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English Language (Newspaper Cutting Assignment) 1

Name: _____________________________ ( ) Date: ____________________________

Newspaper Cutting Assignment

Select an article from your subscription copy of the South China Morning Post.

News headline: _______________________________________________________________________

Source: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________ News type: Local / National /World

A. Vocabulary: Identify three new words/phrases which you think are useful for your writing; find the
definitions of these words and copy them in the spaces provided.
Words/phrases (Part of Definition

B. Summary: Write a summary of this article in about 150 words. (What is the topic? What are the major
views presented in the report? Give one example to illustrate each of these main points.)
Some guidelines for the summary:
 Identify the main point the writer is making in the each paragraph. (You cannot simply copy
sentences from the paragraphs.)
 Decide which of these main points are essential in giving the reader a sufficient understanding of
the news report / article.






Attach your selected news article to this assignment: stick it on a piece of used paper and attach it to this
English Language (Newspaper Cutting Assignment) 2
Name: _____________________________ ( ) Date: ____________________________








C. Reflection: Write a reflection on the issue reported in the article in about 150 words. In the reflection,
give your stance and opinions on ‘this issue’ (the issue as reported in the article, not something related
to the issue in the article). How can the issue be dealt with? (Do not give general suggestions such as
‘the government should educate the public about it – HOW can the government educate the public
about it?)














Attach your selected news article to this assignment: stick it on a piece of used paper and attach it to this

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