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Lesson Plan Title:

➢ The Five Senses

Grade Level:
➢ First Grade

➢ Science

Concept/ Topic To Teach:

➢ Students will be able to recognize the five senses (sights, touch, smell, hearing, and

General Goal(s)
➢ Students will state the five senses, what body part is used and how they use these senses
in their day to day life through sentence formation and pictures.

Specific Objectives:
➢ Students will be able to identify the body parts we use for our senses such as eyes, ears,
nose, mouth, and hands as well as the function of the body part.
➢ Students will be able to investigate how the five senses provide information.

Required Materials
➢ Student Notebook
➢ YouTube Video
➢ Seeing Station Worksheet
➢ Hearing Station
○ Marbles, Yuck-E0 Ball Fidget, Legos, Seashells, Bells
➢ Smelling Station
○ Coffee Beans. Flower Scents, Vanilla, Orange, Lime
➢ Tasting Station
○ Lime, gummy bear
➢ Touch Station
○ Feathers, cotton balls, rocks, sticks, modeling clay

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

1. Welcome back to class students! Today we are going to learn about our five senses. Can
one of you name one of your five senses? (Pause and wait for students to raise their hand)
2. Listen to the students' discussion about what they know about their five senses.
3. Teacher will begin the lesson by playing the following video. Link:
4. Ask the students to share with their partner what they learned from the video.
5. After sharing their ideas, the students will pair up and will be going to the five sensory
Step-By-Step Procedures:
➢ The students will be in a group of 5. They will be with their table team of 5 tables with 5
students in each group. Each group will be assigned one of the five senses. It will begin
with Seeing Station (1), Hearing Station (2), Smell Station (3), Taste Station (4), Touch
Station (5).
○ Before the students leave to their assigned station they must bring along their
writing journal and a pencil.

➔ #1 Seeing Station
◆ The teacher will be hanging out a worksheet to each student. The worksheet
contains pictures in column 1 the students must identify the second column if both
pictures are the same or if they are different from one another.
➔ #2 Hearing Station
◆ There will be five containers placed on the table each one is sealed with different
objects placed inside of them.
➔ #3 Smell Station
◆ Have 5 containers placed on the table, each will have something inside. The
students will have their notebook and they will answer the following questions:
What do you smell? Does the smell remind you of something? Can you tell what
is in the container?
➔ #4 Taste Station
◆ There are 2 samples to taste. In the same paper the student will write a description
of what the samples taste like? Is it sweet, bitter, or sour?
➔ #5 Touch Station
◆ The teacher will need to prepare 5 brown paper bags. Each paper bag will contain
a certain object. The objects will have cotton balls, feathers, sticks, modeling clay,
and rocks. The students will be working in pairs to identify what material they are
feeling. Only two pairs of students will be placed at this station.

➢ Each student will stay in each station for 7-10 minutes. Once that is completed they will
go back to their desk to complete their assessment.

Plan For Independent Practice Activity:

➢ For the students' independent practice the teacher will conduct an interview with one of
their classmates. They will continue using their writing journal. The teacher will list the
following questions on the board.
○ Title Journal “Getting To Know Our Senses”
■ What are the things I feel? Things that I like To Smell? What are things I
like to see? What are things I Like to taste?
■ Students will be sharing what they have in common and then share
answers to the class.
○ The students are being evaluated on how they will participate in the station and
completion of their journal entries.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):
➢ In our science lesson and activity we learned about our 5 senses: sight, smell, touch, taste,
and hearing. Each and every one of you today did a good job rotating throughout each

Special Needs Modification: Visual Impairment

➢ The YouTube video will be presented with closed captioning for the students who have
difficulty hearing and processing verbal words.
➢ The students will also be sitting in the front tables next to the board to see the material
that is being presented. As the teacher I will have a one on one direction for the time
during instructions or questions.

The technology used for my lesson plan will be YouTube, to guide the students to learn the
material in a fun and interactive video. And I will also be using the Big Blue Button to present
my lesson plan.

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