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1 Define Addressing modes?

2 What is Computer Instruction?

Differentiate Throughput and Response Time.
4 List out the methods used to improve System Performance
5 Compare DRAM and SRAM
6 What is the use of PC Register?
7 Define data path.
8 What is Pipeline Stall?
9 Name the control signals required to perform arithmetic operation

10 What are the advantages of Dynamic Scheduling?

Part – B (5*13=65)

11.a What is an addressing modes? Explain various addressing modes with Example.
Explain Von Neumann Architecture with a neat diagram

12.a Discuss Instruction and Instruction sequencing

12.b Explain about operations and operands of computer Hardware Instruction.

13.a Discuss in detail about interaction between Assembly Language and High level
13.b What is pipelining? Discuss about pipelined data path and control,

14.a Explain in detail about operation of data path

14.b Briefly explain about various categories of hazard with examples

Discuss in detail about Control Hazard.


15.b Explain micro programmed control unit.

Part C (1*15=15)

16a.Explain with neat sketch the Memory operation

16b.Explain in detail about Instruction Queue and prefetching
1 Define Computer Organization
2 What is ISA?
Differentiate Throughput and Response Time.
4 What is Program Counter and write two basic memory operations
5 What is meant by Big-Endian and Little Endian
6 What are R-Type instructions?
7 Define data path.
8 List the four stages in the instruction pipelining.
9 Name the control signals required to perform arithmetic operation

10 What is data hazard in pipelining? What are the solutions?

Part – B (5*13=65)

11.a Explain in detail various components of a computer system with neat diagram.
Explain Von Neumann Architecture with a neat diagram

12.a Explain the Instruction set of MIPS ISA

12.b Explain about operations and operands of computer Hardware Instruction.

13.a Discuss in detail about interaction between Assembly Language and High level
Language. Or
13.b Explain the basic MIPS implementation with necessary multiplexers and control
14.a Explain in detail about operation of data path
14.b Briefly explain about various categories of hazard with examples

With neat sketch explain the hardwired control unit


15.b Explain micro programmed control un it.

Part C (1*15=15)

16a. What is an addressing mode in a computer? Classify MIPS addressing mode and give
one example instruction to each category.
16b.Explain the how the instruction pipeline works? What are the various situations where
an instruction pipeline can stall? Illustrate with an example.

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