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In this chapter, the writer explains about the first problem in her research.

The writer analyzes about tThe sSocial iInfluence of Russian gGangster, Robert

McCall’s personality before having social interaction with Alina, Robert McCall’s

pPersonality after having social interaction With Alina, and Robert McCall’s

oObsession to finding the leader of Russian gangster.

A. The Social Influence of Russian Gangster

Gangster is a member of an organized gang of criminals, and the term

"gangster" invariably describes a criminal because some gangs are considered to

be part of organized crime. A gang may be a relatively small group of people who

cooperate in criminal acts, but a gang may be a larger group with a formal

organization that survives the death of its leader. Russian Gangster is a name of

anfor the organized Russian crime rings in the United States. They engage in a

variety of crimes including extortion, money laundering, smuggling, trafficking,

prostitution, and illegal arms dealing. There is agreement that the members of a

gang has a sense of common identity and belonging, and this is typically

reinforced through shared activities and through visual identifications such as

special clothing, tattoos, or rings.


1. Prostitution

Prostitution is business or practice to get money by having sex;, women

orand girls selling their body, either by coercion or consent, to men or boys who

pay for this service. Coercion as the act of forcing Alina to do something and

consent as the agreement of Alina to the proposal or desires of another are

practicesal by the gangsters through prostitution and human trafficking.

Accordingly, the majority of those trafficked for sexual exploitation are women

and girls.

In the movie The Equalizer movie, Alina is the victim of sex trafficking of

Russian gangster at a tender age and is forced into a life of prostitution. She

always gets coercion from her pimps to serve the customers and she does not have

freedom to choose or to deny the customers.

Slavi : You’ve got a client

Alina : I don’t want to
Slavi : What
Alina : Can’t you get someone else ?
Slavi : He wants you
Alina : But this customer is a pig
Slavi : He’s waiting outside. ( Seq. 00:12:17 – 00:12:27 )

She gets the bad treatments like physical violance from her pimp and her

customers such as badly battered, bruised, and beaten.

2. Extortion

Extortion is a crime in which someone or group forcing another person to do

something against his will, generally to give up money by threat of violence or


property damage, through coercion and intimidation. Extortion refers to the

process of making someone do something through the use of force and destroy.

Robert McCall : Ralphie. Heard you quit today. I got worried.

Ralphie : Oh. Uh, my mom had a little accident here last night.
There was a fire.
Robert McCall : What really happened in there, Ralphie ?
Ralphie : Faulty wire or something. We both know that’s not true.
I’m sorry I waste your time.
Robert McCall : Hey, you didn’t waste my time
Ralphie : My mom doesn’t have except this place. When stuff like
this happens, I Just gotta put everything on hold and help
her out, you know ?. (Seq. 00:45:55 – 00:46:21 )

Ralphie knows anything happens with his mother’s restaurant is not pure

accident, someone light the fire on purpose. Detectives Gilly and Harris harass

Ralphie’s mother at the restaurant and try to demand money from her. They extort

and threat her for protection money and claim that there will be another accident if

the money is not on time again next week. 

Harris : Ask the lady down the street. The one who had the fire.
Something could happen to you with your whole family inside.
Gilly : Open it.
Harris : You pay like everybodys else. ( Seq. 00:50:31 – 00:50:39 )

She is forced to pay them to prevent her from releasing information that

could damage her reputation or her business and protection to prevent something

bad such as damaging her storerestaurant.

3. Crime

Crime is an action or omission that cause harm in a situation that the person

or group resposible ought to be held accountable and punished, irrespective of

what the law books of a state say.

If there is no public authority capable or ready to police social activity and

punish offenders, then there is no crime. Crimes and criminals only exist when a

public body has judged them such according to accepted procedures. Without the

State and the criminal law there is no crime. Without criminal justice systems

there are no criminals.

There are many different types of crimes, one of the types is organized

crime. It is crime committed by structure groups typically involving the

distribution of illegal goods and service to others. Organized crime is not only

gengster but also the group that exercises control over large illegal enterprises

such as prostitution, extortion, destroying, money laundrying, physical

committing violances and murdering.

Prostitution as one of the crimes itself is one of the gangster’s business

which has been discussed before. They take advantages from someone’s economic

crisis or children from broken homes. situation. They do sexual exploitation

against the women to build their business.

Gangster is a group who has power to threaten and to intimidate the weak

society. They use the power to force someone to pay a number sum of money for

protectionng, if someone do not pay foring the “retribution,” the gangster does

will not hesitate to destroy their property. The writer has explaiedns about this

business in Eextortion part.

Money laundrying is the process by which criminals disguise the original

ownership and createing the appearance that large amounts of money is obtained

from serious crimes, such as smuggling by making such crimeproceeds appear to

have derived from a legitimate source.

Beside of prostitution business, Ppushkin has a warehouse which is used for

smuggling goods and keeping the money laundry. After the deathd of his man

Ppushkin ceases the operation of smuggling goods. Teddy says,id “ The deaths of

Mr. Pushkin’s men have interrupted his operations here. Import, movements of

goods, have all ceased.” . To reveal PushkinPushkin’s smuggling business, Robert

McCall comes to Frank Master’s house. He finds information about

PushkinPushkin and asks Frank to cooperate for to closeing and reporting the

warehouse to the police.

Robert McCall finds Frank and traps him in his car, which he has rigged
with a hose from the tailpipe. He tells Frank he need so give Robert McCall
information or he will leave him in the car.  Frank finally relents and agrees
cooperate with Robert McCall. He takes Robert McCall to a warehouse
where the Russians count their pallets full of money. Robert McCall forcibly
persuades the gangsters to surrender. He ties them up in a room with all the
money for the cops to find. He handcuffs Frank to a pole and tells him call
in a report. When the police arrive, they find the gangsters and money, and
arrest Frank. Robert McCall goes to Frank's safety deposit box and retrieves
his money, passport, and a USB stick containing more information detailing
PushkinPushkin's operations. Robert McCall finds one of PushkinPushkin's
oil tankers and blows it and several trucks and a warehouse up. ( Seq.
1:22:25 – 1:31:00 )

Not only operates the illegal business, gangster also does the physical

violeance to anywith everyone who is against opposite with them or do makes

athe mistake with them. They do not hesitate to give bad treatment to the people

that make false statements. Their actions endangering the others and sometimes

caused of the death.

Teddy : Are you telling me the truth?

Mandy : Yes.
Teddy : Telling me the truth?
Mandy : Yes! [Teddy pulls Mandy over to him and she leans her head on
his shoulder]
Teddy : Sweet. My angel. [Teddy starts grabbing and stroking Mandy’s
Teddy : Hm? Yes. [Mandy starts sobbing]
Mandy : Please. Please. [Teddy kisses her forehead as she sobs with fear]
Teddy : So beautiful.
Mandy : Please, Teddy.
Teddy : But so deceitful. [Teddy wraps his arm around her neck and
starts squeezing]
Mandy : Please. Please don’t.
Teddy : So fucking deceitful.
Mandy : Please don’t. [Teddy starts strangling her]
Mandy : You’re…you’re hurting me! Please stop. [As she struggles
Teddy strangles her to death] (Seq. 00:54:00 – 00:55:01)

Teddy action to kill Mandy in this case as a punishment but in the other hand

his action is a murdering. Crime could be happen to everyone; man or woman,

young or old, kids or adults and it also cause property damage, physical injury as

well as psychological and emotional after-effects.

B. Robert McCall’s Personality Before Having Social Interaction With


Robert McCall is the main character of the movie The Equalizer, described

as a middle aged man who has a burly body, a dark skin and a bald head. He is a

lonely man who was left death by his wife. He lives alone in the second floor of

the flat and works in the home mart hardware store. Eventhough he lives alone, he

is very concern with cleanness and neatness. He has a good characters like

humble, friendly, mature, and calm.

As a humble man, he has a good relation, communication and interaction in

social life. Robert McCall livfes as the ordinary people person with good

personality without no one knows about his past, a retired black officer

government operative officer. With the new life he tries to forget from the death

of his wife and he helps people around him.

1. Having OCD’s Symptoms

In this movie, the writer sees identified Robert McCall as an Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder. The OCD’s of Robert McCall happens because of personal

experience, paast traumatic of losing his wife. It makes him put his mysterious

past behind and has dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. His OCD

becomes acute after he meets with Alina, a young prostitution under Russian

gangster, who i’s getting bad treatment from her pimps. He says to Alina “you've

got to be who you are in this world” but he is not being who he is.

a. Repeatedly Checking Locks


He with OCD knows that his thoughts and behaviour are irrational and

senseless, but feels completely incapable of stopping him, often from fear that is

not completing a particular behaviour will cause harm to a loved one. No matter

how small the risk, he will always feel responsible for preventing that bad event

from happening. When he goes through the doorway, he touches the door, then he

opens, and then he closes, until he finishes with double checking for the locks. If

he does not do this, he thinks harm can come to himself.

Before Robert McCall kills the PushkinPushkin’s man, he opens and closes
the door more than three times to make sure that he is right and ready to kill
them before he locks the door. Seq. 00:31:11 – 00:31:28
He knows that he has checked the lock, but feels it is important to check

again just in case. He always checks several times until he feels right. He will be

assured that no one will break in.

b. Counting

Compulsive counting is a common symptom of obsessive-compulsive

disorder. People with counting compulsions may count because they feel that

certain numbers have a special significance, and therefore specific actions must be

performed a certain number of times. People with counting obsession do not

always have a reason for counting.

Robert McCall likes counting what he is doing. He sets a timer in his watch

for finishing his job. He assumes everything must be done on time and he does it

everyday. When he kills Slavi and the man, he sets his watch sixteen seconds to

kill all of them. In the last, he accounts the seconds of Slavi’s death.

Robert McCall : One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand

[He starts kill Slavi and man one by one]
Robert McCall : About thirty seconds, your body’s gonna shut down and
you’re gonna suffocate.
Robert McCall : Yours is gonna end right here, on this funky floor over
$9800. You should have taken the money
Slavi : Who are you ?
Robert McCall : Twenty-six one-thousand, Twenty-seven one-thousand,
twenty-eight one-thousand. I’m sorry. ( Seq. 00:32:14 –
00:34:40 )

He counts what he does to be sure he has met the numerical goal and

completed his action.

c. Ordering or Aarranging Tthings

People with OCD who tends to be primarily preoccupied with order and

exactness tends to engage in compulsive behaviors that include repetitive

arranging, organizing, or lining up of objects until certain conditions are met or

the end result feel just right. The individuals are commonly referred to as

perfectionists due to their need to arrange and order with such exactness and


Robert McCall keep his house spotless. He washes the cutlery and puts it in
the same place, he arranges books in the bookcase and he tidies bedroom
with straight cover. He arranges all in a neat way is a part of the symptoms
of OCD, he spends a lot of time just to ensure that the objects are arranged
properly. All the things in his house very organizes. Not only in the house
but also this happens when he goes to the coffee shop diner, he sets a book,
a spoon and a cup in the same position day by day and orders hot water
every night. He is very concern with cleanness. (Seq. 00:07:15 – 00:007:45)

Reapedly checking, counting and arranging as the symptoms of OCD is

done by Robert McCall for the sake of make himself comfortable and secure in

daily life.

2. Having Normal Lifes

In the society, the co-workers and the neighborhood know him as the nice

person. Interaction between him and the co-worker are running well, he has good

manner in communication. He is also a good listener for other people. His

personality makes someone feel comfort when share their problem with him.

In the beginning of the movie, the writer noticedsees how Robert McCall

through lives his normal life, with normal, he has good coordination with the

others workers and works together with them. He likes to make a little joke to co-

workers. He is still friendly even if someone bothers him with unpolite questions

or when the others co-workers ridicule his the past, he just responds them with a

smile without emotion outside from him and doing a little dance for them.

Marcus : Hey, yo, Pops. We betting on what you did before you got here
Jay : Like, for a living.
Marcus : I’m saying insurance, claims
Jay : He was stock dude, man on Wall Street.
Robert : I was a PIP
Jay : Yo, you were a pimp ?
Robert : No, not a pimp. A Pip. P-I-P. Pip.
Jay : The fuck is a Pip ?
Robert : Why you curse so much ? You know, like Gladys Knight & the
Pips? Like this. [Starts dancing]. ( Seq. 00:09:31 – 00:09:48 )

Robert McCall has a normal life, he does the interation and the

communication to histhe co-workers. His co-workers treat him with respect and

count on him for advice, even though they also wonder about his past. He is also

respected and well-liked among his co-workers. He does the activity together with


3. Having Positive Activity

Every human life has the positive activitiesy that they do everyday in daily

activity. Positive activitiesy help them to go out from stress after rutine schedule

that they arrange in one day.

Since his wife died, he has decidedchooses to live alone and spends his

leisure time by reading books. He has reads ninety one of books and will

countinue until a hundred of books. H, he does it to follow his wife’s habits and to

kill his deserted feeling. I, it helps him to forget his sadness. Everywhere he goes,

he always brings a book and reads it. He never spendswasting time without


Alina : You always read books?

Robert McCall : My wife did. She, uh…she was working through the One
Hundred Books Everybody Should Read. She made it to
ninety-seven, so I figured I…I’d give it a shot. And one
day we’d have something to talk about when we get
Alina : Wow, a hundred books.
Robert McCall : Yeah.
Alina : Holy moley. How many have you read, Robert?
Robert McCall : Ninety-one. [just then Alina’s phone starts ringing]
Alina : Sorry, this damn thing. [she turns off her phone]
Alina : Ninety-one books, though. You’re almost done.
Robert McCall : Almost.
Alina : What are you gonna do after that?

Robert McCall : Take singing lessons. And then I’m gonna open a
doughnut factory. [Alina starts laughing]
Robert McCall : What? Why are you laughing? [McCall starts laughing
with her and they continue to talk] ( Seq. 00:17:54 –
00:18:49 )

Beside reading a book, taking e singing lessons, and working in the

homemart, Robert McCall is also spends his time playing football. He is a good

football player. He enjoys the activity since he lost his wife and his positive

activity makes him to meet Alina.

4. Being a Helpful Person

In the office, Robert McCall helps Raphie to get the goal. Raphie has

ambition to be a security guard. T, to achieve his purpose, he must lose his

weigth. Raphie asks to Robert McCall to help him to lose his weight. Robert

McCall gives him exercise everyday to get the ideal weight. He teachs the

struggles to get the aim with strong dicipline. Raphie must follow the rules if he

wants past the test to be the security guard. and passes the test.

Robert : To make security guard, you are going to lost weight. Now you
ask me to help you, but you do not apply yourself.
Ralphie : Yeah
Robert : Hey. Progres not perfection.
( Seq. 00:04:42 – 00:04:52 )
Ralphie : I can not.
Robert : You can not ? What if that were me ? You are going to leave me
to die of smoke inhalation ? I am a buck 90. How will you pull
me out of a fire if you can not pull a tire 20 yards ?
Ralphie : I am not strong enough.
Robert : Do not doubt yourself, son. Doubt Kills. Get up. Come on. Get
up. Get up. ( Seq. 13:24 – 13:42 )

As the retired black officer, Robert McCall is very disciplined. He does not

like with someonepeople who doubt theirselfthemselves. He gives spirits and

motivation to Raphie if he could being a security guard.

To show that Robert is a helpful person when he notices Ralphie is not in at

work. He is told that Ralphie quits. Robert McCall visits a restaurant that

Ralphie's mother owns to see his condition. Ralphie is helping her after a fire

broke out, supposedly by accident.

Robert McCall : Ralphie. Heart you quit today. I got worried.

Ralphie : Oh. Uh, my mom had a little accident here last night.
There was a fire.
Robert McCall : I see. So I’m gonna help out around here now.
(Woman and Robert McCall speaking in spanish )
Ralphie’s mother : We have a lot of work to do.
Ralphie : Okay
Robert McCall : Yeah. So... Need some help?
Ralphie : Yeah, if you’re not busy, that’d be awesome.
Robert McCall : Helping you. ( Seq. 00:41:25 – 00:42:09 )

Robert McCall's helpsful to tidy Ralphie's mother restaurant after the little

accident. He is veryreally cares with his friends in the bad situation and he never

hesitates to give them spirit and motivation to achieve a goal.

C. Robert McCall’s Personality after Having Social Interaction with Alina

One day, Robert McCall met Alina, athe young prostitution under Russian

gengster in the coffee shop. The accidental meeting between both of them will has

changed the Robert McCall’s personality and life to the end. Alina is a victim of

human trafficking by a Russian gangster. She is very young when its happensned.

She always thinks if her life can be hers one day. Robert McCall is being the a

good listener for Alina. He always gives her spirit to achieve her aim when she

shares her sorrow and her life. Robert McCall is more open to new friends after he

met Alina.

1. Being More Sociable

Social interaction happens when there are two or more people do the

communication and contact each other. Social interaction is very important to

know each people personin the neighboorhood. This is the proof of situations

when the interactions happen in daily life.

Robert McCall is always sitting alone in the corner of Diner restaurant. He

never does communication with the others visitors u. Until one day he meets

Alina, the young prostitution under a Russian gangster who is sitting in front of

him and asking him about the possiblity of life.

Alina : My real name’s Alina.

Robert McCall : What happened to your face?
Alina : Something stupid. [Alina reaches into her bag and takes
out a CD and gives it to McCall]
Robert McCall : Look, it’s not professional. Just tell me what you think,
okay? [McCall picks up the CD on which Alina’s written
“My Songs. Alina: ‘Teri'” ]
Robert McCall : Oh, wow. Alina the singer.
Alina : You and I know what I really am.
Robert McCall : I think you can be anything you wanna be.
Aline : Maybe in your world, Robert. Doesn’t happen that way
in mine.
Robert McCall : Change your world. ( Seq. 00:16:44 – 00:16:59 )
Alina : I love being up at this hour. You know, everything’s so
dark. It makes everything seem possible again. (Seq.
00:18:59 – 00:19:08 )

From After this interaction Robert McCall and Alina are beingbecome

closefriends. They meet and talk every night at the Diner restaurant. Robert

McCall is beingbecomes more sociable after meetings Alina. He helps her to

believe in herself and her ability. Alina is really an innocent and she is being

abused and misled. She wants to sing, but she is working on the streets. She does

not really believe that she is good enough, but she obviously is,; as someone

mentioned, she touches him and helps him to open up and they are good for each


2. Being More Focus on The Target

After he meets Alina and kills the PushkinPushkin’s man, his obsessive

compulsive disorder becomes more acute than before. He looks anxiousety when

he sits alone, he always thinks a lot in the night and free time. He is more careful

to the new people he meets and he also more focus on the target he wants to kill.

He observes several details of the target and then he signs marks it.

When a robber comes to Home Mart and holds the cashier Jenny at
gunpoint until she hands him the money in the register. The robber also
demands Jenny's ring, which was her mother's. Robert McCall observes
several details of the man, like his tattoos and his cap. Robert McCall
instead follows the man outside and gets a look at the plates on his car.
The cops inform them that this was part of a string of robberies from the
same man. Robert McCall then goes to get a sledgehammer off a rack.
The next day, Jenny finds her ring in the register. Robert McCall then
returns the hammer to the rack after wiping it clean. (Seq. 00:57:15 –

Robert McCall in recognizing his target focusing focuses oin every detail of

the target's body. This matter He does this to find a match between his target in

front of him with the people from the Russian gangster. The details of the target

bring him to find the head of Russian gangster.




A. Intrusive Thought of Robert McCall’s in Doing Revenge.

An intrusive thought is an unwelcominge involuntary thought, image, or

unpleasant idea that may become an obsession. It is , is upsetting or distressing,

and can befeel difficult to manage or eliminate.

1. Being a Murder

Social action refers to any action oriented to influence a person or

influenced by another person. It is not necessary for more than one person to

physically present for action to be regarded as social action. It is concerned with

the interpretive understanding of human social action and the meaning of people

attach to their own actions and behaviour and those of others.

The triggering of social action begins when Robert McCall visits the diner

again in at another night and learns from the manager that Alina is in the ICU

after being beaten badly. Robert McCall visitsed Alina in the hospital. He sees

how thats girl got beaten up pretty bad from then Russian gangster until Alina

loses her uncounsciousness. Her suffering makes Robert McCall think for to

helping to pull her out from the Russian gangster.

Robert McCall : Alina. How’s she doing ?

Mandy : Who are you ?
Robert McCall : Just a friend
Mandy : A guy hit her. And she hit him back. A guy called Slavi.
So Slavi made example of her. They do that. They
burned one girl’s face with battery acid. Keep her
arounds as a reminder for the rest of us. They brought
Teri over very young. I think she got the point where she
thought her life could be hers one day. Slavi reminded
her it never would be. He said he’d cut her throat next
time. He said whore who fucks and can’t talk might be
worth twice as much. ( Seq. 00:22:15 – 00:24:48 )

After being coming back from the hospital, Robert McCall can not forget

the conversation between him and Mandy about Slavi’s action to Aalina, he also

remembers the last conversation with Alinae before she lost conciousness., He

feels anxious the whole night. Alina’s words repeating echo in his mindthought

and it is becomes the triggers of his obsessive compulsive disorder.

He can not idle stand still seeing it. , He tries to negotiate for Alina’s

freedom from the Russian gangster but Tevi refuseses of Robert McCall’s offer

and insults him. Negotiationable between him and Tevi is does not running

smoothly. A, according to Caroline H. Persell that is “PPeople may negotiate the

terms under which they agree to social exchange, social cooperation, or

competition. When the negotiaton break down, conflict or coercion sometimes

occurs”. (1987: 66-68).

Robert McCall looks at the card that Slavi gave him. He goes to an area
above a restaurant where Slavi and his men are meeting. He enters with an
envelope containing $9,800 for Alina's freedom. At first, the goons laugh at
Robert McCall, though Slavi says that the money would be good to keep
Alina for one month. Robert McCall takes the money back and starts to walk
out. He almost leaves but then decides to stay and lock the door. After
carefully observing the men and whatever weapons they may be holding, he
sets the timer on his watch. One of the men aims his gun at Robert McCall,
but he grabs the man's arm and causes him to shoot Slavi in the throat. He
then jabs a shot glass into that man's eye. He stabs the third man, and then
gets a corkscrew and repeatedly stabs Tevi until he sticks it under his chin
and finishes him off. McCall goes to Slavi's side and watches him slowly
die. ( Sseq. 00:28:36 – 00:35:28 )

Violent behavior is strongly influenced by cultural and social norms; so the

effort to prevent violence must consider how social pressures and expectations

influence individual behavior. Interventions that attempt to alter cultural and

social norms to prevent violence are among the most widespread and prominent.

In this movie, the writer find found the brain head of crime and violence is

Vladimir PushkinPushkin. He has many black businesses such as protitution,

money loundry, extortion, and corruption. His businesses get the support from the

police officers.

He hear about Slavi and men were died, PushkinPushkin get angry and
instructed Teddy to find the murder of the man. PushkinPushkin wants
Teddy do the retaliation to the murder. He start the investigation from the
murder scene, he try to find the trace killer. He figured two until three guys
killed them all that quickly. No one saw the murder and none of their
informants heard about this going down. Security system’s drive was taken
so they were blind. ( Seq. 00:37:32 – 00:40:50 )

After Vladimir PushkinPushkin heard Slavi and his man diead, he instructed

Teddy to retaliate to the murder. , Teddy obtains some information about McCall,

but what they can find about him shows a clean record with no trace that he has

any involvement with Slavi's death. He and Frank, along with another villain, wait

outside in a car while another guy enters the diner where McCall is eating. Robert

is never fooled by his enemies. When he is in a restaurant, a man disguised as an

electric company worker sits in another table. McCall quickly calls him out on his

failed disguise.

Robert McCall : Is it just you, or are we waiting for someone else? 

Man : I'm sorry. What? 
Robert McCall : Your hands. If you really worked the power lines your
hands wouldn't look like that. I know we going to be
waiting for somebody else. ( Seq. 01:05:49 – 01:07:10 )

The man pulls out a gun and walks over to him. A truck pulls up in front of

the diner, obscuring Teddy's view from his vehicle. McCall hits the man in the

stomach with his book, and then kills him by slamming his head down on the

table and breaking his neck. He then kills the lights by sticking a knife in an

outlet. He walks out of the diner and snaps photos of Teddy and his men in their


2. Being Utterly Brutal and Violent in a Fight

Robert McCall is an overall polite and extremely helpful guy. This does not

stop him from being utterly brutal and violent in a fight when Nicolai and his men

go to the Home Mart and take Ralphie, Jenny and other Home Mart employees

hostage, with the threat that they will kill them unless Frank meets Teddy. The

villains track his cell phone and await his arrival. When he doesn't show at the

meeting place near the blown up oil terminal, the henchmen in Home Mart

prepare to execute one of McCall's coworkers. Music suddenly begins playing

over the intercom. One of the mobsters takes Ralphie to find the source and is

killed by McCall. The other hostage taker then follows in his footsteps and is also


In this part of scene Robert McCall shows traits of OCD. The most extreme

of this being his self-timed beat-downs of the enemy. He enters the store and

disables most of the lighting, and tells Ralphie to get the hostages’ safety. He then

kills brutally Nicolai's henchmen one by one using booby traps constructed with

items in the store.


Teddy and his other hired hands come to Home Mart. They try to find
McCall and are steadily killed as McCall stealthily moves about the
darkened warehouse. He hangs one with barbed wire and stabs another one
through the neck. He fights the biggest of the bad guys and is wounded until
he finally kills him. Ralphie returns to help McCall and is shot in the leg.
McCall lures one of the remaining bad guys to the break room. Robert
McCall tells Ralphie to turn on the electricity at the breaker box in exactly
40 seconds, giving him his digital watch for precision. Ralphie turns the
electricity back on as instructed, and the break room is destroyed when
propane gas canisters in a microwave explode. Teddy is the last man looking
for McCall when the propane explosion sets off the sprinklers. McCall uses
a stud ramset gun and shoots Teddy with it several times until he walks up to
him and shoots him in the throat, killing him. (Seq. 01:40:42 – 01:59:46).

B. Robert McCall’s Obsession iIn Killing the Leader of Russian Gangster

When conflict and offense occur, the wronged party might choose to seek

revenge against the perpetrator((s)) or to forgive the offense. Revenge is the act of

retaliating against a person or group in response to a perceived wrongdoing not

because human beings are fundamentally evil, but because vengeance is part of

the innate survival mechanics of a complex social species. Revenge not only can

lead to substantial personal loss via subsequent retaliation but also have

detrimental physical and mental health effects.

In this movie, retaliation and vigilante happen when Robert McCall can not

stand idly to see so many uunjustices in front of him. He, as the retired black

officer, feels to be called to help each other. He knows all the problems that occur

rooted in the Russian gangster. The Russian gangster hit Alina until she needs

intensive care in the ICU. Not only it, they also do extortion to the Mexican

restaurant and bribe a policeman to cover their business of money laundering and

counterfeiting. This reason makes Robert McCall haves obsession to find


PushkinPushkin, head of Russian gangster. He has the purpose to kill him and do

the retaliation to PushkinPushkin for all he has donedid.

1. Identifying and Punishing Vladimir PushkinPushkin’s friends.

In doing the retaliation, Robert McCall seeks all data about the leader of

Russian gangster. Robert McCall goes to the home of his friends Brian and Susan

Plummer. He asks Susan for information about Teddy and the people he works

for. He gets the fact that Teddy is Vladimir PushkinPushkin’s man and the

sovereign East Coast hub.

Susan Plummer : You didn’t take out five pimps, Robert. You took out
the East Coast hub of Vladimir PushkinPushkin. [She
hands him a file on PushkinPushkin]
Robert McCall : PushkinPushkin.
Susan Plummer : Mm-hm. He’s similar to the other oligarch’s who
jumped in bed with the Russian mafia, only he funds
everything: gasoline, weapons, girls, you name it. He’s
built an intricate network on both U.S. coasts that are
incredibly well insulated. His money and political ties
make him untouchable. [She gives McCall a photo of
Susan Plummer : Your friend here is who PushkinPushkin sends when
he’s got a problem. Teddy Rensen. Real name, Nicolai
Itchenko. Skill set honed in Spetsnaz. He’s formidable
and smart. Ran a wing of the secret police for years.
Went private when the Union fell. Your friend here is
who PushkinPushkin sends when he’s got a problem.
Teddy Rensen. Real name, Nicolai Itchenko. Skill set
honed in Spetsnaz. He’s formidable and smart. Ran a
wing of the secret police for years. Went private when
the Union fell. Basically, he’s a sociopath with a
business card. You know these two? [Susan shows
McCall photos of Pederson and Remar]
Robert McCall : Uh…Boston P.D. Probably on PushkinPushkin’s
payroll, I assume. 
Susan Plummer : Three years. Detective Remar and Detective Pederson.
Only now they’re dead. They found them yesterday in
the trunk of their car in the precinct parking lot.

[McCall looks at the photos of the dead Remar and

Susan Plummer : Suffocated. Testicles blown off and shoved down their
throats. Classic Russian mob hit. Teddy’s work. Third
one, Detective Masters hasn’t shown up for work in
several days. Robert, I don’t have to tell you what
happens next. He won’t stop until he kills you and
anyone you care about. (seq. 01:17:05 – 01:18:37)

After he gets little bit information about PushkinPushkin and his illegal

business from his friend, he comes to the detective Frank Masters’s house to get

more information about pushkinPushkin. Frank is a corrupt policeman on

PushkinPushkin's payroll, he gets more money from PushkinPushkin to protect his

illegal business, he knows the location of PushkinPushkin’s counterfeit money

factory. With the pressure from Robert McCall, Frank relents and helps him

destroy one of PushkinPushkin's local money laundering operations and calls the

police. Step by step Robert becomes close to the PushkinPushkin.

2. Killing Vladimir PushkinPushkin

Vigilante in the community is caused by dissatifaction of society to the law

so that the community leader are united and act the vigilante to establish new

community. Some vigilante activities are primarily a response to a perceived

failure of the criminal justice system to suitably punish offenders and are therefore

described as a form of popular or informal justice. In other cases vigilantism

involves more public forms of policing activities that are designed to act as a

deterrent or to prevent something happening.


Robert McCall success to do retaliation to the PushkinPushkin’s men, and

then he comes to the PushkinPushkin’s kingdom in the Moscow to achieve his

aim for killing Vladimir PushkinPushkin, the head of Russian gangster.

PushkinPushkin : What do you want ?

Robert : I want the head of the snake
PushkinPushkin : And now you’ve come to kill me.
Robert : Yes
PushkinPushkin : And tell me, what do you gain from my death ?
Robert : Peace
PushkinPushkin : Peace is expensive to buy
Robert : But I can purchase it for you. (Seq. 02:01:00 – 02:02:40)

In the dialog above, he finally kills PushkinPushkin and his men. Robert

Mccall, outsmarts his pursuers and escapes. He tries to eliminate all Vladimir

PushkinPushkin business which deal much with crime and illegal business. He

does it because vigilante justice is being the last choice. Vigilante Justice is

rationalized by the idea that adequate legal mechanisms for criminal punishment

are either nonexistent or insufficient.

3. Being the Equalizer

Robert McCall is inspired to continue using his skills to help people in

need and posts an online ad, identifying himself as "The Equalizer." . The

vigilante in this movie is to create the peace and to build the fairness in the


Susan : Robert, that girl, Alina...

Robert : Why ? I could not tell you why it mattered. What they did to
her, that mattered to me so much. One day somebody does
something unspeakable to someone else to someone you
hardly knew and you do something about it because you can

Susan : Because it’s who you are ? Who you have always been.
(Seq. 01:19:11 – 01:19:53)

In the dialogue above depicts about the how the desire to help somebody

that who needs his help appears in his heart. He knows he has the ability to help

them. Even though, the society will be always judge him as a killer by request but

he could not stand idlydo nothing by – seeing the violence. The last scene

features Robert McCall coming back at the dinner withon his laptop. He receives

a masaage asking for help. He simply replies, “Yes”.




A. Conclusions

After analyzing this movie, it is proven that equality is a right of all human

beings. M, man and woman haves the same rights to freedom and to justice in

society. To get the equality someone can perform acts contrary to applicable the

law. This is the grey situation. In one’s perspective he or she can sees as a good

and a bad result. A good result will be the kindness of human being for defending

the weak. A bad result because killing as an example for people to see in gaining


Many factors impact the decision to seek revenge or to grant forgiveness,

including the cultural background of those involved, the relationship of the

perpetrator and the victim, and their statuses with their society. The decision will

also have far reaching consequences on the individual or group’s mental and

physical health, the relationship under duress, as well as other relationships within

the social group.

The Equalizer in this movie means a counterweight of the justice in society.

The main character as the balancer ready to help the weak people in doing

retaliation, he does not hesitate in doing vigilante to create the peace. The

equalizer appears because dissatisfaction of society to the law.

As the result of the analysis, i, It proves that social interaction has influences

in Robert McCall’s personality. Interaction between him and society changes his

life. He is more sociable and open up., He helps everyone who needs his help. He

really doesn’t care about his life anymore and has obsession to kill the head of the

Russian gangster to Alina's freedom and create a peace in society.

As the findings, the writer finds that an intrusive thought of the sufferer of

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder has bad impact in personality. Robert McCall is

main character in this movie that suffering Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The

influence of his OCD makes him being a murder and being utterly brutal. When

the triggers appear he can not handle and control his mind and behavior.

B. Suggestions

The writer realizes that analyzing the film is not easy because she needs to

watch the film many times to get the massage from this film and to understand the

problem of the film from sociology and psychology point of view. There are many

things people can learn from by watching movie. Watching movie can tell the

viewers about human beings: their nature, environment, and problems. Through

the movie, people have an understanding about theirlives life because movie

describes human beings’ real life. By reading this thesis, people can also

understand that the psychological condition of the characters in the literary work

which can be analyzed using psychological theory. So, it cans clarify the action

and reaction of created characters.

The readers know the nature of people, their way how to solve the problems

and to interact with their community. This thesis can be used as an enjoyable

reading source for those who are interested in the life of adventure and are eager

to know the life of extraordinary person like Robert McCall.


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1. Robert McCall keeps his house tidy and arranges all the thing precision. (Seq.

00:07:15 – 00:007:45)

2. In the social life, people know him as a humble man, he is also respected and

well-like among his co-workers. Seq. 00:09:31 – 00:09:48

3. Alina is young prostitution under Russian gangster, she always gets coersion

from her pimp to serve customer. Seq. 00:12:17 – 00:12:27

4. Robert McCall and Alina are being closefriend. Robert McCall helps her to

believe in herself and her ability and Alina touches him and helps him to open

up and they are good for each other. Seq. 00:18:59 – 00:19:08

5. Alina gets physical treatment from Slavi until makes her loses

uncounsciousness in hospital. Seq. 00:22:15 – 00:24:48


6. Robert McCall goes to an area above a restaurant where Slavi and his men are

meeting. He enters with an envelope containing $9,800 for Alina's freedom.

Slavi says that the money would be good to keep Alina for one month. Robert

McCall takes the money back and starts to walk out. He almost leaves but

then decides to stay and lock the door. One of the men aims his gun at Robert

McCall, but he grabs the man's arm and causes him to shoot Slavi in the

throat. He then jabs a shot glass into that man's eye. He stabs the third man,

and then gets a corkscrew and repeatedly stabs Tevi until he sticks it under

his chin and finishes him off. McCall goes to Slavi's side and watches him

slowly die. ( seq. 00:28:36 – 00:35:28 )

7. Before Robert McCall kills Slavi and man, he checks the door several times

to make sure that no one will break in. Seq. 00:31:11 – 00:31:28

8. Robert McCall is always counting all work in a seconds to complete his

action and get numerical goal. Seq. 00:32:14 – 00:34:40

9. Vladimir PushkinPushkin heard about Slavi and men were died, he get angry

and instructed Teddy to find the murder of the man. He wants Teddy do the

retaliation to the murder. ( Seq. 00:37:32 – 00:40:50 )

10. Detectives Gilly and Harris are corrup’s police officer. They extort and threat

Ralphie’s mother for protection money and claim that there will be another

accident if money is not on time again. Seq. 00:50:31 – 00:50:39

11. Teddy is one of Russian gangster member. He is very cruel and dangerous

man, he kills mandy with wraps his arm around her neck and strangles her.

Seq. 00:54:00 – 00:55:01


12. Robert McCall observes the robbery who comes to homemart and holds

Jenny at gunpoint until she hands him the money in the register amd demands

Jenny’s ring. Seq. 00:57:15 – 00:59:20

13. Teddy send his man to kills Robert McCall at the diner restaurant. Robert

McCall knows a man want to kill him. He hits the man and then kills him by

slamming his head down. He walks out of the diner and snaps photos of

Teddy and his men in their car. Seq. 01:05:49 – 01:07:10

14. Robert goes to the home of his Brian and Susan Plummer to find information

about Teddy and the people he works for. Susan tells Robert McCall that the

man he killed were part of the Russian Gangster led by Vladimir

PushkinPushkin. Teddy is the man PushkinPushkin sends when something

needs to be done. Remar and Pederson were on PushkinPushkin’s payroll.

Susan warns Robert McCall that these men will not stop until he and

everyone he cares about is dead. (seq. 01:17:05 – 01:18:37)

15. Teddy and his other hired hands come to Home Mart, they threaten Ralphie

and friends and try to find McCall. Robert McCall comes to Home Mart to

help his co-worker and kills Teddy and man. Seq. 01:40:42 – 01:59:46

16. Robert asking permission to the Susan for being himself and helps the others.

Seq. 01:19:11 – 01:19:53

17. Robert McCall comes to PushkinPushkin home in Moscow. PushkinPushkin

talks to him for a few minutes and then Robert McCall disappears.

PushkinPushkin is standing in the water when it reaches the wire and he is

electrocuted and killed. Seq. 02:01:00 – 02:02:40




Fuqua was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Carlos and Mary Fuqua. He is

the nephew of record producer and executive Harvey Fuqua of The Moonglows.
After going to school for electrical engineering, with the hope of going on to fly
jets in the military, Fuqua began his career directing music videos for popular
artists like Toni Braxton, Coolio, Stevie Wonder, and Prince. From 1998 onwards,
he began directing feature films, although he has worked on a few music videos
since then.

In 1987, he moved to New York to pursue a career in film, starting out as a

production assistant.
Soon he was working as an associate producer and first assistant director for a
commercial and music video firm. After forming his own production company,
Reel Power, Fuqua directed his first short film entitled Exit.
His film and his first music video were well received and he was soon signed
as a director with Propaganda Films.
Fuqua honed his directing skills directing videos for the music group Arrested
Development, as well as Prince, Zhane, Chanté Moore, Toni Braxton, and Shanice
In 1994 he was nominated for an MTV Video Music Award for Best Rap
In 1996 he won the Best Rap Video Award for his work on Coolio's
"Gangsta's Paradise." Fuqua also won the Sinclair Tennenbaum Olesiuk and
Emanual Award for his direction of the movie trailer for Dangerous Minds.
When he decided to take on directing a feature film, critics doubted his
Fuqua chose to direct the fast-action cop film The Replacement Killers, with
Hong Kong superstar Chow Yun-Fat. Audiences were pleased with the result it
opened at the number two spot at the box office, behind the mega-hit, Titanic.
Fuqua went on to win a Black Reel Award as Best Director for Training
Day (2001), starring Denzel Washington, who won an Oscar for his role. Tears of
the Sun (2003) starred Bruce Willis, but it failed to make much of a splash at the
box office.
Next Fuqua took on the action adventure King Arthur(2004), starring a host
of British stars such as Clive Owens, Keira Knightley and Hugh Dancy.

Personal Life :

Fuqua and his wife, actress Lela Rochon, have three children together.



1. By Any Means Necessary (2009)
2. Under and Alone (2008)
3. Shooter (2007) 
4. The Call (2006)
5. King Arthur (2004)
6. Lightning in a Bottle (2004)
7. Tears of the Sun (2003)
8. Training Day (2001)
9. Bait (2000) 
10. The Replacement Killers (1998) 

1. The Magnificent Seven (2016)
2. Southpaw (2015)
3. The Equalizer (2014)
4. Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
5. Hunter Killer (2012)
6. Brooklyn’s Finest (2010)

7. Shooter (2007)
8. King Arthur (2004)
9. Lightning in a Bottle (2004)
10. Tears of the Sun (2003)
11. Training Day (2001)
12. Bait (2000)

Music Videos :
1. "Love's Taken Over", Chanté Moore (1992)
2. "It's Alright", Chanté Moore (1992)
3. "All I See", Christopher Williams (1992)
4. "Saving Forever for You", Shanice (1993)
5. "The Morning After", Maze featuring Frankie Beverly (1993)
6. "Nobody Does It Betta", Mint Condition (1993)[14]
7. "Ain't Nobody", Jaki Graham (1994)
8. "Somewhere", Shanice (1994)
9. "I'm In The Mood", CeCe Peniston (1994)
10. "Deep Down", Ladae (1994)[15]
11. "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World", Prince (1994)
12. "United Front", Arrested Development (1994)
13. "For Your Love", Stevie Wonder (1995)
14. "Freedom", Various Artists (1995)
15. "Gangsta's Paradise", Coolio (1995)
16. "Bedtime (Version 2)", Usher Raymond (1998)
17. "Blue Angels", Pras (1999)
18. "Citizen Soldier", 3 Doors Down (2007)
19. "Mirror", Lil Wayne (2011)



1. The first met between Alina and Robert McCall in the Diner Restaurant.

2. The trigger of Robert McCall doing retaliate and vigilante to the Russian

Gangster. ( Seq. 22:15 – 22:35 )


3. Counting is One of Robert McCall's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

symptom. He always sets timer when doing anything.


4. Negotiation between Robert McCall and Russian Gangster for Alina’s

freedom, and the triggers of OCD’s Robert McCall more acute. ( Seq. 27:30

- 34:43 )

5. Robert McCall destroyes Vladimir PushkinPushkin smugling business Seq.


6. Slavi comes to the homemart to find Robert McCall and doing retaliation.

Seq. 01:41:42



Place / date of birth : Jakarta, December 9th 1983

Religion : Moslem

Sex : Female

Nationality : Indonesian

Occupation : Employee

Email / phone number : / 081298878817

Education : 2003 – 2004 D1 Akademi Sekretaris Santa Lusia


1999 – 2002 SMAN 53 Jakarta

Hobbies :

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