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Creating Business Advantage

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It was young when everyone was scared of COVID-19. Life all around the world stopped.
Lives halted to make sure the maximum safety of everyone. But one industry worked day and
night to make the world a better place and tried hard to make every day as normal as before.
The famous COVID-19 vaccine produced by Glaksosmith was one of the most effective ones
around the globe. Glaksosmith is one of the top pharmaceutical companies in London, UK.
They were established in the early 1715s. To this day, this company has played an immense
role in the pharma industry. They are a worldwide biopharma company standing to unite
science with technology. They have a noble aim of beneficially impacting the lives of
2.5billion people in the upcoming ten years. It is a public limited company with 94,000
employees formed under the supervision of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham. They
have a revenue of 34.114 billion pounds with a net profit of a 7.14% increase from 2020.
(GSK, Annual Report 2022)

There were certain changes in management in the 2000s. Changes did it only to reflect the
goals set before by the company. There needed to be more clarity between what the theories
suggested and what they were doing. They made a cultural change around the company and
an R&D merger with other departments to attain the objectives. It has been suggested in the
literature that the most crucial elements for an organisation's future are how it discovers,
determines, and shapes its figures throughout the process of going through a shift. They made
proper use of the ‘Sigmoid Curve’ in the merger of the 2000s, which showed how the
company started a new curve to back up the previous falling curve(Handy, 1994).

A case study shows how Glaxosmith is improving its strategy and planning for an effective
long-term plan. They gave them a clearer perspective on growth, risk and capital division to
ensure investors. They gave them a firm grasp on moving the company forward and opened a
window to a holistic view of creating new strategic goals.

(Case study: GSK, examining effective long-term roadmaps in action 2021)

As with individuals, organizations deal with change daily. This research investigated
GlaxoSmithKline's strategic change management procedures. The purpose of the research
was to identify the strategic change management methods used by GlaxoSmithKline Limited.
And to demonstrate the value of adopting strategic change management approaches at
GlaxoSmithKline plc. This study used a case study methodology for its research design. This
research gathered primary data. Using interview instructions, primary data was acquired.
Using content analysis, the acquired qualitative data from the interview guides were
evaluated. The qualitative report provided by content analysis was examined in continuous
prose. The report indicates that GlaxoSmithKline Limited's management has implemented
strategic management methods. Due to external forces, GlaxoSmithKline's strategic change
management practices include adopting new strategies in the face of financial distress to
break critical situations and implement major corporate changes such as diversification in
new products, adopting a focus strategy in offering their products to specific groups in the
market, and differentiating their products to serve all customer categories. The findings of the
study indicate that the management of GlaxoSmithKline Limited should enhance the creation
of awareness by developing an informal network of relationships to obtain information,
commitment, solidifying progress, and integrating processes and interests, and by employing
formal analytical techniques for establishing, measuring, and rewarding key initiatives to
ensure that significant changes are implemented. The study concludes that GlaxoSmithKline
limited's vi management engages in recruiting qualified staff and assists company members
in developing the relationships necessary to maximize the effectiveness of a change effort,
manufacture products that are in demand on the market, have well-implemented strategies,
acquisitions that lead to achieved expected synergies, business re-engineering that results in
shorter and less expensive processes, downsizing that reduces costs, and quality programs
(Marete, Doreen K,2010).

Glaxo Smith Kline Company (GSK) launched the Accelerating Delivery performance (ADP)
program to focus the efforts of all members on performance improvement. ADP combines
some methods derived from project management, organizational development and lean six
sigma experiences of GSK company. The six (6)core principles of the ADP approach to
change were1) all change starts with oneself; 2) active, committed and visible sponsorship by
key stakeholders is imperative; 3) ensure that simple, time-bound measures tied to financial
results are defined; 4) include people who are impacted by the change to own and design it;
5) focus on the few vital things that you can change now; and 6) design fit for purpose
solutions that address customer needs, not wants ( Dylan McGuire, 2014)
This research has found the connection between on-the-job coaching and work performance
by analyzing the external dynamics involved in this connection. The study's conceptual
framework highlights the connection between on-the-job coaching and job performance. The
research used a quantitative design and case study methodology. Marketing Sales Executives
(MSEs) in the Rawalpindi/Islamabad districts of Glaxo-Smith-Kline completed the surveys
(GSK). Several elements constituting coaching have been discovered in the article, and the
findings indicate a good association between work performance and on-the-job coaching.
Additionally, coaching characteristics such as coach skill, team synchronization, action
learning, and coach flexibility are positively associated with Job Performance. The research
advises that at GSK, coaches should lead by example, apply action learning approaches more
often, and practice what they preach to staff. Trainees that do well throughout the session
may also get several incentives. Occasionally, a simple pat on the back may significantly
raise motivation, which in turn improves work performance (Azam, 2021)

The set of processes, methods, and relationships used by various stakeholders to manage and
administer a firm is known as corporate governance. Governance structures and principles
define the allocation of rights and obligations among various corporate actors, including the
board of directors, management, shareholders, creditors, auditors, regulators, and other
stakeholders. The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of internal procedures
on corporate governance at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited in the United
Kingdom. The study used a descriptive design. The target audience consisted of
management-level workers in the organisation. The selected research tools comprised
questionnaires. Internal Mechanisms have a positive and statistically significant relationship
with Corporate Governance at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited, according to the
study's findings. Internal processes account for 26.4% of the variance in corporate
governance, as shown by the regression findings. In addition, a good and strong association
between internal procedures and corporate governance has been shown. The research
demonstrated that internal methods include managerial control, independent internal audits,
and board structure. The study concluded that internal procedures are crucial for deciding
corporate governance. Because more shareholders and investors are eager to engage in a
certain organization, the study suggests that there is a need for transparency in corporate
governance, as it aids in the business's correct operation. Directors and owners of a firm
should be persons of high moral character and exceptional qualifications to handle the
company in a professional manner that will not result in future losses or collapse. Employees
that do very well should be rewarded to encourage them to maintain their dedication to the
business's success.(Rosenstein, 2021)

The research was recently done comparing three different pharmaceutical companies from
Europe, comparing GlaxoSmithKline, UK with Sanofi, France and Bayer, Germany.
Competitive advantage mostly refers to giving out products at a more affordable price than
rivals. A modified company innovation model was applied to assess innovation potential,
capabilities, competencies and activities of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), UK Sanofi, France and
Bayer, Germany in the Pharma and biotechnology sector under ever-changing, demanding
and uncertain economic, financial and social conditions (Innovation comparison of
GlaxoSmithKline, UK with Sanofi, France and Bayer, Germany 2021). The main purpose
was to determine the entrepreneurship opportunities that were prevailing in the companies.

Being in the top category of the pharmaceutical industry, GSK is flouring. Even COVID-19
made them stronger. This study analyzes the major problems confronting the non-market and
CSR initiatives of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a world-leading, research-based pharmaceutical
and healthcare firm, based on documentary research.

Global pharmaceutical firms confront several obstacles, including generic competition, patent
expiry, regulatory problems, and patient demand to provide extra value. This article will
examine GSK, one of the world's largest pharmaceutical businesses (GlaxoSmithKline). The
company's new strategic goals, particularly its research and development (R&D) plan, will be
examined. Quantitative research methods predominate in this work. The study was done
using content and case analysis, using a process developed from secondary research sources.
The purpose of this study is to identify the important stakeholders in the pharmaceutical
business and the amount to which their activities impact the companies' sustainable financial
performance, as well as to investigate GSK's new strategic goals. The article will begin with
an overview of the pharmaceutical industry, followed by a summary of GSK. The business
model and R&D endeavours will be evaluated. Conclusions and policy implications must be
presented. According to the findings of the investigation, in a murky business environment,
simplifying the company model and diversifying operations empowers people and helps the
decision-making process. A global actor must maintain a broad portfolio and avoid relying on
a single blockbuster. Remarkably, increasing R&D spending is essential for long-term
viability and income creation. Moreover, it may be useful to concentrate on specific scientific
fields. Moreover, pharmaceutical businesses might benefit from extensive partnerships with
research institutes, commercial partners, and academic institutions(Saïd et al., 2019).

Annual Report (2021) GSK. Available at:

Case study: GSK, examining effective long-term roadmaps in action (2021) FCLTGlobal.

Handy, C. (1994), ” The Age of Paradox “, Harvard Press, Boston, 1994

Auj-E Taqaddas (2021) Innovation comparison of GlaxoSmithKline, UK with Sanofi, France

and Bayer, Germany, ResearchGate.

Saïd, K., Sevic, Z. and Phillips, I.L. (2019) “The challenges of addressing stakeholders’
expectations through corporate non-market strategies in emergent countries,” critical
perspectives on international business, 15(1), pp. 87–106. Available at:

Azam, D.K. (2021) Effect of on-the-job coaching on management trainees performance a

post-merger case study of Glaxo-Smith-Klein (GSK) Pakistan, ... Review of Business ... Available at:
(Accessed: November 13, 2022).

Rosenstein, M. (2021) “Impact of internal mechanisms on corporate governance: Case of

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited, United Kingdom,” Journal of Public Policy
& Governance, 5(3), pp. 1–10. Available at:

Organizational Change Management at work in the global - PMI (2014). Available at: (Accessed:
November 13, 2022).

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