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The J & P Transformer Book has been in print for 75 years and during
that time it has been a rewarding work of reference for students, young
engineers, older engineers who have changed the direction of their
careers to become involed with transformers, practising designers and
for generations of applications engineers. In the previous eleven
editions the publishers endeavoured to revise the work, extend it and
to bring it up to date. The fact that The J & P Transformer Book is still in
demand is a tribute to the publishers and to the authors who have
carried the torch to light our way for 75 years. The first edition was
prepared by Mr H. Morgan Lacey in 1925, based on a series of
pamphlets entitled Transformer Abstracts that were first printed in
1922. The book was welcomed as a key reference, giving a guide to
British experience at a time of great change in transformer technology.
It was reprinted and revised many times during the next three decades.

The ninth edition was produced in 1958 by Mr A. C. Franklin together

with his co-author Mr S. A. Stignant. The tenth edition was produced in
1961 by the same authors, and was revised in 1965. Mr Stignant later
retired leaving Mr Franklin, as the main author of the eleventh edition,
to carry on the work. This edition was published in 1983 with some
assistance from Mr D. P. Franklin, who had been appointed as his co-

The current twelfth edition has been prepared by Martin J.

Heathcote. Unlike the previous authors, Mr Heathcote has experience
as both a manufacturer and a purchaser. His most recent appointment
was with PowerGen, a successor company to CEGB, where he gained a
wide experience in the design and manufacturing techniques adopted
by many different transformer manufacturers both in Britain and
overseas. His strong relationship with manufacturers and users has
allowed him access to a wide range of information that has been
included in this edition. In particular he has completely rewritten many
sections of the book to bring it up to date and reflect current
experience. The latest information on transformer materials has been
included, the modern trend to design transformers with the lowest
lifetime costs has been addressed, and interface problems with other
equipment has been considered in each section. Mr Heathcote’s
extensive experience in the operation and maintenance phases of
transformer life has been included in this edition, together with a more
complete analysis of the many specialist types of transformer that are
installed on supply systems and in industrial networks.

This edition contains a wealth of new technical information that has

been freely made available by transformer manufacturers, the electrical
x Foreword

industry, learned institutions and industrial associations such as CIGRE.

It is intended that the information contained in this twelfth edition of
The J & P Transformer Book will update the knowledge of the current
generation of engineers and will be of as much use to new generations
of engineers as the previous editions have been to their predecessors.

Professor Dennis J. Allan FEng

Stafford, 16 March 1998

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