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1. Which basic consumer right was violated in the given case?

In the said instance, the customer’s right to safety is being violated; obviously, the
incident that went viral online after a customer’s fried chicken meal turned out to be a
fried towel instead is an indication of poor sanitation. To meet their pleasure or wants,
every consumer must obtain safe, high-quality products and services; this is the most
powerful weapon to win every consumer’s heart.
2. Do you think the solution provided by the fast-food corporation is enough to address
the problem? Propose better ways of addressing customer concerns in light of the firm’s
business responsibility.
No, the announcement on its Facebook page that the branch will be closed for
three (3) days to thoroughly assess its compliance with procedures is not enough for me
as a customer, because the incident’s cost of damage is so high. They must increase
their involvement in their social responsibility and implement measures to help them
recover from this setback while also helping the community. It’s a brilliant method to win
back some customer’s trust.

3. What could have been done by Jollibee management to avoid the incident?
Jollibee management should involve their employees in the establishing of
ethical standards in order to motivate them to improve the quality of the company’s
ethical standards, which would raise the possibility of employee compliance. They will
learn how to provide proper customer service as a result of this. And developing a
reward system for reward ethical conduct, if individuals know they will be rewarded for
doing a good job at work they will strive for it, and people will be more likely to repeat
the behavior. By doing those Jollibee management can avoid the incident.

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Answer the following:
1. What do you think is the major cause of plastic pollution? Is it the corporations
themselves or the users of their products?
In my opinion the major cause of plastic pollution, is caused by both corporations
and the consumers of their products. Because packaging waste accounted for 46%
percent of the total of 38,580 plastic items gathered from the three (3) firm’s
manufacturing process. And the majority of the plastics collected are non-recyclables,
such as sachets. Users of their products contribute to plastic pollution by purchasing
non-recyclable products such as sachets, which they dispose of in a variety of places,
the most common of which is in the drainage system, but it may also be found in our

2. What do you think are the implications of this issue to other stakeholders of the
corporations? i.e., investors, community, etc.
Stakeholders are individuals or groups who are involved by a company's
operations. Stakeholders' influence can have a significant impact on how a company
operates, as they can have a say in how choices and actions are made. These
stakeholders, I believe, are extremely pertinent to this issue because they are a
member of the corporation that shares a significant quantity of plastic waste. They must
not tolerate the firm's wrongdoings; not only should the corporation be socially
responsible, but so should the stakeholders.

3. How can big corporations such as URC, Nestle, and Colgate-Palmolive contribute to
addressing plastic pollution?
Big corporations can help to mitigate plastic pollution by establishing a program
or a seminar on how to properly dispose of all non-recyclable products, and then
providing a project, such as a trashcan, where people can deposit their plastic waste,
which corporations will collect and dispose it properly. In exchange, they will give each
participant a token of their appreciation. They need to enhance their research and
development department to figure out how to reuse non-recyclable plastic waste,
because I believe that every item of plastic can be recycled just like how the plastic
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chairs were made.
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