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MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

Course Code & CRN EPC 2403 Final Grade

Shaimaa Habeeb Mohsin
Student Name Student HCT ID H00412506
Salem Al Saqqaf
Placement School Al Aaliya Date of Assessment 24th October, 2022
MCT Name Basma Abdulla Abri MST Name Afra Al Shamisi

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the
trainee’s performance and to give formative feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.
Professional Dispositions

Shaimaa has established strong rapport with the students. She knew their names and dispositions and was able to
manage her struggling students as well as her advanced students. She worked well with her MST and was active in the
classroom as well as outside. She attends meetings and events, even stays for parent-teacher meetings.

Areas for improvement:

No comment at this point.
Planning for Teaching & Learning

Lesson plan was completed well and sent to MCT on time. The lesson plan was fully designed and learning points and
practice points were mentioned, as well as differentiated activities.

Areas for improvement:

Some minor details were missing, so for next time more detail, what resources/materials were used, timings, and
levels of complexity could be mentioned.
Managing Teaching & Learning

Shaimaa did an outstanding job with the implementation of the lesson plan. Teacher presences showed, and it was
clear that she had worked hard with the students before as they had a strong and established relationship. Students
did not look towards anyone else for help, they accepted her as the class teacher during the time. Shaimaa also
consistently motivated her students, and worked closely with them. She knew all the songs and did all the dances with
the students.

Areas for improvement:

Classroom routines and work with Shaimaa seemed well established. The MST at some points intervened to help
slightly with classroom management, but for the most part Shaimaa managed everything on her own.

Implementing Learning

Was very confident in helping students go through the material. Shaimaa managed the class well even when
technology failed her, like she had memorized the entire lesson and did not need the support of the presentation. She
knew all the examples and practice activities by heart, and was able to be creative and managed strategies with the
students that allowed them to be fully engaged. She was clear in her explanations.

Areas for improvement:

Shaimaa might want to try and give one model/example of completing a task by herself, and then ask students to come
to the board. Also, it might be helpful to include all the students in board work, not only the students who were at the
board, so the entire class is participating, instead of the group on the floor feeling isolated as the group on the board
did their work.

Assessing Learning

Shaimaa constantly asked questions, and follow up questions, ensuring whole-class participation. She allowed other
students to help each other when some students struggled. Her feedback was constructive. She allowed ‘leaders’ in
groups to independently help others in the group, with minimal teacher-talk, and they asserted their independence
that way.

Areas for improvement:

No comment at this point.


Shaimaa felt that she faced problems with the lesson because she felt slightly out of place teaching on her own for the
first time, but also because of the varied levels of students in the classroom. She acknowledged that her last activity
did not have a clear-cut closing. However, her lesson was well-organized and well-implemented.
Areas for improvement:
Perhaps try on the role of teaching with no MST interference for classroom management.

Action Plan (Objectives, actions, implementation timeline, resources):

Shaimaa could try to have minimal board work, and perhaps only spend 7 or so minutes with a teacher-centred
activity, and then plan for the rest of the lesson to be completely student-centred. She can build upon her already
great teaching skills in the same way she did for this lesson.

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