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Chapter V

East Asia
1) Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) Chpt.3
2) The Early (Western) Zhou Empire (1045-771) Chpt.4
-New political doctrine: Mandate of Heaven
-King Wu (1049-1043)
-King Mu (956-918) and reforms

3) The Eastern Zhou China (770-221BC)

-Spring and Autumn Period (722-481BC) ca. 150 tributary states
-The Warring State Period (403-221BC) 7 large-scales states –including Zhou,
Qin, Yan, Qi, Chu, Han, and Wei)

4) Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC)

Axial Age
Intellectual & cultural boom between 8t -3rdcentury BC. Age of philosophers, teachers,
and thinkers with alternative world views
_East Asia: Hundred Masters / Hundred Schools of Thought
Confucius (551-479 BC): Confucianism
Mo Di (479-438 BC): Mohism
Laozi & Zhuangzi (369-289BC): Daoism
Xunzi (310-237BC) & Han Fei (280-233BC): Legalism (known also as

-South Asia: challenges to Brahmans & Caste System & Divine Kingship
Vardhamana Jnatrputra “Mahavira” (540-468BC): Jainizm
Siddharta Gautama: Buddhism
-the Mediterranean World
Democritus, Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates
Global Storyline of Chapter 5 (Worlds Turned Inside Out, 1000-350BC)

East Asia/China:
-Multistate emerges from warfare, revolutionizing society and thought
-Confucius and the Hundred of Masters outline new ideals of governing and living

South Asia:
-Small monarchies and urban oligarchies emerge after the Vedic Peoples’ migrations
and rule over societies organized around the caste system
-Dissident thinkers like Mahavira and the Buddha challenge Brahman priests and the
Caste System

The Americas
-Olmecs and Chavin people produce increasingly hierarchical societies and connect
villages via trade

Sub-Saharan Africa
-Expansion of Sahara Desert and population growth cause people to coalesce in a few
-Early signs of a common culture appear across the savannah Sudanic region

Mediterranean World
-Independent city-states emerge from social destruction and facilitate revolutionary
principles in rulership, commerce, and thought
-Thinkers like Democritus, Plato, and Aristotle challenge conventions and encourage
public discourse about the role of the individual in society and the way the universe

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