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_— 1S 136 (D-amp/TDmA) : |. aia rete ee TY Stands go Onteseim Std 136. The de, 00" gered o the Toma dugual la Aystem. ng ee fae ais au known as 'Dig ital Amp ¢?. ae ey ~ sms bor born | Pavit yo pave b brag be a Getta imp voved | Secusurg oe Sip ate Ye eared ty tag i Featurces : SS. => 6 Sone Sati pea cman ae 1? Aata Struckuu t roma - Posse botn waigetal and analog torthal d —_ 3 guulrase, 6 hal rates 9 qutird GislaET pox GAGA: "Data SOA Of 1 Bw 24300 Symbols [eee Is-45 Ccpma): ot dea Second gereratbn robe telelommn std based. On Comp tech Ushin wunanteces multiple acctasr Wohin sunaing- Volee and Aata bur Ce Lites. Opexates un BooMHe and 1900MmH2 bxeq bang Frost qualcomm. Bd undue CDMA Rx data $70 mobile phones un PPP pretocal. Implement high speed daa Sowiees- More pray tT gsm Srerroducedt $exuice portabil tg- Seuuced re Ligs rene Facagy, ueleuged (Reuse) Caste GSM ¢ eswice Gsm 45 a Aigitas mobile Niu widely Used an phones 2 _9t 4sy a Vash ation 6} TDMA ond Wrest Woidety Wore for > 3 agitat wireless Telephony. —> OF basi. was tHzer : — 7 Caley. etd and compreds dat a when sera — it down a chant with 2 einen Btreams y user ala é each un is Aue Alot y yrs Seeruon & Sm N/w axon Ls gum associated Ustth Comm uLtth tre mobiles on Wap OF comsaty gy 2 ehment ; } (6) BTS (Base Transrectusy St) 2 Lt womprse me radio peansrncktest wetiwess curd ti assouartred antennas tat trond 1% ~to lunechy comm with mokue x > 2+ Ls the atpining Cement a bach We . => 2 Comm with the moebde ond Me midway wrtteyot . % « “a * 18 Called Ym unter act Bic Case St Consrolien)+ - Monages BIS = = manages hond o$t 9 paging and RF ausignnien < > Cuteal ll es wes ( Nerwore Subs => Prende I ~ Ot Gonne Takes Be Hardoprs IW BSS. ~~ Dt hoe +e betoud mayor wenerts Mobile seswuice Swit msc C > Opus the Qriawn ehomant mw > Actsuike Momeal Sho swing 3 Provides faclirrs ice Guth Catton, Cau Loe 9 7*4 9 uurdix msc handover etc- Aso provides UT esyace +0 PSTN) SDYKaT COLLs C27 be one connected +o Conde | wirnuntne core of 4°™ he mode within psKN Oo? 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ME — wntaus IME! Cimtex mobile eg- sagen) anne -* Sim> Ingo ther proviaw the Tdannty fuses | UNIT-3 Date... Mi om @ Dam & C1S-BY and is-i36 | =? Sn late 1970 advance MoO RLLE Phone Servrces (AMPS) Wao CheueLoped howewoe nis I qereation analog and 1-136 us ’ inhocuced as -tme Sucesssoy Oo 1S -y ; > 'SBE Standard uns usce pououring peakores 5 , Q Compatability wean AMPS an DAmPS / GD Fseeg uence sNaring and reuse , Gi) Dual mode Smooth +Fxanauion. 4 ~ A Seal unclucles * ‘4 { Zuppiemenm sere : ~—- > 64 rs) SMS Steep Mexsege Cocke pprwroreersy “the DAMPS Channds uneludas q 42 parma cranes & 42 Secondary contre) Chanmna 1 —>_ 30 KH? 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(an-reue Sé& Of Uren) >» Used un Biurtooth and Joint tactttal Ramo 6 xsttrn (2) Disect Seay. epsead Spectrum 3 —> Sip signet can be mod with PSK 1a PSE/Q AM > Digital Specead speurun techs On Fuss gollowing. obtauba tes acce Here — > Non- Coherent detectton — Pow, Blo ppieny — > Poor BER Pa Se Ne > 2G Wines wis ___ Na © FF stowed Feplacing. analog = Mein. bl ny CD Speed ty Comane rcicanseg EO agian : > & Data enuryprion stasetred being. posibie 7 dat > GY Faunce wke al Processing untrodutcect am a _ > —* Globes System for Moblie (Gsm): > © ot dsr fair? @ cebutase Netuoork, (é) Improvea gas a Udunments Gi) ORPVAUCe $ exustce portabil ny Gsm BW) Secuxed re Gyseene i BO) Fscegy, utltugecd (Reuse) » , ) y Gi) Case oU } Beasese Telephone Supplementary SOvViIC’ Seowlte ’ Sesustee us [ingaeni ae) [ge as), @ " —> Gsm 46a Ugital mobile Niw widey Used unphones St tae a Variation b] TDMA And West Wwidily Lees for 3 augital whew Telephony. —> OF basfeay. val gitizes and. compredé at a. wren sr : uit pet ORLA 74 down a channt with 2 otnen Atreams Y each wn ts AU Alot PSTN / Ison Gsm pEIR| — _]mse feo) oe N55. Bsss BTS BTS) [ec Oss ms..| ime Sir - 4 - /) BSS CBase St Subs 3 his Stern & 2G Gim w/w auch Ls gundamertatsy. qusodioted with Comm uuth tre Mobiu OP aug OF conauts of 2 element plo ok (i) BTS (Base Toransrecuny SH): Lt wrmprse +e Tadeo enone nce VEU E andl treet assouated arrtennar Frat trand 1x +0 dune ty comm with rmnokue TS ode tre upining, element a ach eel _> 3 Comm with tne Mmob/e and Me mrudusady, LrteH4a ce i Called UM Unters ate —> a+ Monages BTS <> oF maroges hondost > paging and RF aaa gnn iene = nisin & NSS ( Nerwork Sub systems) 2 wy Previde tne main Conse and ———___ => _2+ borne maxes Conn, a Handoggs bio Bgs. d 2+ has tne betous major elamenk mse Cmoebie seu Sus echo bio Publis Nie Urtex M7Se handover etc. 7 Auso provides WiTresace +o PSTN SOdharT Colle can be Fouls prom mob Nw to a prone Connected +o Londius ) HLR CHome Loe sexgisten)? > Subsccibercs location . > By wing thu ingo GSM Niu duablere vouk Gls to yewant Ars m3 BS for Ms. ~ > Ace to tre last updated 10c by HiR the ATS Fhe Phone wmnm with ug identigred 10 20u¢e the Colle Date. Gi) ULR C visitor Loc 94g)? = = —— —> Contouns Selected Info bstom that erapies Scleted ceuriy for Me Pedivedueal Subs cH b er Gu EIR Cequipmenr odentry. ego: > 9+ deuses whethey & Mobile Maybe ALioUd On N/w 07 WOE —> Each morsfie hava no- called Intexnalional mobile Qqulprrent as ut WO Checked at tome Y Peg oepending upom Which Q 70a CH= uo Ao Used, On Niwy Or batisced acew er Monitored @aeee@ &) Ave ( Autwitication Wer) = = Protteted latabasea that Lontoauis secsect ken abled Contoured in Wwer's sim 7 > Wed tox authrennatron and Upheurg on radio a Oss Copexaton Support Subsystem) 3 y —> Connected to NSS and BSc nee 4 4 4 a - ard mauntouna — wed TO contrat and omorutoyr OVvextall GSM NIG —> Ato Conres! +ragtt load on Bss . 9+ hasa Sublomponent OMe Whit alo wnantain peryormoanc o So BSlg Blo MSC etc, ms (mobile Staton) ¢ aS, Contaus +he egutpment Loew cee ang op. ME => @rtams IME! Cintexy mobie eg: aereny gim> Ingo that prviaw the Ilentty 7 Loex Gn Al

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