Be A Sport-Notes

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Be a Sport

Work in pairs

Ans-1 It was the weapon of shrieking.Gaya couldn't match it because he had not so much strength of
yelling. When Gaya hit the narrator with a danda,the narrator screamed. After that Gaya took to his

Ans-2 The question was asked by the narrator about the old friends named Matai and Durga. The
narrator asked about them because he wanted to know about his old friends.

Ans-3 Gaya does not want to recall of old days when he used to play a Gilli danda very skilfully.He does
not want to remember because his childhood days were golden,no worry ,no tension.

Ans-4 The writer was astounded because Gaya' s performance was very skilful and graceful.His
childhood talent had got matured when he was with the other twenty players

Write the answers-

Ans-1 The narrator left his childhood home and went away to another town as his father was
transferred to another town.

Ans -2 According to the narrator Gilli danda is the king of all sports because it is sportive.Itvis similar to
cricket as there is fielding and batting in it . It is full of competitiveness. It keeps the players nimble and

Ans- 3 The fact is that when Gaya was child he was tall and thin but his adulthood circumstances made
him short and dark. Now he is a groom ( a person employed to take care of houses or stable). He is not
in a good position to fill his belly in a proper way.

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