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Dosen Penguji : R. Yeni Dewi Cahyani, S.S. M.Pd.
Program Studi/Semester : HI A, B/ I
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 28 November 2022
Ruang :
Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30
Bentuk Soal : short essay & multiple choices

Name : __________________________________
NPM : __________________

Identify whether the sentences are simple, complex, compound or compound-complex.

Please underline dependent clauses where it applies.

1. Vampires Dairies is my favorite television show, but I also love True Blood.
2. The trendy fashion designer released her new line on Wednesday.
3. Trina and Hareem went to a bar in Hollywood to celebrate their anniversary.
4. Wicked Regina cast a spell on the entire city, so the citizens decided to rebel.
5. While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to Home Depot, and Martin
organized the kitchen appliances.
6. After listening to the Kanye West CD, I have new respect for his music.
7. After the teacher chose groups, John and Sara were selected as partners for a project,
yet Sarah did most of the work.
8. Although it was raining, Maria went for a jog at Civitan Park.
9. Brianna eats chocolate whenever she gets a poor grade in math.
10. After the flood, the family moved into a temporary shelter.
11. While walking at the park, John saw a raccoon eating potato chips.
12. Students enrolled in bachelor's and associate's degree programs must pass the
Regents' Test as a graduation requirement.
13. Students who fail to show up for the Regents' test must enroll in the Regents'
remediation courses.
14. When you finish your homework, please take the dog for a walk.
15. After Juan completed the assignment, he swam laps at the gym.

Choose the correct choice

1. Which of these is a complete sentence?

a. Under the umbrella.
b. I jumped over the puddle.
c. My two friends and I.
d. Being hungry all day.

2. Sentences that ask a question are called

a. exclamatory.
b. declarative.
c. interrogative.
d. inquisitive.

3. Which of these is a complete sentence?

a. The beautiful bluebirds on the tree.
b. Are flying over the tree.
c. The bluebirds are flying over the tree.
d. They flying bluebirds.

4. Which of these is a complete sentence?

a. And saw the sunrise.
b. When they thought they were safe.
c. That is not true.
d. Around the river.

5. Which sentence is a simple sentence with a compound subject?

a. The ponies trotted across the grass and stopped at the edge of the pond.
b. Several friends played baseball today with their cousins and will play again tomorrow.
c. My brother and my sister are with friends in the backyard.
d. A man carried a book and a bag of groceries to his house this morning.

6. Two independent clauses in a compound sentence are connected by

a. a transition word.
b. a verb.
c. a conjunction.
d. a common denominator.

7. Which sentence correctly changes the simple sentence into a complex sentence?

I made dinner.
a. I made dinner and ate it.
b. After the basketball game, I made dinner.
c. I made dinner, but burned the rolls.
d. I made dinner for my family.

8. Identify the sentence type.

In the middle of the night, Lou awoke to a strange sound; he immediately became
a. simple
b. compound
c. compound-complex
d. complex

9. A compound sentence has                                               .

a. one dependent clause
b. one independent clause
c. two dependent clauses
d. two independent clauses

10. Identify the complex sentence.

a. Because we were stumped for a while, we became very discouraged.
b. We all really like Jeff's suggestion.
c. Who doesn't want someone else to wash their pet, clean their house, and mow their lawn?
d. Tono and Tina are studying English and math.

11. Identify the sentence type.

Because her school computer had internet access, Savannah could learn more about Keith
Urban and Kenny Chesney.
a. simple
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound-complex

12. Identify the following sentence type.

Do Trevon and Alexis read only science fiction or fantasy short stories?
a. simple
b. compound
c. compound-complex
d. complex

13. Why should you use compound sentences?

a. to connect ideas
b. to add detail
c. to contrast information
d. all of the above

14. A                                sentence makes a statement and ends with a period.

a. exclamatory
b. declarative
c. interrogative
d. imperative

15. Identify the sentence type.

He came to school even though he was not feeling well.

a. declarative
b. interrogative
c. imperative
d. exclamatory

Circle the Subject and Underline the Predicate of the sentences

1. In the United States, about 10 million computers are thrown away every year!
2. Because most unwanted computers are sent to a dump, they have caused a
3. The computer industry and the government are working on ways to solve it.
4. They have concluded that there must be changes in the way computers are
5. Larry Page, cofounder of Google, believed that meaningful data could be
drawn from how those links connect.
6. A small pedicab with two passengers fall into the river behind the Ciliwung
7. This human-powered transportation has been popular in Asian countries for
many years.
8. Two years ago, a local businessman introduced the use of pedicab in Denver,
9. The passengers are often people who don’t want to walk because they are
dressed in evening clothes.
10. Using so-called quantitative electroencephalography imaging, a team of
researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles studied electrical
activity in the brains of 51 depressed patients receiving either placebo
treatment or active medication.

Form a subordinate clause using the conjunction in the parentheses, and convert each
simple sentence into a complex sentence.

1) Charles will be punished if __________________________________________________

2) I always wash my hands before _______________________________________________
3) Mason waited at school until _________________________________________________
4) Dogs wag their tails whenever _______________________________________________
5) The kitten was crying all night because _________________________________________

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