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 Immigration: It means, the process of entering another country in

order to live there.
 Immigration is the most important situation all over the world. This is
an increasing problem day by day.
 Many people
about live from
abroad for a
couple of times or
If we need to think more than this;

 First of all, When you

arrive at a country
wherever you want to
go, you feel alone and
scare at heart. You
mustn’t ask the easiest
question which one you
have in your opinion. You
beware whoever you
want to talk to.
 More than that, The most
necessary in life, ‘’Where will I
live? / Where can I live?’’.
You’re going to research
houses what kind of you want
to make a house as home. If
you are lucky, you have a
friend who wants to help you.
On the other hand, you have
a lot of problems if you haven’t
got any friends as we talk.
Later, you found your
house and bought the
staff. You passed the first
step in your new life.
 Like all people, you have to
have a job. You have many
questions such as language,
salary, holidays, the kind of
job, the, etc. When you look
for a job. As normally as, all
people have these problems.
You have other problems
because of your hometown.
The important thing is that
people whoever are around or
whoever near you.
 Even your found your job and house, you have major points in
your new life. You need to have a social life as every creature’s
necessary. You have to be clear to choose people who want
to attend your social life. The social life is the most necessary
stuff for the mental condition. Besides, social life is really serious
for improving pronunciation.
 Then, the found your new life. After all of these points, you have to be
used to having different questions. For example, ‘Where are you
from?; Why did you come here?; When are you going to go to your
country?’ These questions make your life worse than normal. You
often face to face these questions. But when they are used to living
with you or in your social life, they shame their selves about their
prepossession. They don’t understand why they asked many
 Lastly, a new job, a new
house ( it isn’t home) like a
new life. People think the
most difficult part of the
revive like a new life.
Frankly, the most difficult
part is your old life. Your
family, your friends, your
job, and your hometown.
Your life which one you left
 To conclude all of these,
People have prepossession
like that ‘This is very easy set
up a new life, find a new
job, etc.’ and say ‘Let’s go
to Abroad!’. Until they face
to face all of these
situations. You must prepare
yourself for a new life.
 Thank you very much for attending the presentation. I’m glad to see you here.
Now, we have questions for argument here.
 Second, What would do if you had
a situation like immigration?
 Third,
If you have to immigrate, which
country would you like to choose?

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