Dorian then feel
Dorian discovered that the dead man was James Vane. Dorian felt
happy because he was free again.

Chapter 12.
1.Why wasn´t Dorian happy?
Because he wanted to change and become a better person.

2. What did Lord Henry tell Dorian about Alan Campbell?

Alan Campbell killed himseld two weeks ago.

3.Lord Henry talked about a strange coincidence. What was it?

Alan Campbell and Basil disappeared on the same night.

4. What did Dorian see when he looked at the portrait?

The face was old and ugly and the eyes were evil.It was the same.

5.What did the servants see when they entered the room
On the wall there was a portrait of a Young a handsome Dorian and
on the floor an old and ugly man with a knife in his heart.
6. How did the servants understand that the dead man was
When they saw the rings on his fingers.

The end ☺

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