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Pristine Public School

CHAPTER -5 Graphics and sound in Q-BASIC


A. Tick the correct answer: ( Only answers)

1. Resolution
2. Both a and b
4. Bright White
5. BF

c. Fill in the Blanks: ( Only answers)

1. Text and graphics

2. Pixels

3. (80,25)

4. Text mode.

5. 9

B. Answer the following:

1. What are pixels?

The computer screen is made up of hundreds pf picture elements (very small

dots) called pixels.

2. How does the number of pixels determine the resolution of display?

The number of pixels horizontally and vertically determines the resolution

of monitor.

Higher the resolution, better the quality of the picture display.

3. Differentiate between SREEN 0 mode and SCREEN 2 mode.

The SCREEN 0 command is used to return to the default text mode and has
The SCREEN 2 command is used for high resolution graphic mode.

4. THE COLOR command takes in two numbers. What do the two numbers

The first number in the color command is the code for background color.

And the second number is the code for the foreground color.

6. Write the syntax of the command used to draw a line on screen

Syntax: LINE(X1, Y1) – (X2,Y2).

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