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Computer science notes

Chapter –3
More on MS Word 2010 GRADE:7

A. Tick the correct answer(only answers)

1. a. Print
2. c. Area
3. b. filters
4. b. three
5. a. Sorting
6. c. Bar
B. Fill in the blanks(Only answers)
1. Copy to another location.
2. Add level
3. Charts
4. Numbers , letters
5. Automatically
6. Stock
7. Copies
C. Which feature of excel should be used?
1. Charts
2. Charts
3. Conditional formatting
4. Filter
5. Sorting
D. Match the following:
1. Filter a. Arrange(3)
2. Auto filter b. separate(1)
3. Sort c. One criterion(2)
4. Advanced filter d. More criteria(4)
E. What kind of chart types:
1. Line
2. XY/scatter
3. Column
4. Pie
F. Which tab should be clicked:
1. File 6. Home
2. Design
3. Data
4. Insert
5. Data
G. Under which tab are the following options found:
1. Home tab
2. Insert tab
3. Layout
4. Design tab
H. Answer the following:
1. Data can be interpreted well when represented in the form of pictures or drawings
or graphs. These graphs or diagrams are known as charts in Excel.
 Charts make the data easy to understand, attractive and presentable.
 The charts are used to compare and analyze the data values at different
points very easily.
2. Some chart types are
Column , line, pie, Bar, Area, XY/ scatter, Stock, Surface, Doughnut, Bubble,
Bar charts:
Bar charts are used when comparison among individual items is to be shown.
3. Sorting and filtering data:

Sorting changes the order of the entire list. Where as

Filtering shows the related data together in a group.but does not changes the
original order of the list.

4. Steps to show simple filtering data:

 Select the list.
 Click on the data tab.
 Click on filter.
 Click on the filter arrows created in front of the column headings to see
5. Conditional Formatting:
The conditional formatting feature applies formatting to only those cells in
the worksheet which satisfy a particular condition.
The formatting is not applied to the cells which do not satisfy the condition.
6. Steps to print the worksheets:
 Click on the file tab
 Click on print option
 Select the number of copies to be printed.
 Click on print button.

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