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Life is a Ride: RIDE 14

The moment, I heard Vikram voice, I felt like crying to him. Before I spoke a word, Vikram gave a loud shout, Shiva Preethi is on call. He reverted very casually ..Preethi!!! Just hold on for two minutes Shiva will be on line this, he moved away from the receiver .Saying

For the first time, Vikram sounded too formal .he spoke as if, he was talking to a third person .I gave a puzzled gaze at my friends They looked at me ..I mimed ..To them what Vikram said .

Within some seconds, Shiva .exclaimed .Hi Preethi!!!It was quiet evident that he was breathing heavily. I completely forgot what I should be speaking. I blabbered about the nearing semester exams and exam materials and sample question papers. Priya gave a hit on my head .and showed a written paper idiot!! Stop Bluffing!! And tell him the exact matter . I gave a nod at her and Shiva . Yes Preethi!!!! Actually I wanted to ask you ..about someee thhhing !!!!

Ok Fine!! You can ask me whatever you want! But before that, I have a special news for you!........ (I looked helplessly at my friends and mimed again what Shiva spoke to me !......Priya gave an irritated stare at me !) Hey Preethi , are you listening!!....bellowed Shiva! Yah! Yah! Shiva! Tell me!! You know what? I am done with my teenage and I am entering into my twenties .! (He grinned) As, I was completely engrossed with various confusions I couldn t comprehend initially, what he was trying to say. I replied quietly! Ok Fine! What? Ok Fine! Won t you wish me? Only then, I realized, Oh ! Best Wishes!!! I am sorry; I didn t know that anyway .Happy

He interrupted! How will I celebrate my birthday without you! Its tomorrow!! I was about to invite you and your friends!! But you called me before that! And you know, what Preethi! This is the happiest Birthday celebration of my life I want you and your friends to be here on time, sharp 5.00 P.M Ok Without knowing what to reply!!! I responded! Oh is it! Good Good!... My home is really damn busy Preethi ! Even all my friends are here in my home from morning arranging for the grand party!.... Oh Ok!! Fine Shiva! Carry on! See you tomorrow then! K Fine Preethi!...Hey you wanted to tell me something right? Nothing! I Just wanted to clarify some doubts on Computer Architecture paper ! That s Ok! You carry on! We can clarify later! K. Fine .Bye then. See you tomorrow! The moment I disconnected the call, Priya gave a tight slap. Bewildered .. unable to bear the pain and with tears in my eyes, I fixed my eyes on her vulnerably. She screamed at the top of her voice! Look Preethi! What you are doing is absolutely intolerable! We all came here, and called Shiva only to convey that you are NOT interested in Shiva s attitude. But the way you behave, seems that you are enjoying, what he is doing to you. Then why do you act to us, as if, you don t like this and you want to put an end to this! Anu interrupted! Priya calm down! Why do you blame her! It s not easy as it sounds. Till now Shiva hasn t proposed her. So it can be anything. If Preethi tells him to stop this, he may allege her, that he didn t have any of that intentions at all. So it s better, we take a very careful move. Oh girls! Thivya sighed! Better we either talk to Shiva or put an end to this or we stop talking about this. This issue is really breaking our head and it is spoiling our happy moments. All four of us, sat quietly. The phone cried. Thivya, took the receiver and quietly replied! Oh is it Shiva! Hearty Wishes! Yah sure, we will make it for sure tomorrow! Yah Priya and Anu, is in my home only, Priya and Anu had a quick chat with Shiva and disconnected the call. All three looked at me. Priya rushed to me and gave a tight hug . I am so sorry Preethi!! I understand now, why you didn t convey it to Shiva!!... We can t really disappoint a Birthday Boy! I am so sorry dear! I hugged her and cried like a child, unable to control my emotions.

Ok girls! Thivya interrupted! Stop these emotions! Let s think about the next move! See we have got a lovely chance! Its Shiva s birthday tomorrow and we are invited! So we have to buy a decent gift!..... We looked at her with a mystified look. She continued! Why don t we buy a Gift and label as From your Ever-loving Sisters Preethi..Priya Anu..Thivya also we will buy a beautiful card with Birthday Wishes to our Everloving Brother and we will stress Preethi s name with Sister in all the write up we do on that card! What you girls say! Wow!!! We had no words to appreciate Thivya!!! We were all excited and thrilled! Suddenly the gloomy mood changed completely! The discussion moved on to what dress we are going to wear and what color lipsticks .hairstyles etc etc . We literally made the Top Shop Gift Shop upside down, to select the Gift and the greeting card. Finally we bought a lovely Wooden Photo Frame carved with beautiful curves, a ceramic mug .engraved as .to the world s best brother ..and a big Greeting card A loving Birthday thought to our dearest brother . We wrote the word brother and sister in all the places we could and packed it beautifully . I was quiet relaxed hoping that somehow we brought this matter to closure .. We got down from the auto, and stood awe stuck looking at Shiva s beautiful house There were balloons everywhere and the decorations were really very pretty! With posies of white lilies and gifts we graced in to the grand hall. The entire gave a stare at us. We made a proud walk, as usual, in our beautiful salwars kameez and lovely hair styles. Shiva gave a warm welcome to us and introduced us to his mom and dad. His mom was really very pretty and simple. We couldn t believe how Shiva was so humble despite of these big riches. We took our seat and as we were giggling and chatting, my eyes hunted for Vikram. There he stood in a creamy white stone wash shirt, with his full sleeves folded up to his elbow, and a white jean ..appeared like he haven t shaved for a few days ..Wow .he was absolutely awesome ..( He looked like actor Ajith Kumar in the movie Dheena ( Tamil movie name);) )Rough and tough .I admired him so much that I really forgot what was happening around me. He hardly gave any glance and he was busy running here and there arranging all the stuffs .Anu whispered!! Hey girls look at Vikram Wow .He is absolutely handsome .and Thivya and Priya chorused yah yah ..I gave an irritated glare at them ..He crossed us, with a simple smile The bash started, with heavy claps ..Shiva s mom and dad stood on his left and right and Vikram and his friends stood near Shiva s mom ..The Birthday song started The hall roared with laughter, claps, ..Vikram was busy opening the birthday busters and snow sprays as Shiva .was cutting his birthday cake Shiva took the first piece of cake and posed as if he was going to feed his mom .but make a quick cut and pushed the cake in to Vikram s mouth ..But Shiva s parents showed no surprise or

disappointment They laughed and Vikram who looked sentimentally touched .pounced back and pushed a piece of cake into Shiva s mouth. The hall was excited to the maximum .We stood there stunned admiring the two friends .. The guys gave a facial make up with the cake crme on Shiva face .The snacks were served .After enjoying for about an hour .we presented the lilies ,Gifts and Greetings to Shiva, took photographs Shared some laughs . We had an awesome dinner and all the guests were complemented with lovely goodies and we moved from his house. For the entire party, Vikram avoided us like anything. Apart from the initial smile, Vikram didn t give us any chance to speak to him That was the only disappointment I convinced myself may be he is quiet held up with his best friends party. VIKRAM**** Shiva compelled Vikram and Madhav , to stay that night. After 11.00 PM, we all three sat together and started to unwrap the gifts. Shiva pulled Preethi s lilies and his face darkened as he saw the label. I keep watching him keenly. He looked lot more perplexed as he saw the Gifts label and the Greeting Card. In a confused tone, I asked Shiva! What happened da? He literally looked bewildered! He showed me the label and reverted with a trembling tone! What is this Vikram! What is happening? Why has she mentioned me as her brother everywhere? Is she, not in love with me? Even, I couldn t understand what is happening? I did not know what to answer? I couldn t console Shiva! I gave a perplexed look at Madhav! Even he looked equally confused! In a sudden urge! Shiva shouted! Call Preethi immediately! I want to know, what is she thinking of me! Is she playing with my emotions! Only God would have realized what my state of art was! I responded, cool down Shiva! We will talk to her tomorrow morning! Relax Please! It s already 11.00 PM What will here parents think! No Vikram! I am completely confused! My head is breaking like anything! I have never been like this in my entire life. I want to solve this right now! Call her immediately! Unable to calm down Shiva, I dialed Preethi s number! Hello!! (In a sleepy tone) Who is this? Aunty, it s me Vikram! What Vikram! Why you are calling at this hour of time!!!

Aunty! We are working for college magazine! Preethi had given one article! But some information is missing! We can t wait till tomorrow as we have to give that for printing! That is why aunty! Sorry Aunty!! Oh Ok! No problem Vikram! Preethi!! Preethi!!! Vikram is on call!!! Completely Confused and in a drowsy tone, I picked the receiver and my mom sat opposite to me. Vikram quietly explained! What he has told my mom regarding the college magazine! And told me to pretend as if, I am answering for the information on the college magazine! Still not getting the point! I nodded yes! With a hesitant Voice Vikram asked!!! Are You in Love with Shiva or Not? Preethi?????


What? My mom gave a shocked look, as I screamed! Looking at her expression, I controlled myself! I couldn t put myself on a normal mode, as my blood burned with anger and hatred on Vikram! I never expected such an ugly question from the guy whom I admired the most! I always felt that Vikram sensed that I liked him. Top of All, I never dreamt in my wild dreams, that Vikram is calling me from Shiva s home. I took a deep breath! Gave a stare at my mom and in a cold voice, I reverted! What is the information that you want Vikram? At the other end, sensing the heights of exasperation in Preethi s voice and seated just opposite to the thwarted birthday boy (his best buddy for a decade) .Vikram repeated the question again! I just want to know whether you are in Love with Shiva or not? Literally, my entire respect on Vikram shattered; suddenly from nowhere a horrible detestation outpoured within me and in a complete rage, I responded, YES I DO!!! What is in there for you! . I disconnected the call and rushed to my bed room!!!!!!!!!! My mom gave a suspicious glance at me as she switched off the lights and moved to bed! ----* Vikram:

------* I gave a bright smile at Shiva and repeated the words that Preethi spoke. Shiva s face brightened. Shiva, it s your birthday, don t get confused with unnecessary things. Have a peaceful sleep. We are leaving now! Why Vikram! I want you guys to sleep here! No Shiva! I am completely exhausted. Since yesterday, we were here only. My mom requested to drop to home. We will stay some other day buddy. Fine da! Waving good bye to Shiva, Madhav geared the bike and I leaned on Madhav s shoulder, without knowing what to do! I somehow felt like killing myself! Preethi s voice YES I DO kept drumming in my ears. Though , some corner of my mind reminded me that , it s just another Preethi s reaction to my hard questions ..this time , I had no choice ,but to accept the reality that Preethi is lost once for all. I asked Madhav to take me to some movie. We took our seat as the movie is done half way. I felt like killing Madhav as I watched the dialogue of the movie ..Yup its Chennai 28 ( Famous Tamil Movie) as the actor Siva was begging his friend for forgiveness for falling in love with his sister ..and the dialogue went on Dai yennaku friendship dhanda mukeeyam ( I prefer only friendship than love ) . Madhav scratched his head and unable to see that movie anymore, we left the theatre. We parked our bike in a nearby cricket ground. I laid myself straight a flat on the ground and started to blabber. Madhav seated himself on the stranded bike and kept quietly listening to all my blathers. What is this? Why my life story has become like the story of the movie Kadhal Desam ( Tamil movie on Triangle Love) In the heights of my terrible heart ache, I cried shouting Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeethiiiiii . aloud. I behaved like a maniac. Madhav couldn t calm me down. He told me keep my voice mild. I shouted looking at the skies, Why God! Why have you done this to me! Madhav pulled me out of the ground and we reached his home around 4.00 AM in the morning. Even in his house, I kept on pestering Madhav about, how I admired and loved Preethi from day one. ----* Preethi: ____* Thivya kept her hands on her head! Bull ***! This issue keeps on digging our mind like a TV serial! Preethi, I literally hate U! Y can t tell a simple NO and close this issue! Now I presume that you are really interested in Shiva! Please deal with him however you want and stop eating our head. Anu and Priya didn t speak a single word. I felt so helpless. My tears continuously poured as I sat quietly on Thivya s bed. I felt that the whole world hated me. My friends, Vikram .everybody started to hate me in a single night! I couldn t believe what had happened?

Thivya shouted! Stop crying Preethi! I hate to see people crying always! Terrified! I controlled my tears! Anu interrupted! I suppose, Vikram should have asked this on behalf of Shiva only! May be they would have opened the gifts together and Shiva would have seen Preethi addressing him as brother! So just to clear the clouds, Shiva would have requested Vikram to confirm the same! This is my entire guess! But somehow, this perfectly fits into the plot! What Girls? The moment I heard this, I felt a heavy shock! Oh God! What if Vikram, would have told this to Shiva! God! My entire world rotated upside down! Why me God! For the first time, Priya spoke! Yes this should be case! Else Vikram has no business to ask Preethi this question at such an odd hour. Priya dialed Madhav s number but his mom replied that he left early in the morning to Vikram s house. Priya dialed Vikrams home, Shiva s home not dare to speak a single word! I obeyed her! .I had no clue, what she was doing? But I did

Evening 5.00 PM, our auto dropped us in a nearest restaurant. I followed my friends quietly with a terrified heart .. Shiva gave a broad smile!! Vikram looked devastated, but still handsome!! He gave a feeble smile! Madhav hardly gave any expression. We all sat together. Nobody spoke anything. Shiva broke the silence .Fine Priya! What is so important? You said that you have to convey something very important to us? Right! I kept my eyes down .Choked with immense fear, I kept pressing my hands ..thinking .what is about to happen? Yes Shiva ! Muttered Priya! She gave a glance at Thivya! Thivya ! Cleared her throat! Shiva, we heard from Preethi! That Vikram asked her that whether she is in love with you or not? The sudden outburst from Thivya ! Shook both Shiva and Vikram! I could see Shiva giving a blank look at Vikram ! Vikram leaned on the chair and kept looking at the ceiling with his hands folded! Shiva replied! Yes Thivya ! I did that! I wanted to confirm, whether stopped) ..she is .. (He

Anu pounced back! What is this Vikram / Shiva? Is this the respect that you have for Preethi ! Calling at the odd hours and questioning with unnecessary question?

Shiva reverted! This is no way unnecessary Anu! She is my life! And I am sure that Preethi knows that as well! We all looked startled! For the first time, I opened my mouth! Will you stop this Shiva? What do you think of me! With my unexpected response both Shiva and Vikram gave an alarmed look at me! The restaurant became a War of Words hall, as I and Shiva replied back to back! He charged me various questions from

Why did you always give a glance at me whenever you crossed my class? Why did you choose my seat in the computer lab? Why did you kept giggling and glancing at me once in 5 minutes in the exam hall? Why did you tell Vikaram that I am the Jack of you song? Why did you behaved as if you were mesmerized with my talk during the excursion? Why did you say YES I DO, when Vikram asked you yesterday? As , Shiva fired questions at me ! I sat speechless, not able to say what to reply! Everybody looked bewildered as Shiva hit the table with a restless attitude. The coolest boy has turned Wild. He looked scary. Vikram looked at me defenselessly. I had no option to get out of this tangle, but to confess the truth! The pin drop silence broke with my whisper ..I trembled .as I retorted .. It is because .Iam in Love with Vikram . Shiva screamed WHATTTT?


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