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Lesson X: Art and Society
Appropriation: 30 points

Name: Antonette Joy Valdez Date: 11/28/22

Course: BSTM-IT Section: HAM Schedule: TTH (9:30-11:00)

What is the limit to Cultural Appreciation?

Position Paper

People today use the term "cultural appropriation" to describe when they take parts of another
culture and use them in their own. Respectful cultural exchange helps people learn about and
appreciate those who practice "different" traditions. Cultural appropriation promotes cultural
appreciation in a number of ways, including through the respectful learning and understanding of
cultural differences. But it's vital to keep in mind that cultural appropriation, like many other ideas
and concepts, has both positive and negative aspects that society should recognize. Cultural
appropriation can be used for good if both the positive and negative aspects are recognized. This
applies to the use of television shows, clothing, traditions, etc. to increase understanding and
appreciate of other cultures.

To begin, it's important to distinguish between appreciation and appropriation. Appreciation occurs
when one individual actively seeks to learn about and engage with another culture in order to grow
personally and professionally through cross-cultural understanding and friendship. People from one
culture appropriate when they take elements of another culture and use them without permission.
The act of "cultural appropriation" leads to a myopic view of other civilizations and, frequently, the
exploitation of such traditions. Appreciation, on the other hand, necessitates a longing for insight and
comprehension of the culture at hand. Those who wish to show their appreciation for another culture
do so by taking part in its rituals and ceremonies only when they have been requested to do so by
their hosts. Mutual admiration facilitates communication and exposure to new perspectives.

By definition, "appropriate" is "to take or make use of without authorization or right," as defined by
Merriam-Webster. That which is called "cultural appropriation" occurs when a majority group takes
on the practices of a minority group. The problem arises when the dominant race adopts elements of
subordinate cultures, such as clothing, religion, music, or language, without understanding or
respecting the significance of such elements. This has spawned an ongoing discussion in the
entertainment industry on where artists should draw the line between appropriation and
respectfulness when depicting other cultures. All of these celebrities have received backlash for some
of their recent artistic or sartorial decisions, and many of them have since reversed course.

Understanding cultures other than your own is a crucial step in developing into a responsible citizen
and effective leader. Having cultural or cross-cultural competence is difficult to achieve, but well
worth the effort because it helps you recognize not only your own biases and prejudices against
BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color), but also the ways in which your own community,
home, or school can create equitable spaces for people who are underserved. The ongoing discussion
surrounding cultural appropriation and appreciation has "cancelled" celebrities, helped Black,
Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) deal with the trauma and microaggressions they face daily,
and aided in elevating and supporting BIPOC and their cultures.
Remember that many types of cultural appreciation require cultural appropriation. True
comprehension of the world's numerous cultures may be unachievable if individuals of any one
culture are unable to draw qualities from other civilizations. If a culture never interacts with others,
its members will never learn to distinguish between respectful and disrespectful ways of borrowing
elements from other traditions. It's almost as bad to declare that cultural appropriation is wrong as
it is to suggest that segregation is fine. To avoid this, it's important that acts of cultural appropriation
be respectful in order to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures.

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