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Best Practices &

Lessons Learned
from the field on
EMC Documentum
xCP 2.0
Jim Lewonski
EMC – Systems Engineer Manager
Jason Adams
EMC – Practice Manager, xCP

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We Want to Hear Your
Thoughts On This

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App and take the Survey

OPTION 2: Complete the Survey sent via Email

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Ÿ  Best Practices
Ÿ  Debugging in Designer
Ÿ  Tips and Tricks

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Best Practices

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xCP 1.x to 2.0 Designer Quickstart
•  Object Modeling xCP Designer Object Model
–  DA and/or Composer
•  UI (Components/Forms) xCP Designer User Interface
–  Forms Builder
•  Process
xCP Designer Processes
–  Process Builder
•  Dashboards/Reports Data Services
–  Process Builder
–  Process Reporting Services xCP Designer
–  Taskspace User Interface

•  Runtime Deployment Run Application

–  Taskspace xCP Designer
–  Composer Home
•  General Configuration
–  Taskspace xCP Designer / DA

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General Navigation

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xCP 2.0 Designer Current Limitations
Ÿ  Unified Development Except for:
–  Work Queue
–  Business Calendar
–  User
–  Group

Ÿ  Management of Exceptions such as:

–  Role Management
–  Updating Endpoint values
–  Updating Parameter Values
–  Configuring which Object Types should be indexed

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xCP 2.0 Design Approach
Ÿ  Mandatory vs. Optional Solution Requirements.
Ÿ  Identify Data Only, Content Only, or Hybrid Based Solution.
Ÿ  Identify & Review General User Process
–  User Roles
–  Processes/Workflows
–  Document Sources
–  Taxonomy
–  Reports
–  Etc…
Ÿ  Identify Solution UI Req’ts (i.e. tabs, menubars, etc..) - “Keep it simple!”
Ÿ  Prototype & Phase Rollout of Solution
–  Business/Content Objects
–  Pages
–  Data Services

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Prototype UI Layout Examples

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Prototype UI Layouts - Continued

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Handling Captured Documents
Transfer/Copy Indexed Attributes to Multiple
Related Business Object
Content Object Business Objects
Indexed Attributes Insurer Name
Insurer Name
Data Service
to Create/ Etc…
Address Map Related
. Relationships
Object &
Vehicle Model Vehicle Vehicle
Year Model Model
Make Year
… Year
Etc… Make Make
Etc… Etc…

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Tutorial – Concordant Insurance
Ÿ  xCP 2.0 Self Paced
Tutorial v1.5
Ÿ  Introduction to
xCP 2.0 Designer
Ÿ  Introduction to
xCP 2.0 Design

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Reliable Insurance Demo Application
Ÿ  Vehicle Insurance
Application Process
–  eForm Application
–  Multiple Roles
▪  Agent
▪  Approver
▪  Manag

Ÿ  Application
Highlights Various
UI Tips & Tricks

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Navigation Menu (with images)

Each menu item label is a piece of HTML code referencing:

Ÿ  An image
Ÿ  A link to an application page

<img style="height:32px;width=32px;vertical-align:middle" src=”[YOUR_IMAGE]" border="0"/>
<span style="font-family:verdana;white-space:normal;font-size:10px"> [YOUR_LABEL]</span>

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HTML Labels with Rich Text Widget
Embedding some HTML in the rich text widget is
an easy way to customize a label or a set of user
instructions in the interface.

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HTML in result lists
Embedding some HTML in the result list widget is one of the easiest and
most effective ways to customize the user interface.
You can add some HTML in the “Value” property for a column, by leveraging
the expression editor:

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HTML in result lists – Example 1
How to include some images & formatting in the same column.

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HTML in result lists – Example 1
Column in xCP Designer :

You can even use some HTML for the label of the column:

Expression for the value:

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HTML in result lists – Example 2
How to include HTML directly from the value of an attribute

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HTML in result lists – Example 2
The “vehicle” data model contains an attribute called “safety” which refers
to a picklist.
This picklist contains the HTML code I want to use in the user interface:

In the column configuration, just specify that the Data type is HTML:

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Investigative Case Management
Ÿ  Dynamic Case Handling
Based on Configurable
Case Templates.
Ÿ  Comprehensive Task
Assignment Options.

Ÿ  Web-based Rich UI also

Accessible from a Mobile
Ÿ  Documentation Auto

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State Hospital Patient Evaluations
Ÿ  Incomplete Paperwork
Ÿ  Non-prioritized Manual
Ÿ  Personnel Safety Issues

Ÿ  Streamlined Admissions
Ÿ  Prioritized Evaluations
Ÿ  Automatic Evaluation
Documents Generation

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Debugging in Designer

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Ÿ  No process debugger (yet!)
Ÿ  Would like to bring a larger, application-level
debugger (business events, page logic, queries?)

Ÿ  Don’t Panic… there are some things you can


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Design Time Troubleshooting
Ÿ  Problems tab
Ÿ  Logs
–  Runapp.log
–  Deployment log
Ÿ  Broken references
Ÿ  Refactoring/renaming

© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 26

Runtime troubleshooting
Ÿ  Browser tools
–  Use Incognito/Private Browsing to eliminate caching
Ÿ  Invocation of REST services
Ÿ  Logs
–  JMS
–  bpm-runtime
–  xCPApplication (runtime log)
–  runapp.log
Ÿ  Think outside the box…

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Browser Developer Tools
These are your new best friends

Ÿ  Bundled in Chrome, IE and Opera; Firefox has a

“Firebug” add-in
Ÿ  Let you see each individual server call, along with
inputs and outputs
Ÿ  Quickly ensure that your inputs are getting passed in
correctly (are your expressions on your page
working right?)

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How to debug a stateless process
Using browser development tools

1.  Use debugging tools to ensure that inputs are

being passed in correctly
2.  Use RESTful service to call it with arbitrary inputs
3.  Check log files.
4.  Run it statefully

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Tips and Tricks

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Pass Multi Selection to Stateless Process
Ÿ  Multi selected row_ids can be
passed to a single value
process variable in a concat
format with ","

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Pass Multi Selection to Stateless Process
Ÿ  Able to split the concat inside
the process and map the
result to a multi-value variable
or the attachments

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Open Document in Native Application
Ÿ  The URL to open the document directly is:
–  http://localhost:8000/<application_name>/application/document/<r_object_id>

Ÿ  The link could look something like:

<a href = "/MyApplication/application/document/' +
widgets.my_results_list.selected_row.doc_object_id + '">Open</a>

Ÿ  The onclick event would have something like:

'<div class="x-btn xcp_button-cls x-box-item x-btn-default-small x-noicon x-
btn-noicon x-btn-default-small-noicon" style="border-width: 0px; left: 0px;
top: 0px; margin: 0px; " onclick="\'/MyApplication/application/
document/' + widgets.my_results_list.selected_row.doc_object_id + '/\',
\'_self\')"><span class="x-btn-inner" style="">Open Document</span></div>'

© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 33

DB Endpoints & Custom Drivers
Ÿ  JDBC driver: PostgreSQL, DB2, Oracle, MS SQL, & ODBC
Ÿ  Need another type of database with a different JDBC driver
(such as MySQL, LDAP)
–  Download the desired JDBC driver JAR file
–  Place it in <your_xCP_app>/content/modules (create the
"modules" directory if it doesn't already exist)
–  Create a .javamodule file in <your_xCP_app>/Artifacts/Java
Modules (create the "Java Modules" directory if it doesn't already
exist" with the following content:

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DB Endpoints & Custom Drivers
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nsJavaModule:JavaModule xmlns:nsJavaModule=""

Java Modules/your_java_module_name.javamodule"
<implementationJars contentPath="content/modules/your_JDBC_driver_jar_file"/
–  Restart Designer and select the new
JDBC driver when defining a database

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Enabling File Upload From an iPad
Ÿ  Locate the jar file xcp-core-2.0.0000.xxxx.jar in
–  C:\Users\dmadmin\.m2\repository\com\emc\xcp\xcp-core\2.0.0000.1949

Ÿ  Open the jar file with 7-Zip or similar and edit the file: \xcp-core
–  Comment out line 31: //return xcp.Enablement.HIDE;

Ÿ  Close the file make sure the jar is updated with the modified file.
Ÿ  Go to your application directory and delete the 'target' folder.
Ÿ  Redeploy your app and you have an Import button on an iPad. When
the import dialog loads and you click on the you get the following:

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Changing the Logo on the Sign In Page
Ÿ  Create your logo with a size of 448 x 50 pixels
Ÿ  Include your logo graphic in your applications /
Artifacts/Resources folder
Ÿ  Add the this style to your themes CSS.signin-panel
.signin-logo-panel .x-panel-body {
background: url("../../../../../Artifacts/Resources/Logo.png") no-
repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
margin-left: 0px;

© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 37

Changing the Logo - Continued
Ÿ  What if you have a graphic that is not 448 x 50?
–  Resize image to 448 px wide and modify the page layout

Ÿ  Locate the signin page definition here:

–  C:\xCPDesigner\Applications\<APP_NAME>\<APP_NAME>\src\main\webapp\pages

Ÿ  Backup the file

Ÿ  Edit the file, modifying the highlighted lines, to
resize the boxes as needed.

© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 38

Changing the Logo - Continued
"xtype": "panel",
"border": false,
"cls": "signin-logo-panel",
"width": "100%",
"height": 50
"xtype": "panel",
"border": false,
"cls": "signin-form-panel",
"width": "100%",
"height": 248,
"border": true,
"bodyStyle": {
"border-style": "none"
"items": [
"xtype": "form",
"cls": "signin-form",
width: "100%",
height: 248,
"defaults": {"anchor": "100%"},
"defaultType": "textfield",
"monitorValid": true,
"border": false,
"bodyBorder": true,
"bodyStyle": {
"padding": "80px 30px 0px"

© Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 39

Enabling HTML Support in the Viewer
Ÿ  Locate the file xcp-ivf-provider-browser-2.0.0000.xxxx.jar in
the folder
–  C:\Users\dmadmin\.m2\repository\com\emc\xcp\xcp-ivf-provider-browser\2.0.0000.0421

Ÿ  Edit the <supportedProviders> element in Browser.xml in the

folder com\emc\xcp\config\app\ivf\providers

Ÿ  Refresh the application

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Add an HTML Progress Indicator
Ÿ  Add images to my
applications resources folder
Ÿ  Remember to set the Data
type to 'HTML'

'<div style= "display:block;float:left;width:100%;height:16px;margin:0 0

2px;background:url(\'Artifacts/Resources/pb_blue.png\');"><div style=
"background:url(\'Artifacts/Resources/pb_red.png\');height:16px; width:75%;text-
align:right;display:block;width:'+ forex_inbound_signe_review_deal.processVariables.percent
+ '%;color:white;"/></div>'

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SVN in xCP 2.0 Designer
Ÿ  Use file system based SVN client (e.g.
Ÿ  When collaborating with a team, get a
lock for the file when editing. Release
the lock when finished editing.
Ÿ  Commit changes to multiple files at the
application folder level.
Ÿ  Need to revert? Use SVN Revert and
refresh Designer.

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SVN in xCP 2.0 Designer
Retrieving updated files from SVN

Ÿ  From the SVN client, select

SVN Update.
Ÿ  In Designer, click Refresh to
view the updated and new
Ÿ  Remember to coordinate,
coordinate, coordinate!

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SVN in xCP 2.0 Designer
Importing an application into a clean build
Ÿ  Method 1:
–  Create an application with the same name and namespace as the one you
want to import.
–  Check out the app from source control to the new Application folder.
Refresh Designer.

Ÿ  Method 2:
–  Check out the application to another folder outside
the Applications folder structure.
–  Import the application from Designer, not selecting
Import a copy.

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