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I take a great pleasure in acknowledging the people who had extremely helped me to complete
my building construction technology assignment.

First of all I would like to thank Almighty Allah whose blessing had brought me here and my
parents for their encouragement and guidance also who gave me this opportunity to follow
Quantity Surveying at BCAS. Also I would like to include my thanks to my colleagues and
specially my senior students of BCAS for their help and whoever helped me, in many ways to
finish this project properly.

I take this great opportunity to put across my honest thanks to Mr.ACM.Suhoothi who is our
module lecturer and assessor for guiding me on Building Construction Technology. With his
guidance I feel I have covered most of the features needed for this module and it has helped me
to complete this project productively.

I also would like to thank the civil engineers of my visited sites. Last but not the least I would like
to thank every single person who helped me in their own way to finish this Project with related
thoughtful idea’s and co-operation to make this assignment successful.

Thank you


Construction outputs are totally different from manufacturing products; it’s because of its complexity and
tedious amount of works. A better quality building can be achieved by following standard tasks which
were approved by the professional construction institutions. Deep considerations should be taken from
the site selection to end of construction of the building. Also risks and practical problems depend on the
place and type of construction.

I have selected the construction site of Linear Accelerator Unit in teaching hospital- Batticaloa doing
this assignment. Consultant and Contractor of this building have been conducted to get the full details of
the construction. Land survey details, site clearance and site investigation reports were taken from
consultant. At the same time, it was considered all kind of possible types of construction methods for all
kind of elements of building and types of alternative materials other than the actual situation from the

Linear Accelerator Unit in teaching hospital

Client: Ministry of Health

Consultant: Central engineering consultancy beauro

Contractor: Central engineering consultancy beauro

Cost sum: LKR 290 Million

Duration: 18 Months

Location: Batticaloa hospital

Figure 1 my site

 ` In
selecting a
site is one of
the most
part in
construction project. After we want to consider in factors. When all factors are in our selecting
site, we can build our building perfectly. So in this case we want to consider in factors related with
health. Because of this is a hospital building.

1.1 Following factors are considered selecting the land.

1. Safety
2. Location
3. Soil conditions
4. Topography
5. Size and shape
6. Utilities
7. Availability
8. Public Acceptance
9. Drainage
10. Accessibility
11. Local Government Regulation
12. State Regulations


 It is one of the hospital building. Therefore we want to consider in safety very carefully. So that,
following factors are considered.
• There are no proximity to High – Voltage Power Transmission Lines.
• There are absence of Toxic and Hazardous substances. Because of it is a wide and clean area.
And also we use only harmless substances which is like a cement.

2. Location

 According to government order, in that place which is demolished and built new one.
Figure 2 Site map

3. Soil Conditions
 In priority my site has gravel soil.
4. Topography of the land
 There was existing building demolished and reconstructed new proposed ground was level. And
surface level of site is smooth.

5. Shape and size of the land

 This land was almost rectangular shaped and the area was enough for the planned building.
And standard size was given by the State Authority.
6. Utilities
 According to a school building, availability water supply and pressure easily. And also Electricity
supply was got from near the building.

7. Availability
 This hospital is situated in Batticaloa. This is famous for brick, block and sand. That’s why we got
brick, block and sand easily. Because this hospital is closed to the main road. And we can get
important materials to construction project easily.

8. Public acceptance
 This building is used to learning the patients. So that, all people are satisfy in this building.

9. Drainage
 There is a Drainage system.

10. Accessibility
 This building is located near the main road. Religious places, bus stand, police station, and post
office are closed to this building. So we can get any facilities from there.

11. Local government and state regulations

 The approval has been taken for construct this building from D. S office and also approval has
been taken for construct the fit from the D.S office by them.
1.2) Describe the stages required in site investigation for your selected project.

2. Site investigation

 Site investigation is one of the most important parts before starting any kind of building project.
Through site investigation contractors can gain enough details about soil condition and general
necessaries of the selected site. But these factors are different from project to project. Because
factors are depend on nature of that particular building construction. For an example factors
consider in a residential building is different from factors consider in a hospital building.

 Site investigation is the collecting data about the selected site. In first contractors would assist the
location of the land and secondly contractor would discover ground condition.

Objective of site investigation

 Suitability – When we select the site we want to consider, this site and surroundings are suitable
for the project or not.
 Design – We want to consider that we can obtain all needed design parameters or not.
 Construction – We consider in any potential ground or ground water that would affect the
construction or not.
 Materials – What kind of materials available on site?
 Effect of changes – How will the design affect near the properties and ground water?
 Identify alternatives – Is this the best suitable site?

Following stages are in site investigation.

a) Desk Study and site reconnaissance

b) Preliminary ground investigation.
c) Detail ground Investigation
d) Monitoring
2.1.1 Desk study and site inspection
 Desk study means collecting details of selected site and researching the site to gain geological
 We can gain information such as geological or historical maps, survey maps, topographic maps
and aerial photographs from geological department, surveyor department, Municipal council and
agriculture department.
 Geological maps: - It is important to identify about ground state.
 Aerial photograph: - It is use full to identify about historical use of site, hidden foundation changes
of river course and much other hidden information.
 Site reconnaissance means we want to walk over the site and observing site conditions. We have
to observe some features of site. Such as
A.Surface condition
D.Site layout
G.Soil patterns.

2.1.2 Preliminary ground investigation.

 It is the second step of site investigation. Here we want to get some reports and take this to lab
for Detail ground investigation. Such as,
A.Available of material.
B.Transport facilities.
C.Depth of water level.
E.Any hazardous.

2.1.3 Detail Ground investigation

 In this investigation, our aim is get some reports. Such as,
A. Soil condition.
B. Depth
C. Thickness of the soil
D. Location of the rock
E. Location of water table
F. Strength
G. Compressibility.

We want to use preliminary investigation reports in the tests.

1. Laboratory test
2. Giving final test

To get details of soils, we can use two types of sample.

A. Disturbed samples
B. Undisturbed samples

To get sample collection, we can use two methods

A. Open trial pits

B. Boring

Kinds of boring methods.

A. Auger boring
B. Wash boring
C. Hollow stem auger boring rotary boring
D. Percussion boring
E. Rotary boring
 Soil investigation didn’t need in our site. Because as a demolished building so that,
already they took the sample and they tested the soil conditions such as taken by
the Auger boring method.

2.1.4 Monitoring
It’s a great chance to assure desk study and site condition at the site via visual. And we can
check the quality and progress of a construction project.
Task – 1.3

Explain to classify the soil in your selected site and describe the suitable
soil investigation for your soil type.

Classify the soil

Soil is a natural material not manufactured products. Soil is a particulate material and very necessary
material; it is not a continuous mass. Soil has all three phases of matter (solid, liquid and gas). The liquid
and gas phases are contained in the pores or voids between the solid particles.

Figure 3 soil types

Mainly soil was divided as follows:

1. Cohesive soil- cohesive soil is composed of extremely small mineral grains shaped like plates.
Water is attracted between the plates by electrostatic forces to varying degrees based on the
chemical composition of the clay. When dry, clay is hard and rigid due to the close attraction
between the grains. When clay is very wet, it exhibits an almost soupy consistency.

2. Cohesion less soil- Cohesion less soil is composed of larger, more rounded particles than clay and
is subdivided based on grain size. The most commonly encountered cohesion less soil is:

 Silt (passes a No. 200 sieve)

 Sand (passes a No. 4 sieve and is retained on a No. 200 sieve)
 Gravel (passes a 3-in. sieve and is retained on a No. 4 sieve)

Cobbles (3 to 12 in.) and boulders (>12 in.) are less commonly encountered. The larger sizes of the
particles cause them to interact by mechanical means. Silt is fine enough that it exhibits some clay-like
properties, but it is still considered cohesion less.

The soil structure of borehole test

The soils have different structure in natural state .those depend the soil particle.

Different Ranges of soil

 Boulder more than 20mm

 Gravel 2.0 to20mm
 sand 2.0 to 0.06mm
 Silt 0.06 to 0.002mm
 Clay Less than 0.002mm

Figure 4 soil types

The following structure are usually found in the soil structure

 Single grain soil structure

 Honey-comb soil structure coarse grain soil

 Flocculated soil structure

 Dispersed soil structure clays

 Coarse-grained skeleton
 Clay-matrix structure mixed of soil
Table 1 Unified soil size classification

US Standard Sieve
Inches Millimeters Size Particle Size

12 and above 256 and above Boulder

3 to 12 75 to 256 Cobble

3/4 to 3 19 to 75 Coarse gravel

3/16 to 3/4 4.75 to 19 3/16 in. = 4 Fine gravel

3/32 to 3/16 2.4 to 4.75 3/32 in. = 10 Coarse sand

0.42 to 2.4 0.42 mm = 40 Medium sand

0.74 to 0.42 0.074 mm = 200 Fine sand

0.005 to 0.074 Silt

0.005 and below Clay

Table 2 Sand classification

Sand is fine aggregate, shape of the sand may be sub rounded, rounded and well rounded.

Sand Size
Coarse Sand 2.00 – 4.75mm
Medium Sand 0.425 – 2.00mm
Fine Sand 0.075 – 0.425mm

Sand is deeply used in construction Engineering.

Sand-More air and less water/no water.

Gravel- Gravel is normally the result of physical and mild chemical weathering process. Shape of gravel
may be very angular, sub angular, sub rounded, well rounded. Sizes of coarse gravel, fine gravel are 19
– 75mm, 4.75 - 19mm.

Bearing capacity of the soil

In Construction Engineering, bearing capacity of the soil determines the type of foundation and number
of floors in the building.

The safest load per unit area of the ground can carry is called bearing capacity.

Description of soil investigation method carried out at my site

The field investigation consisted of advancing to boreholes at locations marked BH-01 and BH-02.

The boreholes were advanced with a rotary drilling machine using overburden cutting tools and adopting
the wash boring process to remove the cuttings from the bottom of the borehole. They had a diameter of
75 mm, and were supported with casing.

In case of BH-01, the borehole was initially advanced up to hard rock, which was reached at a depth of
18.90 m. thereafter; the borehole was further advanced to a depth of 19.95 m by coring the rock using a
double tube core barrel.

In the case of BH-02, the borehole was terminated before reaching hard rock at depth of 10.00 m.

Standard penetration tests (SPT’s) were carried out regularly in the overburden. This test was carried out
as specified in BS 1377.

Disturbed samples of soil were collected both from the SPT tube and the cutting collected from the

Ground water level (GWL) was determined as the depth at which the water level stabilized inside the

Sub-surface conditions

Using the results of borehole investigation, a profile of the sub-surface conditions across the borehole
has been constructed, and this is shown.

These results show that at location BH-01, the overburden can be modeled by seven successive layers
as indicated below.

Table 3 borehole results

Layer No layer description thickness (m) average N

1 uncontrolled fill 1.5 _

2 loose clayey sand 1.0 6

3 medium dense clayey sand 2.0 15

4 dense clayey sand 4.1 40

5 residual soils 1.4 13

6 highly weathered rock8.9

7 basement rock

Ground water level (GWL) was at depth of 1.15m.

A similar layering system is observed at BH -02 up to the end of drilling at 10.0m, expect that the surface
layer of fill was absent.

Rock coring in the boreholes had given the following results for the core recovery (CR) and the rock
quality designation (RQD):

Table 4 borehole results

Borehole No depth (m) CR (%) RQD (%)

BH-01 18.90-19.95 85 53

Task 02
2.1 Describe the different types of foundation can be used for single storey and
multi storey buildings and discuss the factors considered while selecting the
suitable foundation. Consequently, criticize your selected foundation type of the
project. (P1 .1,M1& D1.3)


Foundation is the lowest part of the structure which provides the base for the super structure. This term includes the
portion of the structure below the ground level as well as the artificial arrangement of concrete block, piles raft
grillage etc. provided to transmit the loads on the structure including the dead weight of the structure it self to the
soil below.

Purpose of the foundation:

The foundation is provided for main four reasons mentioned below

1. Distribute the forces of super structure and other elements including the self weight over a large area.
1 To load the sub stratum evenly and thus prevent unequal settlement.
2 To provide a level surface for building operation
3 To increase the stability and preventing overturning

Major parts of a foundation



These footings and foundations are influence by

 Load bearing capacity of the soil.

 Weight of the structure to be erected on the land.

Types of foundation




Shallow foundation-

When the foundation is placed immediately beneath the lowest part of the superstructure it is termed as shallow
foundation. Such foundations are placed on first hard and firm strata available below the ground level. The object
of this kind of foundations is to distribute the structural load to over considerable area of foundation bed.

There are several types of shallow foundation:

 Strip footing
 Pad Footing
 Combined footings

Strip footing

Strip footing foundation consists of a continuous strip, under walls. Generally this Strip consists of a
concrete footing which is normally widened and rests on the Foundation bed, and the foundation wall, which rises
from the foundation to a Location somewhere above the ground. This foundation wall may be constructed either by
using rubble or brick.

Pad foundation

 It provides support to the individual columns

 It can be in a circular, square or a rectangular form with a slab of uniform thickness.

 It is stepped or hunched to spread the load over a large area

 The foundation wall of it can be constructing by using rubble or brick.

Combined footing

 A combined footing supports two columns

 It is used when two columns are so close to each other

 It is economical to provide footing like this to two columns rather than individual footings.

 A combined footing may be trapezoidal or rectangular in the plan view

 By combining with the interior column the load is evenly distributed

Raft foundation

A mat or raft foundation is a combined footing that covers the entire area beneath a structure & supports all the
walls & columns. When the available soil pressure is low or the building loads are heavy, the use of spread footings
would cover more than one – half of the area & it may prove more economical to use mat or raft foundation. This
foundation can be constructed in several methods. Graphically it is mentioned below.

Figure 5(raft foundation)

Flat plate Flat plate with pedestals

Cellular construction Basement walls as rigid frame

Figure 6(raft foundation)
Two-way beam and slab Flat plate with pedestals

Deep foundation

In case of bearing capacity of the soil is very poor and depending on some other Conditions, the structure has to
be taken deep in to the soil. There are mainly two types Of deep foundationMainly there are two types of

1. Pile foundation

2. Caissons foundation

Pile foundation

Piles are column like structural elements in a foundation. The function of piles is to Transfer superimposed
load through weak compressible strata or through water, onto Soils of adequate bearing capacity or onto rock
strata. As the adequate bearing soil or Rock strata is at an uneconomic depth, the pile may carry the superimposed
loads by Skin friction between the pile surface and the soil. Moreover, piles are required to Anchor structures
against uplift loads and assist structures in resisting lateral and Overturning forces from winds or waves.

Reasons for selection of pile foundation

 Pail foundation are most economical

 Pail foundation are using soil week area

 Piles supported on rock create the greatest bearing capacity.

 When the ground floor slab has to be carried the ground, e.g. on a sloping site
Figure 8(pile foundation)
Figure 7(pile driven in to the earth)

Figure 9(caissons pier)

Factors considered in selecting foundation for our building.

 Recommendations given in the 3 Borehole test results

 Bearing capacity of soil
 Bearing capacity of foundation
 Time needed to finish the construction
 Water table level
 Distance to the neighboring buildings
 Cost for foundation
 Live load, dead load (estimated weight of the building) etc.

In the borehole test report it was recommended to build Raft foundation with an allowable bearing capacity of 200
kN/m2 and an inverted T-type RC strip footings with an allowable bearing capacity of 200 kN/m 2 were given as

Method of construction of foundation (summary)

 The site was cleared and after drilling three bore holes the soil investigation test was done.
 Depending on the soil investigation test the structural engineers recommended a shallow foundation in
the site.

 So first the top soil is removed from the site and bulk excavation was started.

 During excavation shoring process also started and the whole area was excavated and shoring was

 Then the whole site was sprayed with pesticides to kill all the living insects and organism in the soil of
the site.

What kind of foundation is selected FOR MARKET PROJECT in the site

In the research site the type of foundation selected is shallow foundation. This foundation is selected depending on
the soil report. The engineers who had done the research has recommended for a shallow raft foundation.

 The engineers have recommended the depth where the foundation should be laid. It should be laid up to a
minimum depth of 2.5meters.

 It bearing pressure of the building can bear is to 200kN/m 2.

Finally selected raft foundation in our site.

Pile foundation may be used for this construction. Because this is THREE stories building and pile foundation will
give more strength for proposed building than raft foundation

Easy to construct
Economically less than pile foundation
It makes Less pollution to environment than pile foundation
It reduces the differential settlement on non- homogeneous soil
Selected site soil is a high bearing capacity of sand

This raft foundation is selected for the building by the engineers after considering the ability of the artificial
foundation to support the weight of the structure together with all the loads acting on the building

The ability of the natural foundation to carry the loads of the foundation without any deformation. Determining the
major factors considered in the ability of natural foundation to carry all the loads of the building into the different
layer of the soil.
Ability of the structure to carry on the small movements at the foundation level, without damaging the load bearing
capacity of the structure. Some buildings are designed in a way to bear small movements which comes to the soil
but it is difficult for raft foundation to bear the impact of an earth quake. Ground movements can occur due to the
mining, lowering of the ground water table, increasing the level of ground water table freezing of moisture
underground etc.

Our site

Finally: After that as a conclusion they decided to build a raft foundation. While comparing with other foundations
Raft foundation is the most suitable and the most economical foundation for the selected building project. In case if
pile foundation was selected it would have been more costly, sometimes while piling the neighboring buildings
might have been effected due to the vibration, as the water table is very high it would have been difficult to
excavate holes for piling. If we were selected any other foundation method when we are excavating the cost may be
increase but if we were selected raft foundation advantage is saving in the excavation costs. There may be very less
soil so we cannot use other foundation method than piles foundation but piles foundation very costly in the building
project so we can use only raft foundation method.

2.2 Describe the method of excavation suitable for your foundation work and the
associated temporary work of the project.

5. Excavation

 Excavation is leave the soil for make a basement or foundation or other purposes.

It has several types used in the building purposes which depends on the amount of ground to be
Soil strip

Type of

Trench pit
excavation excavation

Table 5 Type of Excavation

5.1 Bulk excavation

Bulk excavation is required when, where large volumes of subsoil are required to be excavated in
order to reach the formation level. This type of excavation may be reduce levels or to provide
basement areas. Large machineries use for this type of excavation. Such as excavator or

Figure 10 Bulk excavation (Ltd, 2011)

In our site.

When they start the project, there was an older building. So we demolished and build new one. But floor
part and foundation of older building is in there. So they want to remove of all. So they have proposed
bulk excavation in this case.

5.2 Trench excavation

The trenches are straight and uniformly shaped; it is generally cheaper to use a machine for the
excavation. Having excavated or filled to a formation level, it is frequently necessary to excavate
trenches to a lower level. In these trenches the foundation of the building are constructed.
Trenches are also required outside the building for the laying of pipes and cables which carry gas,
water, electricity and other services. Trench hoes, wheel ditchers and back actors are used for
this excavation.
It can be done manually or using a backhoe wheel loader.

Figure 11 Trench excavation (ISHN, 2015)

3.1 Identify and discuss the form work needed for the construction of beams,
columns, slabs &staircases and their supporting system.

 Form work is basically structural support given in constriction for certain building element, before
it reaches a stability to stand on its own. For example in Construction of precast walls, bridge
erection, green concrete etc we will be using form work. It’s also called centering. We can
therefore term formwork a type of false work.

Loads on form work

Form work is subjected to following loads:

 Dead weight of green concrete

 Hydrostatic pressure of green concrete
 Live loads due to working labourers
 Impact effect at the time of pouring concrete into the form work
 Vibrations transmitted to form work during pouring concrete

Form works requirement

 The requirements of form works construction are Strength, rigidity, thickness, and good
alignment, surface finish, durability, eases of placing concrete, each of stripping.
 The form work should be strong enough to carry safely the dead weight of the wet concrete on it.
 The joints between forms should be smooth, so that unwanted surface irregularities are apparent
on the finished unit.
 The form should be designed to be strong and rigid enough not only in use but also for handling
and stripping purposes as well, since durable form works is also economic.

Materials using for form work

 Hard board (not oil-tempered)

 Hard board (oil-tempered)
 Plywood and timber
 Steel
 Plastics
 Aluminium
 Glass fiber
Generally form works are made by using timber or steel.

Timber form work:

 The size of timber section for different component of form work depends upon the span of the
slab, beam, floors to floor height and the center to center spacing of the centering support.
 The size of timber planks or joists that can be adopted for different components of form work for
shuttering 4.5m. Span of 3.5m.
 The timber used for shuttering for exposed concrete work should have smooth and even surface
on all faces which are to come in contact with concrete.

Plywood Formwork:

 Use of plywood instead of timber planks is getting popular these days.

 In this case resin bonded plywood sheets are attached to timber frames to make up panels of
required sizes.
 The panels thus formed can be easily assembled by bolding in the form of shuttering
 This type of shuttering ensures quality surface finish and is specially recommended in works
where large exposed areas of concrete are to be constructed such as floor slab, faces of
retaining walls etc…

Benefit of process

 It is possible to have perfectly plain and smooth surface by use of plywood shuttering. Thus the
expenditure on surface finishing can be saved.
 By use of large panels it is possible to effect saving in the labour cost of fixing and dismantling.
 Numbers of re uses are more as compared with timber shuttering. For estimation purposes,
number of re uses can be assumed as 20 to 25.

Steel Formwork
 This consists of panels fabricated out of thin steel plates stiffening along the edges by small steel
 The panels units can be held together by two or more clamps or bolts provided along each edge
and the shuttering can be assembled and kept in alignment by use of horizontal or vertical
centering of timber or steel.

Advantage of use this

 Steel forms are stronger, more durable and large life.
 They can be put to sufficiently larger number of re uses.
 Steel form can be installed and dismantled with greater ease.
There is no danger of formwork going to the water from the concrete and hence the chances of
honey combing are min
Aluminum form work
 Forms made from aluminum are in many respects similar to those made of steel.
 However, because of their lower density, aluminum forms are lighter than steel forms, and this is
their primary advantage when compared to steel.
 The formwork turns out to be economical if large numbers of reuses are made in construction.
 The major disadvantage of aluminum forms is that no changes can be made once the formwork
is fabricated.

Types of form work

Foundation Formwork

 Foundation formworks can be designed in various ways.

 Basically there is a difference between formwork for individual foundations, normally designed as
socket foundations, and formwork for strip foundations.
 The type of design is dictated by the size, mainly by the height of the foundation formwork.
 The formwork for individual foundations is similar to column formwork and the formwork for
strip foundations is similar to the formwork.

Wall Formwork

 Wall formwork consists of vertically arranged upright timbers (formwork bearers) to which
sheeting boards are nailed at the concrete side.

 The upright timbers are diagonally braced by means of boards at both sides.

 On cleats situated at every third upright timber, there are horizontally arranged walers. The
opposite walers are tied at specified distances.

 Prefabricated sheeting panels may also be used instead of sheeting boards.

 Cleaning holes are to be provided at the foot of the formwork

Beam Formwork

 In a typical reinforced concrete building frame, the slabs are the primary load carrying element.
They transfer their load to Secondary elements such as walls or beams.
 Beams can be grouped in two categories. When located in the interior of the structure they are
usually TEE Beams and when

 on the perimeter are L Beams

Beam Formwork has 2 parts

1. Soffit board
2. Side boards

These are we have to check beam formwork

1. Level of beam below level
2. Any possible leakage
3. Width and depth of beam
4. Flatness of the internal surface of form work
5. Suitable support.

Column Formwork

 Similar to beam formworks, the sheeting of column formworks is prefabricated according to the
column dimensions from sheeting boards connected by cover straps.
 The sheeting panels are placed in a foot rim which is anchored in the soil by steel bolts.
 The foot rim consists of double-nailed boards.
 The foot rim must be exactly measured-in because it is decisive for the exact location of the
column. It has the same functions as the thrust-board for foundation or beam formwork

Checking column formwork

1. Alignments are should be perpendicular.

2. Size of the column
3. Angle among the faces
4. Suitable support
5. Any possible leakage and smoothness internal of the formwork

Slab form work

 Form work to suspended slabs is similar to that for beams, except that the soffit shuttering is far
wider-usually formed by standard –size (2.4 m x1.2 m) plywood sheets.
 In a typical reinforced concrete building frame, the slabs are the primary load carrying element.
They transfer their load to secondary elements such as walls or beams.
 In the case of ground –floor slabs, the hard core and blinding form a permanent soffit shutter
while the brick work of the walls provides a permanent vertical side shutter.

Consider following method when start to do the formwork;

 Determining the bearer spacing.

 Erecting bearers and joists.
 Fixing the sheeting.
 Preparation for concrete.

 As a number of collapses have occurred when pouring suspended slabs, careful attention must be
given to the overall support system.
 Unless using a proprietary or well proven system, engineer design is required. Decking will
probably be plywood sheets or shutters, but boards and joists could be used.
 Thick sheets of fiber cement are also suitable. Props and other form work must be perfectly plumb
at the time of pouring the concrete.

Stair case form work

 Points to consider when designing stair form work

 Stair formwork must support the weight of concrete. The weight of the throat of the stair and the
steps will have to be supported.

 Because of the slope of the stair, some of the force is transmitted sideways. All formwork must be
well tied together to prevent sideway movement.

3.2 Discuss the brick / block work in your selected building construction. (P3.3)

Entire buildings are constructed at my site by brick work.

Introduction of Brick Masonry

 Brick masonry is the one of the most commonly used in building construction.
 Wall is continuous, wall usually constructed by brick. This is used to divide the building into
compartment or rooms.
 Brick is more used to masonry partitions work.
 These Brick can be used masonry work, reinforced brickwork, and other important work. Bricks,
which are found little inferior to previous one, are called as second-class bricks.
 These brick also can be used for all type of works except for reinforcement brick works. Third
class bricks, which are found poor in strength and other qualities, are used for temporary works.

Arranging the bricks in courses individual units are together and the vertical joints are good courses does
not lie in same vertical line. Bricks used in masonry are all of uniform

Brick dimensions

 Brick sizes are generally coordinated so that two rows of bricks laid alongside, with a mortar joint
between them, are the same width as the length of a single brick laid across the two rows.
 That allows headers, bricks laid at 90 degrees to the direction of the wall, to be built in and tie
together two or more layers of brick.
 The thickness of a brick wall is measured by the length of a brick, so a wall one brick thick will
contain two layers of brick, one and a half bricks is three layers etc.
 A common metric coordinating size is 215 x 102.5 x 65mm, which is intended to work with a
10mm mortar joint, 75mm course height, 215mm wall thickness etc.
 This is based on the earlier inch sizes.
 There are many different standard brick sizes worldwide, most with some coordinating principle.


Wire cut
Fire bricks

Hollow Perforated
bricks bricks

Bricks are basically made out of clay and water. Clay is a plastic earth. Constituents of good brick clay.
 Sand
 Silica
 Alumina
 Lime
 Iron
 Manganese dioxide

Types of bond
Bond is procedure of arrangement bricks in a wall. It has no continuous vertical joints are formed.
And it has many types of bonds in construction project. Those are here.


English Flemish Stretcher Zigzag Header Facing Dutch American

bond bond bond bond bond bond bond bond

Main purpose of using bonds to avoid the vertical joints

English bond

 Most of uses bond. This is a very strong bond consisting of alternative force of Headers and
Stretchers in each heading cases a queen closer is placed next to the header and the remaining
bricks are headers.
 It has some higher cost then compare with other bonds. And it is good in strong. In the building
structures, external walls (9”) and internal walls (4.5”) are built by English bond method.

Flemish bond

 The walls are constructed using alternate headers and stretchers in each course. But it is more
economical than English bond since there are less facing bricks required.
 Its appearance is considered to be better than other bonds but it is so strong.
 Flemish bond has more plashing appearance.

Stretcher bond

 These types of bonds are used for normal building.

Task 04

4.1 Explain the reinforcement arrangement of beams, columns, slabs and

staircases and their method of construction for your selected site .

Reinforced concrete

 Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension.

 Where tension occurs it is usual to introduce steel bars to provide the tensile strength which the
concrete lacks.
 For example: with a concrete beam or lintel compression occurs at the top and tension at the
bottom, so the reinforcement is placed about 25mm up from the bottom of the beam and the ends
are often hooked to provide a grip. The 25mm cover prevents rusting of the reinforcement.
Reinforced concrete elements in a building and their reinforcement arrangements
Generally five major reinforced concrete members in a particular building:
1. Foundation slab
2. Column
3. Beam
4. Slab (floor)
5. Stair

Characteristic strength of reinforcement

(Y) - TOR STEEL - 460 N/

(R) – MILD STEEL – 250 N/
4.2 write method statement to prepare a bar schedule for beam shown in figure 01
(beam size 300mm ×600mm)

Lapping length = 50 * d1

Crank length = (d1+d2+5)*10

Cover size = 25mm

Member Bar mark Type and Length of No. Total no of Total length Remark
name size bar (mm) bar in bar (mm) (mm)

Beam 1 T25 8890 3 3 26670 540+8000+540-(4*25)

530 8000530

2 T25 6720 3 3 20160 6720

1, 2 T25 1250 6 6 7500 50*25 50*25

1, 2 T25 550 6 6 3300 (25+25+5)*10


3 R10 1400 1 35 49000 ((510+210)*2) – (4*10)



Table 6 bar schedule for beam

4.3 Describe the finishing work used in your site for walls and structural elements. (P3.5)

Cement plaster: these contain cement lime and sand at different proportions. These proportions vary depending
according to the requirements. To avoid major problems the composition should be similar between all the coats.

Characteristics of plastering
To hide the irregularities of bad workmanship of construction.
To protect masonry work, from the atmospheric actions.
To provide smooth and even surface so the appearance will be attractive.
Providing a hygienic surface, so that the building will be hygiene for the people using it.
To provide resistance to the fire and also for sound insulation.

Painting is liquid which gets dries in to a hard coat once its applied on the wall after doing the finishing work of
plastering like the application of putty, wet sponge etc… This is like a skin which covers the plaster. This coat is
mostly applied for various reasons like to give a good appearance and also prevent it from damages or to keep it
long lasting or durable. There are various function and properties of paint and even there are various types of
paint since mostly paint is referred as an outer coated layer or layers.
Types of Paint
There are various types of paints which is used while painting all the types of the surfaces. Some of these are:-
Oil Paints
These are the traditional type having linseed oil me dium and there are various types of coats. The coats are
Priming coat
Finishing coat

Synthetic Paints
Medium of these are the chemical compounds. They have advantages over oil paint in a setting more quickly and
are highly durable. It is also easy to apply and it gets dry due to the evaporation of the solvent by oxidizing and
chemical changes.

Water Paints
These paints are also known as distemper and they are most often used in inner walls and ceiling. Most of these
distempers give a flat finishing. These are made by adding water and it is done in the site while applying the coats.
The type of distempers varies depends on the quality of it and the cost also depends on this factor.

Emulsion Paint
These paints have pigments and medium dispersed as small globules in water, oil, synthetic resin and bitumen are
common mediums. Among all the kinds of emulsion paints alkyd, bitumen polyvinyl acetate and styrene emulsion
are the major types used in most of the walls as a finishing product. Out of these plastic emulsions paint is water
based paint.

There are two types of varnishes and mostly these are used as a transparent coating especially in wooden
surfaces. They are oil varnish and spirit varnish.

Tools Used in Painting

Without tools it is difficult to perform any work. Likewise in painting there are special tools used in performing
these works which gives a perfect finishing for it. Some of these tools are

There are many types of brushes available in the market. The selection of the brush use for the work depends on
the area of the work to be performed and the type of paint used during the work. Mostly brushes are used to
paint edges of the wall and other places. Especially it is used to paint small areas. Brushes width varies from
12mm to 100mm in thickness and from 6mm to 25mm of bristle,

These are used in flat and larger areas. These rollers have an advantage compared to the brushes since it applies
the coats of paints faster than a brush and it is much easier to be used hand handled.

Floor finishing
4.4 Identify the elements that have been made as water proofed in your building
and explain the method of water proofing used for washrooms & toilets in upper
 They will use tiles only for water proof in second and third floor for wash room and bath room.
They didn’t make any water proof for ground floor because it is not needed. There the
specification tile is
 The floor tiles shall be 300 ×300mm non slip homogeneous ceramic tiles of approved quality and
color pointed with cement slurry it match the floor tiles.
 The wall tiles shall be 200 300mm glazed ceramic tiles of approved quality and color pointed with
cement slurry.

4.5 Discuss the timber work in your building construction for temporary and
permanent elements.
 Here they have not used timber works for the construction. But they have used timber work in
form work. they used

 In our site they have not used any timber work. They have used timber work for formwork
 Here they used three types of timber.
I. Ply wood
II. Timber
III. Hard wood

We can reuse the timber for 3 – 5 times

We can reuse the ply wood and hard wood for 20 – 25 times.

These all types of timbers are not affected the environment.


Main tasks have clearly answered and I have got total building constructing knowledge through the
tasks. I wish to conclude, every task is answered according to my knowledge and site detail.

End of this report I ‘m able to describe entire building construction and I got, sufficient report writing
knowledge thorough this assignment

From the assignment an immense knowledge of method of construction is understood. Practically how
things are done in the industry is understood. Through this assignment the subject matter is understood.
The importance of a foundation. The types of foundation how to select a foundation for the required site.
Method of construction of a foundation. The importance of the formwork and how it is constructed. What
is reinforcement and how reinforcement is made for various building elements. The types of bonds used
in bricks walls. This assignment had been great help to understand the subject practically and
Task 4

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