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Section 1 The legislative department shall be the highest law making body of the USG. It shall
enact resolutions, rules and regulations that will govern the relations among students themselves. It
shall have the power to conduct inquires and investigation on the activities and programs of the USG
and students as whole aid of legislation.

Section 2 The Legislative Department shall consist of the House of Senate and the Representatives
and has the same lawful rights to the students as provided by this constitution. The Senate President and
the elected senators will spearhead the legislative department.

Old phrase: House of Senate and the House of Representative

Add: The Senate President and the elected senators will spearhead the legislative department.

Section 3 The heads of the Legislative department should not hold highest position in any
university club and/or organization such as President, Vice-president, secretary, and treasurer or Public
Relation officer during his term.

Old phrase: Members of the Legislative department

Section 4 Every bill/resolution passed by the Legislative Department shall embrace only one (1)
subject which shall be presented to the President before it becomes a law. If he approves, he shall sign
it; otherwise, he shall prohibit and return the bill/resolution with the written prohibitions to the
Legislative Department. The bill/resolution may be considered by the president within fifteen days (15)
after the date received thereof. Otherwise, it shall become a law.

Old phrase: one week (7 days)

Section 5 The senate shall be composed of the twelve (12) senators who shall be elected at large
by the tertiary students of Bukidnon State University, as provided by law.

Section 6 The senators term of office is required to be the same as the president and must be
elected in the same manner. Likewise, the term of office of the Representatives shall be the same and be
elected by qualified tertiary students from the college that they will be representing.

Old phrase: The term of office of a Senator must be the same with the President and be elected the
same manner as the president. Likewise, the term of office of the representatives shall be the same
and be appointed by the Legislative department.
Additional subsection:

Section 7 College Representatives among other duties, representatives introduce bills and
resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees assigned to.

Section 8 (1) The senate shall elect its president as the presiding officer and the House of
Representatives will elect its president as the presiding officer as well, by majority vote of all its
respective members. Each house shall choose its officers as it may deem necessary, and

(2) Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, give a particular sanction to
each member for indecency or improper conduct, and with the concurrency of the majority of all its
members, suspends or expels a member. A penalty of suspension, when imposed, shall exceed thirty
(30) days. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings from time to time.

Old phrase: improperly of conduct

Section 8 The College Representatives shall:

a. Have one (1) member from each college;

b. Be endorsed by their respective student body organization;
c. Be deliberated by the Commission of Appointments on College Representatives (CARC)

i. Be composed of the elected senators headed by the senate President; and

ii. See to it that the College Representatives are qualified for their commitment to serve the
studentry and shall be responsible for the title description.

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