Word Grid

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All these answers are four-letter English words.

Some of them read clockwise and some read counter

clockwise. Number 8 and number 20 have been done
to help you get started.
1. Tall plant, pohon
2. Observe writing, baca
3. Not light, gelap
4. Require, want, perlu
5. Darling, sayang
6. Unusual, luar biasa
7. Finger holder, tangan
8. Rigid, keras
9. Protect, jaga, peduli
10. Dislike, benci
11. Posses, own, punya
12. Hill hole, gua
13. Story, cerita
14. Not dead, hidup
15. After four, lima
16. Not female, lelaki
17. Stripe, garis
18. Locate, menemukan
19. My thing, punyaku
20. After eight, sembilan
21. Brain, otak
22. OK, good, ya
23. Good, bagus
24. Rats , tikus-tikus
25. Flames, api
26. Grain, nasi
27. Game , cube, dadu
28. Use to move, naik
29. Wheel, roda, ban
30. Rising sea, air pasang
31. Built, sudah dibangun/dibuat
32. Not wild, jinak
33. Glued band, isolasi
34. Alike, sama
35. Arrived, sudah datang
36. Bag, tas, bungkus
37. An amount, beberapa
38. To here, datang
39. Stocking, kaos kaki
40. Italian city, roma
41. House, rumah
42. Party maker, tuan rumah
43. Lease, sewa
44. What time, bilamana
45. Together, dengan

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