People: A Church in Pursuit of God, With A Passion For

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a church in pursuit of God, with a passion for


PO Box 491150 Leesburg, FL 34749 Email: Office: (352) 365-2594 Fax: (352) 365-2594

Randy Gideons . Lead Pastor . Warehouse Church

Now What?

or 21/2 years we have dealt with getting into our new church home. Now what? I still can't believe it every time I stop and think about all that has been accomplished. I walk through the doors and find it hard to incredible that we are finally in. Now what? Shortly after we had received our certificate of occupancy from the city I was setting things up for our first service and I heard the Lord's voice say "if you do not do what we said we were going to do....all of this has been in vain. I knew immediately He was referring to us as a body doing all the ministry stuff we had said we were going to do just before we sold our old building. Now what? We must turn our focus outward! We must be about the work that was so important to Jesus when He was on Earth. The hungry, the hurting, the lost, the depressed, the sick, etc... We have to do our part. As the people who followed Gideon, we must be looking around at what God is doing and wants to do. We must not bury our heads in the water while we drink, but drink and be aware of those around us. Jesus said: "I can not stay here (where I am); I must go to the others." Let's go!

31 Days Of Proverbs Fast What can I do to be apart? 1. 2. 3. 4. Read the Proverbs chapter for the corresponding day on the calendar. Ask God what He would have you fast for 31 Days! Join us each Wednesday in August for prayer, 6:30pm-8pm to intercede corporately. Encourage your brothers and sisters to do the same.

Give something for the poor and needy in our community. Proverbs 19:1

Check out Randys blog on the Warehouse website.

Are You A Pepper?

... Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12: 1-2

n a recent sermon, Pastor Randy said that our minds are like operating systems and we need to move into a new way of operating and thinking. The message inspired me to think about how my mind has to be renewed when it comes to what I put into my body. In order to have a better operating system, I need better desires. I dont know about you, but I dont always desire what is good for me. There are things I need to put off which will have an impact on my life. Ephesians 4: 22- 24 says, put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. I used to be a Dr. Pepper. Remember the tune, Im a Pepper, youre a Pepper, wouldnt you like to be a Pepper too? That song still rings in my mind. Years ago, when I was feeling lethargic on a daily basis, I realized that Dr Pepper had to go. I read that an average can of soda has high fructose corn syrup equivalent to 10 teaspoons of sugar and that 14 tsp of sugar per day will reap havoc on the immune system. 1Also, the phosphorous in soda leaches calcium from our bones. With Gods help, I kicked Dr Pepper to the curve. There was a time I could not imagine living without Dr. Pepper, and now I cannot imagine living with it.

Recently, I learned that scientists are sounding the alarm that soft drinks weaken muscles as well as bones. According a study published in the June 2009 issue of International Journal of Clinical Practice, drinking large amounts of cola2 causes potassium levels in the blood to fall, which can lead to a severe deficiency. And potassium deficiency, as athletes know, makes you feel weak and dizzy, and causes muscles to atrophy. When we examine what we are putting in our bodies, we may realize why we feel the way we do. In contrast, when we load our bodies with proper nutrition we increase our energy, strength, and wellbeing. Motivated by Pastor Randys sermon, I am examining my life both spiritually and physically. What am I going to kick to the curb? Its true that I cannot change myself in my own power. God knows better than I do what is sabotaging me. Pastor Randy challenged us to ask God, What is the one thing I need to put off? With our call to fast in August and to put the wisdom of Gods word into our life, it is a good time to examine the physical as well as the spiritual.
1. Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health By Nancy Appleton, PhD 2. The study focused on people who drank two quarts or more a day.

Tonia Hayes is an
ACE certified Personal Trainer

Bloom Where You Are Planted

ost of you know that I took a short little trip up north in May. Well actually, it was a lot north. I went with 4 other men on a trip to New Brunswick, Canada. We drove from my house to our destination. As we were driving through the various states, I paid attention to the various changes in the landscape. You see, down here, we have dirt, clay, sand and lime rock. Up there, you have rock, rocks, and a bunch of really big rocks. We drove on roads that were literally cut through a mountain of rock! In places, it was beautiful. Then I thought of how tough it would be for a flat lander like me, to learn to live up there. To plant a garden would be a new learning experience. I would really have to rethink the entire process. The thing that I noticed up there, was through the tiniest cracks, grew massive trees. Trees growing up through the rocks! Kinda like when a weed grows in a concrete sidewalk. As I watched this happen state after state, it occurred to me that those trees are making it work even though they are not in ideal situations. You see, through time, it grew from a seed and made a way to the sun light. It grew roots where it could, and kept growing despite the dismal circumstances that it had. In essence, that tree took all of the best that its circumstance had, and made it work to produce a beautiful topiary.

Now, picture yourself as that tree. Sometimes we are planted in great soil with the perfect amount of sunlight and adequate water. Then we shine and are pleasant and fun and happy and generally are a joy to be around. What if, there is no rain on your soil for a week? What do you do then? How does that change your perception of life? What if there is no rain for a month and your soil dried out and began to crack? Do you become nasty? Do you find anybody that will listen and dump all of your verbal garbage on them so as to spread your venom? What if you were planted in a ROCK??? Seriously, what would you do then? Know this, when this stuff happens, you have a choice. You can become like the rest of the world and spread the nasty venom, or you can find something good in your situation and concentrate on it. A tree can grow in a rock! I dare you to look past your circumstance and find the good in it. You have a choice to spread your venom or to spread your positive attitude. It is a choice! In short, I urge you to bloom where you are planted. Find the good stuff to meditate on and try to not worry so much about the bad things that you cant control. If you are planted in a rock, put down roots and find water! 1

Tell us one thing people do not know about you?"

Leo Lenschow ~ I had so much hair on my head that the Barber had to thin my hair out so it would lay down as I comb it. Jeff Light ~ If I told you, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of people not knowing it?* Rosemarie Adcock ~ I only spoke German when I was little. Sandy Lindsay ~ I was 5'8" when I was 13 years old. I was a cheer leader and I had bright red hair. Wait, did some one give me truth serum? Sonia Shearer~ I used to be skinny! Barbara Smith ~ A lot of people probably don't know that I was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" as a senior graduate from LHS. For years because I didn't finish college due to a pregnancy, and then never became an accountant like everyone expected me to, I was always reminded of the title I didn't fulfill. Years later, when God healed me and showed me what success really was, I am proud to say that I do succeed at the things that are really important; that is, loving people with a love from Jesus! P.S. I am so glad I didn't become an accountant! I like teaching way more.
* Editors Note: But people do know Jeff is a smarty britches!

Brenda Petersen ~ I love to sing. Amber Wilnau ~ I make the best crab Rangoon in the world! Duane Sturgess ~ I can make a balloon dog!!!!

by Brenda Petersen

was thinking about the move into the new building and all the changes the body is and will continue to go through, and all the exciting new opportunities. What a blessing God has afforded us to be a part of all of it. So, where do we go from here! What do we do to make this transition as stress free as possible? I was thinking about this and wondering how we can remain spiritual through these changes. Then I felt God speak to me and say, If you listen to me, if you depend on me, if you dont take it all on as though it is a burden, if you remember you are an extension of me. If you rely on each other and follow my lead and work in unity and My will, it will be done. It was sort of a V-8 duh moment. Thats all that is required? We just have to listen to Gods voice and follow his lead? AMAZZZZZZZING!!! I cant help but think of all the lives that we have the opportunity to be a part of. The new people that will come. You know, its like that movie saying, build it and they will come!! I think for my own part, I plan to remain open to all types of ways that God may want to use me through this change. As ministries shift and change, as we take on or are asked to take new tasks, lets do them as unto the Lord. With a happy and grateful heart.

I love our church family, and I am proud of everyone through this process!!

Every Sunday ~

averagejoes Caf
Free continental breakfast served from 10:00am to 10:20am Contact: Renee Stoffel @ 253-2465

2nd & 4th Sundays ~

S T A T U R E Youth Group @ 1:00pm

The Warehouse Multi Purpose Room Contact: Neal Hayes 365-1496 Next Meeting: Aug 14 & 28


2nd & 4th Sundays ~

Contacts: Aaron Symonds @ 330-1928 Mela Striker @ 365-1006

WAREHOUSE NURSERY - PRESCHOOL We believe in ministering to the needs of even our littlest members. Our qualified teachers create a positive experience that introduces nursery and preschool children to the love of Jesus early on. Contact: Jill Porvaznik @ 793-1326 WAREHOUSE KIDS Warehouse Kids is for all boys and girls in Kindergarten through 6th grade. We provide a combination of games, interactive characters, and fun filled songs capture kids attention while showing them that living for God is the best way to live! Contact: Ron Sellers @ 787-0385

CREATIVE ARTS Drama! Dance! Pantomime! Sign language! Flags! Children's ballet! These are just a few venues that have been incorporated into the Creative Arts Ministry at the Warehouse Church. The message of salvation through Jesus Christ and the ministry of worship are key factors in the foundation of our Creative Arts Ministry. Many people are blessed through the visual arts and this is why this ministry exists. Interested in our classes? Contact: Barbara Smith @ 315-1400 Next Meeting: Sept 11 & 25

Every Wednesday in August ~

Prayer time for our nation, each other, and the needs in our body. The Warehouse Living Room 6:30 to 8:00pm

Friday, 8/12 ~ KIDS Church Sleepover!

Bring a sleeping bag/pillow and a snack to share. Lots of activities planned! Pizza served for dinner. Be at the Warehouse Multi-Purpose room by 6:00pm. Pick up time by Saturday 9:00am Contact: Sheryl Sellers 617-9151



Young Adults of 18 to 29 years old gather for fellowship and different activities. Ultimately, Elevation's vision is to give young adults a platform to fellowship, to serve, to do life together. Contact: Vance Harbaugh (941) 720-3912 DONT FORGET!! 1st Sunday of the month we will collect the "Change Cups". For those of you who need to pick up one of our "red" cups we will have some on Sunday. Your spare "change" helps those in need in our church and our community.

2nd & 4th Friday ~

Harp & Bowl - Worship & Intercession

The Harp & Bowl theme is from Rev. 5 where the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures are giving the Father and Son the glory that's due them. The harp represents music and worship and the bowls are described as the prayers of the saints. Our goal is to worship God as vertically, directly, and interactively as possible and to pray the heart of Jesus in every situation that God leads us to. The Warehouse Church Living Room Fellowship at 6:30; Harp & Bowl at 7:00 Contact: Cliff Cochran @ 483-3140 Next Meeting: Aug 12 & 26

Check out the web page at
for everything on the calendar this month.

4th Friday ~

Older Gents @ 11:30am

Older Gents is an opportunity for men over 50 to meet for lunch and enjoy great conversation over a variety of topics that affect all of us. Golden Corral, North Leesburg Contact: Leo Lenschow 429-2563 Next Meeting: Aug 26

1st Saturday ~

Love & Marriage

Jeff & Sue Myers home at 6:30pm 41737 Kendra Lane, Weirsdale This is a monthly gathering for young couples married 15 years and less (or soon to be married). We hope you will join us as we pursue discovering God's principles to "becoming one" in our marriages; in our relationships with one another, and with Him. Contact: Brian Sellers 504-6221 Next Meeting: Sept 3

Yeah for us! We have cleaned out the storage area at The Warehouse. Lots of hard work was put forth to clean and organize the storage room, as a result we will now have a place to store things for yard sales (limited space) and the food pantry. I dont know if you have noticed the beautiful gold shopping cart by the mens restroom located in the back of the caf area. That is our drop off point for food and other items that will go into The Storehouse for distribution. If you have yard sale items to drop off please call first to make sure that it is something that we will accept and actually have room for, as our space for yard sale items are limited at this time. For the month of August we will be joining Brenda Peterson (not secretary Brenda) in collecting school supplies. Please pick up the list of items at the food donations table or see Brenda Peterson. You may drop off the supplies at the food drop off (gold cart) and Brenda will pick them up and distribute them. Thank you for making our community a better place to live, by donating. Your donations help feed our community and supply our children and young people with the items they need to help them obtain a better education. With knowledge comes power, the power to change lives. God Bless, The Storehouse Team Contact information: Deborah Tiller @ 352-321-5750 Sonia Shearer @ 352-408-7192 or

You can give an offering also. Just make a memo to Storehouse.

piritual Meat Ministries, International is a missionary association registered with the United States Government since 1991 as a 501c3 charity organization. Since I was asked to write in the Warehouse Newsletter, I have shared most recently about flying and previously about how can you believe. Little, however, has been shared about what our involvement is internationally. Our (SMMI) first international mission trip was in 1995. The Lord had given me a vision of a people with flattened faces. I discovered that such a people could be found in Mongolia. Hearing Gods voice when embarking on such a distant land is mandatory, but the process is no different than the very first time you succumbed to His spirit. I have learned to appreciate submission more when it calls upon me to lead. Staying yielded in the field is mandatory to the missionarys safety and their ability to fulfill the work (deeds) He has called us to in faith. I thought the Lord would never use me and then sitting on that plane, when the seats would not remain in an upright position, I remember saying to the Lord, Are you sure Im ready to do this? Its a great time to be yielded to Him! Today Michael and I are in The Kingdom of Bahrain. We have been living in the Middle East for nearly 6 years.

(Michael has been here longer.) My first year was spent in Saudi Arabia, one of the darkest (absence of God) nations on the face of the earth. That entire year my work was to minister to God in that place. Daily there would be downloads of what He expected of me in that place through intercession (God talking to me). Our eldest Son and his wife followed up on our work in Saudi with a second year representing SMMI in the field of intercession. There are lasting relationships that we sowed into that remain to this day. (For more information on our time in Saudi visit and go to the tab Sandys blog click on Saudi Arabia. There are 14 short stories there of our work in the field.) After four years of intercession on the Island of Bahrain fruits of our labor can now be seen! The Lord has led us to worship at the National Evangelical Church that meets in the area of the American Missionary Hospital on the Island. The Pastor is new himself to the Island, but has a very open heart for the

things of the Spirit and has spent his 1st year in Bahrain praying for people who could help train up an army of intercessors. He has opened the door to me to step into that position. It was with absolutely no effort on my part that this took place. Through this international group of people meeting at NEC we are now hosting in our home meetings specifically to teach and train regarding intercession. PTL! We are now meeting in the homes of the Nations on the Island. We attended a Filipino house warming and I was asked to pray a blessing over the home. Our Pakistani family has invited us into their home for a traditional Pakistan meal. It was delicious. Whilst there we had an opportunity to minister to the entire family. We (Michael and me) actually believe this family could end up being missionaries to the United States of America! Finally my trip home, to Leesburg, FL has been postponed for one month because Michael and I have been invited to go to India. I had hoped my husband would make this journey by himself, when Friday morning (when we have worship services on the Island) a saint came up and clearly indicated this trip was from the

Lord, and I was to go knowing it was with a mission; so go I will. (Thank you Susan!) What makes a missionary effective is intercession. Without it the ground remains unplowed and incapable of bearing His fruit. My house will be called a house of prayer for all Nations. (Isa. 56:7) Sandy Lindsay P.O. Box 702015 Saint Cloud, FL 34770-2015 Phone: (813) 714-8999 Website: email:

03 Levia Striker 05... Jon Bruce 07... Kelly Mahoney 10 Ashley Bennett 10 Jessica Anderson 11 Elias James 11... Lydia Beaudoin 12... Will & Tina McGall 16 Alyssa Sellers 17... Katie Cochran 17 Tasha Caruthers 17 Thomas & Cheryl Clark

18 Chip & Brenda Sims 19... Alissa Peacock 19... Tankia Elridge 23 Blake Moser 24... David Geiger 27 Dawn Moses 27 Matthew Gideons 28 Rachael Ponds 28 Rhonda Gideons 30 Lennie Moser 31 Mike & Sandra Lindsay

A Calling
hat is a calling? According to scripture it is something or someone called out. According to Noah Websters Dictionary it is: AVOCA'TION, n. [See Vocation, Voice, Vocal.]1. The act of calling aside, or diverting from some employment; as an avocation from sin or from business. I find it interesting that in the 1828 dictionary it says an avocation from sin or from business. Could it be that fulfilling our calling will keep us from sin because we are following God? I think we all have a calling. The calling was most likely planted early on in our lives and developed through the things that have happened to us. My calling and my heart is to help women who have been abused. It is there because I was abused. Abuse runs rampant in our country and other countries. Families are horribly dysfunctional and have been from the beginning of the life according to the Bible. I never want to be abused again, but am very happy that I can help those who have been abused return to what we call normal life. It is only accomplished through Jesus. For many years I have known what my calling was. I had no idea how I would fulfill that desire that was embedded deep within me. It seemed that everything I was doing had nothing to do with what I was called to do. My father was a contractor so I was raised around construction and have been around it most of my life. Then I worked in mortgages for years, then for an advertising agency, now a decorator. I could never quite put that all together until now. My goal and dream is to have homes for women all across the United States of America. My mission field is in this country, not to say that I wouldnt go to others, but my goal is here in the US. So how do my past experiences help? Im not afraid to take on the task of buying older homes and getting them fixed up for the purpose that Im going to use them. I probably know enough about mortgages and real estate to ask the right questions and be able to hire the right realtor and mortgage firm to help me out. Decorating them is no object as that is what Im presently doing for a living and networking to get

by Sonia Shearer

the word out is not an issue for me, having been in the advertising industry. God puts everything together when the time is right. Maybe this all could have happened years ago if I had made other decisions, I dont know about that, but looking back at what ifs wont help now. Has it been easy? Not on your life and it still isnt. Knowing that you have a calling and fulfilling that calling are two entirely different things. Im single and have been most of my life. Therefore I have lived totally alone for many years and have enjoyed it. Im not one of those people who need to have someone around. I enjoy people but I really enjoy being able to come home to my quiet sanctuary and frankly get away from people. I have had that luxury for many years. That has now ended because it is time for me to fulfill my calling. I have two lovely women who share my house and possibly another coming to join us. I had to make a decision to give up my comfort if I was going to fulfill my calling. It wasnt a decision easily reached because Im selfish. A calling isnt about our comfort; it is about getting the job done. We are called soldiers for Christ. Soldiers are called to battle. The scriptures talk about putting on the full armor of God so the weapons of our warfare will overtake the enemy. Paul wasnt joking, look at his life. The bottom line for me is this, to see a woman regain her life and see God restore what the enemy has stolen, is well worth me giving up my comfort. Someone helped me out of the pit, it is now my job to turn around and give others the helping hand that was given to me. What is your calling? What is God molding you into? Are you willing to pay the price? Jesus was.

by John & Julie Macrae

aul writes much better than I do (no surprise there)! But this is our prayer for you in Leesburg as we spend our time in the UK this summer.

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all Gods peoplethe faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood Gods grace. You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, and who also told us of your love in the Spirit. For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience,

and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
I would ask you to read and reread this passage from Colossians and perhaps to meditate upon it verse by verse and next month we'll start to unpack what it has to say In the mean time God bless you all, John and Julie

Stay updated with our friends John & Julie Macrae as they travel and spread the news of Jesus Christ!

Beginning in September we have three wellness classes to choose from! Participate in all three or just one.

Love God. Get Healthy. Be Whole. Love Others.

R E V E L AT I O N W E L L N E S S OUR MISSION: To educate and inspire people to live healthy and whole lives in Christ. "Long before he laid down the earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love." Eph 1:4 The Message

R E V E L AT I O N F I T N E S S Revelation Fitness puts the "work" in a workout, by the creation for the Creator. This class will keep you and your muscles guessing, ignite your Spirit and give new meaning and purpose to being healthy and whole. Cardiovascular, strength training and flexibility exercises make this a must for people who are trying to fit it all in.

WEIGH LESS TO FEED MORE It's not about your weight! Whether you obsess or neglect your body, resolve to get to the root of your unhealthy living. Find out what is really weighing you down. Weigh Less to Feed More is a faith based wellness program that teaches participants how to live healthy and whole lives in Christ while serving others who suffer from physical and spiritual poverty around the world. "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Col. 1:17

Every Tuesday at 5:30pm in the Warehouse Multi-Purpose Room Cost: $5 class or $15 month * Scholarships Available

First Session begins on September 8th Brochures will be provided for more information

M I S S I O N S T AT E M E N T Holy Yoga is experiential worship specifically created to deepen your connection to Christ. Our sole purpose is to combine the physical practice of yoga with a Christ honoring experience that offers an opportunity to believers and non-believers alike to authentically connect with God. We do this by integrating His Word, prayer, worship and the physical practice of yoga to contemporary and Christian music. "For in Him we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28 Every Sunday at 4:30 in the Warehouse Multi-Purpose Room Cost: $5 class or $15 month * Scholarships Available *Revelation Fitness and Holy Yoga Classes can be taken for the month for $25 Please join me for a great time of community and fellowship as we share life together worshiping the Lord with all of our mind, heart, soul, and STRENGTH. CONTACT MYRA HARBAUGH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS EMAIL: CELL: (941) 720-3444

2nd & 4th Sundays Creative Arts Ministry Class 3:30pm to 5:30pm Ages: Middle school to adult The Warehouse Living Room Session: Sept 11th thru Dec 25th Contact: Barbara Smith 315-1400 Kids Creative Movement Class Every Monday 3:30pm 5:00pm K thru 6th Grade Warehouse Multi-Purpose Room Cost: $5:00 (Scholarships Available) Session: Sept 12th thru Dec 26th Contact: Barbara Smith 315-1400

Beth Moore Study Inheritance Every Wed at 6:30pm Warehouse Multi-Purpose Room Contact: Cheryl Moser 787-0789 Look for: The Altar Soaking and other fall sessions to begin!

New service times: Caf 9:30am Worship 10:00am

Volunteer positions available! Cafe team member openings: Cafe is in need of volunteers of any and all ages to help. Especially open to any of the youth who would like to serve their church family as Team Member Three. If we get a full team; it only is once every 5-7 weeks, not even once a month! The positions open are: 1. Team Member One: to take the shopping list and funds on a Wal-Mart card provided to pick up the donut order and other shopping list items at Wal Mart in Leesburg on Sunday before cafe opens; getting to WalMart around 8: 30-8:45 AM; but no later than 9:00 AM. Helping set up cafe until cafe opens at 10 AM. Serving from 10:00 to 10:25. Help put things away before going into service. Make up shopping list for the next week person and give bag with list to them. If needed, help clean up after service. Team Member Two: arrives at church at 8:45 AM to start making coffee. Continues to make coffee and set up cafe and work with shopping member until all is set up and all coffee pots are made. Serve from 10:00 to 10:25. Help put things away before going to service. After service, help clean up and take donut boxes, etc to garbage dumpster. 3. Team Member Three: arrives at church at 9:55-10:00 AM to help serve until 10:25. Help put things away before going to service. After service help clean up and take out donut boxes, etc. to garbage dumpster.

Please contact Renee Stoffel via e-mail; ; phone message at 223-0338; or see her before or after church if she is not working in cafe.

Janitorial Openings: Assistance in cleaning the bathrooms, living room, annex, floors, garbage pick up, vacuuming, sweeping. Theres a job for you! Contact: Barbara Smith 315-1400 Yard Maintenance: Mowing, Weeding, Blowing, Pruning, Fertilizing. Theres a place for you! Contact: Tim Walleker 603-4573 Kids Church: Teaching curriculum on a rotation basis to Kindergarten through 6th grade, Assistants to teachers, & Audio Visual help. Contact: Ron Sellers @ 787-0385


K affe e

n the afternoon, the Germans will invite you over for refreshments Kaffee und Kuchen that means coffee and cake. I love cake, any kind. All our relatives love to eat and show evidence of having this talent. Aunt Bertha's place was special for she sure knew how to bake. Our folks would drink coffee and we were satisfied to eat the Kuchen. Even then, we would sneak a sip of our parents coffee. As we did, they would chuckle a little and whisper to us that it would stunt our growth. I hate to think what my height would be today if I had not sipped coffee. I am six feet two inches tall. At least that was when I was a few years younger. God is the God of refreshment. Scripture tells us in 2 Samuel 16:14, When the king (David) and all his people arrived at the Jordan, they were very tired, so they rested there (being refreshed) (NCV). Some translation say, There he rested and receive new strength. God is into refreshing or the tonic business; lifting the spirits, or boost energy and generally create a feeling of strength, health and peace or well-being. God uses others to be with us to raise our spirit. So repent change your mind and purpose; turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blot out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air may come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19, AMP). Our Father will send times of refreshing to all who repent even though hardships and troubling times are with us. God has always sent times of refreshment upon the faithful, his remnant. Did I say always? Good, that is what I meant to say.

Uncle William and Aunt Bertha Lenschows daughter Millie married Paul Deutsch. Their lives were very difficult. They worked very hard and had one of the best-registered Brown Swiss herds in northern Illinois. At the Illinois State Fair their stock usually received blue ribbons. Millie worked as well as all the kids as hired hands on the farm. When we had just being together times, family reunions, funerals, weddings, and anniversaries their family was always fun to be around and each extrude the fruits of the Spirit. There was that strength. As I look back the spiritual support of Father Peter Deutsch Pauls brother who was around in good and bad times giving comfort when needed. I see now he was a spout for the Holy Spirit to minister to the Deutsch family. The first, a son Wilfred married Iva and later took over the home place and continued the tradition of raising registered Brown Swiss. Wilfred had a disease that affected his motor skills and died prematurely -- more enduring hard and difficult times. The second child Pauline was born on New Years and died the same year on Easter Sunday. The third, David was a type of person who succeeded at anything he put his mind to. One weekend after taking off alone in his private plane from his familys Sycamore, Illinois farm bound for Lake Lawn Lodge on Lake Delavan, Wisconsin crashed into a field late Friday evening. Paul and Millies fifth child Richard fell into a stock watering tank in the yard when he was just a little over a year old. Their fourth child, a daughter Eileen was one year older than my twin brother Leon and I. As kids, we enjoyed each others company. She was smart,

talented and a very capable person. She was always in the Sycamore and De Kalb newspapers in regards to some achievement. Eileen was a great person. She married Bernard Montavon they had twins boys David and Darrel. Neither of the boys made it to their tenth birthday. (Did I tell you they were twins?) I often wonder about her family. What happened to her and what kind of life they lived? Difficult times are to move us forward into Gods plan for our lives. These times are to awaken, purge and to shake hurting and hungry people. ...For He is like a refiners fire...and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness... (Malachi 3:2-3) We are very comfortable to tread water, maintain the status quo but God has a new place a new challenge. Many times, we fight the Holy Spirit with everything within us to keep the few crumbs we have clutched in our fists. We have to open our fist in order to get what is new for us. This close fist mindset is that our Lord is going to do everything for us and wants us just to be happy campers. No, God wants us to mature, grow and reproduce by dying to our own plan taking the risk to achieve something greater for the kingdom. The Holy Spirit wants to stir our spirit until we will fall prostrate before a holy God in heaven. Gaze upon His majesty and worship Him with heart-filled praise. Opening your very soul up to reveal to you your own spiritual needs therefore the only recourse you have is to flee to Christ for refuge. At this place, you will know the marvelous healing power of Jesus. The pain of change for a believer brings forth Hope! In the 1994, Academy Awards this film The Shawshank Redemption was nominated for seven awards. Hope is a dangerous thing, says Red to Andy. Red, played by Morgan Freeman, means that Andy played by Tim Robbins, risks despair if he hopes to get out of prison. Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. You will never be disappointed when the one in whom you have placed hope in is Jesus. Listen for His sweet gentle voice

to assure you that He is holding your hand and guiding you. There are so many voices out there that are telling you other wise, telling you to forget Jesus and for what he is going to do for you. Then on the other hand, other voices tell you Jesus is just to get you over the difficult times, when push comes to shove, the only one you can depend on is yourself. The religious institutions resolve too many of us of our responsibilities. The Word and Faith movement and the feel good theology of today have brought much in undermining godly truths. Jesus never resolved you of your part in walking the Christian walk in His holiness. This Jesus tells you to repent when you miss the mark, change your mind and purpose, turn around and return to God so that your sins may be erased and your slate washed clean thus you can start over again a fresh, completely exonerated. The God of compassion! With the grace of God, it is just that easy. We are very comfortable to tread water, maintain the status quo but God has a new place a new challenge. Many times, we fight the Holy Spirit with everything within us to keep the few crumbs we have clutched in our fists. Something in us says that cant be true. There has to be another method or way. No, you dont need to go any farther to be refreshed in your most difficult times. It is that simple, repent and repent and get released, set free, healed, therefore receiving Hope. Hope in the midst of trouble, not the hope, I hope, I hope as one whistles in the graveyard. This is where maturity and experience of those over fifty years of age comes into play. These are to be the ballast to the newborn and young in the Lord. Somehow, we think if we take some bible courses, participate in adult Sunday school classes and hear enough sermons by pastor so and so we have now arrived to maturity. I am telling you, you need more than that. I am talking to you as an old warrior who has been in the

battle repeatedly. I have fought and lost the battle more often than I would like to admit. Yet while under fire, the Holy Spirit has refreshed me. Those like me are the ones you want to go to for encouragement. They can encourage and steady the impulsive, the young and inexperience believer. These are the ones who will wipe your nose, hold your hands and bust you butt when need be, fathers and mothers in the Lord. I believe in this present move of God or outpouring the Holy Spirit is going to bring forth those who will take the challenge to impart the things of God to the new generation of believer. Are you ready? There are many in our fellowship who I know have that call, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and are tested for battle. I apologize for not naming more but at this time, I would like to recognize two women that I know personally who fit into this category Joan Didley and Betty Lenschow. Joan has such a sweet spirit and knows the deep things of God. Hard times are inevitable. How one responds to hard times is the issue. Her prayers move Gods heart more than most of us. How do you think she got it? Secondly, I saw Betty in battle conditions for close to fifty years. She was driven, battle tough and full of compassion. Now I know you might say you just want to flatter your wife. Maybe there is a little truth to that. However, in all reality I know when I have seen the real thing a believer in Jesus Christ, not perfect, a Christian who is a mother of the faith. Ask her children. Please read the Endurance chapter, Hebrew 11. Yes, I know you were instructed that this is the Faith chapter, true, faith to endure the worse. Read the whole chapter including, Other Heroes of Faith verse 32 ff. Did you not read that far before? Now reread verse 37, They went from place to place in sheepskins or goatskins, enduring want, oppression, and cruelty (Weymouth). Hebrew 12:1-4 speaks of the vast cloud of witnesses and the encouragement of their endurance. This can only give us Hope in these critical times.

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How many words can you find in the word PROVERBS? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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