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Poverty – paverde

I guess Povery is bing generated by lack of access to essencial services such as basic sanitation,
health, education, electriciry) in addition to hunger, lack of food. Therefore, in this way, the
main consequence of povery in Brazil is linked to the complicare of people's qualiry of life.

People has been exhausted because of the increase in infraction, increasing everytheng. My
point of view, it becomes today in practice Something that can help increase or invest in the
development of rigions and communiries. The government needs to be helped!

Unemplyment (Desemprego)

To me that many factors are being interrupted by the increase in unemployment in Brazil, such
as Automation of the workforce, unstable political scenario, Crisis, among others.

Many people has been moved from Brazil because of the low employment rate, not being able
to find anything here. I hope that no one stops studying, they need. Keeps learning have
different qualifications and even invest in something.

Famine (Fome)
It's a sensitive and worrying subject, but we can do our part as human beings. I know that
thousands of people suffer from this and needs to be helped. Keeps doing your part, give a
plate of food or pay someone something, it's cool.

Global warming (aquecimento global)

global warming has extremely negative consequences for the life of all species on the planet.
We can do our part; it has been the conscientious use of resources. Garbage needs to be
separated, what would be difficult for me is to consume less beef. 'Cause I love it but they say
it helps too.

Government corruption

A great deal of complicated subject, because it really increases with day bay day. To help, it is
necessary that we all know how to choose the president and study about him, Cause the world
needs fixing fast.

Infectious diseases

I believe this has always happened. Therefore, we need to always wash our hands and take
care of ourselves, do physical activities, eat healthy.

Political Unrest

In my opinion, this opinion is worth making the policy. The reasons need to be understood, I'm
not very connected to these matters. but we know that some cases are used violence, it's not
cool. Fighting for something fairly is better.

Poverty (pobreza)

We can see in newspapers that with each passing day, this problem increases worldwide.
Something real and sad, the group will be very safe with the SDGs, which this subject becomes
today in practice Something that can help increase or invest in the development of regions and


In fact, I think that the economy is increasing more and more, because of the infrastructure;
We can see very high interest rates and it has been affected because of the things the world is
going through


I don't like it, I don't think it leads anywhere! A lot of people in the world dying in assaults, it
makes me very upset.

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