Effects of Using English Language On The Communication Skills

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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


S.Y 2019-2020

A Thesis Paper Presented To The

Grade Ten English Teacher In
Liceo de Cabuyao

In Partial Fulfillment of the English Requirements

For the Grade 10

Mr. Razel B. Munsod

English Teacher

March 2020

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


This research is wholeheartedly dedicated to the beloved people who have been the

source of their inspiration and gave us strength to finish this research.

First and foremost, these achievements are sincerely dedicated to God, the source of

their inspiration, patience, knowledge, and strength. Most of all thanks to God who continues

to make the things possible.

For the researchers’ beloved parents. Who has been the source of encouragement and

inspiration throughout their life and full support for their financial needs.

For the researchers’ classmates. That guide and help them throughout this research.

Also who have supported them throughout the journey and never left their side through


They also dedicated this research and they offer their gratitude and appreciation to

their adviser, Ms. Kristlyn M. Cubacob for the patience and perseverance you always show

just to learn them

The Researchers

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Recommendation for Clearance

This thesis paper entitled, “Effects of Using English Language on the Communication

Skills of Grade 9 students of Liceo de Cabuyao in the S.Y 2019-2020 ”, prepared and

submitted by Group 6, 4th year Highschool students belongs to the section of Grade 10 – St.

John Paul II in partial fulfilment of the English requirements for the completion of the high

school curriculum, has been examined and is recommended for English Clearance.

Mr. Razel B. Munsod Ms. Maria Jane A. Antonio Ms. Shellyn Mae B. Bareza
EnglishTeacher MathematicsTeacher AcademicCoordinator

Mrs. Josephine R. Buan

Principal – Liceo de Cabuyao

The Researchers,
Decena, Justin Jade A.
Dela Cruz, Shan Yuanne Dominique A.
Esona, Rachelyn P.
Goc, MickaAlessandra R.
Ortiz, Luigi Mike P.
Palacio, Mark Angelo R.
Panghulan, Checkie Van R.

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


This thesis has been made through the hard work and sacrifices. The researchers
would like to acknowledge those people who supported and inspire them to achieve the
purpose of the study.
First and foremost, we want to thank God for giving us the strength, knowledge, and
opportunity to begin this research study. Without His blessings, this achievement would not
have been possible.

To our thesis adviser, Miss. Kristlyn M. Cubacob for his support, patience, and for
listening to the little problems of this study. With her help, we achieve the reasons of the

To our class adviser, Miss. Shannin Saguinsin for understanding our limited time and
support for our study.
To Mr. Razel B. Munsod for his guidance and for spending time for us to understand
the little things of the study.
To Miss. Maria Jane A. Antonio and Mrs. Cheene Bagos for your very long
patience for us to learn those mathematical equations needed to solve. Without your help we
can’t solve this study.
To my Co-Researchersfor the help to share with us your knowledge and your
dedication, hardwork, sacrifices and also for having a long patience to finish this study.
Wholeheartedly, the researchers’ would like to express the gratitude to all the

respondents, Grade 9 respondents of Liceo de Cabuyao for their time and cooperation.

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


This thesis entitled"Effects of Using English Language on the Communication Skills of

Grade 9 students". Knowing to find out answers to the following questions: 2.) What is the

status of the Effects of using English Language on the Communication Skills in terms of? 3.)

What is the level of Communication skills in terms of? 4.) Is there a significant Effect of

using English Language on the Communication Skills of Grade 9 Students of Liceo De

Cabuyao SY 2019-2020?

The Descriptive method of research utilizing the questionnaire checklist is used for

gathering data, the general approach the researcher takes in carrying out the research project.

Quantitative research involves the collection of data so that information can be quantified and

subjected to statistical treatment in order to support or refute “alternate knowledge claims".

The researcher uses mathematical models as the methodology of data analysis.

The weighted mean of Table 4 revealed that the Widen-Knowledge of the Grade 9 students

are applied the activities to widen their knowledge. The weighted mean of Table 5 tells that

the Good Communication of the Grade 9 students are managing to communicate with

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

someone using English as their language. Table 6's weighted mean shows that the Self-

confidence of Grade 9 students while talking or explaining to someone, is having sure and

confident mindset about what they're saying. Table 7's weighted mean tells that the ability of

Grade 9 students in Oral Skills are very good, based on this reviews it means there's

significant in this study.

Base on the findings and conclusion, researchers offer some recommendations about this

study to give some idea to the readers if how they may enhance the usage of English

language through the activities.

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Table of Contents

Title Page i
Dedication ii
Recommendation for Clearance iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vii

Chapter 1
The Problem and its Background
Introduction 1
Background of the study 3
Theoretical Framework 6
Conceptual Framework/Research Paradigm 9
Statement of the Problem 10
Hypothesis 11
Significance of the Study 11
Scope and Delimitation 13
Definition of Terms 13
List of Figures
1. Conceptual Paradigm

Chapter 2
Review of related literature and studies
Related Literature
Foreign 15
Local 21
Related Studies
Foreign 26
Local 32

Chapter 3
Research Methodology
Research Method 36
Selection of Respondents 36
Sampling Technique 37
Instrumentation/Materials and Equipment 38

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Data Collection/Procedure 39
Statistical Treatment of Data 39

Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Table 3. Number of Respondents. 40
Figure2. Status of Gender 41
Table 4. 42
Table 5. 44
Table 6. 45
Table 7. 47
Table 8. 48
Table 9. 49
Table 10. 50
Table 11. 51
Table 12. 52
Table 13. 53
Table 14. 54

Chapter 5
Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
Summary of Findings 56
Conclusion 58
Recommendation 58
Bibliography 59
Appendices 54
Curriculum Vitae 58

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020




The English language is an important language of the world it is the mother tongue of two

advanced countries. It is being spoken by half of the population of the world at present.

English language is a living stream of world knowledge. Hence, they cannot cut themselves

of this body of word knowledge by giving up the study of English that runs the risk of

knocking the bottom of our higher education for which they mainly draw upon its resource

and hospitality.

 Communication is derived from the Latin word “communism” means common because

commonness of understanding is an essential component of all kinds of Communication in

their way of forming relationships with each other through interaction of more individuals. It

influences the ideas, beliefs, and attitude of each other. Such take place through the exchange

of information through words, gesture, sign, symbols and expression. Now it has gained the

status of international language.

In this study, they could learn the benefits of using English Language on their

Communication skills and possible effects of not using or learning it. They must first build

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

their confidence of speaking English to face other people. Not using or learning English

Language for Communication will have a huge impact in their life. For instance, they apply

for a job, and they don’t know how to speak in English, so they are wondering of their

capabilities in a job.

English is essential for people that they may develop themselves. Their development in

the field of science and technology will be possible if they learn to speak, read, and write in

English language. To keep the wheels of their progress going to keep their selves in touch

with the best and latest of the present world so they could continue studying this language. In

now generation, they are the most beneficiary of English Communication because it really

helps them in many ways.

In applying a job nowadays, some companies need an applicant that can use English

Language and Communication skills. That’s why one of the benefits of learning English is

that will significantly boost your hiring potential. As what the first sentence tells, English

language is used on most parts of the world, and the first common benefits of it, they can

travel easier because they can communicate to the people on other places. They don’t literally

need to speak fluent English. They just need to learn how to speak it even if it’s not in the

correct grammar.

The Effects of using English Language on the Communication Skills is really important

and has a big role in their life because it will help us widen their knowledge that they can use

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

in the future. English is the primary language of business throughout the world. The ability to

fluently speak English in addition to your native language can be beneficial if you’re seeking

job opportunities with international companies. It will create more opportunities that will lead

in their success because of their knowledge in English.

Background of the Study

Communication has a long and rich history. Since the beginning of time, the needs to

communicate has been a part of man’s inherent being. The survival of mankind is due to their

ability to communicate. Human race has communicated though different techniques and

methods; the use of symbols, gestures, sounds, drawings and sign languages were some

methods of communication used by the early man. Archaeological evidence shows that the

early men were good artists and have been effectively communicating through the visual

sense, the transmission, reception, or reproduction of sound and the study of body

movements. Through the year’s communication has advanced with the development of

technology. Hence it is clear that communication has assumed an immense importance in our

time. (Littlejohn, 2002).

By age four, most humans have developed an ability to communicate through oral

language. By age six or seven, most humans can comprehend, as well as express, written

thoughts. These unique abilities of communicating through a native language clearly

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

separate humans from all animals. Organic evolution has proven unable to elucidate the

origin of language and communication. Knowing how beneficial this ability is to humans,

one would wonder why this skill has not evolved in to her species. Materialistic science is

insufficient explaining not only how speech came about, but also why we have so many

different languages.

Linguistic research, combined with neurological studies, has determined that human speech is

highly dependent on a neuronal network located in specific sites within the brain. The

evidence conclusively implies that humans were created with the unique ability to employ

speech for communication.

English is a West Germanic language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought

to Britain in the mid-5th to 7th centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon settlers. The Anglo-Saxon

language, now called Old English, originated as a group of Anglo-Frisian dialects which were

spoken, at least by the settlers, in southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle Ages.

Early Modern English – the language used by Shakespeare – is dated from around 1500.

It incorporated many Renaissance-era loans from Latin and Ancient Greek, as well as

borrowings from other European languages, including French, German and Dutch. Modern

English proper, similar in most respects to that spoken today, was in place by the late 17th


San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

In the early 20th century, Tagalog was selected to be the official language of the

Philippines along with English. The version of Tagalog chosen was renamed Pilipino in order

to distance itself from the Tagalog ethnicity and make it appear more universal. In the 1973

constitution, a further call for a language to replace this – to be known as Filipino – was

made, but in the modern-day Filipino is really just Tagalog renamed. Filipino is really just a

variety of Tagalog spoken in urban Manila, and most Filipinos speak it along with their own

regional language, and frequently English as well. Today Filipino (Tagalog) and English are

the two official languages of the Philippines, with seven other regional languages recognized


The Philippines has one of the densest concentrations of distinct languages in the

world, and that linguistic tradition has helped shaped modern day Filipino.

Theoretical Framework
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Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

A cognitive theory of learning sees second language acquisition as a conscious and

reasoned thinking process, involving the deliberate use of learning strategies. Learning

strategies are special ways of processing information that enhance comprehension, learning

or retention of information.

Communication theory is the discipline that studies the principles of transmitting

information and the methods by which it is delivered (as print or radio or television, etc.). It is

an attempt to explain how and why humans communicate meaningfully with each other. As

its core, a communication theory is generally devoted to provide an explanation of how,

exactly, one individual is able to communicate meaning to another and the degree to which

the speaker and the listener can understand each other. (Cognitive Theory)

Other theories are more focused on the historical and ritual significance of

communication as an essential element of culture. Such theories may focus on the broad

cultural effects of communication instead of the specific process of transmitting meaning.

Interest in the concept of information grew following the development of telegraphy and

telephony. In 1844 the American inventor Samuel F.B.

Language is only one of the many human mental or cognitive activities, and many

cognitivists believe that language emerges within the context of other general cognitive

abilities like memory, attention and problem solving because it is a part of their broader

intellectual development. However, according to Good luck, once language does emerge it is

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

usually within certain stages and children go through these stages in a fixed order that is

universal in all children.

There is a consistent order of mastery of the most common function morphemes in a

language and simple ideas are expressed earlier than more complex ones even if they are

more grammatically complicated. Piaget's cognitive theory states that children's language

reflects the development of their logical thinking and reasoning skills in stages, with each

period having a specific name and age reference.

Cognitivist and its implications to the second language learning. Cognitive theory or

approach views the learner as a thinking being and an active processor of information. Thus,

learning is a process in which the learner actively tries to analyze the situations where the

application of the rule would be appropriate and to make sense of data.

In other words, they learn by thinking about and trying to make sense of what they see,

hear and feel. In order to get a clear picture of the cognitive theory in relation to second

language learning, other related theories were also described briefly from the historical points

of view.

In general, cognitive can be grouped under the annalist model which is also known as

‘nativist’. ‘Mentalist’ (thinking as rule-governed activity), ‘rationalism’. The implications of

cognitive theories can be revealed in the basic teaching techniques which cover activities

such as problem-based solving activity, discovery learning, cognitive strategies, project-based

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

learning, etc. Keywords: cognitive, second language, acquisition, annalist, problem-solving,

behaviorist.(Jean Piaget)

Conceptual Framework

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Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

This figure represents the relationship of the variables indicated in the framework that fit in

the proposed study problems.


Demographic Profile in
terms of:



Effects of Using
English Language: The Effects of English
-Widen-Knowledge Through Survey and Language on the
Questionnaire Communication Skills
-Good Communication of Grade 9 Students of
Liceo de Cabuyao S.Y
Level of

-Oral Skills

-Written Skills

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

The input box contains the problem: Demographic Profile of the Respondents (Age

and Gender) it is also including the effect of using English Language on the Communication


San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

The process box shows that the process obtained is by conducting a survey for the

respondents serving as the gathering of appropriate data needed.

Finally, the output box shows the results of the study Effect of Using English

Language on the Communication Skills

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Effect of using English Language on the Communication

Skills of.

1. What is the status of the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of?

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What is the status of the Effects of using English Language on the Communication

Skills in terms of?

2.1 Widen-Knowledge

2.2 Good Communication

2.3 Self-Confidence

3. What is the level of Communication skills in terms of?

3.1 Oral Skills

3.2 Written Skills

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

4. Is there a significant Effect of using English Language on the Communication Skills

of Grade 9 Students of Liceo De Cabuyao SY 2019-2020?


Ho: There is no significant Effect of using English Language on the Communication Skills of

Grade 9 students of Liceo De Cabuyao.

Ha: There is a significant Effect of Using English Language on the Communication Skills of

Grade 9 Students of Liceo De Cabuyao.

Significance of the Study

The result of this research will give them knowledge and importance on how English

language affects the communication skills and will give a brief explanation on how English

communication can help them in various ways.

Student-This study will give them the opportunity to find work easily, help their studies as

well as increase their mental flexibility, also increases their problem-solving skills, and

increases their “Superior memory function”.

Parents-The study will give them a wider knowledge and be able to teach their children on

how to speak in English.

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Teacher-Teachers are one of the first person to nurture brains, so being able to learn English

will provide them the amount a lot of things like providing the students with new things to

both discover and learn.

Community-It can help our community to communicate with other country and also help us

to nurture our ability to communicate using the second language; also, if the community were

able to use English as their communication it can increase the country’s development.

Future Researchers-It will provide them with the right knowledge and be able to provide

some information to help them with their thesis, as well as giving them inspiration while

doing their thesis.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The research locale is the Liceo de Cabuyao located at A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno, City of

Cabuyao, Laguna. The study covers the Grade 9 students of Liceo de Cabuyao S.Y. 2019-

2020. Therefore, it’s only limited respondents which are chosen randomly. This study

delimits itself in only finding out the effects of English language on the communications

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

skills of students. To determine the Effects of Using English Language on the

Communication skills of Grade 9 students.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the researchers defined the following conceptually and


Age- to determine how many students are 14,15 or 16 years old.

Communication- the ability of the respondents to express their thoughts to someone.

Gender-confirms someone whether they are male or female.

Language- what language does the respondent more practically one expert at.

Oral Skills- the ability of the respondents to communicate using English as their language.

Self-Confidence- talks about the respondents trust to his abilities.

Skills- the ability of the respondents to do something.

Widen Knowledge- if English helps the respondents in knowing or learning more


Written Skills- an ability to convert one’s thoughts or ideas into words.

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


In this chapter, literature and students made by foreign and local educators which are

found relevant in conducting the present study have been reviewed. Theories, findings, notion

and different from scholarly researchers, journals and articles related to the effects of using

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A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

English language on the communication skills of grade 9 students are presented to support

and give background on the present study.

A. Related Literature

a. Foreign

According to Aishah (2013) the study investigates whether the oral communication

skills component in the English language syllabuses used by the Malaysian polytechnics

enhances the speaking skills of the students. Specifically, it aims to explore the extent to

which Malaysian polytechnic students are supported in developing their competence in oral

communication skills. This study assesses the English language syllabuses used at a

Malaysian polytechnic based on the students' perceptions, tests and teachers' views and also

the use of supporting documents. This study was done through the use of both qualitative and

quantitative methods in one polytechnic with 578 respondents. It was a case study which

compared pre-test and post-test of the 578 students' English language oral test, using SPSS,

analyses of interviews of students and teachers and supporting documents. The study

identifies which barriers that are hindering the Malaysian polytechnic students' oral

communication performance. Recognizing the range of factors associated with this ongoing

problem in Malaysia could be used to inform and develop policy that could begin to

overcome the performances of these students and improve the quality of teaching in English

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

at the Malaysian polytechnics. The study revealed that the use of the Malaysian English

language syllabuses has not supported the Malaysian polytechnic students' spoken English

competencies. The study further showed that Science and Mathematics education together

with eleven years of English at schools have not developed the students' oral communication

skills. It was due to the fact that students upon entering the polytechnic remained unexposed

to English in their daily lives, their environment or even socially. These situations remained

unchanged when they are at the polytechnic as they experienced a similar environment as

they had previously before they joined the polytechnic.

According to Maureen Snow Andrade (2009) Higher education institutions in the United

States recognize the economic and educational benefits of international students. Although

non-native English speakers NNES submit evidence of English language proficiency for

admission purposes, many struggles with the demands of English. This study draws on

qualitative and quantitative data to provide insights into the international student experience

from the perspectives of students and faculty. It examines how English language proficiency

affects academic and social adjustment, identifies useful types of support, and considers the

effects of English proficiency on intercultural learning. Students are generally satisfied with

their proficiency, appreciate English as a Second Language courses, and feel their English is

improved through course work and social interaction. Professors feel students' skills are

adequate but could be improved, and report adjusting their teaching approaches to

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accommodate NNES. International students, many of whom are non-native English speakers

NNES, are challenged by academic language demands and a new culture. Differences in

educational systems and expectations, listening skills, professors' use of humor and examples,

quantity of reading, direct writing styles, critical analyses, class participation, oral

communication, and vocabulary present difficulties

According Latham (2005) which presents an evaluation report showing that even in the

United Kingdom advances in the use of oral language were often constrained by lack of

opportunities which teachers provided for pupils to speak at length and to engage in role-play

and similar activities’ so she added to this report that in general, there was a widespread lack

of organization in forming a structural framework for speaking and listening.

According to Richards and Parker (2008) there are huge number of conversation and

other speaking course books in the market Richards, 2008, in some countries such as Turkey

where speaking English plays no significant role in a society and has no relationships from

historical or governmental perspectives as their country is a very problematic course as

Parker 2012 stated in his study that was conducted with the use of ten years of internship

observation reports of three Turkish state universities. This study reflects the reality of

speaking skill in English Language Teaching ELT context. According to this study he stated

that students start to learn English in the fourth grade; they get 700 hours in primary

education and 700 hours in high school totally 1400 hours English lessons. But, 90% of the

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students still remain in the starter level. This study also shows another perspective about the

reality of the levels of language learners in Turkey. After years of learning period many

students from high school or faculty students are not able to communicate in foreign language

even in starter level; only academicians among them can only understand what they read. So,

this present education system produces the ones that cannot listen and speak in foreign


According to Bénabou&Tirole, (2002) it is likely the most used term for these related

concepts outside of psychological research, but there is still some confusion about what

exactly self-confidence is. One of the most cited sources about self-confidence refers to it as

simply believing in oneself.

According to Mann et al., (2004) Children with high self-confidence perform better at

school and, later in life, have higher job satisfaction in middle age. Self-esteem is also

strongly linked to happiness, with higher levels of self-esteem predicting higher levels of

happiness. High self-confidence has even been found to increase the chances of survival

after a serious surgical procedure.

The Author Carmine Gallo 2014 talk like ted: The 9 public speaking secrets this book

focuses on the techniques which make you an exceptional speaker. This is the most important

pillar of effective communication skills. When you have effective communication skills, you

don’t fear public speaking. In fact, public speaking becomes a charm.

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According to Z. Hereford Good communication skills are key to success in life, work,

and relationships. Without effective communication, a message can turn into error,

misunderstanding, frustration, or even disaster by being misinterpreted or poorly delivered.

Communication is successful only when both the sender and the receiver understand the same

information. In today's highly informational and technological environment it has become

increasingly important to have good communication skills. While many individuals still

continue to struggle, the inability to communicate effectively will hold them back not only in

their careers, but in social and personal relationships.

Furthermore, according to Barbara F.H. Allen The field of teaching English as a second

or foreign language has become increasingly important at colleges and universities.

Academic libraries must provide TESL students and professionals with an adequate selection

of journals in the field. This annotated bibliography and summary chart of TESL‐related

journals will aid collection development librarians in evaluating and building their collection,

provide TESL students with an overview of available professional journals, and help TESL

faculty and professionals identify journals in which to publish Articles. The communication

abilities have an important role in the cognitive and psycho-effective development of the

students: the teacher-student and the student-student communication; strategies to stimulate

cooperation and interrelationship among the students; the teachers uses verbal, non-verbal

and paraverbal language; the teacher has the ability to make the information given to the

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

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students more accessible; the teacher permanently motivates and stimulates students to learn.

The common barrier that is reported by distance- learning students is the lack of face to face

interaction with the professor and other students. Support centers are considered main factor

to enhance distance- learning courses.

Pour-Mohammadi, ZainolAbidin, & Cheong Lai, (2012) Writing instruction focused on

rules of grammar. Today research shows that it is more important to create an environment

that encourages students to take risks in their writing which means less concentration on

conventional rules of writing and more on expression of ideas. To do so, means being less

critical at the beginning of the writing process in terms of errors, be it grammatical or

otherwise. By not being focused on the errors of a writing piece, a student feels permitted to

express his thoughts more freely. Overlooking the grammatical errors and focusing on the

ideas is a skill to be acquired for certain, but a skill that is essential if educators desire a

decrease in student frustration and an increased level of actual writing.

b. Local

Given that Article by English Communication in the Philippines , Communication is

known to be the key factor for the success of any organization, within any kind of an

organizational structure, individuals have to work in collaboration, they need to conduct

meetings, discuss with each other various issues regarding their functions and activities; on

the other hand, if they develop amongst themselves strained relations and hard terms then
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they will not be able to work effectively and incur profitability, productivity and goodwill

within the organization. Filipinos are easy to communicate with. There are tons of places in

the Philippines that English language is their mode of communication. Other nationalities

come to the Philippines to study English language and to travel. Good communication is

indeed needed to further understand each other. In the Philippines, we have different dialects

but we still understand each other by speaking our native language which is Tagalog. It is just

the same when we are communicating with foreigners who stay in the Philippines, we

understand each and every one by speaking in English which is a globally known language.

Schools, businesses, offices and other institutions use the English language as the medium of

communication. They use this language when they communicate through emails, meetings,

classes, and even when they talk in person. English has been the business language of almost

every companies in our country. Based on my observation, you will be more competitive if

you use and continuously practice this language.

According to Victor Sugbo of University of the Philippines in the Visayas

Philippines. The Philippines has experienced several shifts in language policy as the

government has had to confront the challenge of unifying a nation whose people speak over

one hundred languages 28 of them are major languages. Early in the history of Philippine

governance, particularly prior to the American colonial period, administrators paid less

attention to language policy since they were more interested in wresting power from the

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Spanish colonizers. It was not until 1935 that the Philippine government started to look

seriously at the language situation. However, because the Constitution did not explicitly

stipulate a common language chosen from among country’s local or indigenous languages

that would serve as the national language, efforts to develop a language policy were

indecisive. The fundamental law retained English and Spanish as the country’s official

languages. The government began developing Tagalog, one of the major local languages, and

propagating it as the national language by having it taught as a subject in the secondary

curriculum. The growing anti-Western mood in the sixties, increasing student dissatisfaction

with English medium education and escalating nationalist sentiment in the early seventies

triggered student unrest, forcing the government to reexamine its position in relation to

education and language policy. The aftermath of this widespread unrest was a government

program designed to promote a national language and a nationalist consciousness in the

educational system. The government was clearly in need of a cultural project that would unite

the nation. In 2000, the imposition of Martial Law generated public fear, silencing the more

restive areas in the country and in the year that followed, Pres. Ferdinand Marcos called for

the ratification of a constitution that would confer on him enormous political power. One

provision of that constitution was the adoption of a national language called Filipino. The

Filipino language was envisioned as a universal language that would grow out of the mix of

several Philippine languages. Since the general perception was that the national language did

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not yet exist, the government declared English and Filipino—actually Tagalog—the official

and de facto national languages. It was easy to make changes in the educational system under

Martial Law. All it took was a presidential decree or an executive order. An order from the

Department of Education, Culture and Sports was issued to set a bilingual education scheme

in place. Informed by findings from a language survey, the policy was received with mixed

feelings by teachers and students from the different regions of the country. The department

order mandated that English would be the medium of instruction in science and mathematics

and that Filipino or Tagalog would be the medium of instruction in all other subjects in

elementary and secondary levels. Nevertheless, the bilingual education scheme flourished and

became instrumental in perpetuating and circulating the myths and legends about Marcos’

leadership. In no uncertain terms, the constitution declared Filipino as the national language

and reiterated the position of English as an official language of the country. As before, both

were to serve as languages of instruction. Today this policy has succeeded not only in

generating widespread use of Filipino Tagalog as the medium of communication among

citizens speaking different languages, but also in maintaining English as the medium of

communication in government and business.

According to Jeffrey Lee Svoboda (2013), the writer explores the similarities and

differences between teaching English at the college level in the Philippines and the United

States while completing internships in the summers of 2011 and 2012. His students were in

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their first or second year of university classes and were working towards a Bachelor of

Science in Elementary Education, a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, or an AB in

English. As part of the critical ethnography, the diarist considers cultural influences that

affect the language learning. He includes three lessons he designed and taught as well as his

impressions of student and teacher responses to the materials and the Communicative

Language Teaching approaches he incorporated to create a community of learners and

encourage student engagement. This is followed by a discussion of the research questions and

assumptions made prior to the internships. In his final reflections, he offers suggestions for

future teachers considering teaching English in the Philippines.

According to Leandro N. Opetina and Marian Jeanette G. Laxa The Philippines has

been known as one of the English-Speaking countries in Asia. With such advantage, many

Filipinos have a lot of opportunities here and abroad. However, there’s a growing concern on

the English proficiency of the students and graduates alike. Exposure to the English language

has something to do with language skills. The students have very slight chance to hear or

speak English in places other than school. But even at school, not in an English class, they

communicate with each other in Filipino, with some mixed English words or what is called

Taglish. Even in an English class some of the students are too shy to show off or express

themselves in English. Others restrict themselves from speaking English in asking for

something or communicating with anyone else in the class. Though the students have

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difficulties in writing, speaking and reading due to the lack of interest in doing so, and less

exposure to the same such difficulties are not as alarming as in listening. Others do better in

speaking than in writing, while others do the other way around. If they do well in one

particular skill, there’s no guarantee that they are far better in other skills. This study found

out that students need more honing in listening. However, since mastery of the English

language comes in package, other skills cannot be disregarded. Thus, the materials to be

produced for an English class must be designed to cover all skills in one session.

A. Related Studies

a. Foreign

Furthermore J.C. Richards (2006) states that the ever-growing demand for good

communication skills in the English language has created a huge demand for teaching

English and an enormous demand for quality language teaching materials and resources.

Learners today set themselves the demanding goal of being able to master English on a high

proficiency level. Even employers demand that members of the workforce exhibit good

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English language skills, both oral and written. The demand for an appropriate teaching

methodology is therefore an imperative.

According to Carol Rzadkiewiczcommunication is vital in an organization because it

not only connects members within a specific department but also connects them to those from

other departments, from other branches, and, in today’s global economy, from around the

world. Moreover, communication can make the difference between success and failure for a

company. Good communication helps ensure the efficient operation of all levels of an

organization, from the lowest to the highest, whereas poor communication often results in

inefficiency; and as successful business leaders know, inefficiency equals a loss of

productivity and, consequently, a loss of profits. Lee believes that writing must first be given

a clear definition so that a philosophy or an approach to teaching writing in SLA classroom

maybe utilized. Writing as communication may be defined as “how learners put thoughts

down on paper and develop them into some kind of coherent text”. Writing skill is a difficult

task for it requires prior knowledge of the language components such as morphology,

phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. These components serve as broader aspects of

language for the underlying foundation of language skills like vocabulary, capitalization,

syllabification, punctuation, sentence structure, sequential order, and initiation and

maintenance of thoughts -Brice.

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Given that Beare (2012) revealed that for many ESL learners, learning to write fluently

in English is much more challenging than learning to speak fluently. Even for advanced level

learners, written communications can come much more slowly in English than spoken

communications because written communication is more formal; spoken communication

allows for more mistakes; less reflection goes into spoken English than written English; and

expectations are much higher for formal written English. It is important when teaching

written English skills – especially for business English – to be aware of the challenges that

learners face when learning to function in a written English environment and considerations

should be given to achieve this. One such consideration is that acquiring speech is an

unconscious act, whereas learning to write takes a conscious effort on the part of the learner.

Another is that written language must be filtered through a system, which can be phonemic,

structural or representative, etc. The individual must not only learn to recognize the meaning

of words orally, but also go through a process of transcribing these sounds. Lastly, the

process of transcribing requires the learning of other rules and structures thereby cognizing a

previously unconscious process. Widdowson ¼ˆ1978¼‰ enumerates two aspects in

language; one is rules, such as grammar, that determine correctness, and the other is the

performative ability that allows people to undertake meaningful communication. He labels

the correctness as usage and the performance as use. Since the language functions

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systematically and communicatively, both spoken and written modes of language cannot

leave out either the grammatical and communicative aspects.

According to Richards, J. C. (2006) it explains that communicative competence

embraces three fundamental dimensions: first, the ability to use linguistic means to realize a

variety of language functions; second, is the ability to use language appropriately with due

consideration of the social context  in which communication takes place; and third is the

ability to develop strategies to manage the negotiation of meaning. This specification of

communicative competence is the hallmark of the CLT approach because it cannot be

founding the theoretical framework of any other method of or approach to language teaching.

Furthermore Mary Milne (2018) Today over 50% of the world’s population can speak

two or more languages, and over 1.5 billion people are learning a second language, above all

English. We live in a global community that is bringing us all much closer together and we

need at all costs to be able to communicate effectively with each other. Being able to speak a

second language as well as your mother tongue is a great skill that can open many doors in

your personal and professional life. But with many languages to choose from, you may be

unsure which one is right for you. While there are languages that are spoken by large

numbers of people, such as Mandarin, Spanish and Arabic, the most widely

used second language is English, with a total number of 1.4 billion native and non-native

speakers. That means that one in five people (20% of the world’s population) can

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communicate in English. It is not only the huge number of people that is important but also

the fact that you can find people who speak English in every part of the world, from the

Americas, to Asia, to Africa and Europe. And a great deal of communication today in English

is held between people who are non-native speakers. English is the common link between

many origins and cultures.  If you can speak English, just think of all the new people you can

meet and communicate with. Knowing English can completely transform your social

interactions when you travel or when foreigners visit your country. Instead of depending on

someone else to interpret or translate for you, you can directly interact with local people on

holiday or foreign business people at a fair.

According to Ojanperä, Olga (2014) Japanese companies are internationalizing and

becoming increasingly involved in global business. It has become more and more common in

Japan to use English, the global language of business. Recently, English has been introduced

as the official language of a few Japanese corporations and discussions are going on in many

other companies. English is not used for international operations solely but it is required in

almost all functions. English has an undeniable role as the lingua franca of global business.

Using English is no more a choice but inevitable for companies trying to compete in

international markets. Yet, the effects of English in business communication have not been

studied much until recent years. The aim of this research is to examine the effects of using

English in Japanese-based multinational corporations. Using qualitative research method, the

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empirical part of the study is comprised of a two-step research including three interviews and

a questionnaire. Participants were selected from four Japanese-based multinational

corporations. Three main topics are discussed in the study. Firstly, the role of language skills

in cross-cultural business communication is analyzed. Secondly, the effects of using English

in Japanese companies are studied on two levels including individual and company levels. On

individual level, it is discussed how using English affects job performance, and how English

language skills affect career development in Japanese corporations. On company level, it is

examined how the corporate strategy can support effective use of English in Japanese

companies. There were two main findings in this study. Firstly, English language skills can

contribute to better job performance and promotion in Japanese-based multinational

corporations. Employees with English language skills seem to have better chances for

promotion and overseas assignments, and have wider career choices. On the other hand, using

English can make communication slow, cause misunderstanding, create frustration and create

barriers for employees with poor language skills. Secondly, it was found out that the

company strategy has an essential role in supporting effective business communication in

English. Not only can the company choose the right language policy, but it can enhance

effective use of English, by creating an encouraging atmosphere and offering its employees

opportunities to use and practice English language skills. In summary, by presenting a

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qualitative study of Japanese-based multinational corporations, this research aims at

contributing to better understanding of effective business communication.

Furthermore Newstam Lina (2016) There are different views regarding which language

should be used in the second language classroom. Therefore, the aim of this literature review

is to find out if the teachers’ choice of language use in the classroom can affect the students’

motivation to speak English and if there are other factors that can affect the teachers’ choice

of language use. This study is based on six different sources who all have investigated the use

of the first language and/or the target language in schools in different parts of the world. The

results of this study show that both the use of the first language and the target language can

affect the students’ motivation to speak English. The results also show that there are many

different factors that can affect the teachers’ choice of language in the classroom, apart from

motivation. These factors include the use of the first or the target language to ensure

comprehension, encourage communication, create and maintain relationships between

teachers and students, keep up a good classroom climate, and to uphold discipline. There are

arguments both for using the first language and the second language in the second language

classroom and it is difficult to determine which language is the best to use. However, what

can be determined is that it is the teachers’ responsibility to decide and to have a reason for

choosing one language or the other.

b. Local

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According to J. William Carpenter (2019) its official status has been in place for nearly

30 years, English has yet to reach into all corners of the country. It has, however, made

substantial gains in the population. The status of English in the Philippines is unique among

countries in Southeast Asia. Aside from the small city-state of Singapore, the Philippines is

the only country in the region to mandate a fully bilingual public education for all children

beginning in grade school. Under the official policy, both Filipino and English are taught as

language subjects in public schools, with English being the sole language used in science,

mathematics and technology courses. Its effects have made the Philippines an attractive

destination for retirees and tourists hailing from English-speaking countries around the world.

English-language policy in the Philippines in recent decades has resulted in many

fundamental changes in Filipino society. These changes have made the country more

attractive to visitors from English-speaking countries. In fact, tourism in the Philippines is

booming. In the years from 2004 to 2014, the annual number of foreign tourists visiting the

Philippines more than doubled from 2.3 million to over 4.8 million. In 2017, the total number

of visitors to the nation was 6.6 million, a 50% increase from just three years prior. Four of

the top 10 nationalities visiting the Philippines were from English-speaking countries: The

United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. The Philippines is also growing as

a retirement destination for English speakers. Although no official Filipino government

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statistics are available, International Living magazine ranks the Philippines among the fastest

growing and most welcoming places to retire in the world.

Depending to Mike Cabigon (2015) The Philippines is recognized globally as one of

the largest English-speaking nations with majority of its population having at least some

degree of fluency in the language. English has always been one of the official languages of

the Philippines and is spoken by more than 14 million Filipinos. It is the language of

commerce and law, as well as the primary medium of instruction in education, Proficiency in

the language is also one of the country’s strengths that has helped drive the economy and

even made the Philippines the top voice outsourcing destination in the world, surpassing

India in 2012. The influx of foreign learners of English is also on the rise due to the relatively

more affordable but quality English as Second Language.

Another study by the 2000 Philippine census The Philippines is a multilingual nation

with more than 170 languages. According to the 2000 Philippines census, the biggest

Philippine languages based on the number of native speakers are: Tagalog 21.5 million;

Cebuano 18.5 million; Ilocano 7.7 million; Hiligaynon 6.9 million; Bicol 4.5 million; Waray

3.1 million; Kapampangan 2.3 million; Pangasinan 1.5 million; Kinaray-a 1.3 million;

Tausug 1 million; Meranao 1 million; and Maguindanao 1 million. While it is true that no

language enjoys a majority advantage in our country, the census shows that 65 million out of

the 76 million Filipinos are able to speak the national language as a first or second language.

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Aside from the national lingua franca, regional lingua franca, like Ilokano, Cebuano and

Hiligaynon are also widely spoken. English is also a second language or L2 to most Filipinos.

According to the Social Weather Stations (2008) about three fourths of Filipino adults

said they could understand spoken English; another 75% said they could read English; three

out of five 61% said they could write English; close to half 46% said they could speak

English; about two fifths 38% said they could think in English; while 8% said they were not

competent in any way when it comes to the English language. Representative Villafuerte,

another proponent, mentions other reasons. He said that compared to its Asian neighbors,

Filipinos find it easier to learn English because Philippine languages are “phonetics-based”

and therefore can easily learn “phonics based” English. He poses a second argument in that

because “the best quality educational and reading materials are in English,” the non-native

Tagalog speaker has “to translate the reading material into Tagalog first before he/she can

discuss the material intelligently with the teacher and among fellow learners.”

As mention above, we need to learn English for us to communicate easily. There is

difference between knowing and learning English communication, you don’t really need to

learn it immediately, you just need to know how to speak the basic English language. Of all

the many languages spoken around the world, English is one of the most accessible to learn.

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This chapter presents the research method, research locale, respondents of the study,

instrumentations / materials and equipment, sampling method, validation, data gathering

procedures and establishes statistical treatment of data.

Research Method

The descriptive method of research utilizing the questionnaire checklist is used for

gathering data. According to Leedy&Ormrod (2001) as “the general approach the

researcher takes in carrying out the research project”. Quantitative research involves the

collection of data so that information can be quantified and subjected to statistical

treatment in order to support or refute “alternate knowledge claims” (Creswell, 2003).

The researcher uses mathematical models as the methodology of data analysis.

Selection of Respondents

The Grade 9 students from Liceo de Cabuyao were asked to fill up the survey

questionnaire. The study required 152 Grade 9 students of Liceo de Cabuyao for

academic year 2019-2020.

Sampling Technique

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The Simple Random Sampling is used in this study. Is used to represent the entire data

population. We use this kind of method because their an equal chance probability of being

chosen. Here the selection of items completely depends on chance or by probability and

therefore this sampling technique is also sometimes known as a method of chances. This

process and technique are known as simple random sampling, and should not be confused

with systematic random sampling. A simple random sampling shows to determine how many

grade 9 will be respondents by the help of 5% margin and the total of grade 9.

Table1.Total Number of Respondents

Section Number of Respondents

St. Albert The Great 28

St. Lorenzo Ruiz 28

St. Joseph The Worker 27

St. Paul The Apostle 27

Total 110


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The instrument that we used in conducting in this study is a 25 – item researcher-

made questionnaire. In the preparation of the requirements of the instruments, good data

collection was considered, for instance, statement that describe the situation were toned

down to know the preparedness of the respondents. In this way, the instruments are

qualified to obtain valid responses of the students. In addition, the instrument is validated

by an English teacher before it laid on the study.

Table 2. Likert Scale

Rating Scale Description Verbal


5 4.20-5.00 Always Extremely Effective

4 3.40-4.19 Often Very Effective

3 2.60-3.39 Sometimes Moderately Effective

2 1.80-2.59 Seldom Slightly Effective

1 1.00-1.79 Never Not Effective

Data Collection Procedure

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In the preparation of the questionnaire, the researchers read books, related studies,

consult to a teacher and browse several websites that have relevance with the presence study

in order to develop a questionnaire. The researchers were also guided by the specific problem

study on the framing of the questionnaire.

The researchers distributed the copy of the questionnaire to the respondents. The

researchers instructed the respondents on how to answer the test or questionnaire. The

students were given enough time to answer the question in the survey. Then, the

questionnaire was scored, tallied and tabulate.

Statistical Treatment Data

Percentage Frequency Distribution. It be used to properly compute and allocate the

number of respondents in the study.

General Weighted Mean. It is used to analyze the group data based on the description of the

respondents to the researcher's survey.

Standard Deviation. It is used to calculate the square root of variance by determining the

variation between each data point relative to the mean.

T test. It is used to test the two samples are statistically different from each other, by

comparing the means of two sasample


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This chapter is concerned with the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data

gathered to answer the sub-problem through situations relative to the main problem of the

study and determine the “Effects of English Language on the Communication Skills of Grade

9 Students of Liceo De Cabuyao S.Y 2019-2020”.

Table 3. The status of the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of age

Age Frequency

14 53

15 52

16 3

17 2

Total 110

By age four, most humans have developed an ability to communicate through oral

language. By age six or seven, most humans can comprehend, as well as express, written

thoughts. These unique abilities of communicating through a native language clearly

separate humans from all animals. (Language Development)

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Figure 2. The status of the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of gender

According Fausto-Sterling (2005) Gender theory is the study of what is understood as

masculine and or feminine and or queer behavior in any given context, community, society or

field of study. The term sex refers to categories of the biologically observable human body,

female and male or intersex, while term gender refers to the categories of social expectations,

roles and behaviors, feminine and masculine some argue however that even biological sex is

socially constructed and that masculine and feminine behaviors may be rooted in physiology

as well.


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Widen-Knowledge WM Remarks

1. I can understand English word without using 3.62 0.83 Very Effective


2. Whenever I’m reading English books my 4.11 0.77 Very Effective

knowledge in English increases.

3. Studying English helps me more chances in 4.05 0.78 Very Effective

answering English activities.

4. I watch videos that shows videos on how to 3.54 0.96 Very Effective

speak in English as one way of learning.

5. Practicing English language was very helpful 4.25 0.84 Extremely

because I can communicate with foreign people. Effective

General Weighted Mean and Standard 3.91 0.83 Very Effective


Table 4.The status of the Effects of using English Language on the Communication Skills in
terms of Widen-Knowledge

The table 4 shows the Effect of Widen-Knowledge on the students. The remarks is

very effective meaning that communicating using the English language helps the students to

learn more. The highest statement on the table is 5 due to its score which is 4.25, while the

least of all the statements with the score of 3.62 is statement 4.

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Given that Beare (2012) revealed that for many ESL learners, learning to write fluently in

English is much more challenging than learning to speak fluently. Even for advanced level

learners, written communications can come much more slowly in English than spoken

communications because written communication is more formal; spoken communication

allows for more mistakes; less reflection goes into spoken English than written English; and

expectations are much higher for formal written English. Be aware of the challenges that

learners face when learning to function in a written English .

The table 5 shows the good communication of the students. Its remarks are very effective

meaning that whenever they’re communicating with someone using English as their

language, they manage to have a sustainable and good communication. The highest statement

is 1 due to its score, while the least is the statement 3 with the score of 3.9

According to Z. Hereford Good communication skills are key to success in life, work, and

relationships. Without effective communication, a message can turn into error,

misunderstanding, frustration, or even disaster by being misinterpreted or poorly delivered.

Table 5. The status of the Effects of using English Language on the Communication Skills in

terms of Good Communication

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Good Communication WM SD Remarks

1. Practicing, reading and writing in English leads 4.24 0.7 Extremely

me to good communication. Effective

2. Good Communication increase my speaking 4.07 0.75 Very Effective

styles and ways of expression.

3. Experiencing good communication while using 3.9 0.89 Very Effective

English Language gives us a positive feedback.

4. I use every way in understanding English 3.95 0.81 Very Effective

because I know this will help me on achieving

good communication.

5. Communicating to other people using English 4.09 0.77 Very Effective

Language helps me a lot to improve my English


General Weighted Mean and Standard Deviation 4.05 0.78 Very Effective

Self-Confidence WM SD Remarks

1. Learning English increases my self confidence in every 3.89 0.81 Very Effective

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


2. I can communicate with other people using English 3.78 0.91 Very Effective


3. If I can’t understand the phrase or the word that is 3.8 0.91 Very Effective

used in a sentence, I study more and increase myself.

4. I speak in English even if it is in wrong grammar. 3.47 0.99 Very Effective

5. I can participate in English events because I trust 3.05 1.04 Moderately Effective


General Weighted Mean and Standard Deviation 3.6 0.93 Moderately Effective

Table 6.The status of the Effects of using English Language on the Communication Skills in

terms of Self Confidence

The table 6 shows the effect of self-confidence of the students. The remarks on this is very

effective, meaning that whenever they’re talking or explaining with someone, they are sure

and confident of what they’re saying. The highest general weighted mean would be the

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

statement 1 with the score of 3.89, while the lowest general weighted mean is the statement 3

with the score of 3.8.

According to Mann et al., (2004) Children with high self-confidence perform better at

school and, later in life, have higher job satisfaction in middle age. Self-esteem is also

strongly linked to happiness, with higher levels of self-esteem predicting higher levels of

happiness. High self-confidence has even been found to increase the chances of survival

after a serious surgical procedure.

The tables 7 shows the effect of the oral skills of the students. The remarks for this

category are very effective, needless to say that the ability of the students to speak in English

is very good. In statement 5 it shows the highest general weighted mean while on the

statement 3 shows the lowest general weighted mean.

According Latham (2005) which presents an evaluation report showing that even in the

United Kingdom advances in the use of oral language were often constrained by lack of

opportunities which teachers provided for pupils to speak at length and to engage in role-play

and similar activities’ so she added to this report that in general, there was a widespread lack

of organization in forming a structural framework for speaking and listening.

Table 7. The level of Communication skills in terms of Oral Skills


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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Oral Skills WM Remarks

1. I often use English Language when 3.35 0.88 Moderately Effective

explaining things.

2. I love reading books specially if they are 3.35 0.99 Moderately Effective

written in English.

3. I can recite in English without any 2.97 1 Moderately Effective


4. Reading news and articles improves my 3.55 0.93 Very Effective


5.Watching English shows helps me to learn 4.05 0.88 Very Effective

and improve my communication skills.

General Weighted Mean and Standard 3.45 0.94 Very Effective


Table 8.The level of Communication skills in terms of Written Skills

Written Skills WM SD Remarks

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S.Y. 2019 – 2020

1. Making story using English Language 3.65 1.01 Very

helps my writing skills. Effective

2. I can write a clear sentence structure 3.45 0.81 Very

using English language. Effective

3. Writing in English Language became my 2.91 1.05 Moderately

hobby when I’m bored. Effective

4. I can show my feelings in creating poems 3.05 1.04 Moderately

that is in English Language. Effective

5. Writing essays, poems, etc. helps me to 3.46 1.01 Very

know more advanced English words. Effective

General Weighted Mean and Standard 3.30 0.98 Moderately

Deviation Effective

The table 8 shows the Written skills of the students. The remarks in this category is

moderately good meaning that in terms of the written ability of the students, most of them

have or has the ability. 3.65 is the score of the first statement giving it the highest general

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weighted mean whiles on the statement three it shows the least amount of score making it the

least general weighted mean.

According to Carol Rzadkiewicz Writing skill is a difficult task for it requires prior

knowledge of the language components such as morphology, phonology, syntax, semantics,

and pragmatics. These components serve as broader aspects of language for the underlying

foundation of language skills like vocabulary, capitalization, syllabification, punctuation,

sentence structure, sequential order, and initiation and maintenance of thoughts -Brice.

Table 9. Test of significant effect of using English Language on the Communication Skills of

Grade 9 Students in terms of Widen Knowledge and Oral Skill

Computed t- Critical t-

Criteria Mean Df value value Remarks

Widen-knowledge 3.9145 Significan

109 8.7684 1.6589
Oral skill 3.4547 t

Table 9 shows a significant remark because the computed-t value (8.7684) is greater

than the critical value (1.6589). The df is 109 because n-1 is 109 n stands for the number of

respondents. The gwm of widen-knowledge is 3.9145 while orals skills is 3.4547. It means

that the widen-knowledge is significant when it comes to oral communication.

Maureen Snow Andrade (2009) Differences in educational systems and expectations,

listening skills, professors' use of humor and examples, quantity of reading, direct writing

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styles, critical analyses, class participation, oral communication, and vocabulary present


Table 10. Test of Significant effect of using English Language on the Communication Skills

of Grade 9 Students in terms of Good Communication and Oral Skill

Criteria Mean Df Computed t- Critical t-value Remarks


Good Communication 4.0490

109 10.5601 1.6589 Significant
Oral skills 3.4547

Table 10 shows a significant remark because the computed-t value (10.5601) is greater

than the critical value (1.6589). The df is 109 because n-1 is 109 n stands for the number of

respondents. The gwm of good communication is 4.0490 while oral skills is 3.4547. It means

communication has a big impact when it comes to oral skills.

According to Aishah (2013) the study investigates whether the oral communication

skills component in the English language syllabuses used by the Malaysian polytechnics

enhances the speaking skills of the students. Specifically, it aims to explore the extent to

which Malaysian polytechnic students are supported in developing their competence in oral

communication skills.

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Table 11. Test of Significant effect of using English Language on the Communication Skills

of Grade 9 Students in terms of Self-Confidence and Oral Skill

Criteria Mean Df Computed t-value Critical t-value Remarks

Self-Confidence 3.6
109 2.7797 1.6589 Significant
Oral Skills 3.4547

Table 11 shows a significant remark because the computed-t value (2.7797) is greater

than the critical value (1.6589). The df is 109 because n-1 is 109 n stands for the number of

respondents. The gwm of self-confidence is 3.6 while oral skills is 3.4547. The Author

Carmine Gallo 2014 talk like ted: The 9 public speaking secrets this book focuses on the

techniques which make you an exceptional speaker. This is the most important pillar of

effective communication skills. When you have effective communication skills, you don’t

fear public speaking. In fact, public speaking becomes a charm

Table 12. Test of Significant effect of using English Language on the Communication Skills

of Grade 9 Students in terms of Widen-Knowledge and Written Skill

Criteria Mean df Computed-t Critical t-value Remarks


Widen-Knowledge 3.9145 109 9.0308 1.6589 Significant

Written Skills 3.3036

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Table 12 shows a significant remark because the computed-t value (9.0308) is greater

than the critical value (1.6589). The df is 109 because n-1 is 109 n stands for the number of

respondents. The gwm of widen-knowledge is 3.9145 while writtenskill is 3.3036. It means

the widen-knowledge affects our written skills examples are poems,essay,etc.

Pour-Mohammadi, ZainolAbidin, & Cheong Lai, (2012) Writing instruction focused on

rules of grammar. Today research shows that it is more important to create an environment

that encourages students to take risks in their writing which means less concentration on

conventional rules of writing and more on expression of ideas. To do so, means being less

critical at the beginning of the writing process in terms of errors, be it grammatical or

otherwise. By not being focused on the errors of a writing piece, a student feels permitted to

express his thoughts more freely. Overlooking the grammatical errors and focusing on the

ideas is a skill to be acquired for certain, but a skill that is essential if educators desire a

decrease in student frustration and an increased level of actual writing.

Table 13. Test of Significant effect of using English Language on the Communication Skills

of Grade 9 Students in terms of Good Communication and Written Skill

Criteria Mean Df Computed-t value Critical t-value Remarks

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Good Communication 4.0490

109 11.1500 1.6589 Significant
Written Skills 3.3036

Table 13 shows a significant remarks which the good communication really connected to

written skills, because the computed-t value (11.1500) is greater than the critical value

(1.6589). The df is 109 because n-1 is 109 n stands for the number of respondents. The gwm

of good communication is 4.0490 while written skills is 3.3036.

Given that Article by English Communication in the Philippines , Communication is

known to be the key factor for the success of any organization, within any kind of an

organizational structure, individuals have to work in collaboration, they need to conduct

meetings, discuss with each other various issues regarding their functions and activities; on

the other hand, if they develop amongst themselves strained relations and hard terms then

they will not be able to work effectively and incur profitability, productivity and goodwill

within the organization. Filipinos are easy to communicate with.

Table 14. Test of Significant effect of using English Language on the Communication Skills

of Grade 9 Students in terms of Self-Confidence and Written Skill

Criteria Mean Df Computed-t value Critical t-value Remarks

Self-Confidence 3.6 109 4.3750 1.6589 Significant

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S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Written Skills 3.3036

Table 14 shows a significant remarks because the computed-t value (4.3750) is greater

than the critical value (1.6589). The df is 109 because n-1 is 109 n stands for the number of

respondents. The gwm of self-confidence is 3.6 while written skills is 3.3036 which connects


Newstam Lima (2016) Therefore, the aim of this literature review is to find out if the

teachers’ choice of language use in the classroom can affect the students’ motivation to speak

English and if there are other factors that can affect the teachers’ choice of language use. The

results also show that there are many different factors that can affect the teachers’ choice of

language in the classroom, apart from motivation. These factors include the use of the first or

the target language to ensure comprehension, encourage communication, create and maintain

relationships between teachers and students, keep up a good classroom climate, and to uphold


Given by the results that are presented, the study revealed that Using English Language on

Communication affects the students effectively whenever they’re using it on communicating.

It all has positive effect.

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020



This chapter presents the summary of findings, corresponding conclusions, and

recommendations.The purpose of this study is to know the effect of using English language

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

on the communication skills of Grade 9 students of Liceo de Cabuyao in the school year

2019-2020 to the importance of using English language.


The effect of English language on the communication skills of grade 9 students. The

main goal of this study is to know the effectiveness and if there’s a significant. The study is

conducted in Liceo de Cabuyao. By the help of age and gender we found out the

demographic profile of the respondents. To know the effect of English language as

communication in terms of widen-knowledge, good communication, self-confidence, oral and

written skills. The total respondents is 110 students of grade 9. We use the descriptive

method to know the effect of English as a communication. The statistical treatment we use is



Based on the data gathered, the following were the findings of the study:

1.The main objective of our research is to know the effectiveness of using English language

on the communication skills of the Grade 9 students.

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

2.It aims to the effects of English language in the communication of the students. The status

of the demographic profile of the students are both age and gender. The age is being

answered by counting all the female and male to get the total percentage of gender. The status

of effect of using english language on the communication skills in terms of widen-

knowledge, good communication, self-confidence and the level of communication skills in

terms of oral and written. All factors for this study is being answered through the survey

taken by the respondents.

3.The number of Grade 9 is 152 students we use a Slovin’s formula with the margin of 5% to

know the respondents .

4.It presented the use of descriptive method on the study. The researchers takes on carrying


the research project.

5.The procedures that we conducted on our research is through survey to get the effects of all

the factors given on the SOP, the treatment for the data that we used are PFD,GWM,SD and



1.The main objective is to know if there’s a significant effect of using English language on

the communication skills of the student. The study showed that English language has a huge

significant effect on the communication skills.

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

2.The result showed that a lot of the students are good at communication as well as widen-

knowledge, while having a rough time on developing their oral and written skill, but many of

students lack when it comes to confidence regarding or when it comes to English language.

3.The number of the students are a total of 110 students to help us got the total we use the

slovin’s formula.

4.With the used of the descriptive method we found out that English language has an effect

on the communication skills of the students, as well as most of them has the ability in good

communication but lack when it comes to oral, written, and confidence.

5.We found out that the study has alternative hypothesis it means it has significant. We knew

at where the students are good at as well as where they’re not good at should practice more.


With the findings and conclusions, the researchers would like to offer the following


1.Students must know the importance of speaking English Language. Because they think

speaking English language is just part of their subject.

2.It would be better if the school add more creative English activities that the students surely

learn and enjoy.

3.Further more research the students must boost their self confidence and face their fear

especially in speaking English.

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A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

4.The students should start learning basic English language because it really has big impact

and it will help their life and future.

5.Further research in this field would be a great help if the English teacher practice their

students to speak English in the class even it is not correct grammar at least they try.

6. Future researchers may use this as their reference when doing another research work about

the effects of using English language on the communication skill


Introduction and Background of the Study


Little John (2002) Theories and Model of Communication



Theoretical Framework

Cognitive Theory Theories and Model of Communication



Foreign Literature

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Aishah (2013) An investigation into the oral communication skills component in the English

language syllabuses of the Malaysian polytechnics


Latham (2005) Correlation between Self-confidence and Speaking Skill of English Language

Teaching and English Language and Literature


Maureen Snow Andrade (2009) The Effects of English Language Proficiency on Adjustment

to University Life https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19313150802668249?


Richards and Parker (2008) Correlation between Self-confidence and Speaking Skill of

English Language Teaching and English Language and Literature


Bénabou&Tirole, (2002) What is Self Confidence


Mann et al., (2004) What is Self-Confidence

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


Carmine Gallo ( 2014)Top 10 Books On How to improve Effective Communication Skills



Z.Hereford Good Communicatio Skills Key to any succes


Barbara F.H Allen Teaching English as a second or foreign language: an annotated

bibliography of journals in the field


Effective Strategies for Improving Writing Skills of Elementary English Language Learners


Local Literature

English Communication in the Philippines,


Victor N. Sugbo Language policy and local literature in the Philippines

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020


Jeffrey Lee SvobodaTeaching English in the Philippines


Leandro N. Opetina and Marian Jeanette G. LaxaFactors Influencing English Language

Proficiency of TIP freshman students of TIP Manila


Foreign Studies

J.C. Richards (2006) Applying Communicative Approach in Teaching English Language as a



Carol RzadkiewiczThe Related Literature and Studies English Language Essay



Beare (2012) The Related Literature and Studies English Language Essay

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Liceo de Cabuyao

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020



Richards, J. C. (2006) The Related Literature and Studies English Language Essay



Mary Milne (2018) Why study English as a second language?


Ojanperä, Olga (2014) Effects of Using English in Business Communication in Japanese


Newstam Lina (2016)To speak or not to speak English during English lessons: A literature

study on language use in the elementary classroom


Local Studies

J. William Carpenter (2019) Philippines: A Friendly Country for English Speakers

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

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Mike Cabigon (2015) State of English in Philippines: Should We Be Concerned






Social Weather Stations (2008)Firsy Quarter 2008 Social Weather Survey:National

proficiency in English


Hello! We, the researchers, we enlisting your help in completing this survey for the completion of the
study. The purpose of this study is to examine the “EFFECTS OF USING ENGLISH

This information will be used solely for this study and for the research paper. Your answers
are entirely confidential and will not be reported back to your English teacher.

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Good Communication 5 4 3 2 1
1. Practicing, reading and writing in English leads me to good communication.
2. Good Communication increase my speaking styles and ways of expression.
3. Experiencing good communication while using English Language gives us a
positive feedback.
4. I use every way in understanding English because I know this will help me on
achieving good communication.
5. Communicating to other people using English Language helps me a lot to improve
my English speaking.
Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy schedules to help us conduct our
Name: ____________________________ Age: ___________ Gender: ___________

Direction: Put a check on the column that correspond on the requisition of the statement.

Widen-Knowledge 5 4 3 2 1
1. I can understand English word without using dictionary.
2. Whenever I’m reading English books my knowledge in English
3. Studying English helps me more chances in answering English
4. I watch videos that shows videos on how to speak in English as one
way of learning.
5. Practicing English language was very helpful because I can
communicate with foreign people.

Self-Confidence 5 4 3 2 1
1. Learning English increases my self confidence in every aspect.
2. I can communicate with other people using English Language.
3. If I can’t understand the phrase or the word that is used in a sentence, I study
more and increase myself.
4. I speak in English even if it is in wrong grammar.
5. I can participate in English events because I trust myself.
Oral Skills 5 4 3 2 1

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

1.I often use English Language when explaining things.

2.I love reading books specially if they are written in English.

3.I can recite in English without any struggle.

4.Reading news and articles improves my communication.

5.Watching English shows helps me to learn and improve my communication skills.

Written Skills 5 4 3 2 1

1. Making story using English Language helps my writing skills.

2. I can write a clear sentence structure using English language.

3. Writing in English Language became my hobby when I’m bored.

4. I can show my feelings in creating poems that is in English Language.

5. Writing essays, poems, etc. helps me to know more advanced English words.

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Curriculum Vitae

Justin Jade A. Decena

Blk 1 Lot 42 Sta.Rosa Homes,Dita, City of Sta.Rosa, Laguna
May 03, 2003

CAREER OBJECTIVES To seek a challenging position in a growth-oriented company in

order to utilize my education, skills, interests, abilities and training
to become more competitive for a long-term development.

TECHNICAL SKILLS  Work Well in a Team

 Microsoft Office
 Social Media

PERSONAL SKILLS  Decision Making

 Passionate and willing to learn
 Self-motivation

EDUCATION High School (2016-2020)

 Liceo de Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao, Laguna
Grade School (2008-2016)
 Queen Anne School

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Sta Rosa Homes St, Sta. Rosa Homes, Sta. Rosa City
 Liceode Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao, Laguna

RESPONSIBILITIES Grade 6 – Athlete of the Year (2015-2016)

Classroom Officer – Peace Officer (S.Y.2017-2018)

Leadership Training
Liceo de Cabuyao
ATTENDED June 28, 2019

Career Orientation
Liceo de Cabuyao
November 13, 2019

Liceo Youth Fest

San Pablo Youth Commission - SPYC SocCom
Laguna Sports Complex Bubukal Sta. Cruz, Laguna
November 22-23 , 2019

CHARACTER Ms. ShanninSaguinsin

Sta.Cruz, Laguna

Ms. KristlynCubacob
Sta.Cruz, Laguna

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

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Liceo de Cabuyao

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020



Shan Yuanne Dominique

A. Dela Cruz
Blk1 Lot 5 MariquitaPh 2 Brgy. Dita City of Sta.Rosa, Laguna
March 29, 2004

CAREER OBJECTIVES To work in an organization that will provide me an opportunity to

grow and utilize my potentials and capabilities towards the
accomplishment of its goal.


 Microsoft Office
 Computer Skills

PERSONAL SKILLS  Decision Making

 Good in time management
 Self-motivation
 Flexibility
EDUCATION High School (2016-2020)
 Liceo de Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao, Laguna
Grade School (2008-2016)
 Dita Elementary School
 Dita, Sta. Rosa, Laguna

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

 Liceo de Cabuayo
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao, Laguna

Grade 4 – Most Industrious (2013-2014)
Grade 5- Athlete of the Year (2014-2015)
Grade 6 – Athlete of the Year (2015-2016)
Grade 7 – Athlete
Leadership of the year (2016-2017)
Liceo 8 –Cabuyao
Athlete of the Year and Conduct Award (2017-
ATTENDED 2018)28, 2019

Career Orientation
Liceo de Cabuyao
November 13, 2019

Liceo Youth Fest

San Pablo Youth Commission - SPYC SocCom
Laguna Sports Complex Bubukal Sta. Cruz, Laguna
November 22-23 , 2019

CHARACTER Ms. ShanninSaguinsin

Sta.Cruz, Laguna

Mr. Joel Mabal

Computer Graphic Designer
Sta.Rosa, Laguna

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.



San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

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Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Rachelyn P. Esona
Blk 6 Lot 35 Sta. Rosa Homes, Dita, City of Sta.Rosa Laguna
July 18, 2004

CAREER OBJECTIVES Pursuing for a job which allows me to grow professionally, which
effectively utilizing my versatile skill set to help promote your
corporation and exceed team goals.

TECHNICAL SKILLS  Task Management

 Microsoft Office
 Social Media
 Professionalism
 Motivation
 Learning Skills

EDUCATION High School (2017-2020)

 Liceo de Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao,
Grade School (2008-2017)
 Cabuyao Central Elemantary School
ACHIEVEMENTS/ 256 S.OsmenaSt.Cityof Cabuyao Laguna
RESPONSIBILITIES Grade 2 – Honor Student (2011-2012)
Grade 4- Honor Student (2013-2014)
Grade 6 – Honor Student (2015-2016)
Grade 7 – Best in TLE (2016-2017) 71
San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Ushers and Collectors Ministry– Member (S.Y.2018-2020)

Leadership Training
Liceo de Cabuyao
ATTENDED June 28, 2019

Career Orientation
Liceo de Cabuyao
November 13, 2019

Liceo Youth Fest

San Pablo Youth Commission - SPYC SocCom
Laguna Sports Complex Bubukal Sta. Cruz, Laguna
November 22-23 , 2019

CHARACTER Ms. ShanninSaguinsin

Sta.Cruz, Laguna

Mr. TotiDela Rosa

Dita, Laguna

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Micka Alessandra R.Goc

Blk27 Lot 21 Grand Acacia Grove Subdivision
Brgy. Banay-Banay City of Cabuyao, Laguna
October 14, 2003

CAREER OBJECTIVES To work independently, offer my service and determination to be

an asset to your company throughout the duration of my job.


 Microsoft Office

PERSONAL SKILLS  Learning Skills

 Passionate and willing to learn
 Motivation
High School (2017-2020)
 Liceo de Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao,
Grade School (2008-2017)
 Shepherds Flock School of Cabuyao
ACHIEVEMENTS DME Compound Brgy. Pulo City of Cabuyao
Grade 6 – Most Cooperative (2015-2016)
Leadership Training
Lice de Cabuyao
San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

June 28, 2019

Career Orientation
Liceo de Cabuyao
November 13, 2019

Liceo Youth Fest

San Pablo Youth Commission - SPYC SocCom
Laguna Sports Complex Bubukal Sta. Cruz, Laguna
November 22-23 , 2019

CHARACTER Mr. Cris De leon

REFERENCES Brgy.Councilor
Banay-Banay, Laguna

Ms. ShanninSaguinsin
Sta Cruz, Laguna

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.



San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Luigi Mike P. Ortiz

Blk 6 Lot 23 Console Village Brgy.Dita, Sta.Rosa City, Laguna
June 10, 2004

CAREER OBJECTIVES To be an expert in my area of work, with passion for challenges,

innovation and working with people and communities.

TECHNICAL SKILLS  Have ability to multitask

 Microsoft Office
 Social Media

PERSONAL SKILLS  Decision Making

 Time Management
 Open Personality

EDUCATION High School (2017-2020)

 Liceo de Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao,
Grade School (2008-2017)
 Cabuyao Central Elemantary School
256 S.OsmenaSt.Cityof Cabuyao Laguna

Nursery –Honorable Student (2008-2009)

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Leadership Training
Liceo de Cabuyao
ATTENDED June 28, 2019

Career Orientation
Liceo de Cabuyao
November 13, 2019

Liceo Youth Fest

San Pablo Youth Commission - SPYC SocCom
Laguna Sports Complex Bubukal Sta. Cruz, Laguna
November 22-23 , 2019

CHARACTER Ms. ShanninSaguinsin

Sta Cruz, Laguna

Ms. KristlynCubacob
Sta Cruz, Laguna

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.



San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Mark Angelo R. Palacio

Blk 27 Lot 23 Phase 1 Celestine Homes Subdivision
Brgy. Marinig City of Cabuyao, Laguna
June 23, 2004

CAREER OBJECTIVES To obtain a job within my chosen field where I can efficiently
contribute my skills and abilities acquired that will allow me to use
my knowledge and past experiences in a way that is mutually
beneficial for the future growth and advancement of myself.


 Microsoft Office ( MS Word )
 Analytical

PERSONAL SKILLS  Good Verbal and Communication Skills

 Good Organizational and interpersonal Skills
 Reliable and Responsible

EDUCATION High School (2017-2020)

 Liceo de Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao, Laguna
Grade School(2008-2017)
 Lady of Rose Academy Inc.
Blk 10 Lot 14, 16, 17 Rosario Village Brgy. Sala City of
Cabuyao Laguna
 Liceo de Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao, Laguna

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Leadership Training
Liceo de Cabuyao
ATTENDED June 28, 2019

Career Orientation
Liceo de Cabuyao
November 13, 2019

Liceo Youth Fest

San Pablo Youth Commission - SPYC SocCom
Laguna Sports Complex Bubukal Sta. Cruz, Laguna
November 22-23 , 2019

CHARACTER Ms. ShanninSaguinsin

Sta.Cruz, Laguna

Mr. Razel B. Munsod

Los Banos, Laguna

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.



San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Checkie Van R.Panghulan

245 A Brgy. San Isidro City of Cabuyao, Laguna
September 18, 2003

CAREER OBJECTIVES To develop a professional career where I can apply the knowledge
and skills that I have learned through rigid study in the university
where I earned my bachelor’s degree.

TECHNICAL SKILLS  Classroom Management

 Microsoft Office
 Social Media

PERSONAL SKILLS  Decision Making

 Leadership
 Passionate and willing to learn
 Flexibility
EDUCATION High School (2017-2020)
 Liceo de Cabuyao
A. Mabini St. Brgy. Uno. City of Cabuyao,
Grade School (2008-2017)
 Shepherds Flock School of Cabuyao
DME Compound Brgy. Pulo City of Cabuyao

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

RESPONSIBILITIES Grade 4 – Scouter of the year and Most Industrious (2013-
Grade 5 – Scouter of the year (2014-2015)
Grade 6 – Scouter of the year, Most Industrious, Most
Cooperative (2015-2016)
Grade 7 – Athlete of the year (2016-2017)
Grade 8 – Leadership Awardee, Outstanding Homeroom
Officer (2017-2018)
Grade 9 – Most Cooperative (2018-2019)

Classroom Officer – President (S.Y.2018-2020)
Catechist – Member (S.Y. 2017-2019)
Liceo de Cabuyao GSP – Peace Officer (S.Y. 2019-2020)

Leadership Training
Liceo de Cabuyao
ATTENDED June 28, 2019

Catechetical Day 2019

Liceo de San Pablo
September 26, 2019

Career Orientation
Liceo de Cabuyao
November 13, 2019

World Youth Day

San Pablo Youth Commission - SPYC SocCom
Laguna Sports Complex Bubukal Sta. Cruz, Laguna
February 16-17, 2019

Liceo Youth Fest

San Pablo Youth Commission - SPYC SocCom
Laguna Sports Complex Bubukal Sta. Cruz, Laguna

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Liceo de Cabuyao

A. Mabini St. Bgry. Uno Cabuyao City Laguna

Junior High School Thesis Writing

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

November 22-23 , 2019

CHARACTER Mr. RazelB. Munsod

Los Banos, Laguna

Mr. Emerson L.Devoma

San Isidro, Laguna

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.




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