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Chapter 5 Summary

 1-Eastern Zhou China:

Spring and autumn period
New administrations
Selected based on merit
Iron technology
Qin replaced the Zhou dynasty
Warfare promoted intellectual creativity
 Hundred Masters
(HAN EMPIRE)Confucius: Analects compiled his ethical teachinings and
cultural ideals. Perfect moral chracter. hierarcy based on education moral
cultivation: birth
Mohizm: He opposed wars of conquest. Concept of universal love. Human
nature is good in itself. Collective responsibility.
Daoism: Living according to natural order and spontoneusly.- optimist
(QIN EMPIRE)Legalism: Humans are inherently bad. They need education
to control. Strict laws-punishments – pessimist.
Registration system for peasent households.(collection tax, army
conscription, monitoring population)
Crossbow and siege warfare
Crop rotation and iron plowshares
 2- New World of South Asia
Vedic- mid-Gorges(suitable for rice): rice agriculture and markets to sell
No unified states
Kshatriya: toprakları control eden and military power
3-Vaishyas(hayvanları olan)
4-Shudras (köylü) -denied twice born, developed their own hierarchy
5-Untouchables (kirli işleri yapanlar)
Rice, long distance trade, no central powerful state(kings and elites),
divine kinship(herkes kral olamaz)
Against Brahmans
1) Mahavira and Jainism:
Ruhu temizleme, her canlının ruhu vardır.
2) Buddha and Buddism:
4 truth, eightfold path, reaching “nirvana”, sangha: budist monks
 3)Common Cultures in America
a) Chavin in the Andes
Tropical lands -vertical settlement-
Llamas (not for transportation)
United by culture and faith more than political structure
Creation of devotional cults
b) Olmecs in Mesoamerica
Shared a common language, traded with each other, warshipped the
same god, products intended for religious purposes, primary cities-
religious and secular hubs that bound together surrounding agrarian
hamlets, developing a tradition of sports(ball game), olmec cosmology
believed that the supernatural pervaded the natural world.
 4) Common Cultures sub-saharan Africa:
Geography, climate

4 Zones: 1- the sahara desert 2-the sahel 3- the Sudanic savarina region 4-
eastern and central African rain forests
NUBIA: Kush, adopted many Egyptian cultural and political practices,
influence of Egypt, iron smelting and manufacture of textiles.
NOK CULTURE: Iron work, terra-cotta figures
 5) Warring Ideas in the Mediterranean World
Trading goods and new ideas
Odyssey: Reflects new kinds of mobility and transforming.
Independent and self governing city states.
Internal and external competition, colonies.
Citizen kavramı ve seçim
Household: Central social unit, men^women(no public life)
Sporta, Olympic Games: Honour of Zeus
Peloponnesian war bw Athens and sporta.
Free markets(opened trading) and money based(coin instead of gift)
Trade and colonization
Chattel slavery, “Barbarian” people
New Ideas: Monarşi ve din baskısı olmadığından özgür düşünce ortamı
Nudity: break of moral code.
Xenophanes: Tanrının çizildiği gibi olup olmadıpı konusunda şüphe
Demokritos: Herşey atomlardan oluşur
Pythagoras: Numbers
Socrates: ethic and moralty
Plato: Yöneticiler felsefeci olmalı.

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