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Engineering and M (Regulation 2013) _ Maximum: 100marks Answer ALL questions Part A - (10 x 2=20 Marks)’ Define Management. 4 Koontz and Weihrich define the management in a simplified form as. “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals are working together in groups efficiently to accomplish selected aims”. 2. Specify the functions of management. 1) Planning 2) Organising 3) Staffing 4) Coordinating 5) Controlling. What are the objectives of | ‘planning? > Planning is 4 primary function of + Ithelps in achieving objectives . Itis done to cope with uncertainty and change ‘an organisation (i) Gather information (iii) Analyze the situation (iv) Develop options (9) Evaluate altematives (vi) Selecta preferred alternative (vii) Acton the decision. 5. Define Organizing. entifying and grouping the activities requir Organising is the process of id to attain the objectives, delegating authority, creating responsibilities establishing relationships for people to work effectively. 6. What is decentralization? If the power is fully distributed to the subordinates of the organization, it is called decentralization. 7. Mention the various types of leadership styles. 1. Autocratic or dictatorial leadership 2. Participative or democratic leadership 3, Laissez-faire or free-rein leadership. 8. What do you mean by the term ‘Noise’ in communication? Generally, communication is affected by noise at any stage, It may be the sender, the transmission or the receiver stage. If anyone is affected, the proper are the uses of computers Sales forecast and control (id) Payroll Fi Pie (iii) Business management ; (iv) Accounting (v) _ Personnel management information (vi) Cost accounting x (vii) Manufacturing information control (viii) Banking and eredit. a] Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) II. (a) (i) Is Management a Science or Art? Discuss. &) Refer chapter 1.6 in Page 1.8. (ii) Explain the evolution of Management in detail. @ Refer chapter 1.13 in Page 1.19. Or () Explain the fourteen principles of management advocated by Henry Fayok. (16) ¢ 1.24, Refer chapter 1.15.2 in Pag (®) What are the objectives of planning? Mlusirate how you will set objectives ao) "a manufacturing organization. (6) Explain line and functional organizational structures with Refer chapter 3.8.1 in Page 3.29 and chapter 3.8.3 in Page 3. 14. @ @ What are the essential qualities of a good leader? Refer chapter 4.13 in Page 4.61. ] (@ Name the motivational theories and explain any two of them. Refer chapter 4.7.1 and 4.7.2 in Page 4.18 & 4.19 respectiv Or () Discuss how the communication through electronic Cffective business. Refer chapter 4.17.10 in Page 4.93, 15. (a) () What is productivity? Explain the methods of | IT industry. 5.11.3 in Page industry. ME 6851 ~ PRINCIPLE | (Common to Robotics and Automation Engine ‘Semester Industrial Engineering and Manage! Engineering, Automobile Engineering, E Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geoinfo cs Engineering, Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Mec (Regulation 2013) Time: Three hours ‘Answer ALL questions Part A - (10 x 2= 20 Marks) 1. What are the functions of a Manager? (a) Interpersonal roles are roles that involve the people (subordinates am persons outside the organisation) and other duties that are ceremonial symbolic in nature, The three interpersonal roles include the following. > Figurehead role > Leader > — Liaison (b) Informational roles involve receiving, collecting and disseminating information. The three informational roles include the following. > — Monitor > — Disseminator > — Spokes person () Decisional roles revolved around making choices. The four decisional roles include the following. > — Entrepreneur (iv) Internal environment (v) Building organizational capabilities (vi) Job design and organizational structure (vii) Technological advances (viii) Changes in legal environment (ix) Change in industrial relations (x) Expanding Globalization. 1 What is meant by policies? Policies are general statements or understandings which decision-making to various managers. provide guidance in ‘MBO is a process whereby superior and subordinate managers of an jointly identify its common goals, 's major areas ity in terms of results expected of him, the unit and the contribution © define each individual’ and use these measures aS f each of its members is means the process of grouping the similar activities of the used for ments, divisions ot other homogeneous units. It is g a smooth administration at all levels. respect to their performance on the job and th includes: a) developing policies, procedures and techniques b) helping the functional managers ©) reviewing and consolidation of reports ) evaluating the effectiveness of various programme. 7. What are the elements in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? 1. Physiological needs 2. Safety needs 3. Social needs 4, Esteem needs 5. Self-actualization needs 8. What is effective communication? If the message “sent by the sender to the receiver is understood by receiver in the same sense, it is called effective communication. 9. What are the uses of computers in management control? (i) _ Sales forecast and control (ii) Payroll (iii) Business management (iv) Accounting (v) Personnel management information (vi) Cost accounting (vii) Manufacturing informaticn control (viii) Banking and credit. ‘Some PeoP! tion, but others disagree. Some other pe Fon in esearch activities andthe expectation o i ‘Another reason for the productivity problem is the gro sich makes them less ambitious. Other reasons may be ssocture, the workers’ attitudes, and government policies and Another problem is that the measurement of skill work is v wwledge work. The difference between the t becomes more difficult for kno ¢ use of knowledge and skills. a the relative Part B - (5 x 13 = 65 Marks) 11.(@ Explain in detail about the different types of business organization. (16) Refer chapter 1.21.1 in Page 1.46. Or %) Discuss in detail the evolution of management. (6) Refer chapter 1.13 in Page 1.19. Discuss in detail about the classification of planning practices. (16) Refer chapter 2.4 in Page 2.10. Or ao i n briefly about the decision making steps and process. Refer chapter 2.17.1 in Page 2.69. 13, (a) Explain briefly about the various types of Dep Refer chapter 3.9.2 in Page 3.38. Or (b) () Discuss the types of ‘Centralization. Refer chapter 3.12.1 in Page 3.65. (ii) Explain about the organizational Culture. Refer chapter 1.31 in Page 1.65. 14. (a) Explain the various types of ‘Leadership with its different styles? Refer chapter 4.13 in Page 4.61. Or (6) @ Explain the different barriers and breakdowns of communication process. & Refer chapter 4.17.8 in Page 4.90. Gi) Difference between motivation and satisfaction. 8 Refer Q22 in Page 4.98. 15. (a) Discuss in detail about the budgetary and non-budgetary control. (18) Refer chapter 5.8 in Page 5.15 for budgetary control techniques and chapter 5.9 in Page 5.26 for non-budgetary control techniques. Or |) Impact of IT in management concepts-Discuss. @ Refer chapter 5.10 in Page 5.44, a seessesuasnanennenesesnnsansaenasansannaaaanannnennssnsssssTettrn Instrumentation Eng ment/Instrumentation and Control 7 dig t B.E Robotics and Automation Engineering! Polymer (Regulation 2013) Time: Three hours Answer ALL questions Part A- (10x 2=20 Marks) L Define Management. Koontz and Weihrich define the management in a “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in efficiently to accomplish which individuals are working together in groups 4 selected aims”. 2. What is an Organizational culture? Organizational culture is a system of informal rules that spells out how people have to behave in most of the time. 3. State the purpose of; ‘planning. >. Planning is a primary function of an organisation. It helps in achieving objectives. cope with uncertainty and change. > > Itis done to > It helps in coordination. > Planning increases organ > Planning guides in decision 1 4. List the planning tools available in business 1. Environmental assessment techniques «Environmental Scanning * Forecasting methods «Benchmarking ¢ Scheduling * Break even analysis Linear programming 2. Contemporary planning tools ‘© Project management ¢ Contingency planning 5. What is delegation of authority? Delegation of authority is a process which enables a person to assign work to others and delegate them with adequate authority to do it. 6. Why performance management is important? When effectively implemented, performance management best practices result in a wide range of benefits for employees, managers and companies. Goals are the basis of an effective process. A clearly communicating strategic business objective is the first step to create alignment. 7. What is personality? Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form a” individual's distinctive character. 8 What did you understand on the term ‘job enrichment’? ~ Job enrichment is based on the assumptions in order to and the job itself must provide opportunities for responsibility, advancement and growth. ‘The sound control system inspires € better performance. trol helps to increase the co-ordination of 3, Con' organisation. ‘A proper control ensures the organisational efficie Part B - (5x 13 =65 Marks) Explain the different roles and, functions of a manager. Refer chapter 1.10 in Page 1.15. Een On 1. (@) es of business organizations. 1.46. (b) Explicate the different typ Refer chapter 1.21.1 in Page dopted by the business organizations. 12. (@) Explain the general planning process @ Refer chapter 2.3 in Page 2.6. Or ss the eight steps of decision making process. Refer chapter 2.17.1 in Page 2.69. different types of organizational structures followed by the hapter 3.7.2 in Page 3-15. (©) Describe the Human Resource Mana, organization. Refer chapter 3.15 in Page 3.73, 14. (a) Discuss the contemporary theories of motivation, Refer chapter 4.8 in Page 4.41. Or (©) Identify the barriers in communication and explain how to overcome | Refer chapter 4.17.8 & 4.17.9 in Page 4.90 & 4.92. 15. (a) Describe in detail about the three steps in the control process, Refer chapter 5,2 in Page 5.7. Or (®) Discuss the uses of computers and IT in Management control, Refer chapter 5.10 in Page 5.44. Part C «(1x 15 = 15 Marks) 16.(a) Explain the issues of organizational. culture in modern bus organizations. Refer chapter 1.31 in Page 1.65, Or (©) “Job performance of individual is significanuly influenced by the emp attitude” - Discuss. Refer chapter 3.19 & 3.19.1 in Page 3.92.& 3.93 respet ZEEE RIOR CEERI IEEE DORE (common to Engines! Communication Eng! eoring/industrial Engineering ng ws ring/ Mechatronics Engi —— Engineo' Time: Three hours Answer ALL questions: part A-(10x2=20 Marks) - J, Define Management. Koontz and Wethrich define the management in @ “Management is the process of designing and maintaining which individuals are working together in groups efficiently to selected aims”. 2. Define partnership. A partnership is an asso’ iation of two or more persons to carry on business and to share its profit and losses. rstand by strategic management? which follows the programme of action agement. 3. What do you unde ee The management TTesources to attain its objectives is called strategic man and deployment of d rules. uish between policy an s or understandings which provide guidance in " Policies are general statement: jon-making to various managers. Rules are chronological orders of an objectives. actions required to implement a policy and S. Define career management. Career management is a process for enabling et , and develop their career skills and interests, and to use t most effectively both within the eompany and after they leave 6 What do you understand by organisation chart? ; J.Batty has defined, “An organization chart is diagrammatic of the framework or structure of an organization”. Organizational charts are prepared for the purpose of deveribing organizational structure clearly. It shows the organizational relationships activities within an organization. 7. What is job satisfaction? The term ‘job satisfaction’ refers to an employee’s general happiness with or her job. Locke described job satisfaction is “a pleasurable or positive state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences”. Therefor, j satisfaction is the amount of overall positive effect or feelings that individ have towards their job. 8. Define job enrichment. Job enrichment is therefore based on the assumptions in order to motiv personnel and the job itself must provide opportunities for achieveme recognition, responsibility, advancement and growth. 9. What is budgetary control? Budgetary control is the process of determining various budgets for business unit for future. It serves as a method of control. Budgetary contol is system of controlling costs througt. preparation of budgets. Budgeting is thus a part of budgetary control. 10, What do you understand by productivity? Productivity is a measure of how much input required to produoe & output ie, the ratio output to input is called productivity, Flucidate in detail the various Henry Fayol. Refer chapter 1.15.2 in Page 1.24. Explain in detail the varius Ope ae a Refer chapter 2.4 in Page 2.10. P Or p@ () Is decision making a rational process? Discuss. Refer chapter 2.18 in Page 2.73. e various steps involved in it. (ii) Define MBO and explain thi for definition and chapter 2.9.2 in Page Refer chapter 2.9 in Page 2.29 2.31 for step of MBO. (a) Elucidate any four types of ' ‘organization. Refer chapters 3.5 and 3.8 in Pages 3.7 & 3.28 respectively. Or between training and development and explain the various 1.5 in Pages 3.106 & 3.109 respectively er chapters 3.21 and 3.2 ries of your choice. two motivation theo! 18 and chapter 4.7.2 in Page 4.19. er 4.7.1 in Page 4- Or (b) What are the various barriers of communication? H them? : Refer chapter 4.17.8 in Page 4.90 for barriers of chapter 4.17.9 in Page 4.92 for overcoming barriers of e 15. (@) Explain the various control techniques. Refer chapter 5.7 in Page 5.14. Or (& Discuss the important information technology on management control, Refer chapter 5.10.2 in Page 5.46 Part C - (1 x 15 = 15 Marks) 16. Case study Modern manufacturing company has been using a budgetary control system the last three years, When asked to explain the system. Mr. John, the manag director of the company, observed: “We're pretty flexible in your budge system. Every manager is given a total amount that he or she can spend for next year. We don’t care how it is used as long as the total isn’t exceeded organizational objectives are achieved”. @) Discuss the merits and demerits of the company’s approach to budgeting Refer Pages 5.17. (ii) Do you agree or disagree with this approach? Explain your view. Refer Pages 5.23-5.26, JERE HOHE S OECD rages er (Regulation 2013) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100marks Answer ALL questions Part A- (10 x 2= 20 Marks) |. List out the roles played by managers in an organization. (a) Interpersonal roles are roles that involve the people (subordinates~and persons outside the organisation) and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature. The three interpersonal roles include the following. > Figurehead role > Leader > Liaison (b) Informational’ roles involve receiving, collecting and disseminating information. The three informational roles include the following. j > Monitor > Disseminator > Spokes person “= (6) Decisional roles revolved around making include the following. » Bntrepreneur > Disturbance handler > Resource allocator > Negotiator. 2. Distinguish between public and private limited companies. S.No. Public limited company Private limited company 1, | Apublic company is acompany A private company is a company which is owned and traded which is owned and traded publicly. privately. [~, | After receiving certificate of ‘After receiving certificate of incorporation and certificate of incorporation. commencement of business. 3. What is intuitive decision making? Intuitive decision-making is also known as sixth sense and involves being) able to gather information that other individuals may miss. It is the opposite o rational decision making which is when individuals use analytics, facts and a sep by-step process to come to a decision. 4. Define planning premises. Planning premises are the assumptions which we should make about th various elements of environment, It provides the basic framework in which plan operate. These premises may be internal or external. 5. What is job design? Job design is the allocation of specific work tasks to individuals and g It refers outlining the task, duties, responsibilities, qualifications, methods relationships required to perform the given set of a job. It is a core function human resource management. leadership styles? are the advantages of ‘democratic e articipation in decision-mzking process. (i) The subordinates are motivated by p It will also increase job satisfaction. (ii) Absence of leader does not affect the output. (iii) Labour absenteeism and turn-over will be minimum. (iv) The quality of ‘decision is improved. (v) The leader multiplies his abilities through the contribution of his followers. & What is brainstorming? Brainstorming is an excellent way of problem, It works by focusing on @ prob! radical solutions to it: The essence of brainstorming ideally of 8 to 12 people meeting for less than an hour to develop a long list of 50 or more ideas, Suggestions are listed without criticism on a blackboard or Newsprint as they are offered. One visible idea leads to others. At the end of this ession, participants are asked how the ideas could be combined or improved. developing many creative solutions to a lem and then coming up with many is a creative conference, it are the characteristics of control function? 1. Controlling process is universal 2. Controlling is a continuous process 3. Controlling is action based 4. Controlling is forward looking 3 Control is closely related to planning 6 Controlling is a pervasive function. 10, What is performance appraisal? ; Performance appraisal evaluates the performance of worker reper potential for development. Part B «(5x 13 = 65 Marks) 11. (@) Elucidate the contributions of F.W. Taylor to Management. Refer chapter 1.17 in Page 1.33. Or (0) Enlighten the relevance of environmental factors that affects global business, Refer chapter 1.32 in Page 1.75. 12. (a) Classify the types of goals organications might have and the plans they use ‘for accomplishment. Refer chapter 2.4 in Page 2.10. Or (b) Define MBO. Explain the process of MBO. Refer chapter 2.9 in Page 2.29 for definition and chapter 2.9.2 in Page 2.31 for process of MBO. 13. (a) Describe six key elements in organizational design. Refer chapter 3.2 in Page 3.2 for organizing, chapter 3.9 in Page 3.37) for departmentation, chapter 3.10 in Page 3.50 for span of contra chapter 3.11 in Page 3.57 for delegation of authority, chapter 3.2 @ Refer chapter 4.7 in Page 4.18. Or gvercome them. Refer chapters 4.17.8 & 4.17.9 in Page 4.90 & 4.92 respectively. 15. (@) Iilustrate Refer chapter 5.2 in Page 5.7. Or us types of tools used to monitor and medsure and explain the three steps in the control process. () Discuss the vario organizational performance. Refer chapter 5.12 in Page 5.57. PartC -(1* 415 = 15 Marks) (Case study) one of your assistants in a fire insurance company, is responsible for a endorsements and P of clerical workers who review changed policies, late commissions and maintain records. He is very meticulous and . r out of his group is perfect. He does not delegate authority wut rechecks in detail all the work turned out by his perfect Asa result he is busy from supervisor, His workers have are taking it easy. They do slap-dash work and correct it as it, You are afraid about Jacob's workaholic behaviour and nervous breakdown. You have told him in general terms to delegate and responsibility and to discipline his group. . He says that you just can’t find people any more who have pride in work or concern for the company and that if he fires any of his people or quit the replacements would most likely be more terrible. (1) Why people do not delegate authority and responsibility? Refer chapter 3.11.1 in Page 3.57. (2) What are Jacob’s responsibilities as a supervisor? Refer chapter 1.10 in Page 1.15. 3) Which can he delegate and how? Refer chapter 3.11.6 in Page 3.62. (4) What are the leadership characteristics that Jacob lacks? Refer chapter 4.13 in Page 4.61. (5) How can you go about developing them in him? Refer chapter 3.21 in Page 3.106. To answer the above questions follow the steps below: >” First, study the case carefully, identifying the manage: principles involved, where possible. >» Gain as sound an understanding as possible within the available through private study. > Apply the systematic analysis methodology. > Discuss your analysis and conclusions. eee ereeae eee eee TERRE RARER RHEE TEER " S ntat Engineering tion Engine’ / Instrumentation and Control Engi ering / Mechatronics Engineering / Robo Engineering / Polymer Technology) (Regulation 2013) Principles of Management for B.E. (Part- th Semester/Mechanical Engineering/Electronics: gineering (Regulation 2014)) Maximum: 100marks — so common to PTMG 6851 — sixth Semester/Sevent Engineering/Civil En: ‘and communication time: Three hours (Codes/Tables/Charts to be permitted if any Answer ALL questions may indicated) Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1 Define Management. Koontz and Weihrich define the manage! “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an which individuals are working together in groups efficiently to accomplish ment in a simplified form as: k environment in bordinates and D itterpersonal roles are roles that involve the people (su nial and PONS ouiside the organisation) and other duties that are cereny SIRE three interpersonal roles include the following. drole (b) Informational roles involve receiving, col information, The three informational roles include the > — Monitor > Disseminator > — Spokes person (©) Decisional roles revolved around making choices. The roles include the following. > Entrepreneur > Disturbance handler > — Resource allocator > Negotiator. 3. State the various steps in planning. @ Identification of opportunities (ii) _ Establishment of objectives (iii) Developing planning premises (iv) Identification of alternatives (v) Evaluation of alternatives (vi) Selecting an alternative (vii) Formulating derivative plans (viii) Establishing sequence of activities. 4. What you understand by decision making? Decision-making is defined as the process of choosing a course of actidl from among alternatives to achieve a desired goal. It is one of the functions @ management and also a core process of planning. The management executi takes a number of decisions every day. Thus, a decision may be rational irrational. There are number of alternatives available to the management. The b one is selected among the available alternatives. 5 Define centralization. Centralization is the process by which the activities of an org particularly those regarding planning and decision-making, become concedltt™ in downward communication, the inforn the Jower level io. from superior to subordin: ‘or written (ype, Oral communications are instru jelephone, loudspeakers and written communications: ‘ handbooks, pamphlets, policy statements, procedures — displays. : 4 Mention the various 1, Autocratic or dictatorial leadership es of leadership styles. 2. Participative or democratic leadership s 3. Laissez-faire or free-rein leadership. { What are the various steps involved in the controlling process? 1, Establishing standards 2, Measuring performance 3, Comparing actual with standard performance 4, Taking corrective action, two HR related controlling techniques. ‘Tactical contro! resource control, Part B - (5 x 13 = 65 Marks) a Science or Art? Discuss. (8) 1.6 in Page 1.8. a vy (i) Explain the evolution of Management in -_ Refer chapter 1.13 in Page 1.19. or ™ management advocated by Henry (b) Explain the fourteen principles of Refer chapter 1.15.2 in Page 1.24. 12. (@) What are the objectives of planning? Illustrate how you will set fora manufacturing organization. + chapter 2.2.2 in Page 2.4 for objectives of planning and refe Rete! chapter 2.8 in Page 2.25 for setting objectives. Or the steps involved in the process of decision () With suitable example illustrate (19 making. Refer chapter 2.17.1 in Page 2.69. 13. (a) In detail explain the Nature and Purpose of Organization. (16) Refer chapter 3.2 in Page 3.2 for nature of organization and refe chapter 3.4 in Page 3.5 for purpose. Or (b) Explain in detail about the human resource planning. (19) Refer chapter 3.18 in Page 3,87. 4. ; a (a) Explain in detail about the various types of leadership with its differe styles, (Il Refer chapter 4.14 in Page 4.63. Or » ~ " te cpntrol of productivity problems and management, Refer chapter 5.12 in Page 5.57, .. nirect and preventive control. (ip Direct & Refer chapter 5.13 in Page 5.66. Part C = (1 x 15 = 15 Marks) \WZ Industries is a manufacturing company with line and staff organization. pndian, a young staff officer developed.a plan of increasing the life of certain equipment in the plant. He took the plan directly to the foreman of the dgartment but was rebuffed by the supervisor who privately acknowledged the nett of the plan but resented the staff officer trying to show off his talents. The suff officer’s association condemned the behaviour of Pandian that he should a contribution of the staff group rather than lave allowed the plan to appear a: tis own, (a) Analyse the situation in terms of the possible causes of the reaction of the supervisor and staff officer’s group. ® (© Suggest a measure to diffuse the situation. 0 Refer chapter 3.8 in Page 3.28. waeenanin panennen note i eseeeseencenennnnnnnntTte eee ee B.EIB.TECH, DEGREE EXAMINATION = Fourth/Fifth/SixthiSeventh Semester Civil Engineering INCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT ME 6851 ~ PRI! (Common to Mechanical Engine ing (Sant Civil Engineering/Computer and Communication Automobile Engineering! Engineering / Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Electronics and Communication Engineering! Electronics and Instrumentation Environmental Engineering! Geo-Informatics Engineering / Industrial Engineering / {/ Instrumentation and Control Industrial Engineering and Managemen “hanical and Automation Engineering | Mechatronics Mechanical Engineering / Me " Engineering / Robotics and Automation Engineering / Polymer Technology) (Regulation 2013) Time: Three hours . Maximum: 100marks (Codes/Tables/Charts to be ‘Answer ALL questions permitted if any may indicated) Part A- (10x 2= 20 Marks) I. Define the term ‘Management’. Koontz and Weihrich define the management in a simplified form as: “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals are working together in groups efficiently to accomplish selected aims”. 2. Write the meaning of entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is also a person who starts the business and utilizes the resources of men, money, materials and machines. Entrepreneur has the rights to implement the changes in the process according to the changes required in the product. Entrepreneur is the owner of the company. 3. Define ‘Planning’. Planning is the most basic of all management functions. There is 90 choice between planning and no planning, The choice is only with regard 0 meth tion is a system of well-defined jobs, each , responsibility and accountability. : the term ‘design’. ‘The term design refers to Job design which is the allocation of specific work ts 0 individuals and groups. It refers outlining the task, duties, responsibilities. ions, methods and relationships required to perform the given set of a jb. Itis a core function of human resource management. - Outline the meaning of motivation. ° Management is the art of getting workdone by the subordinates in order to sxin the common goals of the organisation. Getting workdone is a difficult task. for this purpose, the management should inspire and motivate the people for the ‘scomplishment of organisational objectives. The force of motivation is a dynamic force setting a person into motion or _ tion. The word ‘motivation’ is derived from ‘motive’ which is an active form of ‘desire or need which must be satisfied. All motives are directed towards goals, 'the needs. The desires affect or change the behavior of a person. According to Koontz and O'Donnell, “Motivation is a general term applying ‘entire class of drives, desires, needs wishes and similar forces which induce or a group of people to work”. aning of leadership? D is an integral part of management and plays a vital role in ion. Leadership exists in any type of organisation. If there is any differentiates between successful and unsuccessful organisations, rmyd wt sdaws 05 9° 9Heg UI ET Jogo por Suruueyd jo ouenodun Joy pz oft ut 777 Jondeyo 2}°4 : ax pao sdons ays monde 0570 pen Suny fo ownrsoduy 240 a8Souy (2) en “OPT Beg mL PITT Hadey> sj -uympdg gsuoposyundio ssouysmg ays fissoy9 nod op MOH (0) 40 ‘BT aSeq ut 9°] sadeyp 19j7Y -sonostq] gu¥ 40 20uappg powia8ouryy St (0) TT (sqew so = eb xs)- 8 Hed -Bayumoode 2omnosas BUHL “9 spumy Jo yuaunsnipy “Ss Suyumoaoe Aupqisuodsoy “ sisKyeue 20utueA “€ SunaSpng 2seq-oeZ T (ata) stsaists Arei28p0q oummesSoud-Suraue}g “T -sanbyuyoas possuoa Lemsapng. anof ysvay 0 200K OT onpepur a4 Jo 9UsHOIDETEGD «Se diysiopeay rage yond yo su wf oUTE UA TP in ie ‘nna pw aus s¥ pauBps0o 2 MOD It r chapter 3.20 in Page 3.97. se the methods of motivating employees in organisation. Refer chapter 4.6.4 in Page 4.17. a ; Or 4) Examine the characteristics of good communication and also state its Refer chapter 4.17.9 in Page 4,92 for characteristics of good ~ ‘communication and chapter 4.17.8 in Page 4.90 for barriers to effective “communication. the processes of controlling. Refer chapter 5.1 in Page ate Or the techniques of ‘controlling. chapter 5.7 in Page 5-14. © part «(1 «15 15 Marks) 16, (a) Davinder is a class twelfth commerce student ina Satinder is his elder brother who is doing his Me Administration from Delhi after completing his B.Sc course, when Satinder comes home. Davinder shows him the business studies that he is preparing on the topic “Principles of Management’. Satinder that these principles are also a part of MBA course curriculum beginner's level as they form the core of management in practice. But he these principles different from those of pure science. In context of the above case: () Outline the concept of principles of management. Refer chapters 1.2-1.6 in Pages 1.2-1.8 but reframe the answers based on inferences you made about mentioned topics as your own words. (ii) Why does Satinder find the principles of management different from those of pure science? Refer chapters 1.7-1.12 in Pages 1.10-1.17 which will help you to write answers (iii) Why do the principles of management form the core of management in practice? Explain by giving any two points highlighting the importance of principles of management. Refer chapters 1.13, 1.15 & 1.17 in Pages 1.19, 1.22 & 1.33 respectively. Or (b) Assume you are posted as HR manager in a leading organisation. How will you conduct the recruitment drive for your company? Give details. Refer chapters 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17 & 3.18 in Pages 3.68, 3.73, 37% 3.84 & 3.87. at tiie iret ert eer reetrerrtt ecto ST Ct eae Robotics and Automation Engin (Regulation 2013) ting / Polymer Technology) Maximum: 100marks: . Answer ALL questions , Part A - (10 x 2= 20 Marks) does an entrepreneur differ from manager? Manager * Entrepreneur starts the business. Manager is the person who runs the business for a long period of time. Entrepreneur considers the various But the manager does not get all according to the changes risks associated with finance and | these risks. Entrepreneur is always driven by | Manager uses the presently ‘opportunity or demand in the | available resources to produce the market. final product. the rights to Manager can only follow the rules the changes in the and procedures to achieve the goal of the company. in the product. 2. Write any peo points favour for management as @ (j) Management principles should be verifiable. (ii) Reliable basis for predicting future. 3. What is meant by Strategy? [A strategy is a special kind of plan of the policies of competitors because # ee a tvoment, Tey are # wel flamer fr eiing, thinking and action. 4. What are the techniques useful while evalut (Quantitative and qualitative analysis (ii) Marginal analysis (iii) Cost effectiveness analysis. ating alternatives? 5. What is line authority? The line authority represents th through which authority flows. Line authority exists between superior and e structure in a direct vertical relations subordinate. Line authority is the direct authority which a superior exercises 01 ‘g number of subordinates to carry out orders and instructions. 6. What is selection? Selection is the process which enables the enterprise to pick up the candid with the required qualifications, training and skill for the job after carel screening and rejecting the undesirables at each successive step. 7. What is Job Enrichment? Job enrichment is a non-financial technique of motivation. It has be derived from Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation. It is therefore based the assumptions that in order to motivate personnel, the job itself must provs ‘opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility, adv: yancement growth. The job is designed in such @ manner to become more interesting challenging to the job performer. & List the different types of communication flow yse of PERT? ion and Review Techniques (PERT) is one of the network es, Network analysis is being used as a tool of management for jique helps a project to break into monitoring and controlling. This techni ele activities. ‘The activities are arranged in a sequence of activities. Finally, x shortest time required is found to complete the entire project. PERT is as a research an PERT activity cannot be sinated with accuracy: PERT is suitable .d development project soe the time period is probable. .d development planning tool. for research an part B - (5x 13 = 65 Marks) wDiscus the contributions of Henry Fayol to the. field of Manas ree eapier 1.15.2 in Pose 1-24 Or and challeages it management ement. notes on current trends 3 in Page 1.81 cess with suitable jltustration. b) Explain the various tools and techniques in Str Refer chapter 2.13 in Page 2.53. 13.a) Explain the gpes of organizations mentioning in disadvantages. Refer chapter 3.7.2 in Page 3.15. Or b) Explain the process of selection with a neat sketch, Refer chapter 3.20.1 in Page 3.98. 14, a) Describe the stages in group development process. Refer chapter 4.4.3 (ii) in Page 4.9. Or b) What is effective communication? List out and explain the barriers communication. If the message sent by the sender to the receiver is understood by receiver in the same sense, it is called effective communication. Refer chapter 4.17.8 in Page 4.90 for barriers in communication 15, a) Explain the process of controlling with a flow diagram. Refer chapter 5.2 in Page §.7. 2 Or 5) Write short notes on Modern Met‘ods of Controlling in detail. The following are the modern methods of controlling: > Linear Programming » Program Evaluation & Review Techniques (PERT) > Critical Path Method (CPM) >» Gantt a oe o ", , suggest your considerations in the follow f organization structure. rt . snjex to be adopted in motivating the employees. ities to be.carried out for the launch of the product in terms of function. f 0 planning and organizing. @ Dimensions of control including quality control. ‘) ‘Team structure’ is best su further readings on Team ues’ cal on Special motivational yp company. Refer Page 324 itable for start é structure. n be adopted. Refer chapt | techniques. d chapter 3.3 in he launch of the er 4.8 in ? "Special motivational technia! Bt 4.41 for further readings Janning activities an ities. Develop activities for! 12.3 for quality control. pie censor ST aaa ‘ B.EJB.TECH, DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, NO Fifth/Sixth Semester Industrial Engineering ™ Wyo8s01 ~ PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT d Communication Engineetin ing and Management| Ics Engineering) (Common to Computer an Communication Engineering/Industrial Engines and Automation Engineering/Mechatron| (Regulations 2017) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 ‘Answer ALL questions Part-A (10x 2=20 L. What is middle level management? And explain their roles. “Middle management is the intermediate management level accountable to to management and responsible for leading lower level managers. Middle-leyet managers are those managers beneath the top-levels of the hierarchy and directly supervise other managers below them. In this management, the managers manage th work of first-line managers and they may have titles such as department head, projet leader, plant managers, or division manager. The important functions of middle level management are as follows. 1. To monitor and control the operating performance of the sub-units an individual managers who report to them. 2. To implement the overall organisational plans so that organisational goals a achieved as expected. 3. To train, motivate and develop the supervisory level managers. 4. To implement changes or strategies generated by top managers : . yuEsprit decorps: —- picuss about the various con |, Decision Under Certainty ditions of decision making. 2. Decision Under Uncertainty 4, Decision Under Risk istics of strategy of plan prepared for meeting ther environmental forges. acter! Define strategies and give char ‘Srategy may also be defined e posted by activities © words, strategy of 20 organisation is the ‘resources to attain its objectives: cs of strategy ae *S follows: an organisation to its environment. as a special type £ competitors and o programme of action and i ii) Strategy is « contingent plan as it is des particular situation. (iv) Strategy may involve the contradictory action. (v) Strategy provides a guideline for (vi) Strategy is forward looking. (vii) Strategy is flexible ‘and dynamic. (viii) It involves (ix) Strategy is an interpretative plan formul: to other plans. (x) Strategy is generall 5. List out the characteristics of Organizing. lly formulated by top level management. work. The entire philosophy of 1. Specialization and division of oncepts of specialization and organization is centered on the c division of work . Orientation towards goals ‘Composition of individuals and groups . Continuity |. Flexibility. 6 What are the principles of organization structure? 1. Division of labor or Specialization Consideration of objectives ez, a 4, 5, (2 3. Scalar principle 4. Departmentalization 5. Unity of Command 6. Span of Control 7. Flexibility 8. Balance 9-- Exception Principle - ; . Potential, People spend a great deal of time on the job and it ‘Important to design jobs so that individuals fee! good about their approaches are given below: Job Enlargement “Job Enrichment. ‘and Mention the purpose of control. stated as “Controlling is the measurement and correction of pin order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans dev ised

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