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The new town extends to the south, the old town

Samalanga on the N.; Edi, Perlak and Langsar on the E.;

The Edwards fund (W. J. Edwards), producing L. 40 a year

abdominal wall, as, at the time of injury, septic germs may

and their condition is obvious, as the contract is to deliver

extraordinary professor of medicine in the above-mentioned

that at any rate two sources underlie Acts i.-xii., or even

enclosed groups called kampongs, and buried in a forest of

a hearing only in limited artistic and literary circles.

Hebron, and for some time war was carried on between the two

stationary is afforded by the character of the equations of

emperors had a separate aerarium privatum, containing

islands. The date of their immigration has been line subject

sycomore-figs. And Yahweh took me from behind the flock; and

obedience to the laws of definite and multiple proportion or

Nemours (1229) is a seaport near the Moroccan frontier,

researches and his multifarious studies with unabated

construct a chronological table on a shell-heap. Hudson's

ALCAMO, a town of Sicily, in the province of Trapani, 24

to plowe and sowe, and leyse to tye or tedder theyr horses

lighter part.'' The fact here alluded to is the resistance

(see TURKEY: History); here it must suffice to say that

of the Apostolic Chamber under Gregory XVI., by whom he was

O.M. Order of Merit.

valleys, the Berkshire Hills and the Green Mountains;

the Tiber's mouth, while Ferdinand allied himself with Florence,

undisputed master of Syria, he abandoned himself to a life of

medieval period. It was translated into Latin by Genebrad

asphyxia is not only not necessary but is harmful, and may

on the right bank of the Amur, in a fertile and populous

generations of clergymen to the Anglican church. Alford's

he was likewise attracted, and he was one of the founders

generals rivalled if they did not excel the exploits of

them. Their use in warfare is prohibited by international law.

admiration of his pupils led them to regard his opinions as

desert, the steppes and savannas standing midway between the

into three assistant-residencien--the east coast, the west

of allyl alcohol, or by the abstraction of the elements of

revolutionary councils; and, contrary to the opinion of Otis

institution for women, banks and other important commercial

the solution so as to get an extract. The bark of Acacia

considerations may readily be found to account .for the

and published a small book, which was translated into English

her colonies had been brought up and the suggestion made of

Karun to foreign commerce in October 1888, another settlement

the Orange Free State addressed an ultimatum to Great Britain

Ferdinand Magellan (q.v.) passed through the strait which

consumption, in Cape Colony, Natal, the Transvaal, Orange

3 m. below the town, from which a branch road ascended to

rupee, with the head of the British sovereign on the obverse.

the Bonn Corpus Scriptoruin Hist. Byz., by I. Bekker

Tridentini). Summaries of the Alpine history of the three

From the field he is carried on a stretcher by bearers (formerly

6 In imitation of the British example, an American society

diseases of each species, and some just observations

given by Theocritus in his fifteenth idyll, the Adoniazusae.

Cabildo, in the valley of the Ligua, with the state railway.

Mont Pelvoux . . . . . . . . . 12,973 Grand Pinier . . . . . . . . . . 10,237

cattle to graze, for a renumeration. ``Agistment,'' in the

Confession and absolution, strictly enforced, give great power

the Greek th, f, ch, has never made any attempt to represent

Whymper, Scrambles amongst the Alps (1871); Sir A. Wills,

by F. W. Tunnicliffe and R. Rosenheim upon children showed

frontiersmen and foot-soldiers who wore no armour, dressed in

outbreaks. As early as the congress of Aix-la-Chapelle

Such academies were oligarchical in their constitution; they

II. in 884, and died in 885, on a journey to Worms. (L. D.*)

first raised, in token of the Spanish conquest of Granada,

with the height of the instrument above the mean sea-level.

of beds known as the Kimberley shales, the principal mines

are but little known, their only visitors being Kirghiz

and its immediate branches, at a height of 6000 to 10,000

assimilation. The system of rattachement was in great part

endophytes. In the case of the freshwater species the host-plants

contraction causes the proboscis to be invaginated into its

Amiel's mind was of no inferior quality, and his journal

Clements R. Markham, Cuzco (London, 1836, and Hakluyt Soc.,

853, as Alfred had three elder brothers living. It is

troops in South Africa affected these years.

June 1893 an unconditional pardon was granted the survivors,

the administration of the large area north of the Zambezi

the Napoleonic wars, gradually increased in prosperity.

also Murray's Greece, ed. 1900, pp. 720-731 and 760-814,

a view to becoming a minister, his expenses being paid from

Korrespondenten, chap. i. (Leipzig, 1883). The two last-named

almonds, aloes, and even plantains and dates. The land is,

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