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Name: Jimn Clyde Melvin M.

Cuerdo Grade and Section: 11 – STEM C

Subject: Physical Education and Health Date: 9/30/21

First Semester – Module 2

Aerobic, Muscle and Bone Strength Activities


You will to perform the simple workouts written below and try to execute properly because through
this you will be find-out the different energy systems involved.

1. How do you feel with the activity?
- I feel exhausted but at the same time. I felt enjoyment.
2. Do you find it difficult? Why?
- No, because I am physically fit.
3. Which exercise makes your pulse rate increase very rapidly while performing it?
- The box jumps.
4. Do you experience muscle pain while performing? What particular exercise?
- I felt my muscle being contrasted in the box jumps.

INSTRUCTION: Analyze each energy system and write the correct answers on the spaces provided.

Energy Systems
ATP – CPr System Lactic Acid System Oxidative System

Energy Capacity Energy Capacity Energy Capacity

Answer: Answer: Limited ATP Answer: Unlimited ATP
Very limited ATP production production
Rate of ATP Production Rate of ATP Production
Rate of ATP Production Answer: Rapid Answer: Slow
Very rapid

Sample Exercises Sample Exercises Sample Exercises

Answer: Squat jump, Answer: Combination of Answer: Long distance run,
swimming Starts, Short high intensity exercises Cycling and Aerobic dance
sprints (10-meter sprint)
INSTRUCTION: Create a simple workout indicating the energy system involved using the format below.
Provide two exercises in each fitness components.

Fitness Frequency Intensity Time Type Energy

Components System
Cardiovascular 2x 200m Easy 3 minutes Walking Oxidative
Endurance System
2x 200m Easy 3 minutes Jogging Oxidative
Muscular 10x Easy 45 seconds Push-ups ATP-PCr
Strength & System
Endurance 10x Easy 45 seconds Sit-ups ATP-PCr
Speed and 60x Moderate 2 minutes Lateral jumps Glycolytic
Agility System
60x Moderate 2 minutes Plank jacks Glycolytic

Instruction: Below is a chart summary of energy system, complete the chart by writing the important details on
the blanks provided.
Energy System Fuel Used Rate of ATP Capacity of Energy Main Use
Production System
Phospocreatine Creatine Phospate Very rapid Very limited ATP Very high intensity
(stored in the production Short duration
muscle) activities 5-15
Lactic Acid Glycogen Rapid Limited ATP High intensity
(stored in the By-product is lactic production Short duration
muscle) acid which can lead activities
to muscular fatigue 1-2 minutes
Aerobic Glycogen Slow Unlimited Moderate to
(stored in the By-product are ATP production vigorous intensity
muscle) water and carbon activities, long
dioxide duration
3 minutes up

Instruction: Explain the following questions:
1. How do the energy systems work in our body?
- We need energy in order to perform certain tasks, physical activities or to maintain body temperature. In our
body, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is needed to do physical movements and the energy systems produces it.
2. How are you going to optimize the energy to improve performance?
- In order to optimize my energy to improve performance, I need to exercise regularly in order to keep my body
moving and also to increase stamina and also energy.
Activity 3: 2. Narrative with pictures.
I did the cardiovascular exercises outdoor because these
exercises can’t be done indoor. Before I start, I warmed with
30 repetition of jumping jacks and some basic stretching.
Then I started the walking exercise immediately. I did not rest
after the warm up. Walking for 200 meters is easy for me and
I did this two times for 2 minutes. I did not feel anything
because I am walking slowly.

After I walked, the next exercise I did to finish the

cardiovascular endurance is jogging. I admit that I am not
jogging every day but I know how to jog. I jogged around the
house for 2 minutes. I jogged two times. A few sweat are
forming in my arms but not that many sweat because I picked
the intensity of my simple exercise to be easy.

Now, let’s proceed to the muscular strength and

endurance exercises. For this one, I picked the
exercises push-ups and sit-ups because it’s easy
and no equipment and material is needed to
perform these exercises. After I jogged, I
performed 10 push-ups for 45 seconds. This is
not that difficult to do and I finished 10 reps
before the allotted time. I rest for a few seconds
and noticed that I’m starting to feel hot.

After the push-ups, I started to do the sit-ups 10

times for 45 seconds. Like the push-ups, I
finished this exercise before the allotted time.
After I performed this exercise, sweat are now
building on my forehead and arms. After just a
few easy exercises, I am sweating. This just
shows that I am not exercising regularly.
Now, let’s proceed to the speed and agility exercises. I must
say, these exercises put a toll of stamina on me. These
exercises I picked require stamina which I thought would be
a piece of cake. Well, doing lateral jumps 60 times for 2
minutes is not that hard for me. But after doing the exercise,
I felt my muscles in my back leg being pulled or something
like that. I rest for about 30 seconds and continue to the last
and most difficult exercise in my menu.

Lastly, I did the plank jacks 60 times for 2

minutes which is exhausting. Halfway through
this exercise, I felt that my back is hurting but I
endured it. I finished the exercise but I’m tired.
After this, I did breathing exercises to cool
down my body and to control my breathing.
Today, after doing these simple tasks, I
realized that I need to exercise regularly
because I get tired easily. I must train my body
to have a healthy lifestyle.

3. Reflections about your understanding for this module (200-300 words)

This module tackles the importance of energy in our body. The different types of energy systems are also
included in this module and the functions, uses and significance of these energy systems. I learned a lot of
things in this module but the very important thing I learned in this module is the importance of exercise.
I learned that energy helps our body to perform physical activities. Be it walking, jogging, swimming,
cycling, hill climbing, running, skiing, watching, sightseeing, shouting, speaking, laughing, crying, jumping,
skipping, typing, writing, drawing , clicking, barking, waving, clenching, smiling or playing, we need energy to
be able to do these activities. I also learned the different types of energy system and these are ATP-PCr system,
Glycolytic system and the Oxidative system. I also learned their functions and why they are significant in our
body. But the most important thing I learned in this module is not about the energy systems, but about the
importance of performing exercises regularly. When I performed my exercises in the Activity 3, I realized that
my body is weak and easily get tired. I am not fit the way I say so myself. So this module taught me to exercise
regularly and make exercising a habit.

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