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| oumgte i P0.20 190 February 16,2021, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Ar Program ‘tention: Operation Permits PO Box 7921 Madison, WH 53707-7921 ‘Subject Tile V Renewal Application Louisiona Pacific Corporation “Tomahawk. Wisconsin FIO No, 725067950 Doar Si of Madam: Louisiana-Pacie Corporation located in Tomahawk, Wasconsn, is submiting the atached application for renewal os Tle V operation pert. The curant Tie V permit number 7360870S0-P20 was issued by the |Wasconsin Department of Natural Resources (WONR) on August 31,2016 and is scheduled to expire on ‘August 3, 2021. The appropricte application forms ae included as Altachment A. Te forms include an Updated facly plot plan per WONR instructions for Tele V enwal applizations. ‘There have been tree appistions submited to WONRR fo projects planned or completed atthe faci that required madieation ofthe e's Tite V permit '+ Replacement of the orignal yer drums on POT and P02 (736057950-P21), + Upgrading lp line equipment on P10 (795087880-22), ‘+ Insaiation of @ new backup dese! generator forthe new cryer drums (P52) (7360570S0-P23). LP submited suggested permit language with the ital application forthe gonerato. |S appropriate pemit application fos were submited fr the projects sted above, no forms are included with this application. The reine version of permit number 735057850-P20 ircluded in Attachment C has baen Updated to reflect hese changes, except forthe addon of P52, the new backup generator. LP identified no changes tothe fal that were deterined tobe exempt fom permiting and that cccurad since the last permit Updated calulations for maximum theoretel emissions (MTE) and potential to emit (PTE) are includ in ‘Attachment. These calculations show the hou (lhe) and annual (ty) emissions fr each source and for the entire faci \wsconsin Department of Natural Resourcas ‘Ar Program ‘Atenton. Operation Permits February 18,2021 Page 2 Finally while there are no new applicable requirements to be added tothe operation perm, LP's requesting that one change be made tothe existing permit + PO18 PO2 Dryer System, Pat {A}, A(b}(@)(0): The curant permitted spark rate range for he wet Clecrostatc preciptator(WESP) is 20 60 sparks per minute (sp). This range was recommended bythe ‘manufacturer when the upgraded WESP tranetormor system was insalled in 2014, LP Tomahawk is proposing to modify this range to 10 45 spm. Recent cscussions wih the manufacturer and other Indesty experts have indicated hat WESP partcuate removal effcency may be optimized at lower spark rates, LP Tomahawk wus ik the opportuty to optimize the operation ofthe WESP system without he sk of cpping below the current 20 som low range. Emission testing for particulate mater on the dryer system over the past 5 years has yielded test results lees than 10% cf the permitted emission limit of $63 hour. The spark rates dung these testing events generally ranged from 25 ~ 40 sm, “The requested change fs marked in the redneltixeout version ofthe permit included in Attachment C. ‘tachment D contains f-permt plans as requested by WDNR's revised renewal application checkst, These plans include: + Compliance Assurance Monitoring Plan; + Matuncton Prevenion and Abatement Pia; + Fugtive Dust Control Pian; and + Qualty Control and Qually Assurance (QAIGC) Plan for the Continuous Opacty Monitoring System (COMS) on the GEKA thermal ol boll (805). ‘Should you have any questions or need additonal information please contact me at (716) 224-2728 or by emall at sir com, Sincere, \euisana oct Coperion, i Sart Sa Brel Beourior Environmental Manager ‘tachment A: WDNR Application Forms ‘AtachmentB: Emission Cakeulatons ‘tachment: Redine of Te V Permit 736087950-P20 ‘Atizchment Off Permit Plans: Corlance Aesurance Montoring Pan, Matuncion Prevention and ‘Anatement Plan, Fugitve Dust Contre! Plan, Quality Corr and Quality Assurance Pian or coms 2: Allan Hambley, LP Karin Groenacre, TRC Attachment A - WDNR Appl RENEWAL APPLICATION CHECKLIST AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OPERATION PERMIT APPLICATION “AMES August 2020 {Allair pollution contol operation permit enewal applications must include all tems sted below. Include ‘ational information as necessary. Complete this checklist and submit it with the renewal application, ‘The department may request additional information as needed to proces the application. 1. Complete and include the following Fo [Form 4550-10007 (eZ) Foum4s30-102se0" (ey Hon 530-1024 ror TZ Horm 5301028 (Se fdelcan Emisions Units uidene) (Z) Houm-4530-101 gon. Include a plot plan. C1 Applicable Forms 4530-103 through 4530-125 for changes identified on Form 4530-102. Forms 4530-118 hugh 4830-125 are required for Part 7 sources ey -oR- [Z] Contin at required forms have already been submited othe department with a previous construction ‘permit, constrution permit revision andce operation permit revision application forthe change. 2. Provide emission calculations. [Z| Include Maximum Theoretical Emissions (NTE) and Potential to Em (PTE) calevlations in pounds per hour (tar) an tons per year (tp) for ‘+ Bach emissions unit + Tho ficlty asa whole Provide the required emission information ether by completing Forms 4530-126 through 4530-129, OR by ‘providing the information in abe or other forma. Provide sample calculations emission factor references and ‘ther information rliod onto calculate emissions *taseution Booklet (AM-300) 208 has examples of MTE and PTE calewlatons. [Z] Complete an tach the sian Summary Farm Laden (AM-$85) 201110 indicate how al required emission information is included in the applicatin. [Page 13. Identify Applicable Requirements. [Z| Hentfyadtional, new andor updated applicable requirements no included in current permits by cither completing Form 4530-130 yy foreach emissions unit and osm 4530-32 ifr the facility OR ‘providing supplemental information such as redne!strike out version ofa current permit ora highlighted version bf federal standard showing which portions ofthe standard apply to the facility Some applicable requirements (seh as National Emission Standards jor Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and [New Souee Performance Siandards (NSPS) may have been updated since the fcty's current permit was issued “enify the updated applicable requirements as they apply tothe facili. Refer tothe federal standard Part 70 sources using adi-on contro devices to comply with an emission limitation or standard may have Compliance Asswwance Monitoring (CAM) requirements under 40 CFR Part 64. These sources must submit a CAM plan withthe Title V renewal application. Refer tothe CAM Technical Guidance for information onthe rale ‘and how to prepare a CAM plan for submial wth the Tile Vrenewas application. [Z] Complete and attach the Anplicable Requirements Form Indes (AM.SR6) ret indicate how all require information i included in the application. 4. Include a Compliance Plan and Sehedule. [Z1 Complete and attach the Compliance Plan and Schedule Form Index (AM-S87) rot, supplemented with Form 45302131 yun foreach emissions unit andlor Form 4530-133 wa forthe fil ‘5, Inclade copies of of: permit documents. ‘fay ofthe compliance demonstration methods inthe facility's current permit(s) reference off-permit documents (eg, Malfunction Prevention and Abatement Plans (MPAPs), manufscurer recommendations, fugitive dust contol plana, inclde a copy ofthe eurrent version ofeach document. List attached documents her: basco Pers re en Par sy pve Pe? Oly Cn Ooty an Pao COS irr Firs ereqibver Foret Fin -OR- 1 contem tne fcitty's current ar pollution control permits) do not reference off-permit documents. _| 6, OPTIONAL: Identify requested permit language changes. [7] Attach version ofthe pemit using redine/rikcout to indicate requested language changes. Refer othe guidance 2Page ate econ Facility Details and Permit Actions Ripetner ines esac ‘AirPolltion Control Permit Application risa Fane asnoc00” (Roa) Pape tote Nese: Cones tis forn rate ye department anya elon cartel pa apcalan ed wut os, 28501, 28562 6 SSS RT ene et nr eo spn my ction cea om ance soln, Ay Pra Fee sig etn agate pat ony aod maybe poses regent to sib uted Oy cons Pe Recast 103-038 Se) Tey Name Js: Facey 0 Number (FD) Louisiana-Pacife Corporation 24093, | 733057950 “Wet Adres (vor pluton satan OT DeToIe [5° cy _C Town ©) Vilage [FCovniy 9300 County Highway lot Tomahawk Lincoln 7 Primny Opera Rey 9 ea ary anda as pape ral) Fingingeed Wood Siding Manufacturing eth ay clad a aon desipstd a onainninan? [6 yes, nai th paar) for a nonaanen SeaRaTIN (ceeriinsnation) O Yes @ No BE ae Ona Nerve ren eay epost bt cpa he permed a pan soca 420.280, A Coe Brett Wienen Parag BetWinnapeapem | atgantars $500 Cony hy romah aes aaah dea Tanne cs Coen - To Un Sue 200 [rode msm | Fr mara cE TT Ea vonnen Mange nig 234278 a Coane VC ner et ct eg etn mec te rr nn Hea Wate pea a ee eaten en eae mem Eater eel pot cncas ate Sau ch M410 forcuret we ours ae anal evow fas ‘O New Construconnodieston ($700) ~ Anlpted star dates: _ aaion ‘Opsalon [D Requesting Expedited Review - expedies eve of contacion pert is equeted and full win expected timo I he arucon par ravi fo, vices wih he al peril il clas an adnonl charge rom 40000 200 ponding on te prt ype an teretare vr whch ula. See ch NF 410 for fe deal Requesting Waiver to Commmetee Construction under s, NR 48.032), is. Adm. Code (nce > SSBEEn te Sonciueéon por nal epson fo of $7550), (© ccontrcon Pet Rein ($1,500 fe) ~ List Perms to be ois [Ty Project involves construction on over 10,000 square ee of undistrbed gr, ee of $3008 {3 Gonsiucion Pert ExemplonsGndate one} ypu ae equesing a rviw ad espanes oan exempion check must bo ‘Redo te apropnat eerpon feted balow npantbese. (Q Actual Emissions Gated Exempton (ar conection projec ony (1.250 © esesen& Tesang (6.250) {© Mosteaten for source wen Plante Appa Lin ($6007 $240 wh modsna) © Sica Net Emicson croae (85,500 $6 00 wah modeling) © Genera exemption ($00- NR 406082) © Specic exemstens ($00) Selact approprata code ctation() from ist: O otter: For more information on exemption elations: iins//éocs eas wkconsin doco omin_nde4i0/408.ndt Facility Details and Permit Actions Air Pollution Control Permit Application “Bi Operation Permit tions ‘A. Operation Permit Actions (Fapring fan operon permit elect he ype you se requoding, Fo Opwraion pari xerions ste secon 21.0): Q ail Operation Pert 9) Renewal NOTE: For more lfrmaton: ipsa goufesclakPemitRere hin (© Revisen (Hort Type Note st Permit) o be renewSi a evel 735057950-P12 1B. Type Operation Pent Rogvestod (let ne) @ Pan 70 sous Syntt nr, Non - Part 70 Sou NOTE: Fealties hat do nt have a facy-wide operation pam sued reas et Men Pat eae [MUST elects appropiate option. eter rues shoud Q Non- Pat 70 Source Utes fe ofper fo reieetconinsc or chaning sau ‘Operation Peet Exemption Opa ( apng fre epern peor exer, elect the ype of xempton You ae reqs (© cual Emisons sed Exemgton (NR 407 031ni) Noe: Actual Emissons Saved nd Natal Minor Source Sinaia Saree carte ee xempbone requfed revocation af exstng oparaon pes © General Ctagoy of Exergtions (NR 407.032) A © SpecticCstegnes of Exemptions (NR 47.051) Select appropriate code cation(s) fom Hist 2. For Al Pernt Aotions Ts eddonal formation attaches?” @ Yeo © No ‘Submit vo paper cplsof comple fos) with ek sinatra thi form, an adona infomation ‘WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES UREAU OF AR MANAGEMENT P10, BOX 7921 MADISON, YH 83707-7821 (OR Ema an slctonic copy to DNAMIAKPemt@alsconsn. gov are mal one complete paper copy wt Ik sgnatreohe fstrese baw ‘A. Stone of Coneleets: Fhararevened fs opteaon fe nll ard, bsad on tarmaon an bell fra ate eases nguly | Cty at ne stnrersan usar caries ppsion ar tue sexu corte 8. onan tasty Congence Sts cel ore boxe) Tis aware fe isl neat 7 suo fn Comet ® » ‘operation permit epplications and initial applications for new or ‘fadued sours wc no cantacion pom routes. taseris@ (© cet nat ne ety doserbed nti i palaion pei appeal fly compliance wil applicable renuiemens (O leet natn acltycesoroes nis a pollution pert pefeston le aly n compliance wth ail applicable ecient ‘ice gre folowing emesene unite) (a 3 Nomcarajg ints Pak Wrrmr~ UA ‘Share of Reeponeie ORT se Sore FACILITY PLOT PLAN ‘etermert shal Resouces Air Pollution Control Permit Application ion coe! pa aplcaton Fle cart ao 2856, 28 2 oF 24506, We. Sts {Son aries hs orn Conga and canes fe fey prt orn coda Faerie ros ca ono ox posts eqns he exon edby Waconara Pte Reco aw ‘el Satire Se Sera scommhenv ni say ara tobe sczonpi, cyl nan mustered wih he pet appicaton The et 1. Algal pen lan view, anced srl photograph cr rahi subd fold te zoning approval) nud at Gh * Simactadby octagon heat tbe tesaye * ‘ Bz 2 Memaximum eight and nave hight ofeach bung aso structure excadng sack high {8-Te cation snd nanerical deslnaten ofeach stack. The sack desigstns mus carespend ote appropri tack ‘Sesgratens std on he che ar fos nis apation andr destton Cure pers ssa he fay. [4 Thotocaton of fncos propery ines (any) 5 ereyarecton ‘Nort on al submit {6.Al dawings shall boo sale ad shal have te scale rapicaly doped. [ 7-An dations raion mp dicing the fact location in elaon othe sounding vit rs rae eae hal bined ‘Are tre any tor storage peso efit se? Yor Ono 1 0, what materia) oss te pl) consist oP Roni wood logs up to 10% soft woods ‘re there any at roe or unpaved parking nts onthefaciy ste? @) Yes CQ) No so, descrbe: Some ste rads facilitating material wansport around the facility ae unpaved j _ Sirgen om = TSUISTENA PREIS HAWK MILL ‘927 SOUTHGATE DRIVE TOMAHAWK. WISCONSIN 54487 SITE LOCATION MAP He sere 7 ak \ | : E yo fy iF a le} i y i LJ i r : i E | \ \ 4 te =a "SOURCE INDEX . P 5 re HE 5 a Tae 1 =e i r| 2 \ L \ 1 To —_ a a od Louisiano—Pocific Corporation , —weeel 14 oe fae Pre] oo 1 «| - Fi q fee dot bo yok. R i H Hy were Tan, TCR | sat lee ele fet ‘Source And Site Descriptions Air Pollution Control Permit Application Foms90102 (0820) Inomaion anacnea? Q'y ON Notice: Canlaon hi rm rege aya oon cote per morn as, 2088, 28582428508 ie Sigs pe deprmar wrt conaar oc upon cae soe ae core Am rena rn ees ael acess Peet oe eae toby ol 1. ety desert tho propsed prooct or existing Unit(s fo be pete. Atached supplemental forms as needed. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LP) currently operating under Permit No. 7350579S0-P20 which was issued bythe [DNR on 31 August 2016. LP is submitting this permit renewal aplication seking changes related to three submited ‘emit application forthe dryer dra replacement (P01, PO2), lap ine upgrades (P10), and te installation of anew ‘yer drum emergency generator (P52). Further, LP is requesting changs othe spark rate specified forthe wet ectrostatcprcipitaorscontolling the wafer dryer system inthe eurent Tite V permit. Additional information on ‘these changes is included in theatachments to this application Seater reso Sa For OP Renewal Applications: 2. Were sn emisiona uns prmanerty ered fram operon sine the at operon petssuance date? Ono. OYer. stn emisine unde andthe dats thoy were removed Process, Stack Process Dossrpton 8. Were any new r mdi emissions unis instance athe acy since telat operation pent isuarce dat? ‘Qa, Procsd to form 4890-1028, © Yes. Complete the folowing table: 4. Uc th fon abe obey descibe ay newinedtd emisions uninstall lhe facty since the lst operation pet Issuance de at ny department eave consvctin pr, conerucion permit sxcrpion ani speaton part nabs) fr ‘ach newiadifod ant operon pert sppeston ems were subd for raninodtdod un) ference do hs Sopcaton OR conplcteandncuce apa forme 4530109 trough 4800-188. Note: Fors 4890-118 Wwough 4680-125 pplctlato Pat 0 sources ony. Aten euplmarta ome as nected i ‘Corstuton port ‘ate operation operation pernt number Peete. | process Destbten rr PETIT pam sptenton og ome [Pot and Surace and Core Dryews 1735057950.020 oO [poz o4ns2019 [p10 [LapLine 1735057950-020 ara Gl [P52 [Dryer Drom Emergency f3s057950.020 o Generator uiasno19 Oo oO 5 Sie Desatpion ‘The Lovshnd-Paciic Tomahawk Mil s located one mile somtheastof Tomahawk slong County Road Sin Linc County, Wisconsin. The aca immediately surounding the plant sft snd mosly Wooded. There isa smal lake about ‘one half mile south ofthe plant and the Wisconsin River is about one mile west ofthe plant. The Packaging Corporation of America operates pulp and paper millon the west bank ofthe Wisconsin River about ‘one mile west ofthe Louisiana-Pacfc facility. There are a few homes aboxt one mile northeast of the Paw ite ‘Source And Site Descriptions. Air Polution Control Permit Application Form '02(ROWZO)—wermabanatactes?’ Q'y ON facility, bathe nearest residential area i about one mile northwest ofthe fait. af a a ‘ThOrANCIN-80) 8O0CITOI6 | 5 esNOKEG ~ VN) YN)G5t U6'67) 1 waisds esnoyeg oc. “oa oat spex0 andre] ssnoxSeql serosa 900796 8509 VEOD) REPRO PHL zro-naw40| seorHMI | ithemmsnnseeee semen tare eo mindvareno am aes mgm no TET SEE Sarmeiabaste ere eerie ner emer aera eats NO AO covcmmenmsin — gyoeateg ox) veo weg rows Woneoiday yuusag 1409 UoNnfod sty soummenuriqu waudae leuauiaiddng - uondusseg eounos Rtnesme TRERIED PHT ‘si0eIsTIIT | YN) dso] Soosiourg ug nciaess o a “HEED Ta o a secure vn) au 1 o o seoruaete vn) aon Oo o POOLING] C66L/LONEO vx o a sactumnete| e66ut1e0 wl a a socrtuancie, essioeo o oO zxemast| goes |e G a zromanso] sooeaiso | # o a zo menws0| soortoo | | | svta0) o ao soomanei| pioxior0 YN] 80ve| cpus acura teste Rea Sa | Sie! 80 Eista| iterate | vonuecmucs | osponien | ieuorinrsa | (iarsa | Anes | wortomameid | sone ‘ath pspoumed'ss'| pespouimen | ““topnawieg” |aresn mea | sonearenns | “eruce Sa 4 “u * : * > 2 a * gS SISEY ERSTE JO ior stee (conn) veovaesrwos ‘Ucgsoridy wuled Jane UDAntod sy requewerdeng - uondi9seq eaunos, Source Description - Supplemental ArFohuion Conta ern ‘Fon 4530-1028 (R 08/20) Information attaches? C) YC) N 1. ety a insgnifcat existing propose a pottion evssons units, operons ssc at the fact. Faun, operation and actty pve tae not spactcly Bae, prvi a sho deesiptin ofthe emissary "ie png ne, ee) flue by equpment speciation, For Operation Pert Reneval Appbosone, any hase ba Hee or mead nce the cet peaton permit was sted y check De spraprae bo. (See nseten boot rar Uni dessipon) For oP Renewal Apltins: heck iui operation a actly now ee edie ono euonce ot curert operator pert [By itenance o Grounds, Equpment end Buln (awn care, paining, te) 1 ler, Turns, ana HVAC System batenance a Potten Gontol Eason Maintenance [erat Combustion Engines Use fr Warhousing and Meter Tranapor 1B Fee Contot Eeuipment . Te semana Aces DB once Actos BB convenience victor Heating convenience Space Heating (< § milion BTU Burning Gas, Liquid, or Wood) a Fut oF stage Tanks («10,00 gl) steeped Contaminated Sai C1 Deminerazaten and Oxygen Seavenging of Wer for Bors C1 Purging of Natural Gas Lines senior Sewer ana Punting Venting 1 ( Debareng ana Wsereng [i Resin Storage Tanke @) Ta] Was Strage Tanke [Pare Washers (Ege Coatng Spay Boom Djojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojo Paesers “nad 09 ps wo we on oe] tld apo on mm seonesa gens pj0 London [F] ‘OXY suo a uo py wag Rp oi Jo ENS ORR Sends [7] ‘auoyes 39200 Supp uo em opm a Ld Pee ALI tHE yA EAM EHD pyeABDA Ku uD LE OWT TIE 66-1661 8 91 spoany woo anusm Pores aa) snsanba 0) apioal 4 Lou p> Go sedandaPASMNO FPO Ha PATO (Ge oe oy sr ea nw enn ay po pn a a yp 0 | nner gs 82) eonee9 ay Pao cpa TENSE Tansy woTEATO [ANOS TODA AY a0} <4 poaabos dopemogey) ropa MAO SIEMENS HORN vee tea yn an op ta C2] {25S ‘0s ‘era 2h "I¥d ‘Zea ‘t6 OF ‘ed "808 ‘So v0 "608 "ZO "Loe ss 290 WH SH AN 920 WWD: 29 po 909 "wPY 3h ‘SPP UNE YVDIOTIL 35 a 4) mam ye Buys 243 oR 9 payee pu aD 9cr-aesy wes C] “Pon 9a De ow a aD yO oe a ap ym uORTIN oO AT ym sus Va woR2p po EPP 8 3. PTL 903 “PY HN SHY AN Yo WWO.0 211 Yose RSAVEE Mo PPL TELUESY HOA) ANVIRAUAS INVIATIOM WIV SOOGRYZViE LIN NOBSIAT agro pmpda pun no Ye SL a coven 9 coun) 290] es ae ee std os (As oC HORMONE Y [T] son 3 am ws jo msm MoT] aso oe "SP AR NDT pe or {o€t-0¢SP wed) LINN 4O SOLV.LS ONY SINANEMINOTY SNOISSING INTO enone wom orem conTZ] (Ceer-oesp pur og usr suuiog Sa posinbos woEuojUL) xepuT Log suowauIbnyoygeoHddy "on yoo 0 pape poe pao Te HOES 04] seus aged yee 2009 ooo Tues oH | stg Spun evo scuba ots 24 ‘srousaabos ppdn pen nau sayy ( a ((st-oss) wo) 3TOIHDS GNV NV ONVFTAINOD JINA NOSSO (Gerese ome etesy stuseg Aq paumbey woueuuoya) par weg ompNey Bue ues amENEO;Y Attachment B — Erni ion Calculations. = —— =e — oe eet ae re =a fame oss ter [Te E : es = E lhe ee es = TS ee fpf : =e Ti be fe SBRRSE EEEES & 88 ese rt caper me ‘0 ty nom oso rnc! oan fiea® somite rm or wrt nat ons may so oaissivty 50" oun ip oD ameip co ssonjonr no" 60067 no” seco ie woot anime woe 7p el tosh {Stiad esoteric 2 teoerour {579759 watt oso “ah mew nly oesane Keanna Moiman Toa 1 ora a ts Hsien xox toe estate Ph 9 ‘mocntaemecr cs fessuatersons Suse an cre visrstontnsioif% Yt tacks ww eT a Ae 96 We 35 tm] 75 Ie 3.28 try] 71 yr 753 to ft Om te 329 tome] 075 Re 228 one] 17 wie 657 some s, 0 wre amt tome] te = tar] 0 yr 4:22 tau @ far We 2518 tom se 62 wv 2518 woul Ss 1800 tir fat tow res 18in By ase tour woe 224 We 90% tut ow 224 Bite 201 ta aioun tbat! imisens ‘ier nr nusonetomerstonf Yl acne ™ Tet ST Toa ie TaN tale] TOS ie sT aT] Fhe 0 Ww 204 tome] 05 Wty 3.28 tml] 1035 Bye so ts 820 Re SBT tome] 075 Whe 238 toner] 895 Rie 9 coe 030 We a tome] =e = tame] 030 ite 138 ow ° sesso whe 408 ta om 10540 tire 40.9 toa Naso be Fast to we 1000 ine 7884 soa voc mas ene 5826 tow oe? 226 bie 925 cole stata eat Benson cas ma (240 men pa ‘62 on Pug 248 bho Fa ea hon rad 229 hon rm! 4 mney oe 200 biter 50," 025 w/a © 00 Re col ‘ca m/e Noe Es6ibton No 80 e/a vor a2 tbfen voc oe ys 150 tone et bade 7530 tors tan osname Ung 3200 samsuine Pu conta eine: om ™ 006 the 028 tome Fite 006 ihe oe tna PMs 206 the 06 wns 0 075 we 5329 torch Ps 500 the 2198 orshe No 1548 be 5220 tone wor 0655 te 154 ona iu aioe why 13697 tre Fie st0e fare 73639 tony PMs 138 bie 5874 tor 2; 075 tye 329 ora © 1800 7388 worl Ne 2680 he 12775 onl woe 126 52 tom {iv ns fen ee 109s et Tank ens orden sk ‘Ss onsont cesar aerate et nt reno bananay ance “aut Cones 38 thf cay ewes [Py ans edn be rwnabeasean ts (2pm AN2 tn Pte eee (Gey roi tn etn oe nice eh ety ‘ait Menem coc P38 popendi SEmison cs pu) 0.060 test Pag 0.060 st pu 0.060 myst 50, col 0025 yt oy" 0019 Byinst vod!" 0.08 yt Maximum Press throughout 3430 mfr 274358 mative Percent of exhaust stream vented by platen system to dryer RTO: Potential emisone™ Pw 1.22 he Pie 2 byte Pus 412 he 50, = bye co 048 yr Noy 036 yr vo 1.48 he Maximum There Eins Pw “Lar tyr Pie a2 tyr Ps 2 tf 50, ey co 4.88 tyr NO, O77 tye yoo 838 tr Lousana Pace Corporation Tomahawk Mil acy ‘lev Perm Renewal Applicaton Poa Pree Messmum Theoreial Emissions” pu (006 bys pat 0.06 Bymst pus 06 tm 50, co 020 mys NO 0.088 tomst voc 051 bys 40% 492 tors 492 tna 4492 tonite tony 2.08 tone 1.56 wns 5.48 tomy 492 tome 492 tone 4.92 tone 0.00 tne 822 tone 3.37 tone 41.85 tone (0) Tee Pi bs re bse o abr 2038 seg toro 2) omen ihe eet tem ted teu FT eset the ‘laa for ts one {e)Nox nis ft fro STR 2 Tbe 10615 ‘Aopen mieson Caer oudana Pact coporation “orahawk i Fy ‘ee VPermit ene Applaton Fas Pana Sng ‘Masimam Theoret Emision PM 50; voc 200608 eaten 2006-01 t/eaton Patri Taupo" 28600 leo costing 381,560 bsofcoatinur 1.0 boston costing Nan Troerpu™ "00 tyne Potential Emin bu tome = ten Pla ae + torr Pls tune = tore 50, = ye + rie co © tie -erfie Nog tome = sore voe S72 tye 38 tons Pu ‘ope tontir Pl ye tone Pu = tye = tone 50, = te tons 0 tye tons Nog pe tense oe 00 ye 3508 tons ry enor foment 5 leo et nen peo fie th Por oOo ai ly dpe? ‘iasman psc tent entnen opens Bison ee ovine Paci Corporation “omaha Ml acy ‘THe Perm ene Appestion ‘Elson Factors for Nia ax Combustion” Potent misters Mazimum Theol masons me 26ibynmet 7250 IMM Pi Seibimmet Pie 390 tyne Plas S8iR/mmet Ph 80 yu 50, OS mm 50, 050 net © stoininmet co 4.00 feet NO 4000 met Oy 100.0 meet oe 550 lnimmt VOC 530 met Potential Thou 1374 mete Masi Tough [Le MMBeurhe 157603 mete Potent Eins! Put 032 te 005 tonsiye Pa 022 he 003 torr Ps 012 the 0.03 tone 50, 0.00 te (000 tons © 03 te 238 tonvvr Noy 06 the 089 eanevr oe 001 Wyre 008 tansy Marina Thorsten isone!* 02 te 005 toniye 02 fe 005 tone 032 be 203 tease 200 tf 0.00 eoneve roy emi acer 0-4, ce 1 en ii it NAS an NOM Py Py emacs (jatar anne yma shai esse on etm, abe en main resend AM cnbsfes Popans Smision Cae Louise acts Corporation Teoh l Fatty Tle Permit Renewal Aplation ison Factors fant emcees ea Tet isons rst es mma oie 035 lym ru 38 bind Pa 225 wir ma 20 Winns Poe 22 be 30. a6 Wins 50, 6 ct co 8 taats co 24.00 fm 0,0) 20000 lene! My 12000 bon vocts S500 imme 500 tome roatune 038 met 720 mnie 724808 Su Uncopety 220 mn Pott ein Bn a8 the 5:58 tome Pe 235 thr 04 tow Pe 225 ihe out toa 2, 01 the 02 soni © 2.02 tyr 294 tony oe 2.8 ye 30 try oe oo thr 030 tome issu Teoea Enos Ee an 136 Pe 33 eh oat tour rs 5.6 tos so, Nos == Irene (Py dP infact eared Sf oe idl AP a an PE Hey buna eto Ebdon ane (Benin vr oie apr (set rig it on en 3875029 ‘Append 8 Emission Cle Lousione Pete corporation Tomahawe i ay ‘hse Var Renews Aan Macinun Theoret ons ru 2 Ho, v0e 20 aplesstng vor asian hroushout™" 3675 glofcstinghhr 321,886 atest svt = meh NG otbecstngetlon contig Potent emir ” ome PMs = ne Pie ‘he 50, ~ ie ° ~ tine No bine vee 735 br asin Theoretical missone me ite ia the Piss = bite ca he © he Ne - he vee 738 wir ry {wi orc) ee mona ae as neti te ale 5 (Aimar orn omens {sora ont tn taint 5 ono 05 oa ese (Biotaeecainantied ppenee Bemisia Louslans Pace Corporation “omaha Mil Faclity Tle Permit Renewal Appeaton Cz, ST RTO Comision ________, mii Factor! Potent emit ‘Maximum Theoret Eason Pu 76 bofmmet Pa 76 lbfmmet Pie 38 Dmmet Pio 38 Ibfonet Pus 38 tbfmmet Fas 38 tbfmmet 30, 26 thfmmct 505, 05 lift © 4 bfmmet_co 24 byamet NO, 100 bjmmmet NO, 200 Ibfemet yoo 55 lbfmmet_ vo 55 lofmmet ‘ro burner rating 00073 mmen Potential Emissions mM 0.06 tote 025 tonsvr Py 0.05 jhe 013 tonsiyr Pas 0.08 tyne 013 tonsivr 30, 0.00 tyr 0.02 tensive © 0.56 tyke 21 tonshvr 0, 0:7 oye 347 tons vor 0.08 byte 0:9 tons Masirum Theoret! Emons eM (0.05 tye (026 tonsvr Pie 0.03 hye (013 tensive Piss 003 thir 013 tensive 50, 000 tyne 0.02 tonsvr co 0.66 tyr 291 tense Noy 079 tye 347 tons voc 0.0 the 018 tonsivr {Wes fos 2 cept 4 seen trom NESW WON, My ob ‘yy enon fc ae asandobe ke te tedin na ayo brea 227 su ‘Argan BEmsion Cle: Potential to Emit Pav Other Baghouse Stars Fugive Emissions rom BH Systems , 34, 2nd the Rew and Finish Fool BH acc Corporation Tomah Ml Faity Te V Perm Renewal Applatior Maximum Theoretical Emisons (i ersten om eho one ce (2 mega bs orn es teh PM : Pu . PMs Pas 50, 50, 0, NO : vor 0005 B/MSF vor 0.005 tse Fatty Manu Throughout” 3130 Mstihe 274388 Str Potential Emistone eM ~ fhe = tensive PM = fhe ~ tons Pus layne tensive 50, lyme tons/ve © lope + tense No, aye tensive voc 036 tb/he 0.68 tensive Maximum Theoretic! Eins Pu = tyme tensive Pl = bfhe ~ tone Pits ~ tye = tone 50, aye tensive ey ye tensive NOs = fhe tons oe 05 thyme 059 tens/yr ‘Append Emison Caee oubiane Pace Corporation “Tomahawk il aiy ‘ie VPermiRenews plication Pai baghoure 7 Eien Factors Potential missions Maximum Theoretical Emissions ex 00208 ftp Pa (0.3082 he Poa (0308 is/tip PM (03062 stp owe? 0200 tt Pas! 0.2008 stp 0, 50, © co Noy NO voc! oni tists voc" 001 belt Anal Faaity Production 1920 tine 184.00 thie Potent Eine PM 0.67 bite 298 tons/yr Pie 058 tb/he 236 tons/ve PMs 038 tbh 1.58 tons/vr 50 yn vonsiye © bite = tse No, ‘w/e tonsivr vor 0.28 tefar 096 tons/ve ‘Maximum Theoret! Emissions PM 030 Bye 4133 tons/vr Pas 586 Byte 2558 tons/ie Pm, 3.86 Bye 1683 tors 50, ope toos/ve o bye + tonsie No, ofr = tone voc 025 the 1.03 tons/yr (2) eminem hy 2018s est oN 2 apo Arty tr Sot en eyed (ke suf ae drs ete forming ine. Tore ou od ot ene (4) voc emison foreseen 21888 (Bae Pa at ee ad on rege ott ‘Append 8 ision ler ian ct corporation ‘ie Vrms net pron 39 he 4.0 Ihe ox ty ‘oushoue 12.45 tors offices preducnany contr fine?" ‘Wateringofurpaved rods 50% Sewpngotowedronsasnecsed 50% i 43.85 me Pie 051 Ie Fit 006 he Masi ora ain? mu 566 he Pie Lp Ibe 07 tye separ Emition aor “oman il cy ray Poms Rares aepteton eile Fac No woe 0:3 mymat Prosthet 22053 mathe 3830 all Potent sons og NOx ‘a Fai ears Wom hang i and Tage TOO Pie aye tae ae the tone tore 407 We tae far tae = ite tare tape 07 Wye 038 inst senahe tonaie tense tonaie toner tortie 15.64 torr tonsir ‘ale tonsir sonar tone ‘oie ae some i (Senn fom A le 8639 open Bison Cat Fi ag Conon TO a a 50 0, Nos No vee ses hint vor 3.9608 net Teowpho 20051300 mathe 5230 mate a ne conve Pity ‘ne tone Pik ne tony 0, re + toate © iw sowie Ne ‘he tole vor 010 Bike 038 tome ra We 2 tle Pie be tee tas tone + the 2, = he twnsir oo ie veer 0 + bi vere oe 010 be 048 trl open Eien Cae Louslane Paci Corporation “Tomahove Mi Feity MaximuteThecatil Eniesione 10601 meet pM 106.01 byABts S10E01 EAMES PMs 2106-01 MABE 10601 MME Pas 23.106: bata 2006-01 eats 2506-01 Bans 2606-01 maanats 206-01 wnat 4416000 nets 4441600 mines voc 606-07 Ansty 3506-01 Baines Fag 17 eth 110 Hae ‘pean Scheel: 100 ye Pete Emsone M Pity ons 39, = (eso cas pm cre Tete 32 deel nies. ahtwosesuned tO P2 esnaeete pre ftom A ‘Append B Emission Caer Louisiane Poe Corporation “Tomahawk Ml Falty Per emergeney Generar Emisslons Calculation | Emin Faso! Potential Emissions Masaru Theor Eien pat?! 3.10601 mons pa 3106-01 BaUBL PM 3106.01 IANA Pag 3106.01 Bates Pils -S10E.04 MIME PA 3106-01 mmiMes 0, 2006.01 neRs SO, 2006-01 mons © 2.806.01 ans co ‘9506-01 enaaens No, 41E+00 MMB NO, 4.81600 BOMB voe S60E01 MAME VOC ‘606-01 vas Rating 50 MNS (HW = 3472.142 Bt) nt 500 kW ‘operating Senos 100 mye tent Eisen ™ 016 bine 001 Try PM 046 bie 001 TY PMs 0.16 tine oot ty 0, 015 Bate 01 TY o 048 bir 002 TY No. 222 bie ost PY vor 0.16 bine 01 TY Potential Enisions: Pu 046 be 088 tv Ply 0.16 br 068 Ter PMs 048 bate oss Tv 30, 035 wie 094 Te¥ o 043 Bi 2101Y Ny 222 bie or TY oe 048 bie o7eteY (rm ats fom e's 2, Table 22 or mene ees. hrvesesmed ea ‘Append 8 Emtslon Caer Lousiana Pace corporation “Tomahawk Mil Fcity PSE Dryer Drum Emergency Genartar Potential Emtsione Foy [ison fects fom Pn A Table 22 forced ems. moon Facto Potent! Emesons ann Tacoatenl Emiesions pu ""2 206-09 npr Pe 2206-03 hp PM ———-220E-OS MPH Pg 2206-08 pte PMs 2206-03 Beh Ps 2206-03 mp 30, 2056-43 Inhp-hy 50, 2056-08 © 2086-09 mpty co (8686-05 bhp Noy 106-02 thy NOy ‘3106-02 tbh voc 251-03 py vor 2516-08 bhp Rate 0.17 Mune (sk = 3412142 Bit) or tp sco Rw parang Scheu”: 0 Wye Potent Emisons PM 035 bine oor PY Pie 0.5 whe 001 PY PMs 015 Bie 001 TY 50, 036 bie 001 TY © 045 tity 002 TY No, 208 bite 010 ty Woe 037 nw 01 Ter Patel Eien mM 015 bie 065 TP Pie 015 Bie 005 Try PM 045 ti 055 Ter 30, 044 te 080 PY © 045 bite 198 TY Noy 208 Bie S10 TY vor 017 wie 074 ty (2h wes esumed PAD =P conser la fia orn fm APA Pasiven owt orf poutine 0c Pot 6 Spare ‘Append: 8 Emission Coles Attachment C — Redline of Title V Permit 735057950-P20 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OPERATIONPERMIT ELFACILITY NO; 738057950 PERMIT NO: 735057950-720 ‘TYPE: Renowal of Pat 70 Operation Perit No. 735057950-P12 tn compliance with the provisions of Chapter 285, Wi, Stats, and Caapers NR 400 10499, Wis. Adm Code, [Name of Source ‘Loisiana-Pacific Cmpration Sweet Addres: {9300 County Highway S ‘Tomahawk, WIS4487 Responsible Official ook ohnsonBrat Wienan Tie Plant Manager {is authorized to operate a wafer board manufacturing facility in conformity with the conditions herein. ‘This renewed operation permit expires 31 August 2021 [s. NR 407.09(1)(H)1., Wis. Adm. Code} An ‘operation permit renewal application rust be submited a leas 6 maths, but not more than 18 months, ‘ror tothe expiration dat ofthe operation permit [. 285.6(3)a), Wis. Stats, and NR 4U7.04(2), WIS. ‘Ade. Code) [No permitee may continve operation of source afer dhe operation permit expres, unless the permitee submits timely and complete application for rencwal ofthe pent. he permittee submits a timely and Complete aplication for renewal, te existing operation erm wil otexpze until the renewal application hasbeen ialy act pon by tho DNR. [st.227-51(2), Wis, Stats and NR 407.042), Wis. Adm, Code] Conditions ofthe operation pent marked with an"*” have been created ouside of Wisconsin's federally spproved Sint Implemeniation Plan (SIP) and are not federally enforceable. This antorzation requires compliance by the permit holder with the emision limitations, monitoring requirements and other tems ‘nd conditions oot ferth in Pre I andl reo. Dated at Green Bay, Wisconsin, _31 August 2016 __. STATE OF WISCONSIN, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES For the Secretary By is Rick Wulk__, Richard Walk, Ait Program Superior "Northern Region ‘Resambleothe Oueration Permit ‘An asterisk“ throughout his document denotes leyal authori, limitations, and conditions which are ‘not federally enforceable (5. NR 407.09(3)), Wis. Adm, Code] ‘Historical Summary of Permits (sued to che Facility The fvlity has received six previous constuction permits fom the DNR. Permit No. 91-MWH-094 was issued bythe DNR on 24 January 1992 to eover the initial eonstretion ofthe fait. The permit covered the thermal oil heater (B03), der system (POI and PU2), board press (POS), and various fugitive end insignificant emission sources. This pormit ws ae revised ax PermitNo91-MWH-O94R on 27 Fuly 1994, ‘The applicable conditions were included in the Tile V operation permit (735087950-PO) that was issued bythe DNR on 14 Avgust 2000, Permit No. 91-MWH-O34R was supesedod by Perit No. 05-MDW.024, exit No. 92-MWH-154 was issued by the DNR on $ Api! 1993 fe three coating procestes (POS, PO6, ‘and PO?) These process were installed and Inter removed fom the fil, ‘Permit No. 96-POY-037 was issued by the DNR on 26 June 196 fo three costing processes (P05, PO, and POT). Process POS is the only one of these three processes hat was constructed. The applicable onions were included in the Tile V operation permit itsued bythe DNR on 14 August 2000, Petit No, ‘96-POY-037 was superseded by Permit No, 05-MDW-028, Permit No. 63-MDW-120 was issued by the DNR on 3 November 2003 far the constction of & new finishing line (Process PO6) Pent No. 03-MDW-120 was superseded by Perit No, 08-MDW-024, exit No, 05-MDW-024 was issued by the DNR on 17 June 2005. The permit coveredall of the emission ‘mits atthe facility and changed various emission limits, acl usage lis, and production Himit that were ‘tablished in previous construction permit to ensure that the construstin and modification ofthe fly ‘id not tigger Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) applisbilty forthe facility. The synetc ‘minor stats of the fcilty under PSD was maintained trough Various eitsion limits, ful usage its, ‘nd production limits. Asa result, Permit No, 05-MDW-024 superseded Perit Nos, 91- MWHO94R, 96 POY.137, and (3-MDW-I20 wien it was seed asa final permit. ‘The National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) forthe Plywood nd Composite ‘Wood Products Indusry (40 CF-R. Par 63, Subpart DDD) was published in the Federal Register as # final leon 30 July 2008. The effective date of this rule was 1 October 2007 for existing fcilties. This rue established Maximum Achievale Conizal Technology (MACT) standards for flected emission unis tplywood and composite wood products clits that ae jor sures, Lousiana Pasifcrequestod and was granted a one year extension to I October 2008 to comply with ho requirements inthe PCWP MACT Sander. Permit No, 08-MIDW-42 was issued by the DNR on 16 September 2008, covered all of the emission units ath filty and superseded Permit No. 05-MDW-024. The focus ofthis permit was to establish limit to ‘make the facility a minor source of federal hazardous air pollutants inadvance of ths effective date o he Plywood and Composite Wood Products MACT. Permit No. 13-MDW-099 was issued bythe DNR on 7 January 2014, This permit allowed the modification ‘ofthe deer system (POI, PO2, DOL B02), Lopes (POS), Imghoue sytem #2 (P31), an replacement ofthe existing lap siding line (P06) witha new lp siding line (P10) capable of eperatng st. higher production rate than POS. Peomit No. 14-MDW-1S3 was ieued by the DNR on 2 December 20141 inerease the nitrogen oxide emission imi on the dryer system fom 6.63 pound per hour in Permit ‘No. 13-MDW99 to 18.0 pounds per hour as requested by the permitce The renwal of Permit No. 735057950-P12 was public noticed with Permit No, 13-MDW-099 and Pei. ‘No, 14-MDW-183, The following permits are edoptd, revised, or renewed under sotons 285.65(3), Wis. Sai, and NR 407.05(2)(@), Wis Adm. Code, by Permit No. 738057950-P20 which then becomes the ‘Primary enforceable document: PemitNumber | lsmace Due isin Unit Covers! Permit tts sranwi-os | 24emary 1992 | Boiler BO; Dye System Revi by Pamit No 91- (Groves POT PD); Pras | MWTLOSAR System (oes 70) ps ‘os five sb sipcat sonwieass |S Apt 955 Conigg processes Pos, PGand | Sopersded by Fermi No, |For. Thee emision wis were | SPOY-037 Ie seoved fm the fy, stmwitosan | 27 my 1994 ‘Same as Pemit No. 1-MII- | Adopted by 733057950. oe POL tod later speeded bys MDW.ADe sepovas7 | 2640 1986 outing proses PS, O6and | Adoped by 735057950- OT. Proces POS ware only | PO aad er speed poses ceased by 05- MWR SP-MDW-7255XM | 9Decenber 989 | ¥31(baghouse stem) andfaes | Adopted by 755057950- ‘overlay sie OL an later pened by OSMDW.004 rsosroson01 | 14 Angut200 | Toa acy Supereded by Permit No, OsMDW.and erspw-120 | aNoventer 2003 | Finishing Line(Poees POO, | Superseded by Poemit No. osnaw.ana oeRKerzT-ExM | 14 Api20¢ Finishing Lie recess P09, | Syperaded by Pei No, OsDW.028 osmpwae | 17 June 205 Total Faiiy Adopted by 735057950. P10 and lt superseded byte! "To iy mens al exiting isin nits the facta the Hehe pitied pet wi iss |PemitNunber | tance Duc Enjoi Unit Covered Permit Stas | rssosr9sozi0 | 20Mawh2006 | Toa Fasity Revised by Permit No, i 733057950-010 Jormccarsexm | 25,u1y 2007 6 and 952 Separede by emit No I _ Oe MDW.O8, | asosmson | 20May 2008 Total Pacity ‘Superseded by Pent No. Os MDW.02 osampw.o | r6Sepmer2008 | Teal Fast Adopted by PecitNo, | 139057950-P12 nsasissori2 | 90sober2008 | Toa Fasity Renewed by Permit No, _| r3s0sres0'r20 sqpwo9 | 7Yamary2014 | pot, Po2, Bot, B02, Bos, Pat, | Adopt by Permit No 9, P10, and P31 ‘ssts7930-020 tempwiss | 2Decebe 2014 — | pot, poo, or Haz Adopted by Permit No, a ‘3sts7930-020 rasosrosoran —|3t Angan 2016 | Tota Pasty Active pent ‘Stackand Process Indes ‘Stack $01; Corl COI, C02 & C12; Processes POI & PO2; Burners BO| & BO2 - Wafer dryer system ‘which inchudes two rotary dyes, two eyelones, and two 32.0 millon BTU per hour umes Controlled by two wet electrostatic precipitators (no on each rotary dyer) and an RTO. ‘Stack 03; Corel COBA.& CO3B; Boiler BIS - Wood fod thennal ci heater rated at 30.0 milion ‘BTU per hou. Controlled by a.eyclone and baghouse. ‘Stack $06; Control C12; Proess PM - Board press. Some emissions coatoled by he RTO, ‘Slack S05: Control COS: Process PQS ~ Panel siding ine. ‘Stack $09; Boiler BO ~ Natural gs fred thermal ol heater ated et 242 millon BTU per hou. ‘Stack $10; Process PIO -Lap siding ine. ‘Stack F30; Process P30 -Baghouse System #1 ‘Stack S31; Process P31 -Baghouse Sysiem #2. Stack F32; Process P32 -Baghouse Sysem 3, Stack F33; Process P33 -Baghouse System #. ‘Stack F34; Process P34 Raw Fue Finish Ful Baghouse Stack F41; Process Pal - Vehicle afi on paved ad unpaved roads. Stack F42; Process P42 -Fapitve emissions ftom handling, wo, and sorage of vation reins Stack F43; Process PA3 - Log Conditioning Ponds ‘Stack $50; Process P50 - Emergency fire pump diesel engine. Siac 881; Process PSI - Emergency diac engine ‘Maintenance of Grounds, Equipment, and Buildings, “Boiler, Turbine, and HVAC System Maintenane,, -Pollation Control Equipmest Maintenance, “ Intemal Combustion Engines Usod for Warehouse and Material Transport, Fire Cootel Equipment, “antoril Services, + Office Activites Conveaiznce Water Heating, *Conveniznce Space Heating, Foo Ol Storage Tanks (< 10,00 gallons), + Sanity Sewer snd Phimbing Venting, + Log Debarking and Wafeizing Operations, “Resin Storage Tanks (3), Wax Storage Tank 2), Parts Washers, + Edge Coating Spray Booth, ‘Remmi Shield ~ Unless precluded by the Administrator ofthe US. EPA, compliance with all essson limitations ix his operation pemitis considered tobe compliance wi all cision limitations established under sections 285.01 1 285.87, Wis, Stat, and emission limitations under the federal clean aro, that ate applicable tothe soure if th pert includes the applicable Limision or ifthe Department determines thatthe emission limitations donot ppl. Te following emission limstions were reviewed i the analysis ‘and preliminary determination and wore determined not to apply to th saionary source None Batt The headings forthe areas in the permit are defined below. The legal authority for these Timitations er methods fllows them in [brackets] Polluast~ This area will ot which poluant is being regulated by the pemit ‘Limitations ~ This area wil stall applicable emission limitations that apply tothe souree, including case-by-case limiotions such as Latest Available Control Techniques (LACT), Best Available Control ‘eehnalogy (BACT), or Lowest Achevable Emission Rate (LAER), It wll also list ay voluntary ‘earctions on hours of operation, raw material use, or production rte requested by the peemite 1 Timi potato emit ‘Complianee Demonstration - The compliance demonstration methods outlined in this area may be sed to demonstrate compliance withthe associated emission lit or work practic standaed Ksted ‘under the corresponding Limitations column The compliance émonstaton area coatins lls 08 ‘parame or other mechanisms that will be monitored periodkally to ensure compliance with the limitations. The requirement to testa well a intl and periodic lst schedule if testing i required, ‘willbe sated here. Notwithstanding the complisnce determination methods which the owner ot ‘operator of souree is authorized tous under chaper NR 439, Wis. Adm. Code, the Department may ‘wean relevant information or appropiate med to determine a source's complisne wath applicable ‘emission limitations ‘Refornse Test Methods, Recordkesping ani Monitoring Remuirements ~ Specific US. EPA Reference fest methods oF other approved ist methods willbe contsned inthis area nd are th ‘method that must be used whenever testing is rquied.A reference tet metod wil be listed even if ‘no lesting is imumediatoly required. Also included inthis rea as anyeecordkeping requirements and heir foquoncy and reporting requtemens. Accuracy of moztoring equipment shall meet, at ‘minimum, the requirements of sections NE 439.055(3) and (i), Wie. Adm. Code s specified in Part ef this pera, ‘Contin Type ~ This are wil specify othe conditions that are applicsble vo the entire facility that ‘ay notbe edo one specifi pollutant. ‘Conditions ~ This area lists specific condition usally applicable to the entefailiy or compliance requirement. ‘art — This section contains general limitations that tho pemitee must abide by. These requirements se slandard for most sources of air pollutans so they arc included ints section with every pera, ‘ms say da mags op nog ot ya pens potent wg am FES ANGHNT ON NG PMA PRGA ALGN- ON WEE POU 8H oan PHONO SAL, apo uy -ssonap asx 25 suonepuos aio ou au 2:09 os sso20 jo nd ave savor ay "ways Lap 2 1 FNP am stop sand poo yp anys pada sose nay “Sah ung DK Gog Way SUOISELD ayy onNn> o} pam s (OLY) ApH uN, ISEB SUS ‘Casa sonra nmpaaoof om pu ao{% 1 kpyesao are zuma pesos pe sp Arms yee ‘a8 J Bog) soa ons pw (Zod 10g) 4p Karo ps wns 96 ~ POM TOM SIPUANE Sepa 9 TOd 1989904 £2: SROMROTORWTT TITAS TLV, snp ig sg) 20 pos og peu sed poxsno poe ays uF ge‘ Sd poon stp pu AHS PAA Spo aw Joa np oa nap Sn 302 pow POOH HEN, pO 902 "PY UA (WENCLOT Oey AN WHEN ok POSY Iesrasanes p00 mv "na XD cey 11/2000 HPV I LOADS "aa jem agp ors owe pag sao=0 28 5 yay Jo Ado lea saad 9 lest-auanet 2909 2 ee 5 ee ofa ne Se gasp Poet Apooar sos 28 sarap popmond Sunes ta psi og ene Son ie ssn pen bs send (© ee | styea my¢ 2304 nN open) (muna) ssuomaszon Sonor pe ‘aaanypsooraepomapg 24 S037) (peruse) zag 3 10a Suma ‘Zod ¥ [04 S#290 219 8 29100 ToaHED ‘TOS PES“ ‘ing sod 9 (E ‘srouasmn yemonorer reronnd Issrswaneat are 2 90 noon nom (sorervrseepom | SEL ons og spn apm 255 sfouipoyods ig una sud Bondo omoD ayant en os a AL aqmsonce om Son) a HE Sod MAL CF ‘nimmaqebog den H094 pe yous, qcanypieog pou = SIA) uopsnsuoung suena (@) -gawonensrr() | seeeue (ora) zoe 19m Suma ‘znd W 10d S820 719 ¥ ZO “10D TON “10S PAS" Iesrmanest Oxo ED o Hen | (pana) sors ny | sunonna meg (ponun) gos 108 Sune ‘Zod ¥ 10M SEO 19°F ZO “10D OND “10S PES -Y (srw Xt gy9 9 o Perms a EE) axenic OORT tmp apna ss Sm mas a a Boe oe Te oo {ssrmaneyt / L¥9 w9 o pee “aes 4 oO 3EE 9) (amano) sors om 1] armpnea weed (ponsneo) cog @ 10m Slume ‘Zod ¥ Tod 82901 19 ¥ 29109 1H ‘105 PAS" “syd yonbsgns poms eg PPE p-HAAH16 NHN PRE FU FUN HSIEH HL, 3909 nk “noon ana (SQN 1sn49609 seam vogpacs een 2 prez] oo ‘cxjeag spendin aula son se aug (p | _papsai-omn po8 zo 0 mowinbo BAIA 19° Z9"109 Pang ‘TOs PAS" ‘nog. pon 9b 0 peo yous ay poo ip ows Spode an ooSsD pas yous "sud nota YN A SS od ry anand 2nad go nob METAMORA H POU! 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