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Structure and Function of Cells and Cell Structure

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1. Organelles Tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions within
the cell.

2. Cell Wall Rigid layer of non living material that surrounds the cells of
plants and bacteria. Gives plants it's shape. It helps protect
bacteria and plant cells. Provides support for plant cells.

3. Cell Membrane All cells have a cell membrane. In cells with cell walls, the
cell membrane is located just inside the cell wall. In other
cells, the cell membrane forms the outside boundary that
separates the cell from its environment.

4. Nucleus The cell's control center, directing all of the cell's activities.

Structure and Function of Cells and Cell Structure
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5. Cytoplasm The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

6. Mitochondria "Powerhouses" of the cell because they produce most of

the energy the cell needs to carry out its functions. Rod
shaped organelles.

7. Chloroplasts Captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food

for the cell.

8. Vacuoles Storage area of a cell.

9. Prokaryote A single celled organism that does not have a nucleus or

membrane-bound organelles. DNA is in the cytoplasm.

Structure and Function of Cells and Cell Structure
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10. Eukaryote A multicellular organism made up of cells that contain their

DNA in a nucleus.

11. DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid-a genetic material that provides in-

structions for all cell processes.

12. Cell The basic unit of structure and function in living things

13. Smooth Endo- A membrane system where lipids are synthesized, calci-
plasmic Reticu- um levels are regulated, and toxic substances are broken
lum down.

14. Rough Endoplas- A membrane system covered with ribosomes where many
mic Reticulum proteins for transport are assembled.

15. Ribosome site of protein synthesis

Structure and Function of Cells and Cell Structure
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16. Lysosome cell organelle filled with enzymes needed to break down
certain materials in the cell

17. bacteria capsule most outer layer (Protect from drying out)


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