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Propane - UN1978

Class 2.1 packing instructions p200 f/d s/u un tank instructions t50
Stowage and segregation: CAT.E clear of living quarters


Fire-> be aware of expanding vapour explosion

Crew memebers should be aware of explosion hazard and act appropriate.
Houd tanks koel met grote hoeveelheden water. Bestrijd de brand van een veilige positie zo
ver mogelijk weg. Be aware that flames may be invinsible.
On deck:
Packaged: create water spray from as many hoses as possible. Do not try to extinguish a gas
Cargo transport units: cool units and nearby cargo exposed tot he fire met overvloedig
water. Do not try to extinguish a gas flame.
Under deck:
Stop ventilation and close hatches. Use cargo space fixed fire fighting system. Not available?
Create water spray using lots of water.
Cargo exposed to fire:
If practicble, remove or jettison packages which are likely to be involved in the fire. Anders
meerdere uren koelen met water.
Should be evacuated down wind immeditely. Be aware of invisible flames and extremely
cold gas. Prevent leaking gases from entering any other part of the vessel. Be aware of
gasses heavier than air. Smoking or any open fire prohibited. Prevent drifting gasses from
entering the living quarters, mk, working spaces. Wear protective clothing and use a self
contained breathing apparatus. Avoid all sources of ignition. Keep clear of evolving gasses,
avoid all skin contact. Protect ship superstructure with copious quantities of water. Do not
direct water jet on to the spill.
Spillage on deck:
Packages: let gas dissipate, keep clear!
Cargo transport units: let gas dissipate. Keep bridge and living quarters upwind. Otherwise,
protect crew and living quarters against flammable or toxic gasses by using waterspray to
drive the gasses away (curtain). Use water jets from as far as practicble to accelerate
evaporation, not directing them straight on to the spill.
Spillage under deck:
Packages: do not enter space. Provide adequate ventilation. Ventilation system-> make sure
to prevent gasses from penetrating other parts of the vessel. Let gas evaporate. Keep clear.
Radio for expert advise. Check atmosphere before entering. Do not enter without self
contained breathing apparatus.
Cargo transport units: do not enter space. Provide adequate venrilation. Ventilation?->
prevent gasses from drifting to other areas of the vessel. Keep bridge and living quarters
upwind.otherwise, protect crew and living quarters from flammable and toxic gasses by
flammable gasses in the space. Radio for expert advice. Check atmosphere, do net enter
deck without self contained breathing apparatus.

MFAG table 9 inhalation of chemicals.

Severe breatlesness and blue discoloration of the skin.
Handle with extreme care all strain must be avoided. Radio for medical advice. Arrange
evacuation and transfer tot he nearest hospital.

Sulpheric acid UN2957 f-a s-b

In a fire, exposed cargoes may explode or their containment may rupture. Bestrijd de brand
vanaf een veilige positie, zover mogelijk weg.
On deck: units and packages: create water spray from as many hoses as possible.
Cargo fire under deck: stop ventilation and close hatches. Use cargo space fixed fire
extinguish system. If this is not available, create water spray using copious quantities of
Cargo exposed to fire: if practicable, remove or jettison packages which are likeky to be
involved in fire. Otherwise, keep cool using water.

Wear suitable protective clothing and self contained breathing apparatus. Avoid all contact.
Keep clear of effluent. Keep clear of evolving vapours. Be aware that it can cause breathing
difficulties. Use of water may cause a violent reaction. Substance may damage ships
construction materials. Kleding eerst afwassen en dan verwijderen.
Spillage on deck:
Packages: wash over board with overvloedig not jet direct on tot he spill. Keep
clear of effluent. Maak de ruimte door en door schoon.
Cargo t.u.: keep bridge and living quarters upwind. Protect crew and living quarters against
corrosive and toxic vours by using water spracrew and living quarters against corrosive and
toxic vours by using water spray. Was over boord met overvloedig water. Idem
Under deck:
Packages: adequate ventilation. Not enter wo self contained breathing app. Check
atmosphere, if it can not be checked let vapours evaporate. Was de bodem van het ruim met
grote hoeveelheden water. Pomp over boord. Solids-> collect spillage, dispose overboardwas
residu tot op de bodem van het ruim spoel overvloedig met water en pomp overboord.
Ctu: keep bridge and living quarters upwind, protect crew and living quarters from
flammable and toxic vapours by using water spray. Do not enter space, keep clear. Radio for
expert advice than proceed. Idem .
MFAG table8 skin exposure.
Decontamination in all cases zie table 8 p157 van supplement.

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