Environmental Engineering

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Environmental Engineering Hydrologic Cycle 1.

Precipitation, Evaporation, Evapotranspiration, Condensation, surface runoff, Percolation to the aquifers, Groused water flow 2. Water is in a constant state of motion 3. Water in nature is most pure in its evaporation state. However, during condensation they acquire impurities. Impurities acquired during condensation may be suspended and dissolved solids. 4. Water pollution may be defined as the presence in water of impurities in such quantity and such nature as to impair the use of water for a stated use. Suspended Solids Sources organic or inorganic particles and/or immiscible liquids Inorganic clay, silt, soil Organic plant fibers, biological solids Immiscible liquids oils and greases Impact: unpleasant appearance Objectionable by products Disease causing organisms Measurement Total Solids test All solids in water expressed in mg/L on dryness of solids basis 104C is enough to drive off liquid and water absorbed 180C necessary to evaporate occluded water on the other hand Suspended solids may be removed by suspended solids test (mg/L) dryness per volume Total solids = suspended solids + dissolved solids However should there be colloidal particles certain errors may be introduced in the calculations.

According to EPA Suspended Solids (max) = 30mg/L for treated wastewater is the standard Turbidity measure of the extent to which light either absorbed or scattered by suspended material in water. Turbidity is not a direct measure of suspended solids. Sources Erosion of colloidal materials Impact aesthetically displeasing and/or indication of safety for consumption Measurement Measured photometrically by determining percentage of light of a given intensity that is either absorbed or scattered.

Water Quality Management Water Classification DAO 34 Series 1990 Revised Water Usage and Classification/Water Quality Criteria Amending sections nos. 68 & 69 Chapter 3, 1978 NPCC rules & regulation

Classification Freshwater Class AA Class A Class B Class C Class D Coastal Marine Water SA SB SC SD

Public Water Supply Class 1 (disinfection) sources requiring treatment (coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration) Recreational Water Class (primary contact bathing, swimming tourism) Fishery Waters/Recreational Water Class 2 (body) Industrial Water Supply agricultural, irrigation/Industrial Water Supply 2 (cooling water) (inland water) Tourist Zones/Propagates Shellfish/Coral reefs and reserves Areas for regular falling, direct contact/Fishery with Class 2 floating, marshy/mangroves Industrial water supply (cooling) Marine water

Characterizing Wastewater Physical Characteristics: Color- indication of age of sewage Sewage: Fresh- grayish Septic- black Measure: Visual Comparison Method Nester tube- color comparison tubes containing H2O with colorant ranging from 1 to 70 1 PCU= mg/L Co Photoelectric Methods: Pure Water is colorless Apparent Color: True Color: Suspended Solids Dissolved Solids Possible Sources of Color: Organic Debris- leaves, conifer needles, weeds and hamates. Wood water picks up tannins, Humic acid- yellowish brown hues Iron Oxide- reddish water Manganese Oxide- brown or blackish H2O Impact- not pleasing to the general public. True color is not necessarily unsafe; however, organic compounds causing true color may increase chlorine demand. Phenolic Compounds coming from vegetative products upon decay may impose objectionable color, taste and odor. Some byproducts of chlorine- organic compound interact are suspected to be toxic.

Measurement: Color Comparison Tubes TCU (True Color Units) 1TCU 1mg/L Pt(chorplatinate ions) for industrial effluents Special spectrophotometric techniques are employed Odor - decomposition of organic wastes Amines fishy


Ammonia Diamines Hydrogen sulfide Mercaptans Organic sulfide Skatole

ammoniacal decayed fish rotten eggs slunk rotten cabbage fecal


Sources: Organics ( Metallic salts Measurement Olfactometer Sensory method Humans odor free air sample air (delucted w/ odor free air to give MDTOC) Number of dilutions give TON TON = vol sample air + vol fresh air vol of sample air Quantitative Test Threshold odor number Varying amount of odorous water are poured into containers and diluted with enough odor free distilled H2O to make 200mL mixture. An assembled panel of 5 to 10 noses is used to determine the mixture in w/c the odor is just barely detectable to the sense of smell. A = vol of odorous H2O B = volume of odor free water

EPA maximum TON = 3 is recommended by PHS (guideline) Turbidity suspended matter related to the light scattering ability measure of the extent to w/c light is either absorbed or scattered by suspended materials in H2O. sources: eroded colloidal material (clay, silt, rock fragment, metal oxide) vegetable fibers and microorganism. Clear tube = 25units (turbidity) Muddy H2O = 100units Impact : disinfection of turbid water is difficult because of the absorptive characteristics of certain colloids and certain solids may partially shield organisms from disinfectant. Turbidity imparts brown and other color to water; depending on the light absorbing properties of the solids interfere w/ photosynthetic reactions in stems & leaves. Measurement Jackson Turbidimeter (JTU) 1unit = 1mg/L silica in H2O - Secchi dish depth depth in w/c dish may sliced visible to the naked eye when submerge in H2O. - Photometrically determined % of light of a given intensity is either absorbed or scattered. Jackson Turbidimeter light absorption (long tube and standardized candle) Candle is placed beneath the glass tube that was then housed in a black sheath so that light from the candle could only be seen from the apparatus. The water sample was then poured slowly into the tube

until the lighted candle was no longer visible, the glass tube was calibrated w/ readings for turbidity produced by suspensions of silica oxide, 1JTU = 1 mgSiO2/L of distilled H2O. Developments in turbidity measurement -replaced by turbidity meter in w/c standardized electric built produces a light that is then directed through a small sample vial. Absorption mode photometer measures the light intensity on the side of the vial opposite the light source. Scattering mode photometer measures light intensity at 90 angle from the light source. Scattering principle is used more after, nephelometry turbidity units. Dark substance absorption technique. Formazin turbidity unit (FTU) EPA few FTU to 100 FTU > Natural body of water

Deionized water 0.1FTU

Temperature not a direct indication of the portability for water and quality of waste water Indicator of biological activity/diversity Rates of biochemical processes Solubility of gases Sources: dissipation of waste heat Removal of forest increase stream temp. Cooler waters have wider diversity of biological species. Increase in water temperature by 10c double biological activity if essential natural are present. Solubility of gas decreases at elevated temp. Total Solids Suspended Solids Sources: inorganic/organic/ inorganic particles Organic/inorganic industrial wastewater Impact: objectionable by products, appearance, toxins/hazardous substances Measurement Total solids gravimetric methods - Quantifies all the solids in water, suspended & dissolve organic & inorganic. Total quantity: mg (dry mass of solids) L Drying temperature above boiling (104C) sufficient to drive off absorbed water 180C occluded H2O Suspended Solids test (1041C) after filtration TSS + TDS = TS if colloids are not present in significant amount Chemical Quality Parameter pH = acidity/alkalinity of H2O CO32- , HCO3- , OH- , HSIO3- , H2BO3-, HPO42 I2 PO4- , HS- NH3

Phosphates detergents in waste water Bicarbonates impact alkalinity Water w/ heavy algal growths pH 9 to 10 CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H2CO3 H+ + HCO3HCO3- H+ + CO32CO32- + H2O HCO3- + OHMicrobial decomposition Impact: Bitter taste, fouling of pipes due to precipitation Measurement: Titration / pH meter Hardness: Define as concentration of multivalent metallic cations in solution. Supersaturated conditions, precipitate formation Carbonate hardness (Alkalinity) vs. Non Carbonated Hardness Calcium & Magnesium -scales & deposits on pipes & fittings (NUTRIENTS) Nitrogen & Phosphorus Nutrients for microbial growth Excessive algal bloom eutrophication Carbonated Hardness Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O Mg(HCO3)2 Mg(OH)2 + 2CO2 Sources: Multivalent metallic ions Ca, Mg (Natural H2O) Reduced state Fe2+, Mn2+, Sr2+, Al3+ Impacts soap consumption by hard water 2NaCO2C17H33 + cation 4 cation4 (CO2C17H33)2+2Na+ Boiler Scales Magnesium hardness laxative effect Mg < 50mg/L

Measurement Soft Moderately Hard Very Hard Spectrophotometric techniques/chemical titration Titration w/ EDTA (Eriochrome black, indicator)

< 50 50-150 150-300 > 300

TRACE METALS heavy metals Biomagnification accumulation of trace metals through each species of the food chain Hg methyl Hg (minimata disease-trembling disorder) Cd itai-itai disintegration of bones Ag argyria, blue gray discoloration of skin & mucous membrane Al poison problem in Himalayan Region/Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos Cr neurological disease Pb fetal malformation, reduction of sex drive, metal directly NON TOXIC METALS Na (non toxic) excessive concentration cause bitter taste, Corrosive to metal surfaces (large concentrations) Fe & Mg-results to slime growth Cu and Zn may be toxic Organics Carbohydrate Proteins Fats, Oil & Greases Mg= 0.3 mg/L color problems Fe= 0.05mg/L color problems

Surfactants Phenols

Organics Biodegradable- food of microorganisms NONBIODEGRADABLE Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate (benzene ring) Linear Alkyl Sulfonate Aldrin endrins chlorinated hydrocarbons Dieldrin lindane chlorinated hydrocarbons COD chemical oxygen Demand Measurement of non biodegradable organics Biological water Quality Parameters Pathogens Bacteria bacilli, streptococci, cocci, spirilla Cholera- vomiting, diarrhea Typhoid- Salmonella typhosa, gastrointestinal disorder, high fever, nerve damage

Table 2-7 Common Waterborne Pathogens Organism Disease


Francisella tularensis Leptospirae Salmonella Paratyphi Shigella Enteric cytopathogenic Human orphan Polio myelitis

Tularemia (deer fly fever) Leptospirosis Paratyphoid (enterie fever) Shigellasi (baullery dysentary) Aseptic meningitis, infatile diarrhea infantile paralysis


Protozoa Entamoeba Histolytica Giardia lamblia Helminths Dracunculus Medinessis Schistosoma Use of MPN to identify the condition of sanitation of water Sample: Determine the most probable number of coliforms a std MTF test is run a space of water from surface steam. The results of analysis for the conferment lost are shown Draconteasis guinea worm disease Schistosomiasis (blood fluke) Amoebeasis Giardiasis (backpackers disease)

Size 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

#Positive 4 2 1 1 0

#Negative 1 3 4 4 5

Solution Select (+)

5 5 5 5 5

No. of positive 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001

No. of Negative 4 2 1 0 0

(4, 2, 1) no. of pile table out of 5 MPN 26 9-78 org/100ml 952 cl Measure of Organic Content Dissolve Oxygen actual quantity of free O2 dissolve in water

Theoretical Oxygen Demand amount of O2 needed to oxidize organics whose composition/structure/nature is known. BOD amount of O2 needed by organisms needed decomposition organisms by a certain no. of day, at given temperature and pH condition L = at anytime t L = initial BODt = at anytime K = constant K20C = 0.10 /day (water and wastewater) K20C = 0.23 /day (damage) Yu = ultimate BOD approaches the (Lo) initial Typical values of k & Yu K, d-1 TapH2O < 0.1 Surface 01-0.23 Weak Municipal WW 0.35 Strong Municipal WW 0.40 Treated effect 0.12-0.23 BOD5 = 150mg/L at 20C K = 0.23/day BOD8 if + = 15C Solution BODu = BOD5 /1-e-k+ = 220mg/L K15 = k20 (1.135) K15 = 0.12210924 BOD8 = BODu (1-e-k+) = 220(1-e-0.122x8) = 137mg BOD = DOT - DOF / P =1/300 P = decimal fraction of the sample in 300ml bottle DOF 2 to 7 ppm Problem An analysis for BOD5 is to be run on a sample of wastewater. The BOD is expected to range from 50 to 350. In each case a standard 300ml BOD settle is used DO1 8.9 9.1 9.2 9.2 DO5 1.5 discard 2.5 5.8 7.5 discard

Yu mg/L 0-1 1-30 150 250 10-30

1 2 3 4

20 10 5 2

Chemical Oxygen demand O2 needed by organics for oxidation Total Oxygen demand organics are converted into stable end products in a Pt-Catalyzed combustion chamber and is determined by monitoring the Oxygen gas content in the products. Total Organize Carbon organize matter oxidize in a high temperature chamber to completely convert all C to carbon dioxide.

Wastewater treatment Methods Comminuting comminutor (shredding device) -screen and cutting teeth -size reduction Grit Removal Chamber- enlarged channel value the velocity of the wastewater flow is controlled to allow only heavy solids to settle out. Grit abrasive in nature-->-accelerating wear on pumps Pebble, sand, silt, egg shell, glass, metal, fragments, bone chips, seeds, coffee & tea ground (heavier organisms) -use of mechanical scrapers to remove grit. (Type 1- settling discrete particles are removed) Screening Use of racks or coarse screens First equipment type of Screens a. Racks or bar screens removal of parallel bars or rods that may be manually cleaned. Skimming method of removing impurities floating on the surface of wastewater Pre aeration introduction of air to remove grease, increase DO, increase BOD removals - Make treatment uniform Physical flocculation aggregator of finely divided solids to a large size to be able to settle Equalization Basis flow rate calculation conditioning of wastewater

Sedimentation Type 1 settling sludge -discrete particles Size, shapes and specifies g do not change w/ frame flocculating particles aggregate/coalesce

Flotation removal of fine solids and grease by floating on the surface. Flotation: 1. Conditioners promoters & activators -filtration froths-s stabilize air bubbles

Chemical Treatment Methods Neutralization acids/bases pH control Chemical preparation Lime Ca(OH)2 Soda ash Na2CO3 Alum Al2(SO4)3 14H2O Lime soda ash Carbonate Ca2+, Mg2+

FeCl3 H2SO6 & SO2 Fe2(SO)4

Coagulation -electrochemical process used to removed colloidal + coagulants Alum Al2 (SO4)3 14H2O Copper FeSO4 7H2O Stability van der waals forces versus zeta potential Van de waals zeta potential prevents coagulation/aggregation of particles Chemical flocculation bridges inter particle bridge using polymers/polyelectrolyte polyethylene glycol or functionalized polymer Disinfection - destruction of pathogens for sole purpose of preventing transmission of disease Chlorination gaseous form (Cl2) or as ionized prod sol [Ca(Cl)2, NaOCl] Cl2 + H20 H+ HOCl Ca (OCl)2 Ca2+ + 2OClNaOCl Na+ + OClHOCl H+ + OClHOCl & OCl- are free chlorine residual and the primary disinfectant HOCl is more effective {what you add to water} 100mg/L Ozone- powerful oxidant more environmentally friendly Ozonation is two to three times more expensive than chlorination Other disinfectant ClO2 phenolic compounds possible reduction to chlorate - toxic to humans Irradiation w/ UV Halogens, KMnO4, sonicate Biological Treatment Methods use of microorganisms that organic compound General Biochemical Reactor Organic Matter + Cells + O2 simple compo + cells Activated Sludge Process - a continuous re-circulating aerobic biochemical process -> cells in suspended growth - suspended sludge culture system - contains active microorganisms organism are returned to reactor to increase biomass Summary for Wastewater Treatment Methods Pre treatment Influent Wastewater


Comminutors/Grinders Skimming Racks or Coarse Screens Grit Chamber Physical flocculation Preaeration Skimming

Secondary Treatment

Fine Screens Plain/Primary Sedimentation Flotation Granular Bed Filtration

Tertiary Treatment

Neutralization Redox ppt Coagulation Chemical Flocculation

Secondary Sedimentation

Activates Sludge Trickling Bed Stabilization Bed Aerated Lagoon


And Speed Up Reaction

2. Trickling Filters - wastewater in intermits discharge and contacted co-biological slimes. - reactor w/ randomly packed solids providing surface area for biological growth - sorption & bio oxidation specific surface are + porosity -crushed stone as slag 50 to 100mm (2 to 4inches) = 50 to 65 m2/m3 40-50% porosity -small communities w/ low requirement for treatment 3. Aerated Lagoons/Ponds/Stabilization Ponds Oxidation Pond/Sewage Lagoons. - large shallow earthen basin in which WW is retained long enough for nature purification - aerobic surface anaerobic bottom -thermal stratification Generalized Diagram Anaerobic Digestion - concentrated sludge - common process large amounts of available organics - less biomass than aerobic process organism Acid formers Methane former Complex Waste Air Pollution Classification Primary / Secondary Known source unknown/ unidentified

Criteria / Non Criteria urban are industry specific

presence is the outdoor atmosphere of one/more air contaminant (dust, fumes, gas, mist, odor, smoke & vapor) is sufficient quantities, of such characteristics and of such duration or to be or to threaten to be injurious to humans, plants or animal life to property or which influence level of comfort of life.

Acid rain / Acid deposition SOx & NOx Origin Primary Pollutants SOx, NOx, HCs CO2 - fossil fuel combustion CO incomplete combustion - carboxy hemoglobin NOx contributor to formation of ground level bad zone CFCs

Participate (Mode of formation) Dust Particle Macrometers (m) x> 50m (naked eye) x< 0.005m (electron microscope) Human hair 5 to 600m Air pollutant (0.01 to 100m) Particle size < 1m do not settle out rapidly Metallurgical fames, cement dust, fly ash, carbon black, sulfuric acid mist (0.01-100m)

Formation Dust small solid particles created by break up of larger masses through process such as grinding, crushing or blasting (coal, cement or grains) (1.0 to 10, 000m) Smoke fine solid particles resulting from incomplete combustion of organic particles such as coal, wood or tobacco, carbon and other combustible materials (0.5 to 1m) Fumes fine solid particles (Zn oxide Pb oxides) formed by condensation of vapors of solid materials (sublimation, distill, calcination, matter metal processes) flocculate and coalesce (0.03 to 0.3m) Fly Ash finely divided noncombustible particles contained in place gases (coal) (1.0 to 1000m) Mist liquid droplets condensation of vapor/dispersion of liquid Mists < 10m diameter high mist concentration fog Spray liquid particles atomization of parent liquids (10 to 1000m) herbicide to pesticides Settling Properties Suspended x< 1m 20m Settle able dust fall x>10m Gaseous Pollutants -irritant to mucous membrane or respiratory tract bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema NOx (NO, NO2, N2O, N2O3, N2O4, N2O5) NO2 irritant for alveoli of the lungs Photochemical Oxidants Nascent O excited molecule O2, PAN (polyacrylonitrile) peroxy propinol nitrate (PPN) peroxy butyl nitrate (PBN) nitrogen dioxide H2O2, alkyl nitrates Effects coughing, shortness of breath, airway construction headaches, altered red blood cells (0.37PPM) Lapse Rates Troposphere Ambient decreases w/increase in altitude temperature change is the lapse rate Calculation adiabatic lapse rate no heat transfer <rising parcel of air & atmosphere> adiabatic cooling

Dry air expanding adiabatically cools at 9.8C/km Wet adiabatic lapse rate (6C/km) Latent heat is released/condensation (Latent heat is released) Subadiabatic ambient < dry air ambient > dry air Air pollution control Particulate contaminants Gravitational settler Centrifugal collection Adv: low pressure leas dry continuous disposal little floor space required low to moderate pressure handles large particles high dust loading temp independent Wet collector Spray tower Cyclonic Impingement Venture

>50m 5-25m

efficiency <50 50-90 disadv: low collection efficiency head room required

>10 >25 >2.5 >0.5

<80 <80 <80 <99


Adv: Gas absorption + partied removal Coal & clean high T Corrosive gases & mist can be removed Reduce dust explosion Esp >1 1. 2. 3. 4. 95-99 dry/wet particle smaller power & P few moving parts high temp condition

disadv: corrosion, erosion low efficiency submicron particles

disadv: 1. High I cost 2. Sensitive to verify dust 3. Collection efficiency may deteriorate

fabric filtration <1 >99 dry collection possible decrease of performance high efficiency directly air (-)(+)clean air devices for gaseous contaminants

disadv: sensitive to filtegulatory high temp gases must be cooled affect by relative humidly susceptible to chemical affect

adsorption (adsorbent) (adsorbate) Act. Carbon Alumina Bauxite Bone char Decolorizing carbons Fullers earth Magnesia Mole sieve Silica gel Strontium sulfate Absorption Mass transfer operation Solubility of a gas Spray towers/plate or tray towers/packet tower Condensation Surface condense (cooling media air/water) Condensed film Contact condenser vapor & cooling medium are brays in direct contact Combustion O2, Temp, Turbulence Direct flame combustion Burned directly w/ w/out supp food Flares petrochemical plants & refineries Not efficient since NOx may form Thermal combustion Low conc after burner Waste gas preheated combusted 1093C/538-927C Catalyze combustion Too low to combust (20 to 50 times than catalyze incum ) Preheating catalytic odor, gas peers, solvent rec. air drying gas & liquid petroleum fractal sugar solution (decolor) decolor fats, oils, waxes, domerts H2O refine animal oils, lube oils, vegetables gasoline/solvent, impurities from caution solution Hg, SO2 & NOx pouring gases iron removal from solution

Solid waste management municipal industrial hazardous Municipal solid wastes Food waste putrescible Rubbish comb paper, plastics, textile rubber, leather, wood, furniture

asks & residues demolitions & concrete wastes Special treatment Plant waste

non-comb glass, tin cans, Al cass, Fe & non fu metal, dirt burning of wood, coal, coke, cinder, clinkers

dirt, stones, concrete, plate, lumber

roadside letter, dead animals, abandoned vehicles } water, waste seaside

Industrial waste -Hazardous effluents Hazardous dangerous 1. ratio active substance 2. chemicals 3. biological waste 4. flammable 5. explosives

Solid waste management 1. material flow in society 2. reduction in raw materials usage 3. reduction in solid waste quintiles 4. muce 5. materials recovery 6. energy recovery 7. solid waste management ISWM Frequency of collective, wastes collected, locations of disposal site lave acceptability of deigns system level of customs satisfaction. Solid WMT Route balancing opt # equal loads for collection Heurists routy path dtm or route for collective vehicle Land filling w/ solid wastes factors 1. site selection 2. land filling method 3. occurring of gases & leachate 4. movement & control of landfill gave & leachate Site selection Available land area life > 1yr Haul distance Soil condition & topography (cover materials) Surface water hydrology (drainage)

Geo + hydro geo (site preparation) Climates (wet weather conditions) Local environment condition (noise, odor, dust) Ultimate condition (long term management) Landfill methods & operations Area materials terrains is unsuitable for excavation of trenches in which to place SW Trench adequate depth of cover (one layer) Gases & leachate Air CO2, H2, CH4, O2 NH3 CO H2S N2 Liquid seepage of water natl liquid formation

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