NABIDH - Inbound HL7v2.5.1 Specifications Document 10052022 v4.9-1

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Dubai Health Authority

NABIDH Program
NABIDH – Inbound HL7 v2.5.1 Specifications Document

Version 4.9
May 10, 2022

Disclaimer: The information contained in this NABIDH Inbound Specifications Document was current as of the date of the latest revision in the
Document History in this guide. However, DHA policies & procedures are subject to change and do so frequently. HL7 versions and formatting
are also subject to updates. Therefore, its best efforts to keep all information in this guide up to date. It is ultimately the responsibility of the
participating organization and sending facilities to be knowledgeable of changes outside of NABIDH HIE’s control.

The information in this document may not be disclosed outside of Facilities organization and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed in whole
or in part for any purpose other than to reviewing as implementation guidelines to complete their integration development work.

DHA retains ownership of this document.

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Document Control

The following table identifies those to whom this document has been distributed.

Document Distribution

Name Role

FACILITIES Technical Onboarding Facility Integration Stream

NABIDH Digital Stream Digital Stream

NABIDH Integration Stream Integration Stream

Documents and Versions

Version Date Updated Description

1.0 11-05-2020 Drafted Version 1.0
2.0 08-06-2020 Updated document addressing DHA feedback
2.2 10-06-2020 Updated based on facility review sessions
2.4 20-07-2020 Added some changes around fields being mandatory, updated code tables
Added ZSC segment to A01 and A05 structure to capture VIP, Global Opt-Out and Facility Opt-Out flags. ZU
2.5 23-07-2020
segment definition included as well.
2.6 10-08-2020 Added consent process for EMRs supported by ZSC segment
2.7 30-08-2020 Added OMP segment details to cover Pharmacy/Treatment Order Messages addition to ORM and RDE messages
2.8 31-08-2020 Accepted all changes and cleansed the document.
Added T08 - Document edit notification and content trigger event, PV1.16, PID.31 fields updated for VIP flag
2.9 06-09-2020 changes. Updated RXO.7 linked with NAB002, ORC.7.8 to be used for administration data, TQ1.3 should have
frequency, ORC.7.3 should have duration. Marked PV1.36 and PV1.45 fields conditional
Removed SFT section, removed A20 trigger event, added more rows in General Guidelines section, removed
3.0 01-10-2020
Clarifications Questionnaire - Request Inputs section, updated Configuring Facility - Request Inputs section
3.1 02-10-2020 Updated DT for section 4.9, Updated DT for section 4.10, Added Scientific code to section 5.8
3.2 21-10-2020 Added example messages against each segment
Updates to implementation guide, Section 6 was updated removed Table NAB009: Re-Admission Indicator, Table
NAB011: Ambulatory Status, Table NAB013: Bed Status, Table NAB014: Visit Indicator, Table NAB016:
3.3 25-10-2020
Diagnosis Classification, Table NAB017: Coverage Type, Table NAB024: Vaccines administered, Table NAB027:
Manufacturers of Vaccines (code = MVX)
3.4 30-10-2020 Added z segments ZSH and ZFH for social and family history, updated NAB006: Patient Class code table
3.5 23-11-2020 Accepted all changes and cleansed the document
Updated OMP msg structure, Updated OBX.3 for Vitals along with sample message and Added sample messages
3.6 07-12-2020
for Merge events
3.7 14-12-2020 Update segments section to align with the NABIDH configuration, removed 17–Swap patients
Updated fields sections , implementation guidance section, and marked field which are store and marked fields
3.8 21-12-2020
which are displayed on the portal.
4.0 21-12-2020 Cleansed the final updated version
4.1 09-01-2021 Added details around Patient and Provider names format, updated examples segments samples
4.2 20-01-2021 Updated some of the fields in NK1
4.3 20-01-2021 Added ZSC examples, fix some of the fields descriptions

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Added more values in Table NAB006: Patient Class. Updated some guidance comments for all segments.
Requirement change for PID.15, PID.16, PID.17, NK1.4, NK1.5, NK1.7, PV1.14, AL1.4, AL1.5, AL1.6, DG1.15,
DG1.21, PR1.11, PR1.14, ORC.12, OBR.16, OBR.22, OBX.2, OBX.23, SPM.17, SPM.18, TQ1.3, TQ1.6
NAB024 HL7: PID.15 Primary Language NAB044 HL7: AL1.5 Reaction
NAB046 HL7: PID.5.14 Professional NAB047 HL7: PID.11.4 Emirates
4.4 19-04-2021 NAB048 HL7: PV1.3.1 Assigned Location NAB049 HL7: TQ1.3 Repeat Pattern
NAB050 HL7: TQ1.6.1 Service Duration NAB051 HL7: TQ1.6.2 Service Duration
NAB052 HL7: ZSH.2 Social Habit NAB053 HL7: ZSH.3 Social Habit Qty
NAB054 HL7: ZSH.4 Social Habit Category
HL7131 HL7: NK1.7 Contact Role NAB010 HL7: PV1.14 Admit Source
HL7128 HL7: AL1.4 Allergy Severity NAB015 HL7: DG1.6 Diagnosis Type
4.5 29-04-2021 Added changes related to DHCC
4.6 03-05-2021 Updated NAB048 : Patient Assigned Location
Added Problem message type, added section 4.31 PPR^PC1, removed unnecessary values from NAB037 Value
4.7 23-05-2021
Updated optionality to R for EVN6 in section 4.2 and SPM.2 in section 4.20, Added LOINC details to section 4.8 ,
Added additional code value to section 6 Table 049, Changed GCC Assigning Authority from LOCAL to GCC.
4.8 18-10-2021 Added OBX:3 with Vitals unit of measurements. Updated 5.11. Message Acknowledgement Guidelines, Added
Emirates ID validation, Added additional description to Consent 4.28, Updated Tourist definition to section
5.9.02, Updated optionality to R for TXA16
Added Kosovan in NAB038 Nationality, Fixed spelling mistake in NAB047-Emirate for Umm Al Quwain,
4.9 10-05-2022 Removed values from NAB018 for OBX:8 Abnormal Flags and made it optional. Added new values in NAB046:
Profession. Made ORC:9 Required and TXA:4 Required

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Table of Contents

DOCUMENT CONTROL ............................................................................................................................................... 3

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 8

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1. ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2. TARGET AUDIENCE ........................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3. NABIDH SUPPORTED MESSAGE CONTENT....................................................................................................... 10
1.4. SPECIFICATIONS UPDATE .................................................................................................................................. 10
1.5. INBOUND DATA FLOW AND INTEGRATION ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................. 10
2. ONBOARDING TECHNICAL GUIDE ...................................................................................................................... 12
2.1. REGISTRATION.................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2. APPLICATION PLAN .......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3. CONTRACTUAL ................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4. API ACCESS ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
3. MESSAGE STRUCTURE (HL7) .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.1. MESSAGE STRUCTURE OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................... 13
3.2. MESSAGE STRUCTURE DETAILS – ADT (ADMIT, DISCHARGE, AND TRANSFER) ................................................. 14
3.3. MESSAGE STRUCTURE DETAILS – ORM OR RDE OR OMP (MEDICATIONS) ..................................................... 19
3.4. MESSAGE STRUCTURE DETAILS – ORU (OBSERVATIONS) ................................................................................. 22
3.5. MESSAGE STRUCTURE DETAILS – MDM (DOCUMENTS) .................................................................................... 23
3.6. STRUCTURE DETAILS – VXU (VACCINATION)................................................................................................... 24
3.7. STRUCTURE DETAILS – PPR (PROBLEMS).......................................................................................................... 25
3.8. MESSAGE STRUCTURE DETAILS – ACK/NACK (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) ............................................................ 25
4. MESSAGE SEGMENTS FIELD DETAILS (HL7) ........................................................................................................ 26
4.1. MSH (MESSAGE HEADER) SEGMENT FIELDS ..................................................................................................... 26
4.2. EVN (EVENT TYPE) SEGMENT FIELDS............................................................................................................... 26
4.3. PID (PATIENT IDENTIFICATION) SEGMENT FIELDS ........................................................................................... 27
4.4. PD1 (PATIENT ADDITIONAL DEMOGRAPHIC) SEGMENT FIELDS ....................................................................... 29
4.5. NK1 (NEXT OF KIN / ASSOCIATED PARTIES) SEGMENT FIELDS ........................................................................... 30
4.6. PV1 (PATIENT VISIT) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................................................................ 32
4.7. PV2 (PATIENT VISIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) SEGMENT FIELDS................................................................ 34
4.8. OBX (OBSERVATION / RESULT) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................................................. 36
4.9. AL1 (PATIENT ALLERGY INFORMATION) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................................... 38
4.10. DG1 (DIAGNOSIS) SEGMENT FIELDS ................................................................................................................. 39
4.11. DRG (DIAGNOSIS RELATED GROUP SEGMENT) SEGMENT FIELDS ..................................................................... 40
4.12. PR1 (PROCEDURES SEGMENT) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................................................... 41
4.13. GT1 (GUARANTOR SEGMENT) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................................................... 42
4.14. IN1 (INSURANCE SEGMENT) SEGMENT FIELDS .................................................................................................. 44
4.15. MRG (PATIENT MERGE) SEGMENT FIELDS ....................................................................................................... 45
4.16. NTE (NOTES AND COMMENTS) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................................................. 46
4.17. ORC (COMMON ORDER) SEGMENT FIELDS ....................................................................................................... 47
4.18. OBR (OBSERVATION REQUEST) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................................................ 49
4.19. TQ1 (TIMING / QUANTITY) SEGMENT FIELDS ................................................................................................... 51
4.20. SPM (SPECIMEN) SEGMENT FIELDS ................................................................................................................... 52
4.21. RXO (PHARMACY / TREATMENT ORDER) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................................. 53
4.22. RXR (PHARMACY / TREATMENT ROUTE) SEGMENT FIELDS .............................................................................. 54
4.23. RXC (PHARMACY / TREATMENT COMPONENT) SEGMENT FIELDS ..................................................................... 55
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4.24. RXE (PHARMACY / TREATMENT ENCODED ORDER) SEGMENT FIELDS .............................................................. 55
4.25. RXA (PHARMACY / TREATMENT ADMINISTRATION) SEGMENT FIELDS ............................................................. 57
4.26. TXA (TRANSCRIPTION DOCUMENT HEADER) SEGMENT FIELDS........................................................................ 58
4.27. MSA (MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) SEGMENT FIELDS ................................................................................ 60
4.28. ZSC (Z SEGMENT CONSENT) SEGMENT FIELDS ................................................................................................. 60
4.29. ZSH (Z SEGMENT SOCIAL HISTORY) SEGMENT FIELDS ..................................................................................... 62
4.30. ZFH (Z SEGMENT FAMILY HISTORY) SEGMENT FIELDS .................................................................................... 62
4.31. PRB (PROBLEMS) SEGMENT FIELDS .................................................................................................................. 63
5. IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE (HL7) .................................................................................................................. 65
5.1. SENDING FACILITY (MSH.4) ............................................................................................................................. 65
5.2. EVENT FACILITY (EVN.7)................................................................................................................................. 65
5.3. PATIENT IDENTIFIER LIST (PID.3), SSN NUMBER – PATIENT (PID.19) ............................................................. 66
5.4. ENCOUNTER IDENTIFIERS – ASSIGNED PATIENT LOCATION (PV1.3) ................................................................. 66
5.5. ENCOUNTER IDENTIFIERS - VISIT NUMBER (PV1.19)........................................................................................ 66
5.6. CLINICIAN IDENTIFIERS - ATTENDING DOCTOR (PV1-7) .................................................................................. 66
5.7. CODED ELEMENT/VALUE (DATA TYPE CE) ...................................................................................................... 67
5.8. DHA/ECLAIM CODE-CODE SET........................................................................................................................ 67
5.9. DATA CONFIDENTIALITY & PRIVACY ............................................................................................................... 67
5.10. DISCHARGE SUMMARY (DS) FORMAT & SEQUENCE .......................................................................................... 68
5.11. MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT GUIDELINES.................................................................................................... 68
5.12. GENERAL GUIDELINES ...................................................................................................................................... 69
6. CODE TABLES ..................................................................................................................................................... 70
SUMMARY OF CODE TABLES AND REFERENCE HL7 FIELDS ............................................................................................. 70
TABLE NAB001: ADMINISTRATION SEX .......................................................................................................................... 70
TABLE NAB002: MARITAL STATUS ................................................................................................................................. 71
TABLE NAB003: RELIGION ............................................................................................................................................. 71
TABLE NAB004: RACE.................................................................................................................................................... 71
TABLE NAB005: ETHNIC GROUP .................................................................................................................................... 72
TABLE NAB006: PATIENT CLASS .................................................................................................................................... 73
TABLE NAB007: ADMISSION TYPE ................................................................................................................................. 73
TABLE NAB008: HOSPITAL SERVICE............................................................................................................................... 73
TABLE NAB010: ADMIT SOURCE .................................................................................................................................... 74
TABLE NAB012: DISCHARGE DISPOSITION ..................................................................................................................... 74
TABLE NAB015: DIAGNOSIS TYPE .................................................................................................................................. 75
TABLE NAB018: ABNORMAL FLAGS ............................................................................................................................... 75
TABLE NAB019: CONFIDENTIALITY CODE ...................................................................................................................... 75
TABLE NAB020: OBSERVATION RESULT STATUS CODES INTERPRETATION ..................................................................... 75
TABLE NAB021: DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE SECTION ID ....................................................................................................... 76
TABLE NAB022: ROUTE ................................................................................................................................................. 76
TABLE NAB023: ADMINISTRATION SITE ......................................................................................................................... 77
TABLE NAB024: PRIMARY LANGUAGE ........................................................................................................................... 77
TABLE NAB025: DOCUMENT COMPLETION STATUS ....................................................................................................... 79
TABLE NAB026: DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY STATUS ...................................................................................................... 79
TABLE NAB028: COMPLETION STATUS ........................................................................................................................... 79
TABLE NAB029: SUBSTANCE / TREATMENT REFUSAL REASON........................................................................................ 80
TABLE NAB030: ORDER CONTROL ................................................................................................................................. 80
TABLE NAB031: ORDER STATUS..................................................................................................................................... 80
TABLE NAB032: ORDER TYPE ........................................................................................................................................ 80
TABLE NAB033: RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................... 81
TABLE NAB034: SPECIMEN TYPE.................................................................................................................................... 81
TABLE NAB035: DOCUMENT TYPE ................................................................................................................................. 82
TABLE NAB037: VALUE TYPE ........................................................................................................................................ 83
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TABLE NAB038: NATIONALITY ...................................................................................................................................... 83
TABLE NAB039: COUNTRY ............................................................................................................................................. 84
TABLE NAB040: PRIORITY ............................................................................................................................................. 85
TABLE NAB041: RELATIONSHIP ..................................................................................................................................... 86
TABLE NAB042: ALLERGY TYPE CODE ........................................................................................................................... 86
TABLE NAB043: ALLERGEN CODE .................................................................................................................................. 86
TABLE NAB044: ALLERGEN REACTION .......................................................................................................................... 88
TABLE NAB046: PROFESSION ......................................................................................................................................... 88
TABLE NAB047: EMIRATE .............................................................................................................................................. 88
TABLE NAB048: PATIENT ASSIGNED LOCATION ............................................................................................................. 89
TABLE NAB049: VACCINATION PATTERN ...................................................................................................................... 89
TABLE NAB050: VACCINATION DURATION QUANTITY .................................................................................................. 90
TABLE NAB051: VACCINATION DURATION UNITS ......................................................................................................... 90
TABLE NAB052: SOCIAL HABIT ...................................................................................................................................... 90
TABLE NAB053: SOCIAL HABIT QTY .............................................................................................................................. 90
TABLE NAB054: SOCIAL HABIT CATEGORY.................................................................................................................... 90
TABLE HL7128: ALLERGEN SEVERITY ............................................................................................................................. 91
TABLE HL7131: CONTACT ROLE .................................................................................................................................... 91
TABLE HL7190: ADDRESS TYPE ...................................................................................................................................... 91
7. NABIDH SPECIFICATIONS ACCEPTANCE .............................................................................................................. 92

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Acronyms and Abbreviations
HL7 HL7 Health Level Seven AD Address Field Type

EMR Electronic Medical Record CE Coded Entry Field Type

EID Emirates ID CF Coded Element with Formatted Values Field Type

DHA Dubai Health Authority CK Composite ID with Check Digit Field Type

API Application Programming Interface CN Composite ID and Name Field Type

ADT Admit, Discharge, and Transfer CP Composite Price Field Type

MDM Medical Document Management CX Extended Composite ID with Check Digit Field Type

ORU Observation Result DT Date Field Type

ORM Order Entry Message ED Encapsulated Data Field Type

RDE Pharmacy/Treatment Encoded Order Message FT Formatted Text (Display) Field Type

VXU Vaccination Report MO Money Field Type

SDA Summary Document Architecture NM Numeric Field Type

MSH Message Header PN Person Name Field Type

SFT Software Segment RP Reference Pointer Field Type

EVN Event Type SN Structured Numeric Field Type

PID Patient Identification ST String Data. Field Type

ROL Role TM Time Field Type

PV1 Patient Visit TN Telephone Number Field Type

DB1 Disability Information TS Time Stamp (Date & Time) Field Type

OBX Observation Results TX Text Data (Display) Field Type

AL1 Allergy Information XAD Extended Address Field Type

DG1 Diagnosis Information XCN Extended Composite Name and Number for Persons Field Type

DRG Diagnosis Related Group XON Extended Composite Name and Number for Org. Field Type

PR1 Procedures XPN Extended Person Name Field Type

IN1 Insurance XTN Extended Telecommunications Number Field Type

ACC Accident Information PDA Patient Death and Autopsy

PRB Problem PPR Patient Problem Message

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1. Introduction
1.1. About this Document
Effective sharing of clinical patient information between providers involved in patient care is widely regarded as a key
strategy to improve healthcare outcomes. NABIDH collects, aggregates, normalizes and presents clinical patient data
from various organizations in support of this strategy. This document outlines the integration implementation
guidelines that will be used by the facilities in Dubai to provide patient clinical data to DHA NABIDH Health Information
Exchange (HIE) solution. The following are incorporated in and made part of this document structure:

Section 1. Introduction: Provides introduction about the document and relevant details.

Section 2. Onboarding Technical Guide: This section gives guidelines around the onboarding process.

Section 3. Message Structure Details (HL7): Provides HL7 message structure specifications details covering:

- ADT Messages sending patients admitting/discharge diagnosis information, observation/result information,

problems list, allergies list, social/family history details, patient demographics, contact information, insurance
information, Emirates ID and other current identifiers (ref section 3.2).

- ORU Messages sending patient laboratory, radiology, and transcriptions results information (ref section 3.3).

- ORM/RDE/OMP Messages sending patient medication information (ref section 3.4).

- MDM Messages sending patient documents details such as Discharge summary, History and physical
examination, Procedure note, Transfer summary, etc. (ref section 3.5).

- VXU Messages sending patient immunization information (ref section 3.6).

- PPR Messages sending patient problem information (ref section 3.7).

Section 4. Message Segments Field Details (HL7): This section gives details around the segments at the field level. Each
segment and its fields are explained in total 27 sub-sections as shown in the below diagram.

Figure 1- Message Types & Segments

Section 5. Implementation Guidance (HL7): Provides implementation guidelines for facilities technical team covering
handling multiple facilities, patient identification, data confidentiality details, discharge summary format, and
clarifications questions NABIDH HIE team need support.

Section 6. Code Tables: This section provides DHA defined standards that are supported by the NABIDH HIE Platform.

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1.2. Target Audience
Provider Data Source (Sending Organization): Collects patient registration and clinical information within healthcare
EMR system. Forwards this information to DHA NABIDH HIE (Receiving Organization) system. This document will help
the providers technical team to build the integration program to send the patient data against the message
specifications details mentioned in the following sections.

DHA NABID HIE (Receiving Organization): Receives patient registration and clinical information from Provider Data
Source (Sending Organization). DHA NABIDH HIE system will have Clinician Portal where Facilities Practitioners can
access the patient unified care record. DHA NABIDH HIE system will also have separate Patient Portal for the patients
where they can access their patient information received from multiple Provider Data Sources.

1.3. NABIDH Supported Message Content

NABIDH HIE platform currently supports HL7 v2.5.1 msgs to send patient data to NABIDH and facilities EMR system
shall comply with the messages specifications details, segments, fields, and implementation guidance provided in this
document. Message conforming to HL7 v2.5.1 standards are identified as ADT, ORM, ORU, RDE, MDM, VXU, and PPR
message types.

1.4. Specifications Update

This document has the current specifications for some of the messaging standards and would be updated based on
NABIDH policies and based on DHA and UAE regulations. Final specifications shall be shared with the facilities during
the onboarding discussion phase.

1.5. Inbound Data Flow and Integration Architecture

Following diagram shows inbound data flow & architecture details to explain how the patient data will be sent to DHA.

Figure 2- Inbound Data Flow and Integration Architecture

Below table provide description of the data flow and architecture details to the reader to establish better understanding around the NABIDH HIE
integration solution.
Ref Reference Description Ref Reference Description
NABIDH Security Layer validates the sending organization
01. Provider Data Source sends HL7 v2.5.1 message 02.
integration system

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NABIDH API Layer identifies the message against
Relevant HL7 API then authenticates the message, authorizes the
03. Application Plan created for the Provider and calls relevant 04.
message and send it to HIE Layer
API based on the trigger even.
Relevant API then authenticates message, authorizes the This shows the validation rules that will be performed at the API
05. 06.
message and send it to HIE Layer Layer.
HIE Queue receives the message from API Layer and sends HIE Inbound Services will validates the message content and
07. 08.
to HIE Inbound Services stores the message in HIE databases
This shows message commit acknowledgement values, CA (used
09. This shows HIE clinical data sources 10.
for ACK), CE (used for NACK), CR (used for NACK)

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2. Onboarding Technical Guide
This section provides an overview of the steps that need to be taken in order to connect with NABIDH API Layer
through Technical Portal. Part of the onboarding guide there are four process steps involved.

Registration – Setup each facility account on the NABIDH Technical Portal

Application Plan – Create application plan for each facility so they can create integration programs to connect
Development Portal where they test their integration routines

Contractual – Accept DHA NABIDH MOU Agreement before going to production

API Access – Request access to relevant NABIDH APIs published on Technical Portal

2.1. Registration
Registering on the NABIDH Technical Portal is necessary, so that once facilities created their integration routines, they
can send patient data to NABIDH HIE by calling NABIHD API and test their integration routines.

NABIDH API Operator will require a verified email address for an account to be created from the facility integration
team. Once your account has been created, NABIDH API Operator will share the password to access the Technical
Portal and App Key to authenticate & authorize to access the APIs.

2.2. Application Plan

Application Plans define the different sets of access rights for facilities on how they can consume NABIDH APIs. These
can determine anything from rate limits, which methods or resources are accessible and which features are enabled.

2.3. Contractual
To use NABIDH APIs in the production environment, facility will need to accept the DHA NABIDH MOU Agreement
covering Terms & Conditions. Further details and guidelines will be shared by the NABIDH Onboarding Team.

2.4. API Access

This is the process of requesting that facility application plan will be given access to NABIDH APIs on production. The
NABIDH API production access will only be available to those facilities that have accepted the DHA NABIDH MOU

Note: The facilities must obtain Static IP for their production integration server to connect with NABIDH Production
API Server

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3. Message Structure (HL7)
This section provides details on the trigger events of different message types supported by NABIDH.

3.1. Message Structure Overview

Following message structure is used by different trigger events that are supported by NABIDH HIE system. Facilities
shall send the message.

Marked message types are minimum required/preferred to integrate with NABIDH.

Structure Structure
Supported Trigger Events Supported Trigger Events
Base Type Base Type
HL7 ADT Events
A05-Pre-Admit Patient A09-Patient Departed – Tracking
ADT^A05 A28-Add Patient Information ADT^A09 A10-Patient Arrived (Tracking)
 A31-Update Patient Information A11-Cancel Admit Patient Notification
A01-Admit Patient Notification A23-Delete Patient Record
 A04-Register Patient A25-Cancel Pending Discharge
 A08-Update Patient Information A27-Cancel Pending Admit
A13-Cancel Discharge Event A29-Delete Person Information
ADT^A02  A02-Patient Transfer Event ADT^A12 A12-Cancel Patient Transfer Event
ADT^A03  A03-Discharge Event ADT^A45 A45-Move Visit Information (Visit Number)
A39-Merge Patient (Patient ID)  A06-Change Outpatient to Inpatient
 A40-Merge Patient Identifier List.  A07-Change Inpatient to Outpatient
A30-Merge Patient Information (Patient ID Only)
A47-Change Patient Identifier List.
Note: Facility can select either one of the Merge Patient msg from A30, A47, A39, or A40.
HL7 ORM or RDE or OMP (Medications) Events
ORM^O01  O01 – Used For Medication Orders Note: Select either of the message type to send medication
OMP^O09 O09 – Pharmacy/Treatment Order Message orders related to Emergency, Outpatient and Inpatient
RDE^O11 O11 – Pharmacy / Treatment Encoded Order Discharge
HL7 ORU (Lab Results, Radiology Results, Transcriptions) Events
 R01 – Unsolicited Transmission of an Observation Message.
Note: R01 used for lab, radiology, transcriptions and other orders, and for observations
HL7 MDM (Documents) Events
 T02 – Original Document Notification And Content
MDM^T02 T04 – Document Status Change Notification MDM^T01 T11 – Document Cancel Notification
 T08 – Document edit notification and content
HL7 VXU (Immunizations) Events
VXU^V04  V04 – Unsolicited Vaccination Record Update
HL7 PPR (Problems) Events
PPR^PC1  PC1 – Problems (Add, Update, and Delete)

Message Structure Guidelines:

When Mentioned Guidelines Details

[] indicates an optional segment
{} indicates a repeating segment
Used indicates segment data will be stored in NABIDH HIE database as part of patient unified care record.
Indicates segment data will be accessed for other purposes, such as routing messages within NABIDH HIE or triggering
Not Used
notifications, but data will not be retained as part of the patient unified care record.
Not Used Planned Indicates segment data not supported currently and could be supported in future releases.

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3.2. Message Structure Details – ADT (Admit, Discharge, and Transfer)
3.2.1. Structure Base Type ADT^A01 – Trigger Events A01, A04, A08, A13
The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A01–Admit patient notification (This event is sent as a result of a patient undergoing the admission process)

 A04–Register Patient (This event signals patient has arrived or checked in, or recurring outpatient, and is not assigned to a bed)

 A08–Update patient information (This event is used when any patient info has changed but when no other trigger event has occurred)

 A13–Cancel discharge event (This event is sent when an A03 (discharge/end visit) event is cancelled)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Additional Demographics Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17, PD1.18 fields used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { NK1 } ] Next of Kin / Associated Parties Used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[ PV2 ] Patient Visit – Additional Info. Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { DB1 } ] Disability Information Not Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Used Vital signs, height, weight etc could be sent here (use ORU for results)
[ { AL1 } ] Allergy Information Used
[ { DG1 } ] Diagnosis Information Used
[ DRG ] Diagnosis Related Group Used
[{ PROCEDURE begin
PR1 Procedures Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { GT1 } ] Guarantor Used Stored in NABIDH, not displayed in the clinical viewer
[{ INSURANCE begin
IN1 Insurance Used
[ IN2 ] Insurance Additional Info. Not Used
[ { IN3 } ] Insurance Additional Info – Cert. Not Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ ACC ] Accident Information Not Used
[ UB1 ] Universal Bill Information Not Used
[ UB2 ] Universal Bill 92 Information Not Used
[ PDA ] Patient Death and Autopsy Not Used
[ZSC] Z Segment Consent Used Used to handle consent and VIP configuration.
[{ZSH}] Z Segment Social History Used Used to receive social history data of the patient
[{ZFH}] Z Segment Family History Used Used to receive family history data of the patient

3.2.2. Structure Base Type ADT^A02 – Trigger Event A02

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A02–Patient transfer event (This event is issued as a result of the patient changing his or her assigned physical location)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Additional Demographics Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 14
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[ PV2 ] Patient Visit – Additional Info. Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { DB1 } ] Disability Information Not Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Used Vital signs, height, weight etc could be sent here (use ORU for results)
[ PDA ] Patient Death and Autopsy Not Used

3.2.3. Structure Base Type ADT^A03 – Trigger Event A03

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A03–Discharge event (This event signals the end of a patient’s stay in a healthcare facility)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Additional Demographics Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { NK1 } ] Next of Kin / Associated Parties Used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[ PV2 ] Patient Visit – Additional Info. Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { DB1 } ] Disability Information Not Used
[ { AL1 } ] Allergy Information Used
[ { DG1 } ] Diagnosis Information Used
[ DRG ] Diagnosis Related Group Used
[{ PROCEDURE begin
PR1 Procedures Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Used Vital signs, height, weight etc could be sent here (use ORU for results)
[ { GT1 } ] Guarantor Used
[{ INSURANCE begin
IN1 Insurance Used
[ IN2 ] Insurance Additional Info. Not Used
[ { IN3 } ] Insurance Additional Info – Cert. Not Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ ACC ] Accident Information Not Used
[ PDA ] Patient Death and Autopsy Not Used
[ UB2 ] Universal Bill 92 Information Not Used
[ PDA ] Patient Death and Autopsy Not Used

3.2.4. Structure Base Type ADT^A05 – Trigger Events A05, A28, A31
The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A05–Pre-Admit a patient (This event is sent when a patient undergoes the pre-admission process)

 A28–Add patient information (This event is used to add patient demographic information)

 A31–Update patient information (This event is used to update patient demographic information)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 15

PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Additional Demographics Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { NK1 } ] Next of Kin / Associated Parties Used
PV1 Patient Visit Used Used for A05 msg, optional for A28 and A31 msgs
[ PV2 ] Patient Visit – Additional Info. Used Used for A05 msg, optional for A28 and A31 msgs
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { DB1 } ] Disability Information Not Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Used Vital signs, height, weight etc could be sent here (use ORU for results)
[ { AL1 } ] Allergy Information Used
[ { DG1 } ] Diagnosis Information Used
[ DRG ] Diagnosis Related Group Used
[{ PROCEDURE begin
PR1 Procedures Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { GT1 } ] Guarantor Used
[{ INSURANCE begin
IN1 Insurance Used
[ IN2 ] Insurance Additional Info. Not Used
[ { IN3 } ] Insurance Additional Info – Cert. Not Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ ACC ] Accident Information Not Used
[ UB1 ] Universal Bill Information Not Used
[ UB2 ] Universal Bill 92 Information Not Used
[ZSC] Z Segment Consent Used Used to handle consent and VIP configuration.
[{ZSH}] Z Segment Social History Used Used to receive social history data of the patient
[{ZFH}] Z Segment Family History Used Used to receive family history data of the patient

3.2.5. Structure Base Type ADT^A06 – Trigger Events A06, A07

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger
events: The structure of ADT^06 and ADT^07 is exactly the same as ADT^A01

 A06–Change Outpatient to Inpatient (This event changes a patient’s visit status from Outpatient to Inpatient)

 A07–Change Inpatient to Outpatient (This event changes a patient’s visit status from Inpatient to Outpatient)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Additional Demographics Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ MRG ] Merge Information Not Used
[ { NK1 } ] Next of Kin / Associated Parties Used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[ PV2 ] Patient Visit – Additional Info. Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { DB1 } ] Disability Information Not Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Used Vital signs, height, weight etc could be sent here (use ORU for results)
[ { AL1 } ] Allergy Information Used
[ { DG1 } ] Diagnosis Information Used
[ DRG ] Diagnosis Related Group Not Used
[{ PROCEDURE begin
PR1 Procedures Used
[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ { GT1 } ] Guarantor Not Used Planned
[{ INSURANCE begin
IN1 Insurance Used
[ IN2 ] Insurance Additional Info. Not Used
[ { IN3 } ] Insurance Additional Info – Cert. Not Used

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 16

[ { ROL } ] Role Not Used
[ ACC ] Accident Information Not Used
[ UB1 ] Universal Bill Information Not Used
[ UB2 ] Universal Bill 92 Information Not Used

3.2.6. Structure Base Type ADT^A09 – Trigger Events A09, A10, A11
The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A09–Patient departed – tracking (This event is triggered when there is a change in a patient’s physical location)

 A10–Patient arrived – tracking (This event is sent when a patient arrives at a new location in the healthcare facility)

 A11–Cancel admit patient notification (This event is sent when an A01 (admit/visit notification) event is cancelled)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
Patient Visit – Additional
[ PV2 ] Used
[ { DB1 } ] Disability Not Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Used Vital signs, height, weight etc could be sent here (use ORU for results)
[ { DG1 } ] Diagnosis Used

3.2.7. Structure Base Type ADT^A12 – Trigger Event A12

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A12–Cancel patient transfer event (This event is sent when an A02-Transfer Patient event is cancelled)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
Patient Visit – Additional
[ PV2 ] Used
[ { DB1 } ] Disability Not Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Used Vital signs, height, weight etc could be sent here (use ORU for results)
[ { DG1 } ] Diagnosis Used

3.2.8. Structure Base Type ADT^A21 – Trigger Events A23, A25, A27, A29
The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A23–Delete a patient record (This event is used to delete visit or episode-specific information from the patient record)

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 A25–Cancel pending discharge (This event is sent when a pending discharge event is cancelled)

 A27–Cancel pending admit (This event is sent when an A14-Pending Admit event is cancelled)

 A29–Delete person information (This event can be used to delete all demographic information related to a given person)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
Patient Visit – Additional
[ PV2 ] Used
[ { DB1 } ] Disability Not Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Used Vital signs, height, weight etc could be sent here (use ORU for results)

3.2.9. Structure Base Type ADT^A30 – Trigger Events A30, A47

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A30–Merge patient information - patient ID only (This event is used to merge person information on an MPI)

 A47–Change Patient Identifier List (This event is used to change an incorrectly assigned PID-3 - Patient Identifier List value. The
“incorrect source identifier” value is stored in the MRG segment and is to be changed to the “correct target patient ID” value stored in the PID

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
MRG Merge Patient Information Used

3.2.10. Structure Base Type ADT^A39 – Trigger Events A39, A40

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A39–Merge Patient-Patient ID (This used to merge records for a person that was incorrectly filed under two different Patient IDs)

 A40–Merge Patient - Patient Identifier List (This event is used to merge records for a patient that was incorrectly filed under two
different identifiers)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
{ PID group begin
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Not Used
MRG Merge Patient Information Used
[ PV1 ] Patient Visit Used
} PID group end

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 18

3.2.11. Structure Base Type ADT^A45 – Trigger Events 45
The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ADT trigger

 A45–Move visit information - Visit Number (This event is used to move visit numbers from incorrect patient identifier to the correct
patient identifier)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
{ MRG group begins
MRG Merge Patient Information Used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
} MRG group ends.

3.3. Message Structure Details – ORM or RDE or OMP (Medications)

Facility can select either one of the Message types from ORM or RDE or OMP for Medication orders.

3.3.1. Structure Base Type ORM^O01 – Trigger Event O01

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ORM (Order
Entry Message) trigger event:

 O01–Order Message (This trigger event is used when placing new orders, cancellation of existing orders, discontinuation, holding, etc.)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
[ PID group begin
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
[ PV1 group begin
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[ PV2 ] Patient Visit – Additional Used
] PV1 group end
[{ IN1 group begin
IN1 Insurance Used
[ IN2 ] Insurance Additional Information Not Used
[ IN3 ] Insurance Additional Information, Not Used
}] IN1 group end
[ GT1 ] Guarantor Used
[ { AL1 } ] Patient Allergy Information Used
] PID group end
{ ORC group begin
ORC Common Order Used
[ OBR group begin
< OBR Choices begin
OBR| Observation Request Not Used | separates the choices inside
RQD| Requisition Detail Not Used
RQ1| Requisition Detail-1 Not Used
RXO| Pharmacy / Treatment Order Used O01 msg must have RXO segment right after ORC

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 19

ODS| Dietary Orders, Supplements, and Not Used
ODT| Diet Tray Instructions Not Used
> OBR Choices end
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
[ CTD ] Contact Data Not Used
[ { DG1 } ] Diagnosis Not Used
[{ OBX group begin
OBX Observation/Result Not Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
}] OBX group end
] OBR group end
[ { FT1 } ] Financial Transaction Not Used
[ { CTI } ] Clinical Trial Identification Not Used
[ BLG ] Billing Not Used
} ORC group end

3.3.2. Structure Base Type RDE^O11 – Trigger Event O11

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following RDE
(Pharmacy / Treatment Encoded Order) trigger event:

 O11–Encoded Order Message (This trigger event is used to report on either a single order or multiple pharmacy/treatment orders for a
patient including cancellation of existing orders, discontinuation, holding, etc.)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
[ PID group begin
PID Patient Identification Used
[PD1] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
[ PV1 group begin
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[PV2] Patient Visit – Additional Used
] PV1 group end
[{ IN1 group begin
IN1 Insurance Used
[IN2] Insurance Additional Information Not Used
[IN3] Insurance Additional Information, Not Used
}] IN1 group end
[GT1] Guarantor Not Used
[ { AL1 } ] Patient Allergy Information Used
] PID group end
{ ORC group begin
ORC Common Order Used
[{ TQ1 group begin
TQ1 Timing / Quantity Not Used
[ { TQ2 } ] Timing / Quantity Relationship Not Used
}] TQ1 group end
[ RXO group begin Not Used
RXO Pharmacy / Treatment Order Not Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
{ RXR } Pharmacy / Treatment Route Not Used
[{ RXC group begin
RXC Pharmacy / Treatment Component Not Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
}] RXC group end
] RXO group end
RXE Pharmacy / Treatment Encoded Used O11 msg must have RXE segment right after ORC

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 20

[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
{ TQ1 group begin
TQ1 Timing / Quantity Used
[ { TQ2 } ] Timing / Quantity Relationship Not Used
} TQ1 group end
{ RXR } Pharmacy / Treatment Route Used
[ { RXC } ] Pharmacy / Treatment Component Used
[{ OBX group begin
OBX Observation/Result Not Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
}] OBX group end
[ { FT1 } ] Financial Transaction Not Used
[BLG] Billing Not Used
[ { CTI } ] Clinical Trial Identification Not Used
} ORC group end

3.3.3. Structure Base Type OMP^O09 – Trigger Event O09

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following OMP trigger

 O09–Pharmacy/treatment order message (This trigger event is used when placing new orders, cancellation of existing orders,
discontinuation, holding, etc.)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
[ PID group begin
PID Patient Identification Used
[PD1] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
[ PV1 group begin
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[PV2] Patient Visit – Additional Used
] PV1 group end
[{ IN1 group begin
IN1 Insurance Used
[IN2] Insurance Additional Information Not Used
[IN3] Insurance Additional Information, Not Used
}] IN1 group end
[GT1] Guarantor Used
[ { AL1 } ] Patient Allergy Information Used
] PID group end
{ ORC group begin
ORC Common Order Used
[{ TQ1 group begin
TQ1 Timing / Quantity Used
[ { TQ2 } ] Timing / Quantity Relationship Not Used
}] TQ1 group end
[ RXO group begin
RXO Pharmacy / Treatment Order Used O11 msg must have RXO segment right after ORC
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
{ RXR } Pharmacy / Treatment Route Not Used
x RXC group begin
RXC Pharmacy / Treatment Component Not Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
}] RXC group end
] RXO group end
[{ OBX group begin
OBX Observation/Result Not Used

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 21

[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
}] OBX group end
[ { FT1 } ] Financial Transaction Not Used
[BLG] Billing Not Used
} ORC group end

3.4. Message Structure Details – ORU (Observations)

3.4.1. Structure Base Type ORU^R01 – Trigger Event R01
The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following ORU
(Observations Results) trigger event:

 R01–Unsolicited Transmission of an Observation Message (This trigger event is used for lab, radiology, transcriptions and other
orders, and for observations)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
{ PID supergroup begins
[ PID group begins
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
[ { NK1 } ] Next of Kin / Associated Parties Used
[ PV1 group begins
PV1 Patient Visit Used
Patient Visit – Additional Used
[ PV2 ]
] PV1 group ends
] PID group ends
{ ORC group begins
ORC Common Order Used ORC.2 PlacerOrderNumber should have Lab order number
OBR Observation Request Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
[{ TQ1 group begins
TQ1 Timing / Quantity Used
[ {TQ2} ] Timing / Quantity Relationship Not Used
}] TQ1 group ends
[ CTD ] Contact Data Not Used
[{ OBX group begins
OBX Observation / Result Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
}] OBX group ends
[ { FT1 } ] Financial Transaction Not Used
[ { CTI } ] Clinical Trial Identification Not Used
[{ SPM group begins
SPM Specimen Used
[ { OBX } ] Observation / Result Not Used
}] SPM group ends
} ORC group ends
} PID supergroup ends
[ DSC ] Continuation Pointer Not Used

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 22

3.5. Message Structure Details – MDM (Documents)
Facilities will send following documents as part of MDM messages:

•Outpatient Encounter Summary •Emergency Encounter Summary •Discharge summary

•Discharge summary – Maternal •Discharge summary – New-born •Cardio diagnostics

•History and physical examination •Operative report •Procedure note

•Care Plan •Transfer summary •Death Summary report

3.5.1. Structure Base Type MDM^T01 – Trigger Event T11

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following MDM
(Medical Document Management) trigger event:

 T11–Document Cancel Notification (This trigger event is used only for an original document with an availability status of “Unavailable.”
When a document has been made available for patient care, the process should be to replace the original document, which then becomes
obsolete. The replacement document describes why the erroneous information exists)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Used
PID Patient Identification Used
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[{ ORC group begin
ORC Common Order Not Used
[{ TQ1 group begin
TQ1 Timing / Quantity Not Used
[ { TQ2 } ] Timing / Quantity Relationship Not Used
}] TQ1 group end
OBR Observation Request Not Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
}] ORC group end
TXA Transcription Document Header Used

3.5.2. Structure Base Type MDM^T02 – Trigger Events T02, T04, T08
The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following MDM
(Medical Document Management) trigger events:

 T02–Original Document Notification and Content (This trigger event is used to notify of the creation of a document with the
accompanying content)

 T04–Document Status Change Notification (This trigger event is used to notify change in the status of a document with the
accompanying content)

 T08 – Document edit notification and content (This trigger event is used to notify edit content change with the accompanying

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
EVN Event Type Not Used
PID Patient Identification Used
PV1 Patient Visit Used

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 23

[{ ORC group begin
ORC Common Order Not Used
[{ TQ1 group begin
TQ1 Timing / Quantity Not Used
[ { TQ2 } ] Timing / Quantity Relationship Not Used
}] TQ1 group end
OBR Observation Request Not Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Not Used
}] ORC group end
TXA Transcription Document Header Used
{ OBX group begin
OBX Observation / Result Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
} OBX group end

3.6. Structure Details – VXU (Vaccination)

Facility can select following VXU Message type to send vaccination details of the patient.

3.6.1. Structure Base Type VXU^V04 – Trigger Event V04

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following VXU
(Vaccination) trigger event:

 V04– Unsolicited Transmission of a Vaccination Record Message (This trigger event is used to report patient vaccination
details updated in the EMR system.)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PD1 ] Patient Additional Demographic Used PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17 fields used
[ { NK1 } ] Next of Kin / Associated Parties Used
[ PV1 group begin
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[ PV2 ] Patient Visit – Additional Used
] PV1 group end
[ { GT1 } ] Guarantor Used
[{ IN1 group begin
IN1 Insurance Used
[ IN2 ] Insurance Additional Information Not Used
[ IN3 ] Insurance Additional Information, Not Used
}] IN1 group end
[{ ORC group begin
ORC Common Order Used
[{ TQ1 group begin
TQ1 Timing / Quantity Used
[ { TQ2 } ] Timing / Quantity Relationship Not Used
}] TQ1 group end
RXA Pharmacy / Treatment Used Must to have for Vaccination/Immunization related detalis
[ RXR ] Pharmacy / Treatment Route Used
[{ OBX group begin
OBX Observation/Result Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
}] OBX group end
}] ORC group end

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 24

3.7. Structure Details – PPR (Problems)
Facility can select following PPR Message type to send problems details of the patient.

3.7.1. Structure Base Type PPR^PC1 – Trigger Event PC1

The definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 source messages sending the following PPR
(Problems) trigger event:

 PC1– Problems Record Message (This trigger event is used to report patient problem details updated in the EMR system.)

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
PID Patient Identification Used
[ PV1 group begin
PV1 Patient Visit Used
[ PV2 ] Patient Visit – Additional Used
] PV1 group end
{ PRB group begin
PRB Problem Details Used
[ { NTE } ] Notes and Comments Used
} PRB group end

3.8. Message Structure Details – ACK/NACK (Acknowledgement)

NABIDH Inbound service shall return following acknowledgment message against each message received from facilities:

 ACK to the source application as soon as it commits the transaction that saves the data received from that source

 NACK to the source application if the data could not be saved into NABIDH HIE database for some reason

Segment Description Usage Comments

MSH Message Header Used
MSA Message Acknowledgement Used
[{ ERR }] Error Used

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 25

4. Message Segments Field Details (HL7)
This section provides details on field definitions against each segment that shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages
received by NABIH Inbound services.

Field Details Guidelines:

Field Column Guidelines Details

Seq This column indicates the sequence of the field in the message segment
Element Name This column shows the field name
Comment The column shows the implementation guidelines against each field including data validation rules.
This column shows values Used (meaning data will be stored in NABIDH), Not Used (meaning data will not be retained in
NABIDH), and Not Used Planned (meaning data currently not supported and could be supported in future releases)
DT This column indicates the Data Type of the field
R/O This column indicates values “R” for Required, “O” for Optional, “C” for Conditional, “W” for Withdrawal
Rep This column indicates values “Y” if the field is repeating, “N” or Empty if the field is not repeating

4.1. MSH (Message Header) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV
1 Field Separator ‘|’ Used ST R
2 Encoding Characters ‘^~\&’ Used ST R
3 Sending Application Source application Used HD R
4 Sending Facility EMR to send the NABIDH provided code in this field. Used HD R Y
5 Receiving Application Send ‘NABIDH’ Not Used HD R
6 Receiving Facility Send ‘DHA’ Not Used HD R
7 Date/Time of Message Current DateTime Not Used TS R
8 Security Not Used ST O
9 Message Type EMR to send values as ADT^A01, ORU^R01) Used MSG R
This should be unique id and this will be used to identify Used
10 Message Control ID ST R
duplicate messages.
11 Processing ID ‘P’: Production, ‘T’: Testing, ‘D’: Development Used PT R
12 Version ID EMR to send 2.5 Used VID R
13 Sequence Number Not Used NM O
14 Continuation Pointer Not Used ST O
Accept Acknowledgment Not Used
15 ID O
Application Not Used
16 ID O
Acknowledgment Type
17 Country Code Not Used ID O
18 Character Set EMR to send “UTF-8”. Used ID R Y
Principal Language of Not Used
19 CE O
Alternate Character Set Not Used
20 ID O
Handling Scheme
21 Message Profile Identifier Not Used EI O Y

4.2. EVN (Event Type) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 26

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV
1 Event Type Code Matches MSH:9.2. Used ID R
2 Recorded Date/Time Event recorded date and time Used TS R
Date/Time Planned Not Used
3 TS O
4 Event Reason Code Not Used IS O
First instance only used. Used
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
me^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
5 Operator ID XCN O
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
leName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

6 Event Occurred Date time that the event occurred Used TS R

Must contain the encounter location Unique Facility ID, Used

For Sheryan Facility Id if it is DHA-F-0054678, then send last 7

7 Event Facility digits in this format SHERYAN^0054678. HD R
For DHCC Facility Id if its CL-MC-0072-14, then send it in this
format DHCC^CL-MC-0072-14

4.3. PID (Patient Identification) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
tName^MiddleName^^^^D^^^^^^^IT Professional||20100106|M|||Westend&Dierra&^^DUBAI^
Unknown^NAB005||N||||Emirati^United Arab

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

1 Set ID – PID Set this to “1” Used SI R
2 Patient ID For Patient Identifiers – Use PID.3 CX O
Refer to Implementation Guidance Section. Used Y
This field supports multiple repeats. The acceptable Patient
Identifiers are:

Primary MRN Number (Source Application Patient Identifier) - This

must the first repeat for the field.
Expected Format: Primary_MRN^^^FACILITYCODE^MRN

Patient Identifier Secondary MRN Number (used for search purposes)

3 CX R Y
List Expected Format: Secondary_MRN^^^OTHER^SMR
Passport Number
Expected Format: Passport_Number^^^GOVERNMENT^PPN
GCC Number
Expected Format: GCC_Number^^^GCC^GCC

Example: If Patient has MRN = 123456 & Passport Number = 9998888

then PID-3 field should be shared as:
Alternate Patient Not
4 This should be left black. CX O
ID – PID Used
5 Patient Name PID.5.1 FamilyName should have LastName and max length is 80 Used XPN R Y Y

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 27

PID.5.2 GivenName should have FirstName and it should be single
word without spaces, max length is 60 characters.
PID.5.3 SecondandFurtherGivenNames should have MiddleName or
other name characters, max length is 220 characters.
PID.5.7 NameTypeCpde should be sent as “D”.
PID.5.14 Profession should contain the occupation sector patient
belongs to as per NAB046 Nabidh table. Only the values in this table
can be used.

Patient Name should be in this format

If patient Arabic name is sent then it should be second repetitive
field, for example
‫^^^^ع دالرح م^محمد^مروان‬D

Only first instance is used. Name should be in this format Used

Mother's Maiden Family/LastName^Given/FirstName^MiddleName^^^^D
Name FirstName length should not cross 60 chars,
Family/LastName length should not cross 80 chars
It should be in format YYYYMMDD, EMR don’t need to send the time Used Y
only date should be sent. In case of Emergency where DOB is not
7 Date/Time of Birth TS R
provided at the time of encounter creation, EMR to send empty DOB
Valid values are M, F, or U. Any other value will be rejected. Please Used Y
8 Administrative Sex see table NAB001. IS R
For example: M
9 Patient Alias Patient Alias names should be sent here Used XPN O Y
This should be in this format 2028-9^Asian^NAB004 Please refer to Used Y
10 Race CE O Y
coding table NAB004.
Patient address should be in proper format, Used Y
PID.11.3 City should not be empty
PID.11.4 State should not be empty and should be a valid code from
PID.11.5 Zip code should have Makani No (if available)
11 Patient Address PID.11.6 Country should be valid code from NAB039 XAD R Y
PID.11.7 Address Type Code should be valid value from HL7190 table
list “BA, BDL, BR, C, F, H, L, M, O, P”.

If address not captured by the EMR then send default value as:
12 County Code IS O
PID.13.1 Number, PID.13.2 Code, PID.13.3 Type are mandatories. For Used Y
Example, EMR can send :
Phone Number –
13 meNo^PRN^PH XTN R Y
CP: Cell Phone, PH: Home Phone, Internet: email
Only first three instances are used. First instance for cell phone no,
second instance for email and third for home phone no
Phone Number – Only first instance is used. For example EMR can provide the work Used
14 XTN O N
Business number in this format: WorkNo^WPN^PH
Only parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. Should be shared in the Used Y
format ID^Text^NAB024 using values from NAB024.
15 Primary Language CE R
For Example, ENG^English^NAB024, if EMR not capturing this
information then they can pass UNK^UNKNOWN^NAB024
See table NAB002. Only parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. For Used Y
16 Marital Status CE R
Example M^Married^NAB002
See table NAB003. Only parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. For Used Y
17 Religion CE R
Example, MOS^Muslim^NAB003
Patient Account Used
18 Only used if there is a PV1 number; stored in Encounter. CX O
It should be 15 characters Emirates ID – PID:19 (Emirates ID Format: Used Y
SSN Number –
19 Emirates ID must start with 784, followed by year of birth ST R
(4digits,YYYY) followed by other numbers
see implementation guidance section

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 28

Driver's License Not
20 DLN O
Number – Patient Used
Please add 15 digits Emirates Id of the Mother in case of Newborn Used
21 Mother's Identifier CX c
Please use coded values for example, UNK^Unknown^NAB005 Refer Used
22 Ethnic Group CE O
to table NAB005 for all codes
23 Birth Place A string value. Eg: “Community Hospital” Used ST O
Multiple Birth Used
24 It should be ‘Y’ or ‘N’ ID C
If the patient was part of a multiple birth, this is an integer indicating Used
25 Birth Order the patient's birth order, unless this is "0", which indicates that the NM C
patient was not part of a multiple birth.
It should be NABIDH coding value. For example Used
26 Citizenship Afghan^Afghanistan^NAB038 CE O
Only first instance is used.
Veterans Military Not
27 CE O
Status Used
Only used if PID.26 is empty. Code table ref NAB038 For example, Used Y
28 Nationality CE R
Patient Death Used Y
29 Date and Time TS C
Date and Time
Patient Death Used
30 Y or N ID C
Only the below values should be sent- “T” for Tourist to be sent Used
Identity Unknown
31 - “O” for All Dubai Residents to be sent ID c
Identity Reliability Not
32 IS O
Code Used
Last Update Used
33 Date and Time TS R
Last Update Please send same Sending Facility code as MSH.4. If blank, MSH:4 will Used
34 HD R
Facility be used.
35 Species Code CE O
36 Breed Code CE B
37 Strain ST O
Production Class Not
38 CE O
Code Used
39 Tribal Citizenship CE O Y

4.4. PD1 (Patient Additional Demographic) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
segment. PD1.4, PD1.11, PD1.12, PD1.13, PD1.16, PD1.17, PD1.18 fields used
Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV
Not Y
1 Living Dependency IS O
2 Living Arrangement IS O
Patient Primary Not Y
Facility Used
Only first non-null instance is parsed. Used
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
Patient Primary Care
^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
4 Provider Name & ID XCN C
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
Name^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 29

5 Student Indicator IS O
6 Handicap IS O
7 Living Will Code IS O
Organ Donor Identification code Not
8 Organ Donor Code IS O
9 Separate Bill ID O
Not Y
10 Duplicate Patient CX O
Only 4 values are allowed F-Family only, N-No Publicity, O-Other, Used
11 Publicity Code U-Unknown Only parsed if subfield 2 is not null. CE O
For Example, F^Family only^HL7215
Send 1 for Yes, 0 for No, and leave empty if this value is not Used
12 Protection Indicator ID B
Protection Indicator Date value Used
13 DT B
Effective Date
Not Y
14 Place of Worship XON O
Advance Directive Not Y
15 CE C
Code Used
Immunization Eg: A for ‘Active’, I for ‘Inactive’ Used
16 ISE O
Registry Status
Immunization Date value Used
17 Registry Status DT O
Effective Date
Publicity Code Parsed if PD1:11.2 is not null. Used
18 DT O
Effective Date
19 Military Branch IS O
20 Military Rank/Grade IS O
21 Military Status IS O

4.5. NK1 (Next of Kin / associated parties) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
NK1|1|Nabidh^TestCousin^^^^^P|EXF^Extended Family^NAB041|ONE JLT Level 1 Jumeirah
Lake Towers^^MADISON^Dubai^56004-2020^784^H|+971531234567^PRN^CP~^NET^Internet^te||C^Emergency Contact^HL7131
Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV
Put sequence number for each of the record as 1,2,3 etc. Used
To delete any NK1 then put “” double codes
For example, this one will add the NK1
NK1|1|YYHIGH^YYVERY^^^^^Current|||0561111111||Next of Kin
1 Set ID – NK1 SI R
For example, this one will delete the same NK1
NK1|""|YYHIGH^YYVERY^^^^^Current|||0561111111||Next of

Only first instance is used. For example, Used Y


NK1.2.1 FamilyName should have LastName and max length is 80

NK1.2.2 GivenName should have FirstName and it should be single
word without spaces, max length is 60 characters.
2 Name XPN R
NK1.2.3 SecondandFurtherGivenNames should have MiddleName
or other name characters, max length is 220 characters.
NK1.2.7 NameTypeCpde should be sent as “D”.
NK1.2.14 Profession should contain the occupation sector next of
kin belongs to as per NAB046 Nabidh table. Only the values in this
table can be used.
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 30
Name should be in this format

Only used if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. Refer to code table NAB041 Used Y
3 Relationship CE R
For example, BRO^Brother^NAB041
Next of Kin address should be in proper format, Used Y
NK1.4.3 City should not be empty
NK1.4.4 State should not be empty and should be a valid code from
NK1.4.5 Zip code should have Makani No (if available)
4 Address NK1.4.6 Country should be valid code from NAB039 XAD R
NK1.4.7 Address Type Code should be valid value from HL7190
table list “BA, BDL, BR, C, F, H, L, M, O, P”.

If address not captured by the EMR then send default value as:
NK1.5.1 Number, NK1.5.2 Code, NK1.5.3 Type are mandatories. For Used N Y
5 Phone Number XTN R
CP: Cell Phone, PH: Home Phone, Internet: email
Only first instance is used. see implementation guidance section
Business Phone Only first instance is used. Used
7 Contact Role Eg: C^Emergency Contact^HL7131 Used CE R Y
8 Start Date Date Used DT O
9 End Date Date Used DT O
Next of Kin / Not
10 Associated Parties Used ST O
Job Title
Next of Kin / Not
11 Associated Parties Used JCC O
Job Code/Class
Next of Kin / Not
12 Associated Parties Used CX O
Employee Number
Only NK1.13.1 Org Name, NK1.13.3 ID Number, NK1.13.6 Assigning Used
Organization Name – Authority, NK1.13.10 Organization identifier values are used in
13 XON O

14 Marital Status CE O
15 Administrative Sex IS O
16 Date/Time of Birth TS O
Not Y
17 Living Dependency IS O
Not Y
18 Ambulatory Status IS O
Not Y
19 Citizenship CE O
20 Primary Language CE O
21 Living Arrangement IS O
22 Publicity Code CE O
23 Protection Indicator ID O
24 Student Indicator IS O
25 Religion CE O
Mother's Maiden Not Y
26 XPN O
Name Used
27 Nationality CE O
Not Y
28 Ethnic Group CE O
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 31
Not Y
29 Contact Reason CE O
Contact Person's In case of organization as NK1 then this field is used. Only first Used
30 XPN O
Name instance is used.
Contact Person's In case of organization as NK1 then this field is used, Similar Used Y
31 XTN B
Telephone Number structure as PID:13
Contact Person's In case of organization as NK1 then this field is used, Similar Used
32 XAD O
Address structure as PID:11
Next of Not Y
33 Kin/Associated Used CX O
Party's Identifiers
34 Job Status IS O
Not Y
35 Race CE O
36 Handicap IS O
Contact Person Not
37 Social Security Used ST O
Next of Kin Birth Not
38 ST O
Place Used
Not used Not
39 VIP Indicator IS O

4.6. PV1 (Patient Visit) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
PV1|1|I(read from NAB006-Patient Class)|8(read from NAB048-Patient Assigned
Location)^Intensive Care Unit (ICU^^0002476^^^^^Facility Name|C(read from NAB007-
Admission Type)|12345 (pre-admit no)|| 8 Digits
SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^^Dr.^^SHERYAN | 8 Digits
SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^^Dr.^^SHERYAN | 8 Digits
SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^^Dr.^^SHERYAN |FAP(read from NAB008-
Hospital Service)||||9(read from NAB010-Admit Source)||| 8 Digits
||OP0001556210^^^SheryanFacilityId||||||||||||||||HOM(read from NAB012-Discharge
Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV
1 Set ID – PV1 Set to 1 Used SI R
2 Patient Class Allowed values are I, O, E. Please refer to table NAB006. Used IS R Y
Only the PointofCare, Room, and Bed fields are Used Y
PV1.3.1 PointOfCare is used (mandatory) to share the ward/unit
details. Please use NAB048 codes only.
PV1.3.2 Room is used (optional)
PV1.3.3 Bed is used (optional)
Assigned Patient
3 PV1.3.4 Facility is used (mandatory) and it should be Sheryan Facility PL R
Id 7 digits or DHCC Facility Id
PV1.3.9 LocationDescription is used (mandatory) and it should be
the exact same name as in Sheryan
For example:
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)^101^3A^0001234^^^^^ABC Hospital
4 Admission Type Allowed values are A, C, E, L, N, R, U, O Please refer to table NAB007. Used IS R
A Id number given to the patient prior to being admitted but while Used
5 Preadmit Number information is being gathered. Only PV1.5.1 is used, please provide CX O
single value id number if available.
Prior Patient Used for A02 msgs, this should have the prior location details Used
6 PL o
For DHA Facilities: Used Y Y
Use 8 Digits
7 Attending Doctor SheryanID^FirstNameFamily/Last/SureName^First/GivenLastName^ XCN R
MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
For DHCC Facilities:
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 32
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
ame^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Only send single value. For DHA Facilities: Used

Use 8 Digits
MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
8 Referring Doctor For DHCC Facilities: XCN C
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
ame^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

For DHA Facilities: Used Y

Use 8 Digits
MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
9 Consulting Doctor For DHCC Facilities: XCN C
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
ame^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

10 Hospital Service Please provide the code as per table NAB008. Used IS R
Temporary Not
11 PL O
Location Used
Preadmit Test Not
12 IS O
Indicator Used
Re-admission Not
13 IS O
Indicator Used
Allowed values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, P Used
14 Admit Source IS R
Please refer to table NAB010.
Not Y
15 Ambulatory Status IS O
Not used, instead use PID.31 Not O
16 VIP Indicator IS
Only first instance is used. Used
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
17 Admitting Doctor XCN C
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
ame^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

18 Patient Type IS O
Only PV1.19.1 is used, please provide single value id number of the Used Y
19 Visit Number CX R
encounter. The encounter number should not be more than 50 chars.
Not Y
20 Financial Class FC O
Charge Price Not
21 IS O
Indicator Used
22 Courtesy Code IS O
23 Credit Rating IS O
Not Y
24 Contract Code IS O
Contract Effective Not Y
25 DT O
Date Used
Not Y
26 Contract Amount NM O
Not Y
27 Contract Period NM O
28 Interest Code IS O
Transfer to Bad Not
29 IS O
Debt Code Used
Transfer to Bad Not
30 DT O
Debt Date Used
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 33
Bad Debt Agency Not
31 IS O
Code Used
Bad Debt Transfer Not
32 NM O
Amount Used
Bad Debt Not
33 NM O
Recovery Amount Used
Delete Account Not
34 IS O
Indicator Used
Delete Account Not
35 DT O
Date Used
Allowed values are ABD, DID, DEC, DWO, DAM, DTA, DTN, DWI, DOA, Used
Discharge EDD, HOM, LBR, DNR, NDD,
36 IS C
Disposition TOH, please refer to table NAB012.
This is required for A03 message type
Discharged to Please send only PV1.37.1 first value as DischargeLocation code of Used
37 DLD O
Location max length 20 char.
38 Diet Type CE O
39 Servicing Facility IS O
40 Bed Status IS O
41 Account Status IS O
42 Pending Location PL O
Prior Temporary Not
43 PL O
Location Used
44 Admit Date/Time If no value, system will used date/time of message transmission. Used TS R Y
Discharge Only first instance is used. Used Y
45 TS C
Date/Time This is required for A03 message type
Current Patient Not
46 NM O
Balance Used
47 Total Charges NM O
48 Total Adjustments NM O
49 Total Payments NM O
50 Alternate Visit ID CX O
51 Visit Indicator IS O
Other Healthcare Not Y
52 XCN W
Provider Used

4.7. PV2 (Patient Visit Additional Information) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
PV2|||135883003^Cough with fever (finding)^SNOMED|||||||||general visit|
Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV
1 Prior Pending Location PL C
2 Accommodation Code CE O
First 3 values are used Code Description, and coding Used
system for Reason of Admission, if EMR do not have
codes and its free text then use PV2.12 Visit
3 Admit Reason CE C
Description field

SNOMED and ICD10 are acceptable here.

4 Transfer Reason CE O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 34

Not Y
5 Patient Valuables ST O
6 Patient Valuables Location ST O
Not Y
7 Visit User Code IS O
8 Expected Admit Date/Time TS O
9 Expected Discharge Date/Time TS O
10 Estimated Length of Inpatient Stay NM O
11 Actual Length of Inpatient Stay NM O
Required if PV2.3 is empty. Used
12 Visit Description ST C
Description of visit as a String
Not Y
13 Referral Source Code XCN O
14 Previous Service Date DT O
Employment Illness Related Not
15 ID O
Indicator Used
16 Purge Status Code IS O
17 Purge Status Date DT O
18 Special Program Code IS O
19 Retention Indicator ID O
Expected Number of Insurance Not
20 NM O
Plans Used
21 Visit Publicity Code IS O
22 Visit Protection Indicator ID B
Not Y
23 Clinic Organization Name XON O
24 Patient Status Code IS O
25 Visit Priority Code IS O
26 Previous Treatment Date DT O
27 Expected Discharge Disposition IS O
28 Signature on File Date DT O
29 First Similar Illness Date DT O
30 Patient Charge Adjustment Code CE O
31 Recurring Service Code IS O
32 Billing Media Code ID O
33 Expected Surgery Date and Time TS O
34 Military Partnership Code ID O
35 Military Non-Availability Code ID O
36 Newborn Baby Indicator ID O
37 Baby Detained Indicator ID O
38 Mode of Arrival Code CE O
Not Y
39 Recreational Drug Use Code CE O
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 35
40 Admission Level of Care Code CE O
Not Y
41 Precaution Code CE O
42 Patient Condition Code CE O
43 Living Will Code IS O
44 Organ Donor Code IS O
Not Y
45 Advance Directive Code CE C
46 Patient Status Effective Date DT O
47 Expected LOA Return Date/Time TS C
Expected Pre-admission Testing Not
48 TS O
Date/Time Used
Not Y
49 Notify Clergy Code IS O

4.8. OBX (Observation / Result) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
OBX|3|NM|8310-5^Body Temperature^^^^N||100|||N|||O|20201129045607|||||||
OBX|4|NM|8480-6^BP Systolic^^^^N||100|||N|||O|20201129045607||20201129065540|||||
OBX|5|NM|8462-4^BP Diastolic^^^^N||80|||N|||O|20201129045607||20201129065540|||||
OBX|6|NM|8867-4^Heart Rate^^^^N||100|||N|||O|20201129045607||20201129065540|||||
OBX|13|NM|8867-4^Heart Rate^^^^N||100|||N|||O|20201130123512||20201129065540|||||

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as 1,2,3 etc. Used
1 Set ID – OBX SI R
Please use only allowed value type as per table NAB037. There Used
should be single value code that should be sent here like ST, NM,
ED etc.
For ADT Msgs: EMR to send vitals data and value type should be
either ST or NM
2 Value Type ID R
For ORU Msgs (Discrete or Textual): EMR to send discreate Lab &
Radiology results and value type should be either ST or NM.
For ORU Msgs (Documents): EMR to send documents base64
results and value type should be ED in the second OBX segment
of the msg.
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 36
For MDM Msgs (Documents): EMR to send documents base64
results and value type should be ED
For ADT msgs, EMR must send vitals data in the exact format Used Y
explained below, OBX.3.1, OBX.3.2, and OBX.3.6 should be
9279-1^Respiratory Rate^^^^N
8867-4^Heart Rate^^^^N
2710-2^O2 % BldC Oximetry^^^^N
8480-6^BP Systolic^^^^N
8462-4^BP Diastolic^^^^N
8310-5^Body Temperature^^^^N
8306-3^Height (Lying)^^^^N
3141-9^Weight Measured^^^^N
8287-5^Head Circumference^^^^N
3 Observation Identifier CE R

For ORU msgs, EMR must populate following values with the
type of the results performed.
OBX:3.1 Identifier (Facilities to send LOINC Codes)
OBX:3.2 Text (Facilities to send LOINC Description)
OBX:3.3 NameofCodingSystem (Facility to send LOINC)

For MDM msgs, EMR must populate following values with the
document type for example DS^Discharge Summary^NAB035.
OBX:3.1 Identifier
OBX:3.2 Text
OBX:3.3 NameofCodingSystem
This field is used to distinguish between multiple OBX segments Used
with the same observation ID organized under one OBR. For
example, a chest X-ray report might include three separate
diagnostic impressions. The standard requires three OBX
4 Observation Sub-ID ST C
segments, one for each impression. By putting a 1 in the Sub-ID
of the first of these OBX segments, 2 in the second, and 3 in the
third, we can uniquely identify each OBX segment for editing or
For ADT Msgs: EMR to send result values string or number Used Y Y
For ORU Msgs (Discrete or Textual): EMR to send result values
string or number
For ORU Msgs (Documents): EMR to send result in this format
For MDM Msgs (Documents): EMR to send result in this format
5 Observation Value ^^PDF^Base64^binaries varies R

Sample (There must be TWO OBX segments for PDF)

OBX|1|ST| (first OBX segment should have discrete data)
Note: supported formats of size 3MB
Measurement units (see implementation guidance section) Used Y
This field is mandatory for ORU msgs,
For ADT messages having vitals data, please use below units
Use bpm unit of measurement for 9279-1 Respiratory Rate
Use bpm unit of measurement for 8867-4 Heart Rate
Use % unit of measurement for 2710-2 O2 % BldC Oximetry
6 Units Use mmHg unit of measurement for 8480-6 BP Systolic CE C
Use mmHg unit of measurement for 8462-4^BP Diastolic
Use DegC unit of measurement for 8310-5^Body Temperature
Use cm unit of measurement for 8302-2^Height
Use cm unit of measurement for 8306-3^Height (Lying)
Use kg unit of measurement for 3141-9^Weight Measured
Use cm unit of measurement for 8287-5^Head Circumference
Required for lab results. Used Y
ResultNormalRange is in one the following forms:
1) For example, OBX.3 lab test value is “1593^Glucose Fasting
(FBS)^NABIDHCODE” and range for this Glucose in the EMR is
7 References Range ST C
“3.89-5.60”, then OBX.7 should be have this range value “3.89-
5.60”. Also,
2) a range of “0” is considered valid and is transformed to 0-0.
3) any valid numeric value

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 37

This should be only the first value as per the NABIDH coding Used N Y
8 Abnormal Flags table NAB018. If the value is not entered in the EMR system then IS C
leave it blank.
9 Probability NM O
Nature of Abnormal Not Y
10 ID O
Test Used
Observation Result Allowed values are C,D,F,I,N,O,P,R,S,U,W,X. Please refer to table Used
11 ID R
Status NAB020.
Effective Date of Not
12 Reference Range Used TS O
User Defined Access Not
13 ST O
Checks Used
Date/Time of the Date and Time Used Y
14 TS R
It should be the same as OBX:23. However, if OBX:23 is Used
15 Producer's Reference CE O
populated, it will take precedence.
The first instance of IDNumber, GivenName, and FamilyName is Used
16 Responsible Observer used. XCN O

17 Observation Method Identifier^Text^NameOfCodingSystem Used CE O Y

Equipment Instance Not Y
18 EI B
Identifier Used
Date/Time of the Date and Time of Analysis Used
19 TS O
Reserved for Not
20 harmonization with Used
Reserved for Not
21 harmonization with Used
Reserved for Not
22 harmonization with Used
Organization name that performed the test. Used
Performing OBX.23.1 OrganizationName, OBX.23.2 NameTypeCode ,
23 XON R
Organization Name OBX.23.3 ID, OBX.23.6 AssigningAuthority, and OBX.23.10
Identifier fields are used
Performing Organization address of the Org that performed the test. Used
24 XAD O
Organization Address
MedicalDirector will only be parsed from OBX-25 if subfield 1, 2, Used
or 9 is not null.
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
Performing SheryanID^FirstNameFamily/Last/SureName^First/GivenLastNa
25 Organization Medical me^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN XCN O
Director For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
leName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

4.9. AL1 (Patient Allergy Information) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 38

AL1|1|OT^Other^NAB042|91930004^EGG DERIVED^NAB043|SV^Severe^HL7128|Hives|20200906
AL1|2|OT^Other^NAB042|300916003^LATEX, NATURAL RUBBER^NAB043|MI^Mild^HL7128|Sneez
AL1|3|OT^Other^NAB042|99999999^PEANUT BUTTER FLAVOR^NAB043|MO^Moderate^HL7128|Swo
llen lips, tongue, eyes or face|20200906
Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV
Put sequence number for each of the record as 1,2,3 etc. Used
To delete all allergies provided in earlier msgs, please pass 4 times
double code values like """"

For example, this one will add 2 allergies

AL1|2|OT^Other^NAB042|300916003^LATEX, NATURAL
1 Set ID – AL1 RUBBER^NAB043|SV^Severe^HL7128||20200906 SIST R

For example, the one will delete all allergies and add new allergy data
AL1|1|OT^Other^NAB042|99999998^No Known

Allowed values are DA, FA, MA, MC, EA, AA, PA, LA, OT please refer to Used Y
Allergen Type
2 coding table NAB042. CE R
For example, value must be sent as FA^Food allergy^NAB042
Only parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. Used Y
For Food Allergies please send codes as per NABIDH coding table
For example, value must be sent as 300914000^cheese allergy^NAB043
For Drug Allergies pls send codes as per NABIDH coding table NAB043,
3 Code/Mnemon CE R
and if EMR is capturing Medication DDC codes, then AL3.1 should be 16
chars code and AL3.3 should set to “DDC”
For example, 0115-242802-0802^Pepsolan 40Mg Iv Inj 10'S^DDC.
In case any medication doesn’t have DDC codes then EMR can send data
in this format.
0000-000000-0000^Medicine Text From EMR^NAB043
Only parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. Please use HL7 codes from Used Y
4 HL7128 table.. CE R
Severity Code
For example, value must be sent as MI^Mild^HL7128
Allergy EMR to provide the reaction code string value. Used Y
5 ST R
Reaction Code Use NAB044 in this field.
Identification Date when allergy was discovered. Used Y
6 DT R

4.10.DG1 (Diagnosis) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
segment that captures patient diagnosis. and problem list details.
DG1|1|I10|R68.89^Other general symptoms and signs^I10|Other general symptoms and
signs|20200906091839|A (read from NAB015-Diagnosis Type)|||||||||| 8 Digits
SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN ||||||A

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as 1,2,3 etc. Used
To delete all diagnosis provided in earlier msgs, please pass 4 times
double code values like """"
1 Set ID – DG1 SIST R
Please refer to AL1.1 to see examples

Diagnosis Coding For Diagnosis – this field should be shared as “I10” for ICD10. Used
2 ID c
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 39
For Problems (i.e. DG1.6 = “P”) – this field should be shared as either
“I10” for ICD10 or “SCT” for SNOMED.
Only parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. Use ICD10 CM see Used Y
implementation guidance section.
For example:
Diagnosis Code – J18.9^Pneumonia, unspecified organism^I10
3 CE R
For Diagnosis – this field should be shared using ICD10 codes only.
For Problems (i.e. DG1.6 = “P”) – this field can be shared with either
ICD10 or SNOMED codes.
Diagnosis Please provide the diagnosis description. Used Y
4 ST R
Description For example, Pneumonia, unspecified organism
Diagnosis Diagnosis date and time Used Y
5 TS R
Allowed values are A, W, F, O, P. Please refer to coding table NAB015. Used
6 Diagnosis Type IS R
EMR must sent the final diagnosis and this value should be F
Major Diagnostic Not
7 CE W
Category Used
Diagnostic Related Not
8 ID O
Group Used
DRG Approval Not
9 IS W
Indicator Used
DRG Grouper Not
10 CE W
Review Code Used
11 Outlier Type NM W
12 Outlier Days CP W
13 Outlier Cost ST W
Grouper Version Not
14 ID W
And Type Used
"1" indicates Primary Diagnosis. Used
15 Diagnosis Priority ID R
“2” indicates Secondary Diagnoses.
Only the first instance of this field is used. EMR must sent this value Used
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
Diagnosing MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
16 XCN O
Clinician For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
ame^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Diagnosis Not
17 IS O
Classification Used
Confidential Not
18 ID O
Indicator Used
Attestation Not
19 TS O
Date/Time Used
Diagnosis Not
20 EI C
Identifier Used
Allowed values are A, D, U. Where A means Add/Insert, D means Used
Diagnosis Action Delete, and U means update. EMR can use this field to update single
21 ID R
Code diagnosis record.

4.11.DRG (Diagnosis Related Group Segment) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
segment. EMR to send this segment for inpatient triggers, for outpatients & emergency this segment not required

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep Y

The diagnosis-related group (DRG) for the visit. Used
1 Diagnostic Related Group see implementation guidance section CE R
2 DRG Assigned Date/Time Used TS c

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 40

3 DRG Approval Indicator Used ID c
4 DRG Grouper Review Code Used IS c
5 Outlier Type Used CE c
6 Outlier Days Used NM c
7 Outlier Cost Used CP c
8 DRG Payor Used IS c
9 Outlier Reimbursement Used CP c
10 Confidential Indicator Used ID c
11 DRG Transfer Type Used IS c

4.12.PR1 (Procedures Segment) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
PR1|4||71020^X-RAY CHEST^C4|X-RAY CHEST|20200906091841

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as Used
1 Set ID – PR1 SI R
1,2,3 etc.
2 Procedure Coding Method IS O
PR1.3.1 Identifier, PR1.3.2 Text, PR1.3.3 Coding Used Y
System, PR1.3.4 Alternate Identifier, PR1.3.5,
Alternate Text, PR1.3.6 Alternative Coding System
3 Procedure Code CE R
values are used
For example, 1234^Description^C4, for CPT codes.
see implementation guidance section
4 Procedure Description Please add procedure text from PR1.3.2 Used ST R Y
5 Procedure Date/Time Date and Time Used TS R
6 Procedure Functional Type IS O
7 Procedure Minutes NM O
Not Y
8 Anesthesiologist XCN W
9 Anesthesia Code IS O
10 Anesthesia Minutes NM O
Only the first instance of this field is used. 11.1, Used Y
11.2, 11.3, 11.4 and 11.9 are used.
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
11 Surgeon GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN XCN R
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Not Y
12 Procedure Practitioner XCN W
13 Consent Code CE O
“1” indicates Primary Procedure. Used
14 Procedure Priority ID R
“2” indicated Secondary Procedures.
15 Associated Diagnosis Code CE O
Not Y
16 Procedure Code Modifier CE O
17 Procedure DRG Type IS O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 41

Not Y
18 Tissue Type Code CE O
Uniquely identifies a single procedure for an Used
19 Procedure Identifier EI C
Supported values: Used
20 Procedure Action Code D = Delete, C = Clear/Delete All, Any other value = ID C
Add or Update

4.13.GT1 (Guarantor Segment) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as Used
1 Set ID – GT1 SI R
1,2,3 etc.
Only the first instance of this field is used. Provider Used
2 Guarantor Number the MRN number of the guarantor, for example CX O
Sub value 1,2,3,4,5 and 14 are used. Used
3 Guarantor Name XPN R
Only the first instance of this field is used.
Not Y
4 Guarantor Spouse Name XPN O
Sub value 1,2,3,4,5,6,9 13, 14 are used. Only the Used
5 Guarantor Address XAD O
first instance of this field is used.
Sub value 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12 are used. Only the Used Y
6 Guarantor Ph Num – Home XTN O
first instance of this field is used.
Sub value 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12 are used. Only the Used Y
7 Guarantor Ph Num – Business XTN O
first instance of this field is used.
8 Guarantor Date/Time Of Birth Date of birth of the guarantor Used TS O
Gender for the Guarantor, EMR to send only F, M or Used
9 Guarantor Administrative Sex IS O
U in this field.
10 Guarantor Type For Example, Employer, Self, Family, Friend, etc. Used IS O
Relationship code of the guarantor. EMR to send Used
11 Guarantor Relationship values in this format BRO^Brother^NAB041 CE O
(Refer to code table NAB041)
EMR to send 15 digits Emirates Id in this field. Used
Guarantor Identifier ( Eg: Emirates Id). It should be
12 Guarantor SSN 15 characters Emirates ID – PID:19 (Emirates ID ST O
Format: 784123412345671). see implementation
guidance section
13 Guarantor Date – Begin Effective start date for this guarantor Used DT O
14 Guarantor Date – End Effective end date for this guarantor Used DT O
15 Guarantor Priority NM O
The name of the guarantor's employer, if the Used
16 Guarantor Employer Name XPN O
employer is a person
17 Guarantor Employer Address Employer address Used XAD O
Guarantor Employer Phone Only the first instance of this field is used. Used
18 XTN O
Not Y
19 Guarantor Employee ID Number CX O
Guarantor Employment Status Code. This should be Used
20 Guarantor Employment Status as per HL7066 coding values. For example 4^Self IS O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 42

Not Y
21 Guarantor Organization Name XON O
22 Guarantor Billing Hold Flag ID O
23 Guarantor Credit Rating Code CE O
24 Guarantor Death Date And Time TS O
25 Guarantor Death Flag ID O
26 Guarantor Charge Adjustment Code CE O
Guarantor Household Annual Not
27 CP O
Income Used
28 Guarantor Household Size NM O
29 Guarantor Employer ID Number The guarantor's employer's ID number Used CX O
30 Guarantor Marital Status Code CE O
31 Guarantor Hire Effective Date The date when the guarantor was hired Used DT O
32 Employment Stop Date The date when the guarantor's employment ended Used DT O
33 Living Dependency IS O
Not Y
34 Ambulatory Status IS O
Not Y
35 Citizenship CE O
36 Primary Language CE O
37 Living Arrangement IS O
38 Publicity Code CE O
39 Protection Indicator ID O
40 Student Indicator IS O
41 Religion CE O
Not Y
42 Mother's Maiden Name XPN O
43 Nationality CE O
Not Y
44 Ethnic Group CE O
Not Y
45 Contact Person's Name XPN O
Contact Person's Telephone Not Y
46 XTN O
Number Used
47 Contact Reason CE O
48 Contact Relationship IS O
49 Job Title The guarantor's job title Used ST O
50 Job Code/Class The guarantor's occupation Used JCC O
Guarantor Employer's Organization The name of the guarantor's employer, if the Used
51 XON O
Name employer is an organization
52 Handicap IS O
53 Job Status IS O
54 Guarantor Financial Class FC O
Not Y
55 Guarantor Race CE O
56 Guarantor Birth Place ST O
57 VIP Indicator IS O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 43

4.14.IN1 (Insurance Segment) Segment Fields
The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
IN1|1|24845|267|HEALTHCARD -
LOCAL||||||||20170411|20210410|||Tst^Test^Test|Self|19945611|AL WARSAN^,

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as Used
1 Set ID – IN1 SI R
1,2,3 etc.
Sub fields 1, 2, 3 are used. Used Y
2 Health Plan ID For example 1234567^NATIONAL HEALTH CE R
Sub fields 1 and 4 are used. Only the first instance is Used Y
3 Insurance Company ID CX R
Sub field 1 and 6 are used. Only the first instance is Used
4 Insurance Company Name XON R
5 Insurance Company Address Sub field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, and 14 are used. Used XAD O
Sub field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 14 are used. Only the first Used
6 Insurance Co Contact Person XPN O
instance is used.
Sub field 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12 are used Only the first Used
7 Insurance Co Phone Number XTN O
instance is used.
8 Group Number Used ST O
9 Group Name Sub field 1 is used. Only the first instance is used. Used XON O
Not Y
10 Insured's Group Emp ID CX O
Not Y
11 Insured's Group Emp Name XON O
12 Plan Effective Date Used DT O
13 Plan Expiration Date Insurance plan expiration date Used DT O
14 Authorization Information AUI O
15 Plan Type Used IS O
16 Name Of Insured Only the first instance is used. Used XPN O
Use Nabidh coding values for example Used
17 Insured's Relationship To Patient CE O
18 Insured's Date Of Birth TS O
Sub fields 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,13,14 are used. Only the first Used
19 Insured's Address XAD O
instance is used.
20 Assignment Of Benefits IS O
21 Coordination Of Benefits IS O
If the insurance works in conjunction with other Used
22 Coord of Ben. Priority insurance plans, this field contains priority ST O
sequence. Values are: 1, 2, 3, etc.
23 Notice Of Admission Flag ID O
24 Notice Of Admission Date DT O
25 Report Of Eligibility Flag ID O
26 Report Of Eligibility Date DT O
27 Release Information Code IS O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 44

28 Pre-Admit Cert (PAC) ST O
29 Verification Date/Time TS O
Not Y
30 Verification By XCN O
31 Type Of Agreement Code IS O
32 Billing Status IS O
33 Lifetime Reserve Days NM O
34 Delay Before L.R. Day NM O
35 Company Plan Code IS O
Membership Number or Policy Number. Used Y
In case patient is cash then pass SelfPay-MRN No
36 Policy Number and if the insurance is covered under corporate and ST R
policy number is not available then pass
37 Policy Deductible CP O
38 Policy Limit – Amount CP W
39 Policy Limit – Days NM O
40 Room Rate – Semi-Private CP W
41 Room Rate – Private CP W
42 Insured's Employment Status CE O
43 Insured's Administrative Sex CE O
Not Y
44 Insured's Employer's Address XAD O
45 Verification Status ST O
46 Prior Insurance Plan ID IS O
47 Coverage Type IS O
48 Handicap IS O
Not Y
49 Insured's ID Number CX O
50 Signature Code IS O
51 Signature Code Date DT O
52 Insured's Birth Place ST O
Not used, instead use PID.31 Not
53 VIP Indicator IS O

4.15.MRG (Patient Merge) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

EVN|A30|20201122124627|||||HOSPITAL CODE

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 45


EVN|A40|20201109155658|||||HOSPITAL CODE
PV1|1|O|^^SALAMA|C||| 8 Digits
|^^^^^^^^SHERYAN| 8 Digits
SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^Dr.^^^SHERYAN |INM||||||| 8
Digits SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^Dr.^^^SHERYAN

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Required when merging patient MRN numbers. Used Y Y
Contains the PatientNumbers for the victim or
1 Prior Patient Identifier List source patient record. For example, a Patient has CX R
multiple identifier then it should display like this
Not Y
2 Prior Alternate Patient ID CX W
3 Prior Patient Account Number CX O
4 Prior Patient ID CX W
Required when merging visits. Used
5 Prior Visit Number CX C
Prior Encounter number
Not Y
6 Prior Alternate Visit ID CX O
Not Y
7 Prior Patient Name XPN O

4.16.NTE (Notes and Comments) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
NTE|1|L|Notes details
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 46
NTE|2|L|Notes details

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as Used
1 Set ID – NTE SI R
1,2,3 etc.
2 Source of Comment ID O
Limited to 3,000,000 characters in length. Only Used Y Y
parsed from ORU messages if they contain text
3 Comment FT O
results (ORC:29 is not “LAB” or OBX:2 = “FT”, “TX”,
or “ED”).
4 Comment Type CE O

4.17.ORC (Common Order) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Note: An ORC segment is required to identify an observation result and as a header segment for all result data – there
must be an ORC segment before any OBR (observation request) and OBX (observation/result) segments.
|Test^Name^Name|| 8 Digits SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^Dr.^^^SHERYAN

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

EMR to send the order control code as per the table Used
1 Order Control ID R
Sub fields 1, 2, 3, and 4 are used. Must have unique Used Y
lab order number in the first sub field, For example
2 Placer Order Number EI R
123456. For PDF Lab results, this can have the
document id in this field.
3 Filler Order Number OBR:3.1 used if present, else ORC:3.1 used. Used EI C
4 Placer Group Number EI O
EMR to send value code status from A, CA, CM, DC, Used Y
5 Order Status ER, HD, IP, RP, SC, and CA. Please refer to table ID R
6 Response Flag ID O
Sub fields 1,3,4,5,6,7, and 8 are used. Y
QRC.7.3 used to send Duration
ORC-7.4.1: QuantityTiming.StartDateTime.Time:
Populate with the time that the order starts from.
Only the first instance is processed. Required unless
there is a value provided in TQ1-7.1, RXE-1.4, OBR-
27.4, OBR-6.1
ORC-7.5.1: QuantityTiming.EndDateTime.Time:
7 Quality/Timing Populate with the time that the end datetime for Used TQ W
the order . Only the first instance is processed.
ORC-7.6: QuantityTiming.Priority: The Priority of the
Order. Priority is parsed from (in order of
precendence) TQ1-9, RXE-1.6, OBR-27.6, OBR-5, or
ORC-7.6. TQ1-9 is recommended as it sets the Code,
Description, and SDACodingStandard. Though TQ1-9
and ORC-7 are repeating fields, Only the first
instance of each is processed.

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 47

If Order contains no Priority, one is defaulted in
with Code="N" and Description="Normal".
QRC.7.8 used to send Administration Data
8 Parent EIP O
9 Date / Time of Transaction Date and Time of Transaction Used TS R Y
Sub fields 1, 2, and 9 are used. Used Y
10 Entered By XCN O
Only the first instance of this field is used.
Sub fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9 are used. Used
Only the first instance of this field is used.
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
11 Verified By GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN XCN O
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Sub fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 21 are used. Used Y

Only the first instance of this field is used.
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
12 Ordering Provider GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN XCN R
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Only the point of care component (ORC:13.1) is Used Y

13 Enterer’s Location used. EMR can provide Order entering Organization PL O
details in this field
14 Call Back Phone Number All instances are stored concatenated together. Used XTN O
15 Order Effective Date / Time TS O
16 Order Control Code Reason CE O
17 Entering Organization CE O
18 Entering Device CE O
Not Y
19 Action By XCN O
20 Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code Used CE O
Sub fields 1 OrganizationName , 3 IDNumber, 6 Used Y
AssigningAuthoiry, 10 Identifier are used.
For DHA Facilities:
EMR can send:
21 Ordering Facility Name Hospital Name^^7 Digit Sheryan id^^^SHERYAN XON O
For DHCC Facilities:
EMR can send:
Hospital Name^^DHCC id^^^DHCC

Sub fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 are used. Only the first Used

22 Ordering Facility Address instance of ORC:22 matching the first non-empty XAD O
instance of ORC:21 is used.
23 Ordering Facility Phone Number Only the first instance of this field is used. Used XTN O
Only the first instance of this field is used. Not
24 Ordering Provider Address XAD O
25 Order Status Modifier CWE O
Advanced Beneficiary Notice Not
26 CWE C
Override Reason Used
Filler’s Expected Availability Date / Not
27 TS O
Time Used
EMR to use allowed values here from V, R, U, EMP, Used
28 Confidentiality Code VIP, PSY, AID, HIV, ETH. Please refer to coding table CWE R
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 48
For example, U^Usual control^NAB019
EMR to use allowed values here from LAB, MED, Used Y
29 Order Type OBS, RAD, VXU. Please refer to table NAB032. For CWE R
example send only single value, LAB
30 Enterer Authorization Mode CNE O
31 Parent Universal Service Identifier CWE O

4.18.OBR (Observation Request) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
OBR|1|5125666-295|5125666-295|85025^FBC - (FULL BLOOD
Blood&EMR^^^&| 8 Digits SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^Dr.^^^SHERYAN

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as Used
1 Set ID – OBR 1,2,3 etc. SI R

Subfield 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 fields are used. Used Y
EntityIdentifier (OBR:2.1) must be unique within the
2 Placer Order Number target ECR. 2.1 Identifier is mandatory field and EI R
being displayed on NABIDH portal, other used for
Subfield 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 fields are used. Used
EntityIdentifier (OBR:3.1) must be unique within the
3 Filler Order Number EI R
target ECR. If Filler Number does not exist, please
add Order Number here.
This contains the description of the order. Subfields Used Y
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 are used. 4.1,
4.2, and 4.3 fields are mandatory.
4 Universal Service Identifier CE R
Identifier code for the requested observation.
1234^Description^C4, for CPT codes see
implementation guidance section
Allowed values are AS, ST, RT, TM, The Priority of Used
5 Priority – OBR ID O
the Order (Refer to code table NAB040)
6 Requested Date / Time Start date and time of the Order Used TS O
7 Observation Date / Time Date/time the specimen was collected Used TS O
8 Observation End Date / Time TS O
9 Collection Volume CQ O
Not Y
10 Collection Identifier XCN O
11 Specimen Action Code Used ID O
12 Danger Code CE O
13 Relevant Clinical Information Used ST O
14 Specimen Received Date / Time Used TS O
Subfield 15.1 is used to capture Specimen Source Used Y
Name or Code Identifier. This is appearing on CV as
Specimen field.
15 Specimen Source Name or Code IF EMR is sending code then it should be 20 chars, SPS O
and if EMR sending source name then it can accept
upto 190 char and data should be send in this
format ‘&xyz’
Only the first instance of this field is used. Used Y
16 Ordering Provider XCN R
For DHA Facilities:

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 49

Use 8 Digits
GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Sub fields 1 to 9 and 12 are used. Used

17 Order Callback Phone Number Used if there is no value in ORC:14. All instances are XTN O
concatenated together.
18 Placer Field 1 ST O
19 Placer Field 2 ST O
20 Filler Field 1 ST O
21 Filler Field 2 ST O
Results Rpt / Status Chng – Date / If the associated order has a result, this must be a Used
22 TS R
Time set.
23 Charge to Practice MOC O
EMR to send the code as per the table NAB021. Used
For Lab results it should be “LAB”
24 Diagnostic Service Section ID ID O
For Radiology results it should be “RAD”
For Medication it should be “PHR”
Allowed values are A, C, F, I, O, P, R, S, X, Y, Z, please Used
25 Result Status ID C
refer to table NAB033.
Frist 3 fields are used,And EMR can send data in Used
following format
26 Parent Result ‘IdentifierCode&Text&CodingSystem^Parent PRL O
Observation Sub-identifier^Parent Observation
Value Descriptor’
27 Quantity / Timing Order quantity details Used TQ O Y
Identifies the people who are to receive copies of Used Y
the results. Use this format to send data in this
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
28 Result Copies To XCN O
GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

EMR can send the data in this format Placer Used

29 Parent EIP O
Assigned Identifier^Filler Assigned Identifier
30 Transportation Mode ID O
31 Reason for Study Subfields 1 to 6 are used. Used CE O
First field is used, and EMR to use this format. Used
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
32 Principal Result Interpreter NDL O
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Not Y
33 Assistant Result Interpreter NDL O
Not Y
34 Technician NDL O
Not Y
35 Transcriptionist NDL O
36 Scheduled Date/Time TS O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 50

37 Number of Sample Containers * NM O
Transport Logistics of Collected Not Y
38 CE O
Sample Used
Not Y
39 Collector's Comment * CE O
Transport Arrangement Not
40 CE O
Responsibility Used
41 Transport Arranged ID O
42 Escort Required ID O
Planned Patient Transport Not Y
43 CE O
Comment Used
44 Procedure Code CE O
Not Y
45 Procedure Code Modifier CE O
Placer Supplemental Service Not Y
46 CE O
Information Used
Filler Supplemental Service Not Y
47 CE O
Information Used
Medically Necessary Duplicate Not
48 CWE C
Procedure Reason. Used
49 Result Handling IS O
50 Parent Universal Service Identifier CWE O

4.19.TQ1 (Timing / Quantity) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as Used
1 Set ID – TQ1 SI R
1,2,3 etc.
Numeric quantity of the service to be provided. e.g.: Used Y
2 Quantity CQ O
Required for VXU messages. Use values from Used
3 Repeat Pattern RPT C
Only the first instance of this field is used.
Example: “Dose1”
Not Y
4 Explicit Time TM O
Not Y
5 Relative Time and Units CQ O
Required for VXU messages. Used
TQl.6.1 Use values from NAB050.
6 Service Duration TQ1.6.2 Use values from NAB051. CQ C
Duration for which the service is requested.
Example: “2^Doses” or “1^Drops”
Earliest date time that the service should be Used
7 Start Date / Time performed. TS O
7.3 Frequency to be sent.
Latest date time that the service should be Used
8 End Date / Time TS O
9 Priority Only the first instance of this field is used. Used CWE O
10 Condition Text Text such as “keep BP below 110” Used TX O
Instructions such as "After food", "Take 3 twice a Used
11 Text Instruction TX O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 51

12 Conjunction ID C
13 Occurrence Duration CQ O
14 Total Occurrences NM O

4.20.SPM (Specimen) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)
SPM|1|||ORH^Other^NAB034^^^^^^Blood||||Blood, Venou^Blood, Venous^^^^^^^Blood,

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as Used
1 Set ID – SPM SI R
1,2,3 etc.
This field contains assigned identifier which should Used
2 Specimen ID EIP R
be unique
Assigned Identifier Not Y
3 Specimen Parent IDs EIP O
4 Specimen Type EMR to send allowed values as table NAB034. Used CWE R
Each instance will be parsed as a Specimen Type Used
5 Specimen Type Modifier CWE O
Modifier in the list.
Each instance will be parsed as a Specimen Additive Used Y
6 Specimen Additives CWE O
in the list.
Eg:”LNV^Line,Venous^I10”. Use ICD10 CM see Used
7 Specimen Collection Method CWE O
implementation guidance section
Specifies the source from which the specimen was Used
8 Specimen Source Site CWE O
Each instance will be parsed as a Specimen Source Used Y
9 Specimen Source Site Modifier CWE O
Site Modifier in the list.
10 Specimen Collection Site CWE O
Each instance will be parsed as a Specimen Role in Used Y
11 Specimen Role CWE O
the list.
12 Specimen Collection Amount Volume or mass of the collected specimen. Used CQ O
13 Grouped Specimen Count NM C
Not Y
14 Specimen Description ST O
Not Y
15 Specimen Handling Code CWE O
Not Y
16 Specimen Risk Code CWE O
Date and time of specimen collection from source. Used
17 Specimen Collection Date / Time DR R
Field will be used instead of OBR.7.
Date and time when specimen were received in Used
18 Specimen Received Date / Time TS R
diagnostic service.
19 Specimen Expiration Date / Time TS O
20 Specimen Availability ID O
Each instance will be parsed as a Specimen Reject Used Y
21 Specimen Reject Reason CWE O
Reason in the list.
22 Specimen Quality Used CWE O
23 Specimen Appropriateness Used CWE O
Each instance will be parsed as a Specimen Used Y
24 Specimen Condition CWE O
Condition in the list.
25 Specimen Current Quantity CQ O
26 Number of Specimen Containers NM O
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 52
27 Container Type CWE O
28 Container Condition CWE O
29 Specimen Child Role CWE O

4.21.RXO (Pharmacy / Treatment Order) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Note: RXO, RXA, and RXE segments are all mutually exclusive among the message types and segments that
HealthShare supports, so there is no need to define precedence between segments.
RXO|0070-109933-1171^DESLORATADINE 5 MG

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Subfields 1 to 6 and 9 fields are used. EMR must Used y
send what was dispensed - commercial product
name coding system details in first three fields
RXO:1 will only be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not
null. RXO:6 takes precedence over RXO:1.
EMR must send subfield 1, 2, and 3 providing DDC
1 Requested Give Code CE R
codes for vaccination. RXO.1.3 must have DDC
word. For example,
In case any medication don’t have DDC codes then
EMR can send data in this format
Requested Give Amount – EMR can send the minimum amount of the dose. Used Y
2 NM R
Minimum For example, the 20 in 20mg
In a variable dose order, this is the maximum Used
Requested Give Amount –
3 ordered amount NM O
Subfields 1, 2, 3 Code^Description^CodingSystem Used Y
are used. RXO:19 takes precedence over RXO:4.
Field will only be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null.
4 Requested Give Units Units for DoseQuantity (e.g. the mg in 20mg) CE C
If EMR is using local codes they can send the data as
MG^25 MG/ 1 tablet^UnitsLocalCode
Subfields 1, 2, 3 Code^Description^CodingSystem Used Y
Requested Dosage Form
5 are used Field will only be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is CE C
not null.
Subfields 1 to 6 and 9 fields are used. EMR can send Used Y
what was dispensed - commercial product name
coding system details in first three fields
Provider’s Pharmacy / Treatment
6 Code^Description^CodingSystem. CE O
RXO:6 takes precedence over RXO:1. Field will only
be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. Only first
instance is used.
EMR to send Instructions for administering drug Used
Provider’s Administration (e.g. Oral) Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. This should be
7 CE O
Instructions coded value NAB022 with Route. For example,
8 Deliver-To Location LA1 O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 53

9 Allow Substitutions ID O
10 Requested Dispense Code CE O
11 Requested Dispense Amount NM O
12 Requested Dispense Units CE O
13 Number of Refills Numeric value Used NM O Y
Subfields 1 to 6, and 9 are used. If provided, it Used
14 Ordering Provider’s DEA Number XCN C
should be the same value as ORC.12.
Pharmacist / Treatment Supplier’s Not Y
15 XCN C
Verified ID Used
16 Needs Human Review ID O
Used to calculate the rate at which the Used
17 Requested Give Per (Time Unit) ST C
pharmaceutical is to be administered.
18 Requested Give Strength Used NM O Y
19 Requested Give Strength Units Takes precedence over RXO:4. Used CE O
Subfields 1 and 2 are used. If subfield 2 is not null, Used Y
parse that value, else parse subfield 1. EMR can
20 Indication CE O
send the condition or problem for which the
drug/treatment was prescribed
EMR can send the Rate (e.g. the 100 in 100 Used
21 Requested Give Rate Amount ST O
ml/hour). Eg:”4 liters/min for nasal oxygen”
EMR can send Units for Rate (e.g. the ml in 100 Used
22 Requested Give Rate Units ml/hour). Subfields 1, 2, and 3 are used. Field will CE O
only be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null.
23 Total Daily Dose CQ O
Not Y
24 Supplementary Code CE O
EMR can send Strength volume (e.g. the "10" in Used
25 Requested Drug Strength Volume NM O
Requested Drug Strength Volume EMR can send Units for StrengthVolume (e.g. ml) Used
26 CWE O
27 Pharmacy Order Type ID O
28 Dispensing Interval NM O

4.22.RXR (Pharmacy / Treatment Route) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Note: RXO is mutually exclusive to both RXE and RXR segments among the message types and segments that
HealthShare supports, however an RDE_O11 message can contain both an RXE and an RXR segment.

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

EMR can send Instructions for administering drug Used Y
(e.g. Oral). For example, ROA074^Oral^NAB022.
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used.
1 Route If an RDE^O11 contains both an RXE and an RXR, CE R
RXR:1 takes precedence over RXE:7. RXR:1 will only
be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. see table
EMR can send Location a vaccine was administered Used
2 Administration Site (e.g. Left Arm). For example LE^Left Ear^NAB023. CWE R
Subfields 1, 2, and 3 are used.

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 54

This field will only be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not
null. see table NAB023
3 Administration Device CE O
4 Administration Method CWE O
5 Routing Instructions CE O
6 Administration Site Modifier CWE O

4.23.RXC (Pharmacy / Treatment Component) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

1 RX Component Type Set to 1 Used ID r
EMR to send The components of a compound Used
medication. Subfields 1 to 6 and 9 are used. Each
RXC will be parsed to one DrugProduct in the
2 Component Code CE R
ComponentMeds list. RXC:2, 6, and 9 are all coded
fields. Each will only be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is
not null.
3 Component Amount NM R
4 Component Units CE R
Numeric part of the strength Used
5 Component Strength NM O
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. Eg: micg/h Used
6 Component Strength Units CE O
Not Y
7 Supplementary Code CE O
This field will only be parsed if subfields 1 or 2 is not Used
8 Component Drug Strength Volume NM O
Component Drug Strength Volume Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. This field will only be Used
Units parsed if subfields 1 or 2 is not null.

4.24.RXE (Pharmacy / Treatment Encoded Order) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Note: RXO, RXA, and RXE segments are all mutually exclusive among the message types and segments that
HealthShare supports, so there is no need to define precedence between segments.

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

EMR can send Number of items ordered. Coded Used
version of the drug or treatment timing
RXE1.2 will have interval that should be have
1 Quantity / Timing TQ R
possible frequency values (
RXE1.3 will have duration that should be counted in
days. Subfields 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are used.
Subfields 1 to 6 and 9 are used. This field will only Used
2 Give Code be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. see CE R
implementation guidance section
3 Give Amount – Minimum RXE:25 will take precedence over RXE:3 if present. Used NM R
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 55
In a variable dose order, this is the maximum Used
4 Give Amount – Maximum NM O
ordered amount.
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. RXE:26 takes precedence Used
5 Give Units over RXE:5 if present. Subfields will only be parsed if CE R
subfield 1 or 2 is not null.
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. Subfields will only be Used
6 Give Dosage Form parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. see CE O
implementation guidance section
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. Subfields will only be Used
Provider’s Administration
7 parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. Only first non- CE O
null instance of this field will be parsed.
8 Deliver-To Instructions LA1 W
9 Substitution Status ID O
10 Dispense Amount NM C
11 Dispense Units CE C
12 Number of Refills Numeric value for total number of refills Used NM O
Subfields 1 to 6, 9 are used. Details of who placed Used
the order.
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
13 Ordering Provider’s DEA Number GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN XCN C
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Pharmacist / Treatment Supplier’s Not Y

14 XCN O
Verifier ID Used
Prescription number as assigned by Pharmacy or Used
15 Prescription Number ST C
treatment application.
16 Number of Refills Remaining NM C
Number of Refills / Doses Not
17 NM C
Dispensed Used
Date / Time of Most Recent Refill or Not
18 TS C
Dose Dispensed Used
19 Total Daily Dose CQ C
20 Needs Human Review ID O
Pharmacy / Treatment Supplier’s Not Y
21 CE O
Special Dispensing Instructions Used
22 Give Per (Time Unit) Time units (e.g. per hour, as in 100 ml per hour) Used ST C
23 Give Rate Amount Rate (e.g. the 100 in 100 ml/hour) Used ST O
Subfields 1, 2, 3 is used. This field will only be parsed Used
24 Give Rate Units CE O
if subfield 1 or 2 is not null.
This field will take precedence over RXE:3 if both are Used
25 Give Strength NM O
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. This field will take Used
26 Give Strength Units precedence over RXE:5 if both are present. This field CE O
will only be parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null.
Subfields 1, 2 are used. Only first non-null instance Used
27 Give Indication is parsed, and within that instance, if subfield 2 is CE O
not null, parse that, else parse subfield 1.
28 Dispense Package Size NM O
29 Dispense Package Size Unit CE O
30 Dispense Package Method ID O
Not Y
31 Supplementary Code CE O
32 Original Order Date / Time TS O
33 Give Drug Strength Volume Strength volume (e.g. the "10" in 2mg/10ml) Used NM O

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 56

Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. If subfield 2 is not null, Used
34 Give Drug Strength Volume Units parse that to StrengthVolumeUnits, else parse CWE O
subfield 1.
35 Controlled Substance Schedule CWE O
36 Formulary Status ID O
Pharmaceutical Substance Not Y
37 CWE O
Alternative Used
38 Pharmacy of Most Recent Fill CWE O
39 Initial Dispense Amount NM O
40 Dispensing Pharmacy CWE O
41 Dispensing Pharmacy Address XAD O
42 Deliver-to Patient Location PL O
43 Deliver-to Address XAD O
44 Pharmacy Order Type ID O

4.25.RXA (Pharmacy / Treatment Administration) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Note: RXO, RXA, and RXE segments are all mutually exclusive among the message types and segments that
HealthShare supports, so there is no need to define precedence between segments.
RXA|0|1|20201021|20201021|2367-219876-0804^MMR^DDC|0.5|mL||00^New immunization
record^NIP001| 8 Digits SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^Dr.^^^SHERYAN

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

1 Give Sub-ID Counter Set to 1 Used NM R
2 Administration Sub-ID Counter Set to 1 Used NM R
3 Date / Time Start of Administration Start time of administration of medication Used TS R Y
4 Date / Time End of Administration End time of administration of medication Used TS R
EMR can send What was dispensed - commercial Used Y
product name. Subfields 1 to 6 and 9 are used.
EMR must send subfield 1, 2, and 3 providing DDC
5 Administered Code codes for vaccination. RXA.5.3 must have DDC word. CE R
For example,
The amount of medication administered. If EMR Used
6 Administered Amount don’t have the administered units then they can NM R
provide administered strength here
One value is used Code or Code Text, Subfields 1 Used
7 Administered Units and 2 are used. HealthShare will prefer subfield 2, CE R
will parse subfield 1 if 2 is null.
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. Dosage Form (e.g. Tablet, Used Y
8 Administered Dosage Form CE O
Capsule, etc.)
Subfields 1 and 2 are used. Notes on the Used Y Y
9 Administration Notes administration. Length subject to the total streamlet CE R
size limit - 3,000,000
Subfields 1 to 6 and 9 are used. Subfields follow the Used
10 Administering Provider pattern see implementation guidance section. XCN O
For DHA Facilities:

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 57

Use 8 Digits
GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

Subfield 1 is used. The location at which the Used

11 Administered-at Location LA2 C
administration took place.
12 Administered Per (Time Unit) Time units (e.g. per hour, as in 100 ml per hour) Used ST C
13 Administered Strength Size of dose (e.g. the 20 in 20mg). Used NM R Y
Subfields 1, 2, 3, are used. Units for DoseQuantity Used Y
14 Administered Strength Units CE R
(e.g. the mg in 20mg)
15 Substance Lot Number Only first instance is used. Used ST R
16 Substance Expiration Date Only first instance is used. Used TS R
17 Substance Manufacturer Name Subfields 1, and 2 are used. Used CE O
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. This field will only be Used
Substance / Treatment Refusal parsed if subfield 1 is not null. EMR to send allowed
18 CE O
Reason values from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, please refer to coding
table NAB029
Subfields 1 and 2 are used. Only first instance is Used
19 Indication CE O
EMR to send the allowed values CP, NA, PA, RE from Used
20 Completion Status ID R
the coding table NAB028.
21 Action Code – RXA ID O
22 System Entry Date / Time Entered On date and time Used TS R
Administered Drug Strength EMR can send Strength volume (e.g. the "10" in Used
23 NM O
Volume 2mg/10ml)
Subfield 1 and 2 are used. Units for StrengthVolume Used
Administered Drug Strength
24 (e.g. ml). If subfield 2 is not null, that is parsed to CWE O
Volume Units
StrengthVolumeUnits, else subfield 1 is parsed.
25 Administered Barcode Identifier CWE O
26 Pharmacy Order Type ID O

4.26.TXA (Transcription Document Header) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Note: HealthShare supports only one TXA segment per message. To remove a previous message, send one with the
double quotes in field 1, then another message with the surviving document.
|20201021135100||20201021135100| 8 Digits
| 8 Digits SheryanID^FirstName^LastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN

AU||AV|||90002225^P^Test^One^^^^^Facility ^^^^PROVID

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as Used
1,2,3 etc.
1 Set ID – TXA To delete all PDF documents provided in earlier SI R
msgs, please pass 4 times double code values like

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 58

To inactivate all PDF documents provided in earlier
msgs, please pass 4 times double code values like ""

Please refer to AL1.1 to see examples

A document type of “DS” will be displayed with a Used Y

doc type of “Discharge Summary” and will be shown
2 Document Type on “Discharge Summaries” chart in Clinical Viewer. IS R
Any other value will be displayed as the doc type in
Clinical Viewer. See table NAB035
3 Document Content Presentation ID C
EMR can send This contains the date of the activity Used Y
that the document is reporting. If null, this will be
4 Activity Date / Time defaulted to TranscriptionTime, then XCN R
AuthorizationTime, then EnteredOn, and finally
current time if all of them are null.
Subfield 1 to 6 and 9 are used. Only the first Used
instance of this field is used.
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits
Primary Activity Provider Code /
5 GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN XCN C
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC
tName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^DHCC

6 Origination Date / Time TS O
7 Transcription Date / Time The time that the document was transcribed Used TS C
Not Y
8 Edit Date / Time TS O
Only the first instance is used. Subfields follow the Used
9 Originator Code / Name same pattern as clinician identifiers See additional XCN O
information in section implementation guidance
Not Y
10 Assigned Document Authenticator XCN O
Not Y
11 Transcriptionist Code / Name XCN C
unique document identification number assigned by Used Y
12 Unique Document Number the sending system EI R

13 Parent Document Number EI C
Not Y
14 Placer Order Number EI O
15 Filler Order Number EI O
EMR to send the name of the document. If not null, Used Y
this will appear in the Clinical Viewer in the
16 Unique Document File Name Document column, so the user may click on it to see ST R
the document. Otherwise, the first few characters
of the note txt will appear.
EMR to send allowed values in this from AU, DI, DO, Used
17 Document Completion Status ID R
IN, IP, LA, PA. Please refer to coding table NAB025.
18 Document Confidentiality Status ID O
EMR to send allowed values in this from AV, CA, OB, Used
19 Document Availability Status ID O
UN. Please refer to coding table NAB026.
20 Document Storage Status ID O
21 Document Change Reason ST C
22 Authentication Person, Time Stamp The time that the document was authorised. Used PPN C
Distributed Copies (Code and Name Not Y
23 XCN O
of Recipients) Used

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 59

4.27.MSA (Message Acknowledgement) Segment Fields
The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the MSH (message header)

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep

AA – Application Accept
1 Acknowledgment Code AE – Application Error Used ID R
AR – Application Reject
Message control ID of the message sent by the sending
2 Message Control ID system Used ST R

Describes an error condition

3 Text Message Used ST B
4 Expected Sequence Number Optional numeric field Used NM O
5 Delayed Acknowledgment Type Not sent Used W
Message Error Condition Codes. see implementation
6 Error Condition Used CE B
guidance section

4.28. ZSC (Z Segment Consent) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the ZSC (Z Segment
Consent) segment. ADT^A08, ADT^A28 and ADT^A31 message types will be used for Consent update and VIP status

This segment is required to accommodate receiving of the three flags to automate Consent.

Facility Opt Out: If patient decides not to share facility details with NABIDH
users then facility should send ZSC:1 as 1 and ZSC:2 as the date when this
message wasshall be sent. Once this segment is sent EMR shall not resend this
segment again unless patient informs the facility users about the facility Optout
during that visit or during subsequent visits. Patient Data shall continue to be
sent to NABIDH even after the facility optout flag is sent to NABIDH.


Global Opt out: If patient decides not to share any clinical data with NABIDH
users then facility should send ZSC:1 as 2 and ZSC:2
as the date when this message was sent. Once this segment is sent EMR shall not
resend this segment again unless patient informs the facility users about the
global Optout during that visit or during subsequent visits. Patient Data shall
continue to be sent to NABIDH even after the global optout flag is sent to
the date when this message shall be sent.

VIP Status Change: If patient status changes from non-VIP to VIP then facility
should send ZSC:3 as 1 and ZSC:4 asdate when this message was sent. Facility

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 60

shall block all messages and data to be sent to NABIDH post identification of
patient as VIP


Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep

Opt-Out flag
1 OptOutFlag Set to “1” for Facility level opt out Used IS O
Set to “2” for Global opt out
2 OptOutFlagEnteredDate Date when Opt-Out flag was entered Used DT O
VIP Flag Boolean value
3 VIPFlag Used IS O
Set to “1” for VIP patients and Set ZSC:1 to “2”
4 VIPFlagEnteredDate Date when VIP flag was entered Used DT O

4.28.1. Consent Management Automation Process for Opt Out

Below is the proposed process for consent management and details will be sent to NABIDH as Z segment.

Patient Submits Consent status is

Front office validates Updates Consent Consent status is
Consent request to triggered when
patient authenticity status in EMR updated in NABIDH
Facilities front office A08,A28,A31

Consent ensures that the Subject of Care or his / her agent understands and agrees to the sharing of PHI as well as the
risks, benefits, and alternatives of sharing PHI with NABIDH. It also defines the circumstances in which a Subject of
Care can permit or withhold the use and disclosure of NABIDH accessible health information.

Consent policies in the HealthShare Unified Care Record control whether a clinician can access the records of a patient
and optionally what specific data they can see. There are two types of consents in HealthShare UCR, MPI Consent, and
Clinical Consent policies. Below section explains the automated MPI consent for Opting out of a facility or to Globally
opt out of NABIDH.

To reduce the operational overheads for the facilities and NABIDH team consent process is automated through HL7
messages using Z segment. With this process a Z Segment shall be used to identify if the patient wants to opt out of
the facility or wants to globally opt Out of NABIDH program with the date when this requested is submitted. Based on
the identifier (1 for Facility out and 2 for Global opt out) consent configuration shall be changed from opt into facility
optout or Global opt out.

As per NABIDH policy patient shall submit his request to change the consent status at the facility front office who in
turn will validate the authenticity of the patient and on confirmation shall update the consent status in the facility EMR
which in turn triggers notification to NABIDH Consent module through ADT^A28 or ADT^A31 or ADT^A08 trigger
event to change the patient consent status. Post consent status change patients shall be notified through SMS or email
on the consent status change.

Along with the consent status Z segment is also used to update the VIP status of the patient (V) along with the date of
status change using ADT^A28 or ADT^A31 or ADT^A08 trigger events.

Above table shows the data and the type to be sent out from facilities into NABIDH as part of the HL7 ADT messages.
10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 61
4.29.ZSH (Z Segment Social History) Segment Fields
The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the ZSH (Z Segment Social
History) segment. ADT^A31 message types will be used for Social History update.

This segment is required to accommodate receiving of the social history data of the patient.
ZSH|1|Smoking Cigarette|20||Smoking 4 packs per day. Constant
smoker|A|20201026|20201118|xxx user

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as
1,2,3 etc.
To delete all social history provided in earlier msgs,
1 SetID – ZSH please pass 4 times double code values like """" Used ST R N

Please refer to AL1.1 to see examples

Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. Social Habit Code. Use Y

2 SocialHabit NAB052 codes. Used CE R N
Example: “Smoking”
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. Quantity associated with Y
3 SocialHabitQty social habit. Use NAB053 codes. Used CE O N
Example: “High”
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. Stores coded type of
4 SocialHabitCategory social habit. Use NAB054 codes. Used CE O N
Example: “Smoking”
Length subject to the total streamlet size limit - Y
5 SocialHabitComments Used ST O N
6 Status Status of history (Active, Inactive, To be Confirmed) Used ST R N
7 FromTime Beginning of period covered Used DT O N Y
8 ToTime End of period covered Used DT O N
Subfields 1, 2, 3 are used. User name Y
9 EnteredBy Used CE O N
code^name^coding system

4.30.ZFH (Z Segment Family History) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the ZSH (Z Segment Family
History) segment. ADT^A31 message types will be used for Family History update.

This segment is required to accommodate receiving of the family history data of the patient.
ZFH|1|George Cena|F45.41^Pain disorder exclusively related to
psychological factors|test notes|A|20201111|20201112|xxx user

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as
1,2,3 etc.
To delete all family history provided in earlier msgs,
1 SetID – ZFH please pass 4 times double code values like """" Used ST R N

Please refer to AL1.1 to see examples

Subfield 1, 2, 3 are used. Family Member Covered. Y

2 FamilyMember Used CE R N
Use NAB041 table.

10-May2022 Proprietary Information DHA NABIDH Program Page: 62

Subfield 1, 2, 3 are used. Diagnosis on family Y
If EMR do not have SNOMED/ICD codes they can
3 Diagnosis Used CE R N
send local codes in this format
12345^ known diabetic patient^ZFH3LocalCode

Length subject to the total streamlet size limit - Y

4 NoteText Used ST O N
5 Status A for ‘Active’ or I for ‘Inactive’ Used ST R N
6 FromTime Beginning of period covered Used DT R N Y
7 ToTime End of Period Covered Used DT O N
Subfield 1, 2, 3 are used. User name Y
8 EnteredBy Used CE O N
code^name^coding system

4.31.PRB (Problems) Segment Fields

The fields definitions in the table below shall be conformed to by all HL7 messages sending the PRB (Problems)
segment. PPR^PC1 message type will be used for patient problems updates.

This segment is required to accommodate receiving of the problems data of the patient.

Seq Element Name Comment Usage DT O/R Rep CV

Put sequence number for each of the record as 1,2,3 etc. Used ST R N
To delete all problems provided in earlier msgs, please pass 4
times double code values like """"

For example, this one will add 2 problems.

1 Action Code

If one of the problems gets delete them EMR should send below

This field contains the date/time that the add or update to the Used N Y
2 Action Date/Time TS R
problem/condition/disease was performed
Only parsed if subfield 1 or 2 is not null. Used CE R N Y
EMR can send this field with either ICD10 or SNOMED codes

For example, format for sending SNOMED codes.

15777000^Prediabetes (disorder)^SNOMED
3 Problem ID
For example, format for sending ICD10 codes.
value must be sent as Code^Text^I10

If EMR maintain local codes, then they can send the data as per
below format.
First value PRB:4.1 Entity Identifier is used that contains the Used EI R N Y
4 Problem Instance Id identifier assigned by the sending facility system to an instance
of a problem.
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The PRB:4.1 Entity Identifier must be the unique identifier for
this instance of the problem and must remain unique over time
and across all facility patients.
Instance id should be up to 50 characters
5 Episode of Care Id Not Used ST O N
6 Problem List Priority Not Used NM O N
This field is used to set the problem start date, EMR only send Used TS R N
Problem Established the date without time.
Date/Time Both PRB.16 Problem Date of Onset and PRB.7 Problem
Established Date/Time should have same date
Anticipated Problem This field is used to set the problem anticipated stop date, Not Used TS O N
Resolution Date/Time
This field is used to set the problem stop date, EMR only send Used TS C R
the date without time.
if there is a value in PRB.9 (Actual Problem Resolution
Actual Problem Date/Time), then PRB.14 Problem Life Cycle Status should be
Resolution Date/Time 413322009^Resolved^SNOMED.
If there is not value in PRB.9 (Actual Problem Resolution
Date/Time), then PRB.14 Problem Life Cycle Status should be
This field is used to set the classification of the problem. EMR can Used CE R N
10 Problem Classification send F^Final^LOCALCODE.

Problem Management Not Used CE O N

12 Problem Persistence Not Used CE O N
Problem Confirmation Not Used CE O N
EMR to send values one value from the below SNOMED codes. Used CE R N Y
he SNOMED Codes and Descriptions for Problem Status are:
Problem Life Cycle 90734009^Chronic^SNOMED
Status 7087005^Intermittent^SNOMED
410516002^Ruled out^SNOMED
Problem Life Cycle EMR to send the status date. PRB:15 should be same date as Used TS R N
Status Date/Time PRB:2 (Action Date/Time )
This field contains the date/time when the problem began. Used TS R N
16 Problem Date of Onset Both PRB.16 Problem Date of Onset and PRB.7 Problem
Established Date/Time should have same date
17 Problem Onset Text Not Used ST O N
18 Problem Ranking Not Used CE O N
19 Certainty of Problem Not Used CE O N
20 Probability of Problem Not Used NM O N
21 Individual Awareness Not Used CE O N
of Problem
22 Problem Prognosis Not Used CE O N
23 Individual Awareness Not Used CE O N
of Prognosis
24 Family/Significant Not Used ST O N
Other Awareness of
25 Security/Sensitivity Not Used CE O N

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5. Implementation Guidance (HL7)
This section provides details on the interface implementation guidance for the facility technical team and business

In case facility EMR is centralized system used across multiple emirates within UAE then the messages encounters
should be filtered as per below guidelines:

1. Only Encounters created in Dubai Emirate should be sent to NABIDH. This shall include encounter messages,
Medications, results, documents etc.

2. Registration and Updates Patients created only in Dubai Emirate should be sent to NABIDH.

3. If a patient is registered in Emirate other than Dubai then no messages should be sent to NABIDH and the
same patient visits Dubai Emirate facilities then messages will be sent from that point in time.

4. Laboratory Orders from all departments should be shared with NABIDH even if Lab orders were processed at
an external facility (Referral lab or sent out laboratory)

5. All medications except Inpatient Medications should be shared with NABIDH. However, Discharge medication,
Clinic Administered medication, etc. which may be ordered during Inpatient should be shared with NABIDH.

6. Surgical ,Bedside and Non Surgical procedures (ECG,EEG,PFT, etc) should be shared with NABIDH

7. Radiology report to be shared with NABIDH and not the images.

5.1. Sending Facility (MSH.4)

Sending Facility is a required field that represents the facility originating the application message. EMR will use
NABIDH provided code that MUST be used when sending the msgs.

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

Set to the name of the EMR code that will be provided by NABIDH team.
Set EVN7.2 with 7 digits Sheryan or DHCC Facility Unique ID (This is for ADT & MDM
MSH.4.1 Namespace ID
Set PID.3.4 should be the same EMR code provided by NABIDH
Set PV1.3.4 Facility Id to 7 digits Sheryan Facility Unique ID or 8-16 digits DHCC
Facility Unique ID

5.2. Event Facility (EVN.7)

The following must be populated. Sample value should look like SHERYAN^0054678

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

EVN.7.1 Namespace Id This should be set to “SHERYAN”, for DHCC set to “DHCC”
Must contain the encounter location Unique Sheryan Facility ID,
For Example;
EVN.7.2 Universal Id If Sheryan Facility Id is DHA-F-0054678, then send last 7 digits 0054678
If DHCC Facility is CL-MC-0072-14, then send full value as CL-MC-0072-14

EVN.7.3 Universal ID Type This should not be sent

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5.3. Patient Identifier List (PID.3), SSN Number – Patient (PID.19)
To be used if patient does not have Emirates id. The Ids to be used are Passport number, GCC number

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

Primary medical record number (MRN)
PID.3.1 ID The MRN
PID.3.4 Assigning Authority EMR to use NABIDH provided code here
PID.3.5 Identifier Type Code Set to MRN
Secondary medical record numbers (for search purposes)
PID.3.1 ID The MRN
PID.3.4 Assigning Authority Set to “OTHER”
PID.3.5 Identifier Type Code Set to “SMR”
Passport Number
PID.3.1 ID the passport number
PID.3.4 Assigning Authority Set to “GOVERNMENT”
PID.3.5 Identifier Type Code Set to “PPN”
GCC Number
PID.3.1 ID The GCC number
PID.3.4 Assigning Authority Set to “GCC”
PID.3.5 Identifier Type Code Set to “GCC”
The Emirate ID must be sent in PID:19

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

Emirate ID
Use for Emirate Id of the Patient. Format for emirates id should be validated and
PID.19 SSN Number – Patient number should be 784123412345671. For cases like Emergency where EID is not
available please send 111111111111111

5.4. Encounter Identifiers – Assigned Patient Location (PV1.3)

The following subfields must be populated:

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

PV1.3.1 Point of Care Provide patient location type
PV1.3.2 Room Provide patient room details
PV1.3.3 Bed Provide patient bed details
PV1.3.4 Facility This is must to provide, Set to Sheryan or DHCC facility unique identifier.

5.5. Encounter Identifiers - Visit Number (PV1.19)

All messages containing encounter-based information must contain a unique encounter ID (in PV1.19). The following
subfields must be populated:

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

PV1.19.1 Id Number Encounter ID

5.6. Clinician Identifiers - Attending Doctor (PV1-7)

Where a message contains a field recording details of a provider (for example, PV1:7 Attending Doctor) with a type of
XCN, the following values are required:

For Example, EMR to use the format 8 Digits

SheryanID^FirstNameFamily/LastName^First/GivenLastName^MiddleName^^ Dr.^^^SHERYAN
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ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines
The Unique ID for the provider
For DHA Facilities:
Use 8 Digits Sheryan Provider ID, for example if you have DHA-P-0105530 then
PV1.7.1 Id Number
facility should send “00105530”
For DHCC Facilities:
Use 8 to 16 digits DHCC Provider ID
PV1.7.2 Surname Family/LastName/Surname of the Provider, should not increase 80 chars.
PV1.7.3 Given Name FirstName/Given name of the Provider, should not increase 60 chars
PV1.7.4 SecondandFurtherGivenName MiddleName/Second and Further names, should not increase 220 chars.
PV1.7.5 Suffix Jr Or Lii
PV1.7.6 Prefix (e.g., DR)
PV1.7.7 Degree Leave blank
PV1.7.9 Assigning Authority Set to “SHERYAN” or “DHCC”
Note: The same subfields are used for PV1.8 (Referring Doctor), PV1.9 (Consulting Doctor), and PV1.17 (Admitting
Doctor), so PV1.8.2 should contain the referring doctor’s surname, e.g.

5.7. Coded Element/Value (Data Type CE)

For values which are coded entries (type CE), the following sub-elements are mandatory. The coding system is used for
terminology management purposes and must be populated appropriately.

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

CE.1 Identifier The code value
CE.2 Text A textual description of the value
CE.3 Name Of Coding System A code identifying the system that the coded value belongs to.

5.8. DHA/eClaim Code-Code Set

Below are the guidelines defined and mandate by DHA Regulations, valid codes should be set as per these guidelines.

ID Field Name Code Set Implementation Guidelines

DG1.3 Diagnosis Code – DG1 ICD10 CM
DRG.1 Diagnostic Related Group IR-DRG
PR1.3 Procedure Code CPT4 for all procedures, and CDT for Dental
RXO.1 Requested Give Code DDC/DDC Scientific code
RXE.2 Give Code DDC/ DDC Scientific code
RXA.5 Administered Code DDC/ DDC Scientific code
OBR.4 Universal Service Identifier CPT4 for all procedures, and CDT for Dental

5.9. Data Confidentiality & Privacy

For data confidentiality, below guidelines should be followed by the facility, details data privacy and confidentiality
guidelines at the functional level will be shared by DHA Onboarding Team

No Element Type Implementation Guidelines

01 VIPs Data Once patient is identified as VIP facilities shall ensure that No patient data including documents/lab,
Radiology results etc. should be sent to NABIDH.. If the Patient status changes from Non VIP to VIP then
facilities shall use ZSC.3 to communicate the same to NABIDH
02 Tourists Data Non Dubai emirate patients and patients who visit as tourist including medical tourism are considered as
Tourist patients. Facilities to send T in PID:31 for tourist patients and O for other category patients.
03 Patient Opt Out In case patient opt out, the facilities will still send the data to NABIDH and ZSC segment should be sent with
ADT msgs.
04 Results Tested If results are positive for these tests then the same needs to be flagged as Confidential
Positive (HIV,
Hepatitis A, B, C,

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5.10.Discharge Summary (DS) Format & Sequence
Below guidelines should be followed by the facility when sending discharge summary details.

Discharge Summary Format 1: Discharge Summary for Outpatient and Emergency Encounter

Discharge Summary Format 2: Discharge Summary for Maternal

Discharge Summary Format 3: Discharge Summary for Newborn

Discharge Summary Format 4: Discharge Summary for (General / Others)

Discharge Summary Format 1 Discharge Summary Format 2 Discharge Summary Format 3 Discharge Summary Format 4
1. Patient demographics 1. Patient demographics 1. Patient demographics 1. Patient demographics
2. Physician info (Treating dr.) 2. Physician info (Treating dr.) 2. Physician info (Treating dr.) 2. Physician info (Treating dr.)
3. Chief complaint 3. Chief complaint 3. Chief complaint 3. Chief complaint
4. Physical examination 4. Physical examination 4. Physical examination 4. Physical examination
5. Vitals 5. Vitals 5. Vitals 5. Vitals
6. Family history 6. Family history 6. Family history 6. Problem list
7. Social history 7. Social history 7. Social history 7. In hospital Medications
8. Problem list 8. Problem list 8. Problem list 8. Discharge medications
9. Medications 9. Pre-admission Medications 9. Pre-admission Medications 9. Allergies
10. History of Present Illness 10. In hospital Medications 10. In hospital Medications 10. Admitting Diagnosis
11. History of Procedures 11. Discharge medications 11. Discharge medications 11. Final Diagnosis
12. Allergies 12. History of Present Illness 12. History of Present Illness 12. Secondary diagnosis
13. Diagnosis 13. History of Procedures 13. History of Procedures 13. Immunization
14. Immunization 14. Allergies 14. Allergies 14. Devices
15. Devices 15. Admitting Diagnosis 15. Admitting Diagnosis 15. Drains
16. Drains 16. Final Diagnosis 16. Final Diagnosis 16. Plan of care
17. Plan of care 17. Final Diagnosis 17. Secondary diagnosis 17. Discharge condition
18. Secondary diagnosis 18. Immunization 18. Discharge disposition
19. Immunization 19. Devices 19. Pregnancy history
20. Devices 20. Drains 20. Mode of delivery
21. Drains 21. Plan of care 21. Delivery Outcome
22. Plan of care 22. Discharge condition 22. Baby discharge condition
23. Discharge condition 23. Discharge disposition 23. Apgar
24. Discharge disposition 24. Pregnancy history 24. Mode of delivery
25. Mode of delivery 25. Gestational age
26. Delivery Outcome 26. Maternal History
27. Baby discharge condition

5.11.Message Acknowledgement Guidelines

For values which are coded entries (type CE) for error codes in case commit not accepted in to NABIDH HIE database.
Messages with Acknowledgement Codes CE and CR will send error codes back and the message data will be ignored.

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

For success message acknowledgement:
MSA 1.1 Acknowledgment Code Set to “AA” (Application Accept)
MSA 2.1 Message Control ID
For Error message acknowledgement:
MSA 1.1 Acknowledgment Code Set to “AE” (Application Error)
MSA 2.1 Message Control ID
ERR.4 Error severity ‘E’ for Error
ERR.5 ApplicationErrorCode 5001 Error Code
Showing the error description For example.
ERROR #5001: \R\Segment(s) Invalid, Allowed Segments
ERR.7 DiagnosticInformation
validation(s) reported, and send message again

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5.12.General Guidelines
For values which are coded entries (type CE), the following sub-elements are mandatory:

ID Field Name Implementation Guidelines

PID.5 Patient name Name format should be PID.5.1 Family/Surename, PID.5.2 First/Givne name, PID.5.3 Middle Name
PID.13 Phone Number – Home Mobile number should be mandatory and format +971123456789
PID.14 Phone Number – Business Mobile number should be mandatory and format +971123456789
OBX.6 Units (Time) Time unit values should be (D- Day, WK-Week, MO – Month, YR -Year).
Following values should be used for Frequency units
OBX.6 Units (Duration) S – Second(s), M - Minute(s), H – Hour(s), D – Day(s), WK – Week(s), MO – Month(s), Y – Year(s)
Full Address (*Makani number, House no, Po Box no, Street), City (Emirate), District (Area Name)
PID.11 Address and Country.
*Makani number to be added where applicable.
PID.19 SSN number /Emirates id Format for emirates id should be validated and number should be 784123412345671
Emirates ID should start with 784 following up with patient year of birth. For example,

PID.19 SSN number /Emirates id For Newborn having no emirates id, Emergency/ Un conscious patients, Residents who are
processing their visas, Tourists or visitors or Non-residents, please enter Dummy Number:

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6. Code Tables
The following tables are defined for use in fields of data types ID, IS and CE. The code tables listed here are, strictly
speaking, user defined, meaning that they are defined by HealthShare rather than the HL7 agency. Sending in values
other than those specified may affect what is displayed in the Clinical Viewer.

Values derived from tables not listed in this section shall be used according to the rules published in the HL7 v2.5.1
standard for such tables and the data types of the elements in which they are sent.

Summary of Code Tables and Reference HL7 Fields

NABIDH Example
No HL7 Field Data Type Description
Code Table
1 NAB001 PID-8 IS Gender M
2 NAB002 PID-16 CE Marital Status M^Married^NAB002
3 NAB003 PID-17 CE Religion
4 NAB004 PID-10 CE Race 2131-1^Other Race^NAB004
5 NAB005 PID-22 CE Ethinic
6 NAB006 PV1-2 IS Patient Class
7 NAB007 PV1-4 IS Admision Type
8 NAB008 PV1-10 IS Hospital Service
9 NAB010 PV1-14 IS Admit Source
10 NAB012 PV1-36 IS Discharge Disposition
11 NAB015 DG1-6 IS Diagnosis Type
12 NAB018 OBX-8 IS Abnormal Flag
13 NAB019 ORC-28 CWE Confidentiality Code
14 NAB020 OBX-11 ID Result Status Code
15 NAB021 OBR-24 ID Diagnosis Service
16 NAB022 RXR-1 CE Route
17 NAB023 RXR-2 CWE Admin Site
18 NAB025 TXA-17 ID Document Status
19 NAB026 TXA-19 ID Document Available Status
20 NAB028 RXA-20 ID Completion Status
21 NAB029 RXA-18 CE Treatment Refusal
22 NAB030 ORC-1 ID Order Control
23 NAB031 ORC-5 ID Order Status
24 NAB032 ORC-29 CWE Order Type
25 NAB033 OBR-25 ID Result Status Code
26 NAB034 SPM-4 CWE Specimen Type
27 NAB035 TXA-2 IS Document Type
28 NAB036 TXA-18 ID Document Confidential
29 NAB037 OBX-2 ID Value Type
30 NAB038 PID-28 CE Nationality
31 NAB039 PID-11.6 ID Country
32 NAB040 OBR-5 ID Priority
33 NAB041 NK1-3 CE Relationship
34 NAB042 AL1-2 CE Allergen Type Code
35 NAB043 AL1-3 CE Allergen
36 NAB041 GT1-11 CE Guarantor Relationship

Table NAB001: Administration Sex

If no gender is submitted, the patient’s gender will appear in the Clinical Viewer as “NS,” for “Not Specified.”

Value Description Comment

F Female
M Male
U Unknown

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Table NAB002: Marital Status
Value Description Comment
A Separated
B Unmarried
D Divorced
E Legally Separated
M Married
N Annulled
O Other
S Single
U Unknown
W Widowed

Table NAB003: Religion

Value Description Comment
BMA Buddhist: Mahayana
BTH Buddhist: Theravada
BUD Buddhist
CAT Christian: Roman Catholic
CHR Christian
ERL Ethnic Religionist
HIN Hindu
HOT Hindu: Other
MOS Muslim
MOT Muslim: Other
MSH Muslim: Shiite
MSU Muslim: Sunni
OTH Other
SIK Sikh
VAR Unknown
PRE Christian: Presbyterian
LUT Christian: Lutheran
BAP Christian: Baptist
JEW Jewish
CHS Christian: Christian Science
EPI Christian: Episcopalian
GRE Christian: Greek Orthodox
JWN Christian: Jehovah's Witness
MEN Christian: Mennonite
MET Christian: Methodist
NAZ Christian: Church of the Nazarene
PEN Christian: Pentecostal
PRO Christian: Protestant
SEV Christian: Seventh Day Adventist
UNU Christian: Unitarian Universalist
SHN Shintoist
ANG Christian: Anglican
JAI Jain

Table NAB004: Race

Value Description Comment
1002-5 American
2028-9 Asian
2054-5 African
2106-3 European
2131-1 Other Race

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Table NAB005: Ethnic Group
Value Description Comment
WHI White people
AFR African Americans
JEW Jewish people
AME Americans
ALA Alaska Natives
RMP Romani people
AMI American Indian group
IRP Irish people
NAT Native Hawaiians
IRI Irish Travellers
BRI British Bangladeshi
HAN Han Chinese
TUR Turkic peoples
MEX Mexicans
ASI Asian people
UYG Uyghurs
PUE Puerto Ricans
KUR Kurds
IPA Indigenous peoples of the Americas
BAN Bangladeshi
KOR Koreans
BER Berbers
PAS Pashtun
CIR Circassians
PAM Pamiris
ASS Assyrian people
ARM Armenians
BAL Baloch people
PAL Palestinians
MON Mongols
IND Indo-Aryan peoples
HAZ Hazaras
UZB Uzbeks
ALB Albanians
ARA Arabs
SIN Sindhis
HMO Hmong people
KAZ Kazakhs
DRA Dravidian peoples
TIB Tibetan people
AMS Amis people
LEZ Lezgins
FIJ Fijians
TAT Tatars
BUR Buryats
YAZ Yazidis
MES Mestizo
LEB Lebanese people
TAJ Tajiks
YAO Yao people
ROM Romanians
UNK Unknown

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Table NAB006: Patient Class
Value Description Comment
E Emergency
I Inpatient
N Not Applicable Encounter will not be displayed in the NABIDH clinical viewer
O Outpatient
P Preadmit This will be treated as I
O No Bed + No emergency room
E No Bed + Emergency room
I Inpatient Bed + No emergency room
E Inpatient Bed + Emergency room
I Daycase Bed + No emergency room
E Daycase Bed + Emergency room
O Nationals Screening
O New Visa Screening
O Renewal Visa Screening
O Home
O Assisted Living Facility
O Mobile Unit
E Ambulance - Land
E Ambulance - Air or Water

Table NAB007: Admission Type

Value Description Comment
A Accident
C Elective
E Emergency
L Labor and Delivery
N Newborn (Birth in healthcare facility)
R Routine
U Urgent
O Other

Table NAB008: Hospital Service

Value Description Comment
ALG Allergy
IMM Immunology
ANE Anesthesiology
DIA Diabetes
MET Metabolism
EMM Emergency Medicine
GER Geriatrics
MGE Medical Genetics
GYN Gynaecology

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OBS Obstetrics
ORT Orthopedics
OTO Otolaryngology
PRM Preventive Medicine
SUR Surgery
OTH Other Medical

Table NAB010: Admit Source

Value Description Comment
1 Physician referral
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
4 Transfer from a hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility
6 Transfer from another health care facility
7 Emergency room
8 Court/law enforcement
9 Information not available
P Patient/Self Referral

Table NAB012: Discharge Disposition

Value Description Comment
ABD Absconded
DID Death In Department
DEC Deceased
DWO Discharged Absent w/o Leave
DAM Discharged Against Medical Advice
DTA Discharged Transfer to Acute Care
DTN Discharged Transfer to Non-Acute Care
DWI Discharged w/ Approval
DOA Dead on Arrival
EDD ED Dismiss
HOM Home
LBR Left before Registration/Payment
DNR Normal Discharge
NDD Not Discharged
TOH Transfer to other Hospital
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Table NAB015: Diagnosis Type
Value Description Comment
A Admitting
W Working
F Final
O Others
P Problems

Table NAB018: Abnormal Flags

Value Description Comment
A Abnormal (applies to non-numeric results)
AA Very abnormal (applies to non-numeric units, analogous to
panic limits for numeric units)
H Above high normal
HH Above upper panic limits
I Intermediate. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities
L Below low normal
LL Below lower panic limits
MS Moderately susceptible. Indicates for microbiology
susceptibilities only.
N Normal (applies to non-numeric results)
R Resistant. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only.
S Susceptible. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only.
VS Very susceptible. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities

Table NAB019: Confidentiality Code

Value Description Comment
V Very restricted
R Restricted
U Usual control
EMP Employee
VIP Very important person or celebrity
PSY Psychiatric patient
AID AIDS patient
HIV HIV(+) patient
ETH Alcohol/drug treatment patient

Table NAB020: Observation Result Status Codes Interpretation

Value Description Comment
C Record coming over is a correction and thus replaces a final
D Deletes the OBX record.
F Final results; Can only be changed with a corrected result.
I Specimen in lab; results pending.
N Not asked; used to affirmatively document that the
observation identified in the OBX was not sought when the
universal service ID in OBR-4 implies that it would be
O Order detail description only (no result).

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P Preliminary results.
R Results entered – not verified.
S Partial results.
U Results status change to final without retransmitting results
already sent as “preliminary.” E.g., radiology changes status
from preliminary to final.
W Post original as wrong, e.g., transmitted for wrong patient.
X Results cannot be obtained for this observation.

Table NAB021: Diagnostic Service Section ID

Value Description Value Description
AU Audiology OSL Outside Lab
BG Blood Gases OT Occupational Therapy
BLB Blood Bank OTH Other
CH Chemistry OUS OB Ultrasound
CP Cytopathology PF Pulmonary Function
CT CAT Scan PHR Pharmacy
CTH Cardiac Catheterization PHY Physician (Hx. Dx, admission note, etc.)
CUS Cardiac Ultrasound PT Physical Therapy
EC Electrocardiac (e.g., EKG, EEC, Holter) RAD Radiology
EN Electroneuro (EEG, EMG,EP,PSG) RC Respiratory Care (therapy)
HM Hematology RT Radiation Therapy
ICU Bedside ICU Monitoring RUS Radiology Ultrasound
IMM Immunology RX Radiograph
LAB Laboratory SP Surgical Pathology
MB Microbiology SR Serology
MCB Mycobacteriology TX Toxicology
MYC Mycology VR Virology
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance VUS Vascular Ultrasound
NMS Nuclear Medicine Scan XRC Cineradiograph
NRS Nursing Service Measures

Table NAB022: Route

Value Description Value Description
ROA000 N/A ROA096 Transmucosal
ROA001 Dental ROA097 Vaginal
ROA002 Dental Infiltration Inj. Dental Block ROA100 Urethral
ROA003 Dental Injection ROA101 Miscellaneous
ROA007 Epidural ROA103 Subarachnoid
ROA009 Epidural Peripheral Nerve Blocks Caudal ROA107 Intrathecal
ROA010 External ROA108 Intraocular
ROA011 Genital ROA109 Intracardiac
ROA012 IM ROA112 Intradermal
ROA032 Implant ROA114 Intraventricular
ROA033 Infiltration Dental Block ROA115 Submucosal
ROA034 Inhalation ROA123 Intrapleural
ROA036 Intra-Amniotic ROA133 Infiltration
ROA037 Intra-Articular ROA141 Irrigation
ROA039 Intracavernosal ROA147 Subdermal
ROA040 Intracervical ROA148 Buccal
ROA041 Intragluteally ROA159 Arteriovenous
ROA042 Intra-Mastitis ROA160 Central Nerve Block
ROA043 Intrammamary ROA161 Deep Sc
ROA045 Intra-Periodontal Pocket ROA162 Dermal
ROA046 Intra-Peritoneal ROA163 Endotracheal
ROA047 Intratracheal ROA164 Iliohypogastric (Nerve Block)
ROA048 Intrauterin ROA165 Ilionguinal
ROA049 Intravaginal ROA166 Intra-Arterial
ROA050 Intra-Vesically ROA167 Intrabursal
ROA051 IV ROA168 Intracavitiry
ROA052 IV Catheter ROA169 Intralesional
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ROA053 IV Infusion ROA170 Intramedullarily
ROA064 Local Oral ROA171 Intraosseous
ROA065 Local Oral Dental ROA172 Intra-Pulmonary
ROA067 Nasal ROA173 Intraspinal
ROA071 Nebulisation ROA174 Intrasublesional
ROA072 Ocular ROA175 Intrasynovial
ROA074 Oral ROA176 IV Bolus
ROA075 Oral Inhalation ROA177 Orofacial
ROA083 Orally Tube Feeding ROA178 Oropharyngeal
ROA084 Otic ROA179 Perianal
ROA085 Parenteral ROA180 Periarticular
ROA087 Peritoneal Dialysis ROA181 Peribulbar
ROA088 Rectal ROA182 Peripheral Nerve Block
ROA089 SC ROA183 Subconjunctival
ROA090 Spinal ROA184 Sympathetic Nerve Block
ROA091 Sublingual ROA185 Transcervical
ROA092 Topical ROA192 Cardiac Perfusion
ROA093 Topical Annal
ROA094 Topical- Scalp
ROA095 Transdermal

Table NAB023: Administration Site

Value Description Value Description
BE Bilateral Ears OD Right Eye
BN Bilateral Nares OS Left Eye
BU Buttock OU Bilateral Eyes
CT Chest Tube PA Perianal
LA Left Arm PERIN Perineal
LAC Left Anterior Chest RA Right Arm
LACF Left Antecubital Fossa RAC Right Anterior Chest
LD Left Deltoid RACF Right Antecubital Fossa
LE Left Ear RD Right Deltoid
LEJ Left External Jugular RE Right Ear
LF Left Foot REJ Right External Jugular
LG Left Gluteus Medius RF Right Foot
LH Left Hand RG Right Gluteus Medius
LIJ Left Internal Jugular RH Right Hand
LLAQ Left Lower Abd Quadrant RIJ Right Internal Jugular
LLFA Left Lower Forearm RLAQ Rt Lower Abd Quadrant
LMFA Left Mid Forearm RLFA Right Lower Forearm
LN Left Naris RMFA Right Mid Forearm
LPC Left Posterior Chest RN Right Naris
LSC Left Subclavian RPC Right Posterior Chest
LT Left Thigh RPC Right Posterior Chest
LUA Left Upper Arm RSC Right Subclavian
LUAQ Left Upper Abd Quadrant RT Right Thigh
LUFA Left Upper Forearm RUA Right Upper Arm
LVG Left Ventragluteal RUAQ Right Upper Abd Quadrant
LVL Left Vastus Lateralis RUFA Right Upper Forearm
NB Nebulized RVG Right Ventragluteal
OTH Others

Table NAB024: Primary Language

Value Description Value Description Value Description Value Description
ABK Abkhazian CAD Caddo GON Gondi KUT Kutenai
ACE Achinese CEB Cebuano GOR Gorontalo LAD Ladino
ACH Acoli CAI Central American Indian GOT Gothic LAH Lahnda
ADA Adangme CHG Chagatai GRE Greek LAM Lamba
ADY Adygei CMC Chamic GRN Guarani LAO Lao
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AAR Afar CHA Chamorro GUJ Gujarati LAT Latin
AFH Afrihili CHE Chechen GWI Gwich'in LAV Latvian
AFR Afrikaans CHR Cherokee HAI Haida LEZ Lezghian
AFA Afro-Asiatic CHY Cheyenne HAU Hausa LIM Limburgan
AIN Ainu CHB Chibcha HAW Hawaiian LIN Lingala
AKA Akan CHI Chinese HEB Hebrew LIT Lithuanian
AKK Akkadian CHP Chipewyan HER Herero JBO Lojban
ALB Albanian CHO Choctaw HIL Hiligaynon DSB Lower Sorbian
ALE Aleut CHK Chuukese HIN Hindi LOZ Lozi
ALG Algonquian CHV Chuvash HMO Hiri Motu LUB Luba-Katanga
TUT Altaic COP Coptic HIT Hittite LUA Luba-Lulua
AMH Amharic COR Cornish HMN Hmong LUI Luiseno
ANP Angika COS Corsican HUN Hungarian SMJ Lule Sami
APA Apache CRE Cree HUP Hupa LUN Lunda
ARA Arabic MUS Creek IBA Iban LUO Luo
ARG Aragonese CRP Creoles and Pidgins ICE Icelandic LUS Lushai
ARC Aramaic CRH Crimean IDO Ido LTZ Luxembourgish
ARP Arapaho HRV Croatian IBO Igbo MAC Macedonian
ARW Arawak CZE Czech ILO Iloko MAD Madurese
ARM Armenian DAK Dakota SMN Inari Sami MAG Magahi
RUP Aromanian DAN Danish IND Indonesian MAI Maithili
ASM Assamese DAR Dargwa INH Ingush MAK Makasar
AST Asturian DEL Delaware IKU Inuktitut MLG Malagasy
ATH Athapascan DIN Dinka IPK Inupiaq MAY Malay
MAP Austronesian DOI Dogri GLE Irish MAL Malayalam
AVA Avaric DGR Dogrib ITA Italian DIV Maldivian
AVE Avestan DUA Duala JPN Japanese MLT Maltese
AWA Awadhi DUT Dutch JAV Javanese MNC Manchu
AYM Aymara DYU Dyula KBD Kabardian MDR Mandar
AZE Azerbaijani DZO Dzongkha KAB Kabyle MAN Mandingo
BAN Balinese EFI Efik KAC Kachin MNI Manipuri
BAT Baltic EKA Ekajuk KAL Kalaallisut MNO Manobo
BAL Baluchi ELX Elamite XAL Kalmyk GLV Manx
BAM Bambara ENG English KAM Kamba MAO Maori
BAI Bamileke MYV Erzya KAN Kannada ARN Mapudungun
BAD Banda EPO Esperanto KAU Kanuri MAR Marathi
BNT Bantu EST Estonian KRC Karachay-Balkar CHM Mari
BAS Basa EWE Ewe KAA Kara-Kalpak MAH Marshallese
BAK Bashkir EWO Ewondo KRL Karelian MWR Marwari
BAQ Basque FAN Fang KAS Kashmiri MAS Masai
BTK Batak FAT Fanti CSB Kashubian MYN Mayan
BEJ Beja FAO Faroese KAW Kawi MEN Mende
BEL Belarusian FIJ Fijian KAZ Kazakh MIC Micmac
BEM Bemba FIL Filipino KHA Khasi MIN Minangkabau
BEN Bengali FIN Finnish KHM Khmer MWL Mirandese
BER Berber languages FON Fon KHO Khotanese MOH Mohawk
BHO Bhojpuri FRE French KIK Kikuyu; Gikuyu MDF Moksha
BIH Bihari languages FRS Frisian KMB Kimbundu LOL Mongo
BIK Bikol FUR Friulian KIN Kinyarwanda MON Mongolian
BYN Bilin FUL Fulah KIR Kirghiz MKH Mon-Khmer
BIN Bini GAA Ga KOM Komi CNR Montenegrin
BIS Bislama GLA Gaelic KON Kongo MOS Mossi
ZBL Blissymbols CAR Galibi Carib KOK Konkani MUN Munda
BOS Bosnian LUG Ganda KOR Korean NAH Nahuatl
BRA Braj GAY Gayo KOS Kosraean NAU Nauru
BRE Breton GBA Gbaya KPE Kpelle NAV Navajo; Navaho
BUG Buginese GEZ Geez KUA Kuanyama NDE Ndebele North
BUL Bulgarian GEO Georgian KUM Kumyk NBL Ndebele South
BUA Buriat GER German KUR Kurdish NDO Ndonga
BUR Burmese GIL Gilbertese KRU Kurukh NAP Neapolitan
Value Description Value Description Value Description Value Description
Nepal Bhasa;
NEW QUE Quechua SOT Sotho TUR Turkish
NEP Nepali RAJ Rajasthani ALT Southern Altai TUK Turkmen
NIA Nias RAP Rapanui SMA Southern Sami TVL Tuvalu
NIU Niuean RAR Rarotongan SPA Spanish TYV Tuvinian
NQO N'Ko RUM Romanian SRN Sranan Tongo TWI Twi
NOG Nogai ROH Romansh SUK Sukuma UDM Udmurt
FRR Northern Frisian ROM Romany SUX Sumerian UGA Ugaritic
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SME Northern Sami RUN Rundi SUN Sundanese UIG Uighur
NOR Norwegian RUS Russian SUS Susu UKR Ukrainian
NUB Nubian languages SMO Samoan SWA Swahili UMB Umbundu
NYM Nyamwezi SAD Sandawe SSW Swati HSB Upper Sorbian
NYA Nyanja SAG Sango SWE Swedish URD Urdu
NYN Nyankole SAN Sanskrit SYR Syriac UZB Uzbek
NYO Nyoro SAT Santali TGL Tagalog VAI Vai
NZI Nzima SRD Sardinian TAH Tahitian VEN Venda
OCI Occitan SAS Sasak TAI Tai VIE Vietnamese
OJI Ojibwa SEL Selkup TGK Tajik VOL Volapük
ORI Oriya SRP Serbian TMH Tamashek VOT Votic
ORM Oromo SRR Serer TAM Tamil WLN Walloon
OSA Osage SHN Shan TAT Tatar WAR Waray
OSS Ossetian SNA Shona TEL Telugu WAS Washo
PAL Pahlavi III Sichuan Yi TER Tereno WEL Welsh
PAU Palauan SCN Sicilian TET Tetum WAL Wolaitta
PLI Pali SID Sidamo THA Thai WOL Wolof
PAM Pampanga SGN Sign Language TIB Tibetan XHO Xhosa
PAG Pangasinan BLA Siksika TIG Tigre SAH Yakut
PAP Papiamento SND Sindhi TIR Tigrinya YAO Yao
PAA Papuan SIN Sinhalese TEM Timne YAP Yapese
NSO Pedi SIO Siouan TIV Tiv YID Yiddish
PER Persian SMS Skolt Sami TLI Tlingit YOR Yoruba
PHI Philippine SLA Slavic TPI Tok Pisin ZAP Zapotec
PHN Phoenician SLO Slovak TKL Tokelau ZZA Zaza
PON Pohnpeian SLV Slovenian TON Tonga ZEN Zenaga
POL Polish SOG Sogdian TSI Tsimshian ZHA Zhuang
POR Portuguese SOM Somali TSO Tsonga ZUL Zulu
PRA Prakrit SON Songhai TSN Tswana ZUN Zuni
PAN Punjabi SNK Soninke TUM Tumbuka UNK Unknown
PUS Pushto WEN Sorbian TUP Tupi

Table NAB025: Document Completion Status

Value Description Comment
AU Authenticated
DI Dictated
DO Documented
IN Incomplete
IP In Progress
LA Legally authenticated
PA Pre-authenticated

Table NAB026: Document Availability Status

Value Description Comment
AV Available for patient care
CA Deleted
OB Obsolete
UN Unavailable for patient care

Table NAB028: Completion Status

Value Description Comment
CP Complete
NA Not Administered
PA Partially Administered
RE Refused

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Table NAB029: Substance / Treatment Refusal Reason
Value Description Comment
1 Cost-Related
2 In Progress
3 No Consent
4 Other Vaccine Issues
5 Temporary Medical Condition
6 Vaccine Supply Issues

Table NAB030: Order Control

Value Description Value Description
AF Order/service refill request approval PY Notification of replacement order for outside dispense
CA Cancel order/service request RE Observations/Performed Service to follow
CH Child order/service RF Refill order/service request
CN Combined result RL Release previous hold
CR Canceled as requested RO Replacement order
DC Discontinue order/service request RP Order/service replace request
DE Data errors RQ Replaced as requested
DF Order/service refill request denied RR Request received
DR Discontinued as requested RU Replaced unsolicited
FU Order/service refilled, unsolicited SC Status changed
HD Hold order request SN Send order/service number
HR On hold as requested SR Response to send order/service status request
LI Link order/service to patient care problem or goal SS Send order/service status request
NA Number assigned UA Unable to accept order/service
NW New order/service UC Unable to cancel
OC Order/service canceled UD Unable to discontinue
OD Order/service discontinued UF Unable to refill
OE Order/service released UH Unable to put on hold
OF Order/service refilled as requested UM Unable to replace
OH Order/service held UN Unlink order/service from patient care problem or goal
OK Order/service accepted & OK UR Unable to release
OP Notification of order for outside dispense UX Unable to change
OR Released as requested XO Change order/service request
PA Parent order/service XR Changed as requested
PR Previous Results with new order/service XX Order/service changed, unsol.

Table NAB031: Order Status

Value Description Comment
A Some, but not all, results available
CA Order was canceled
CM Order is completed
DC Order was discontinued
ER Error, order not found
HD Order is on hold
IP In process, unspecified
RP Order has been replaced
SC In process, scheduled

Table NAB032: Order Type

Value Description Comment
LAB Lab orders / results
MED Medication orders
OBS Observations
RAD Radiology orders / results
VXU Vaccines
OTH Everything else

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Table NAB033: Results
Value Description Comment
A Some, but not all, results available
C Correction to results
F Final results; results stored and verified. Can only be changed with a corrected result.
No results available; specimen received, procedure
I incomplete
O Order received; specimen not yet received
Preliminary: A verified early result is available, final results
P not yet obtained
R Results stored; not yet verified
S No results available; procedure scheduled, but not done
X No results available; Order canceled.
Y No order on record for this test. Used only on queries
Z No record of this patient. Used only on queries

Table NAB034: Specimen Type

Value Description Value Description Value Description
ABS Abscess GASA Aspirate, Gastric PRP Plasma, Platelet rich
ACNE Tissue, Acne GASAN Antrum, Gastric PSC Pseudocyst
ACNFLD Fluid, Acne GASBR Brushing, Gastric PUNCT Wound, Puncture
AIRS Air Sample GASD Drainage, Gastric PUS Pus
ALL Allograft GAST Fluid/contents, Gastric PUSFR Pustule
AMP Amputation GENV Genital vaginal PUST Pus
ANGI Catheter Tip, Angio GRAFT Graft QC3 Quality Control
ARTC Catheter Tip, Arterial GRANU Granuloma RANDU Urine, Random
ASERU Serum, Acute GROSH Catheter, Groshong RBITE Bite, Reptile
ASP Aspirate GSOL Solution, Gastrostomy RECT Drainage, Rectal
ATTE Environmental, Autoclave Ampule GSPEC Biopsy, Gastric RECTA Abscess, Rectal
AUTOC Environment, Attest GT Tube, Gastric RENALC Cyst, Renal
AUTP Autopsy GTUBE Drainage Tube, Gastrostomy RENC Fluid, Renal Cyst
BBL Blood bag HBITE Bite, Human RES Respiratory
BCYST Cyst, Baker's HBLUD Blood, Autopsy SAL Saliva
BITE Bite HEMAQ Catheter Tip, Hemaquit SCAR Tissue, Keloid (Scar)
BLEB Bleb HEMO Catheter Tip, Hemovac SCLV Catheter Tip, Subclavian
BLIST Blister HERNI Tissue, Herniated SCROA Abscess, Scrotal
BOIL Boil HEV Drain, Hemovac SECRE Secretion(s)
BON Bone HIC Catheter, Hickman SER Serum
BOWL Bowel contents HYDC Fluid, Hydrocele SHU Site, Shunt
BPU Blood product unit IBITE Bite, Insect SHUNF Fluid, Shunt
BRN Burn ICYST Cyst, Inclusion SHUNT Shunt
BRSH Brush IDC Catheter Tip, Indwelling SITE Site
BRTH Breath (use EXHLD) IHG Gas, Inhaled SKBP Biopsy, Skin
BRUS Brushing ILEO Drainage, Ileostomy SKN Skin
BUB Bubo ILLEG Source of Specimen Is Illegible SMM Mass, Sub-Mandibular
BULLA Bulla/Bullae IMP Implant SNV Fluid, synovial (Joint fluid)
BX Biopsy INCI Site, Incision/Surgical SPRM Spermatozoa
CALC Calculus (=Stone) INFIL Infiltrate SPRP Catheter Tip, Suprapubic
CARBU Carbuncle INS Insect SPRPB Cathether Tip, Suprapubic
CAT Catheter INTRD Catheter Tip, Introducer SPS Environmental, Spore Strip
CBITE Bite, Cat IT Intubation tube SPT Sputum
CLIPP Clippings IUD Intrauterine Device SPTC Sputum - coughed
CNJT Conjunctiva IVCAT Catheter Tip, IV SPTT Sputum - tracheal aspirate
COL Colostrum IVFLD Fluid, IV SPUT1 Sputum, Simulated
CONE Biospy, Cone IVTIP Tubing Tip, IV SPUTIN Sputum, Inducted
CSCR Scratch, Cat JEJU Drainage, Jejunal SPUTSP Sputum, Spontaneous
CSERU Serum, Convalescent JNTFLD Fluid, Joint STER Environmental, Sterrad
CSITE Catheter Insertion Site JP Drainage, Jackson Pratt STL Stool = Fecal
CSMY Fluid, Cystostomy Tube KELOI Lavage STONE Stone, Kidney
CST Fluid, Cyst KIDFLD Fluid, Kidney SUBMA Abscess, Submandibular
CSVR Blood, Cell Saver LAVG Lavage, Bronhial SUBMX Abscess, Submaxillary
CTP Catheter tip LAVGG Lavage, Gastric SUMP Drainage, Sump
CVPS Site, CVP LAVGP Lavage, Peritoneal SUP Suprapubic Tap

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CVPT Catheter Tip, CVP LAVPG Lavage, Pre-Bronch SUTUR Suture
CYN Nodule, Cystic LENS1 Contact Lens SWGZ Catheter Tip, Swan Gantz
CYST Cyst LENS2 Contact Lens Case TASP Aspirate, Tracheal
DBITE Bite, Dog LESN Lesion TISS Tissue
DCS Sputum, Deep Cough LIQ Liquid, Unspecified TISU Tissue ulcer
DEC Ulcer, Decubitus LIQO Liquid, Other TLC Cathether Tip, Triple Lumen
DEION Environmental, Water (Deionized) LSAC Fluid, Lumbar Sac TRAC Site, Tracheostomy
DIA Dialysate MAHUR Catheter Tip, Makurkour TRANS Transudate
DISCHG Discharge MASS Mass TSERU Serum, Trough
DIV Diverticulum MBLD Blood, Menstrual TSTES Abscess, Testicular
DRN Drain MUCOS Mucosa TTRA Aspirate, Transtracheal
DRNG Drainage, Tube MUCUS Mucus TUBES Tubes
DRNGP Drainage, Penrose NASDR Drainage, Nasal TUMOR Tumor
EARW Ear wax (cerumen) NEDL Needle TZANC Smear, Tzanck
EBRUSH Brush, Esophageal NEPH Site, Nephrostomy UDENT Source, Unidentified
EEYE Environmental, Eye Wash NGASP Aspirate, Nasogastric UR Urine
EFF Environmental, Effluent NGAST Drainage, Nasogastric URC Urine clean catch
EFFUS Effusion NGS Site, Naso/Gastric URINB Urine, Bladder Washings
EFOD Environmental, Food NODUL Nodule(s) URINC Urine, Catheterized
EISO Environmental, Isolette NSECR Secretion, Nasal URINM Urine, Midstream
ELT Electrode OTH Other URINN Urine, Nephrostomy
ENVIR Env., Unidentified Substance ORL Lesion, Oral URINP Urine, Pedibag
EOTH Environmental, Other Substance OTH Source, Other URT Urine catheter
ESOI Environmental, Soil PACEM Pacemaker USCOP Urine, Cystoscopy
ESOS Environmental, Solution (Sterile) PCFL Fluid, Pericardial USPEC Source, Unspecified
ETA Aspirate, Endotrach PDSIT Site, Peritoneal Dialysis VASTIP Catheter Tip, Vas
ETTP Catheter Tip, Endotracheal PDTS Site, Peritoneal Dialysis Tunnel VENT Catheter Tip, Ventricular
ETTUB Tube, Endotracheal PELVA Abscess, Pelvic VITF Vitreous Fluid
EWHI Environmental, Whirlpool PENIL Lesion, Penile VOM Vomitus
EXG Gas, exhaled (=breath) PERIA Abscess, Perianal WASH Wash
EXS Shunt, External PILOC Cyst, Pilonidal WASI Washing, e.g. bronchial washing
EXUDTE Exudate PINS Site, Pin WAT Water
FAW Environmental, Water (Well) PIS Site, Pacemaker Insetion WB Blood, Whole
FBLOOD Blood, Fetal PLAN Plant Material WEN Wen
FGA Fluid, Abdomen PLAS Plasma WICK Wick
FIST Fistula PLB Plasma bag WND Wound
FLD Fluid, Other PLEVS Serum, Peak Level WNDA Wound abscess
FLT Filter PND Drainage, Penile WNDD Wound drainage
FLU Fluid, Body unsp POL Polyps WNDE Wound exudate
FLUID Fluid POPGS Graft Site, Popliteal WORM Worm
FOLEY Catheter Tip, Foley POPLG Graft, Popliteal WRT Wart
FRS Fluid, Respiratory POPLV Site, Popliteal Vein WWA Environmental, Water
FSCLP Scalp, Fetal PORTA Catheter, Porta WWO Environmental, Water (Ocean)
FUR Furuncle PPP Plasma, Platelet poor WWT Environmental, Water (Tap)
GAS Gas PROST Prosthetic Device

Table NAB035: Document Type

Value Description Comment
OE Outpatient Encounter - Summary
ED Emergency Encounter - Summary
DS Discharge Summary
DM Discharge Summary – Maternal
DN Discharge Summary – NewBorn
CD Cardio Diagnostics
HP History and Physical Examination
OP Operative Report
PN Procedure Note
CP Care Plan Summary
TS Transfer Summary
DE Death Summary

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Table NAB037: Value Type
Value Description Comment
ED Encapsulated Data Field Type
NM Numeric Field Type
ST String Data. Field Type

Table NAB038: Nationality

Value Description Value Description Value Description
Afghan Afghanistan Guinean Guinea; Guinea-Bissau Polish Poland
Albanian Albania Guyanese Guyana Portuguese Portugal
Algerian Algeria Haitian Haiti Qatari Qatar
United States
American Honduran Honduras Romanian Romania
of America
Andorran Andorra Hungarian Hungary Russian Russian Federation
Angolan Angola Icelandic Iceland Rwandan Rwanda
Antigua and
Antiguan I-Kiribati Kiribati Sahrawian Western Sahara
Argentine Argentina Indian India Saint Lucian Saint Lucia
Armenian Armenia Indonesian Indonesia Salvadoran El Salvador
Australian Australia Iranian Iran Sammarinese San Marino
Austrian Austria Iraqi Iraq Samoan Samoa
Azerbaijani Azerbaijan Irish Ireland Sao Tomean Sao Tome and Principe
Bahamian Bahamas Israeli Israel Saudi Saudi Arabia
Bahraini Bahrain Italian Italy Senegalese Senegal
Bangladeshi Bangladesh Ivorian Côte d'Ivoire Serbian Serbia
Barbadian Barbados Jamaican Jamaica Seychellois Seychelles
Basotho Lesotho Japanese Japan Sierra Leonean Sierra Leone
Belarusian Belarus Jordanian Jordan Singapore Singapore
Belgian Belgium Kazakhstani Kazakhstan Slovak Slovakia
Belizean Belize Kenyan Kenya Slovenian Slovenia
Beninese Benin Kittitian Saint Kitts and Nevis Solomon Islander Solomon Islands
Bhutanese Bhutan Korean Republic of Korea; DPRK Somali Somalia
Bidoun Kuwaiti Kuwait South African South Africa
Bolivian Bolivia Kyrgyzstani Kyrgyzstan Spanish Spain
Bosnia and Lao People's Democratic
Bosnian Laotian Sri Lankan Sri Lanka
Herzegovina Republic
Brazilian Brazil Latvian Latvia Sudanese Sudan
British Lebanese Lebanon Surinamese Suriname
Bruneian Liberian Liberia Swazi Swaziland
Bulgarian Bulgaria Libyan Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Swedish Sweden
Burkinabe Burkina Faso Lithuanian Lithuania Swiss Switzerland
Burundian Burundi Luxembourg Luxembourg Syrian Syrian Arab Republic
Cambodian Cambodia Macedonian Republic of Macedonia Tajikistani Tajikistan
United Republic of
Cameroonian Cameroon Malagasy Madagascar Tanzanian
Canadian Canada Malawian Malawi Thai Thailand
Cape Verdean Cape Verde Malaysian Malaysia Timorese Timor-Leste
Central African African Maldivian Maldives Togolese Togo
Chadian Chad Malian Mali Tongan Tonga
Chilean Chile Maltese Malta Trinidadian Trinidad and Tobago
Chinese China Marshallese Marshall Islands Tunisian Tunisia
Colombian Colombia Mauritanian Mauritania Turkish Turkey
Comoran Comoros Mauritian Mauritius Turkmen Turkmenistan
Congolese Mexican Mexico Tuvaluan Tuvalu
Republic of
the Congo
Cook Islander Cook Islands Micronesian Micronesia Ugandan Uganda
Costa Rican Costa Rica Moldovan Republic of Moldova Ukrainian Ukraine

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Croatian Croatia Monegasque Monaco Uruguayan Uruguay
Cuban Cuba Mongolian Mongolia Uzbek Uzbekistan
Cypriot Cyprus Montenegrin Montenegro Venezuelan Venezuela
Czech Moroccan Morocco Vietnamese Viet Nam
Saint Vincent and the
Danish Denmark Motswana Botswana Vincentian
Djiboutian Djibouti Mozambican Mozambique Yemeni Yemen
Dominican Dominican Myanmarese Myanmar Zambian Zambia
Dutch Netherlands Namibian Namibia Zimbabwean Zimbabwe
Ecuadorian Ecuador Nauruan Nauru UNK Unknown
Egyptian Egypt Nepalese Nepal Aruban Aruba
United Arab
Emirati New Zealand New Zealand Bermudian Bermuda
Equatoguinean Nicaraguan Nicaragua Welsh Wales
Eritrean Eritrea Nigerian Nigeria Yugoslavian Yugoslavia
Estonian Estonia Nigerien Niger Taiwanese Taiwan
Ethiopian Ethiopia Niuean Niue Kosovan Kosovo
Fijian Fiji Ni-Vanuatu Vanuatu
Finnish Finland Norwegian Norway
French France Omani Oman
Gabonese Gabon Pakistani Pakistan
Gambian Gambia Palauan Palau
Georgian Georgia Palestinian Palestine
German Germany Panamanian Panama
Ghanaian Ghana Papua New Guinean Papua New Guinea
Greek Greece Paraguayan Paraguay
Grenadian Grenada Peruvian Peru
Guatemalan Guatemala Philippine Philippines

Table NAB039: Country

Value Description Value Description Value Description
004 Afghanistan 304 Greenland 634 Qatar
248 Åland Islands 308 Grenada 410 Republic of Korea
008 Albania 312 Guadeloupe 498 Republic of Moldova
012 Algeria 316 Guam 638 Réunion
016 American Samoa 320 Guatemala 642 Romania
020 Andorra 831 Guernsey 643 Russian Federation
024 Angola 324 Guinea 646 Rwanda
660 Anguilla 624 Guinea-Bissau 652 Saint Barthélemy
028 Antigua and Barbuda 328 Guyana 654 Saint Helena
032 Argentina 332 Haiti 659 Saint Kitts and Nevis
051 Armenia 336 Holy See 662 Saint Lucia
533 Aruba 340 Honduras 663 Saint Martin (French part)
036 Australia 348 Hungary 666 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
040 Austria 352 Iceland 670 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
031 Azerbaijan 356 India 882 Samoa
044 Bahamas 360 Indonesia 674 San Marino
048 Bahrain 364 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 678 Sao Tome and Principe
050 Bangladesh 368 Iraq 680 Sark
052 Barbados 372 Ireland 682 Saudi Arabia
112 Belarus 833 Isle of Man 686 Senegal
056 Belgium 376 Israel 688 Serbia
084 Belize 380 Italy 690 Seychelles
204 Benin 388 Jamaica 694 Sierra Leone
060 Bermuda 392 Japan 702 Singapore
064 Bhutan 832 Jersey 534 Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
068 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 400 Jordan 703 Slovakia
535 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 398 Kazakhstan 705 Slovenia
070 Bosnia and Herzegovina 404 Kenya 090 Solomon Islands
072 Botswana 296 Kiribati 706 Somalia
076 Brazil 414 Kuwait 710 South Africa
092 British Virgin Islands 417 Kyrgyzstan 728 South Sudan
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Lao People's Democratic
Brunei Darussalam Spain
096 418 Republic 724
100 Bulgaria 428 Latvia 144 Sri Lanka
854 Burkina Faso 422 Lebanon 275 State of Palestine
108 Burundi 426 Lesotho 729 Sudan
132 Cabo Verde 430 Liberia 740 Suriname
116 Cambodia 434 Libya 744 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
120 Cameroon 438 Liechtenstein 748 Swaziland
124 Canada 440 Lithuania 752 Sweden
136 Cayman Islands 442 Luxembourg 756 Switzerland
140 Central African Republic 450 Madagascar 760 Syrian Arab Republic
148 Chad 454 Malawi 762 Tajikistan
830 Channel Islands 458 Malaysia 764 Thailand
The former Yugoslav Republic of
Chile Maldives
152 462 807 Macedonia
156 China 466 Mali 626 Timor-Leste
China, Hong Kong Special
Malta Togo
344 Administrative Region 470 768
China, Macao Special
Marshall Islands Tokelau
446 Administrative Region 584 772
170 Colombia 474 Martinique 776 Tonga
174 Comoros 478 Mauritania 780 Trinidad and Tobago
178 Congo 480 Mauritius 788 Tunisia
184 Cook Islands 175 Mayotte 792 Turkey
188 Costa Rica 484 Mexico 795 Turkmenistan
Micronesia (Federated States
Côte d'Ivoire Turks and Caicos Islands
384 583 of) 796
191 Croatia 492 Monaco 798 Tuvalu
192 Cuba 496 Mongolia 800 Uganda
531 Curaçao 499 Montenegro 804 Ukraine
196 Cyprus 500 Montserrat 784 United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Czech Republic Morocco
203 504 826 Northern Ireland
Democratic People's Republic of Mozambique
United Republic of Tanzania
408 Korea 508 834
Democratic Republic of the
Myanmar United States of America
180 Congo 104 840
208 Denmark 516 Namibia 850 United States Virgin Islands
262 Djibouti 520 Nauru 858 Uruguay
212 Dominica 524 Nepal 860 Uzbekistan
214 Dominican Republic 528 Netherlands 548 Vanuatu
218 Ecuador 540 New Caledonia 862 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
818 Egypt 554 New Zealand 704 Viet Nam
222 El Salvador 558 Nicaragua 876 Wallis and Futuna Islands
226 Equatorial Guinea 562 Niger 732 Western Sahara
232 Eritrea 566 Nigeria 887 Yemen
233 Estonia 570 Niue 894 Zambia
231 Ethiopia 574 Norfolk Island 716 Zimbabwe
234 Faeroe Islands 580 Northern Mariana Islands 001 Other
238 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 578 Norway 158 Taiwan
242 Fiji 512 Oman
246 Finland 586 Pakistan
250 France 585 Palau
254 French Guiana 591 Panama
258 French Polynesia 598 Papua New Guinea
266 Gabon 600 Paraguay
270 Gambia 604 Peru
268 Georgia 608 Philippines
276 Germany 612 Pitcairn
288 Ghana 616 Poland
292 Gibraltar 620 Portugal
300 Greece 630 Puerto Rico

Table NAB040: Priority

Value Description Comment

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RT Routine

Table NAB041: Relationship

Value Description Value Description
ASC Associate MGR Manager
BRO Brother MTH Mother
CGV Care giver NCH Natural child
CHD Child NON None
DEP Handicapped dependent OAD Other adult
DOM Life partner OTH Other
EMC Emergency contact OWN Owner
EME Employee PAR Parent
EMR Employer SCH Stepchild
EXF Extended family SEL Self
FCH Foster child SIB Sibling
FND Friend SIS Sister
FTH Father SPO Spouse
GCH Grandchild TRA Trainer
GRD Guardian UNK Unknown
GRP Grandparent WRD Ward of court

Table NAB042: Allergy Type Code

Value Description Comment
DA Drug allergy EMR to send DDC codes of the medication in format 0000-000000-0000^MedicineText^DDC
FA Food allergy EMR to send codes as per NAB043 table
MA Miscellaneous allergy
MC Miscellaneous contraindication
EA Environmental Allergy
AA Animal Allergy
PA Plant Allergy
LA Pollen Allergy
OT Other

Table NAB043: Allergen Code

Value Description Value Description Value Description
cow's milk protein organophosphate
15911003 232347008 dander animal allergy 294626002
sensitivity pesticide allergy
soy protein
25868003 232348003 feather allergy 294627006 malathion allergy
pyrethroid pesticides
91930004 allergy to eggs 232349006 house dust allergy 294628001
91932007 allergy to fruit 232350006 house dust mite allergy 294629009 phenothrin allergy
91934008 allergy to nuts 293641005 diagnostic dye allergy 294630004 Permethrin allergy
Clostridium botulinum
91935009 allergy to peanuts 293785000 paclitaxel allergy 294667007
toxin allergy
91937001 allergy to seafood 293960001 Disulfiram allergy 294881007 warfarin allergy
allergy to multiple electrolyte
91938006 293977001 labetalol allergy 294917002
strawberries infusion allergy
enteral and supplement
91940001 allergy to walnuts 293983003 sotalol allergy 294918007
feeds allergy
oral rehydration salts
213020009 egg protein allergy 294037000 salbutamol allergy 294919004
293842000 tryptophan allergy 294118006 clemastine allergy 294962003 cholestyramine allergy
294298002 glycine allergy 294133003 295106007 ethanolamine allergy
294316000 olive oil allergy 294134009 diphenylpyraline allergy 300908007 perfume allergy
294317009 Arachis oil allergy 294136006 mepyramine allergy 300910009 allergy to pollen
294840004 salcatonin allergy 294179008 sulfur allergy 300911008 allergy to animal hair
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surgical tissue adhesive
294847001 gelatin allergy 294189007 300915004 metal allergy
294968004 fish oils allergy 294190003 enbucrilate allergy 300916003 latex allergy
omega 3-marine
294969007 294207001 retinoid allergy 390952000 dust allergy
triglycerides allergy
300912001 chocolate allergy 294208006 etretinate allergy 402306009 allergy to aluminum
allergic angioedema due
300913006 shellfish allergy 294209003 acitretin allergy 402389004
to bite and/or sting
300914000 cheese allergy 294210008 tretinoin allergy 402591008 allergy to biocide
allergic angioedema
402388007 due to ingested 294211007 isotretinoin allergy 402594000 allergy to plant
409136006 allergy to legumes 294261003 Terpenes allergy 402595004 allergy to wood
gastrointestinal disodium edetate
414314005 294289000 402596003 allergy to lichen
food allergy allergy
417532002 allergy to fish 294307004 citrate allergy 402597007 allergy to tree resin
417918006 allergy to pork 294322009 base allergy 402598002 allergy to flavor
418051002 allergy to cherry 294324005 paraffin allergy 417930000 allergy to adhesive
allergy to citrus paraffin-yellow soft
418085001 294325006 417982003 allergy to cosmetic
fruit allergy
paraffin-white soft
418184004 allergy to rye 294326007 418545001 allergy to dye
allergy to apple allergy to ragweed
418314004 294327003 liquid paraffin allergy 418561004
juice pollen
418397007 allergy to cinnamon 294328008 silicone allergy 418689008 allergy to grass pollen
allergy to almond
418606003 294329000 dimethicone allergy 418968001 allergy to gauze
418626004 allergy to lobster 294330005 wool alcohol allergy 419063004 allergy to horse dander
418779002 allergy to tomato 294332002 polyvinyl alcohol allergy 419199007 allergy to substance
418815008 allergy to red meat 294413007 thymol allergy 419210001 allergy to weed pollen
allergy to adhesive
419101002 allergy to seed 294423003 glutaraldehyde allergy 419238009
allergy to
419298007 294423003 glutaraldehyde allergy 419263009 allergy to tree pollen
419342009 allergy to oats 294444003 disinfectant dye allergy 419271008 allergy to dog dander
acridine azo disinfectant
419573007 allergy to corn 294445002 419412007 allergy to rubber
dye allergy
triphenylmethane azo
419619007 allergy to potato 294446001 419474003 allergy to mold
disinfectant dye allergy
allergy to coconut
419814004 294447005 crystal violet allergy 419788000 allergy to nickel
allergy to scorpion
419967000 allergy to oyster 294448000 brilliant green allergy 422921000
hexamine hippurate
419972009 allergy to shrimp 294479001 423058007 allergy to wasp venom
420080006 allergy to carrot 294619002 pesticide allergy 424213003 allergy to bee venom
420174000 allergy to wheat 294620008 benzyl benzoate allergy 425605001 allergy to wool
allergy to dairy
425525006 294621007 monosulfiram allergy 427487000 allergy to spider venom
EMR to send their
carbamate pesticide
432807008 pollen-food allergy 294622000 Unknown description that not
found in NABIDH table
allergy to dietary 419199007 Allergy to substance
447961002 294623005 carbaryl allergy
laboratory animal chlorinated pesticide 416098002 Drug allergy
188336009 294624004
dander allergy allergy
allergy to cat 59037007 Drug intolerance
232346004 294625003 lindane allergy
414285001 Food allergy
000000000 Others (Facilities to
send 000000000 as
Code for others if no
other codes are
matching in the table
along with actual allergy

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Table NAB044: Allergen Reaction
Value Description Comment
Hives Hives
Itching Itching
Nasal congestion Nasal congestion
Rash Rash
Scratchy throat Scratchy throat
Watery or itchy eyes Watery or itchy eyes
Sneezing Sneezing
Wheezing Wheezing
Swollen lips Swollen lips
Swollen tongue Swollen tongue
Swollen eyes or face Swollen eyes or face
Chest tightness Chest tightness
Shortness of breath and a Shortness of breath and a
cough cough
Unknown Unknown
Other Other

Table NAB046: Profession

Value Description Comment
Agriculture Agriculture
Airlines Airlines
Healthcare and medicine Healthcare and medicine
Arts and entertainment Arts and entertainment
Banking and Finance Banking and Finance
Blue Collar Blue Collar
Business Business
Consultant Consultant
Industrial and manufacturing Industrial and manufacturing
Home Maker Home Maker
Hospitality Hospitality
IT Professional IT Professional
Law enforcement and armed forces Law enforcement and armed forces
Lawyer Lawyer
Media Media
Mining Mining
Other Other
Research Research
Retired Retired
Road Transport Road Transport
Science and technology Science and technology
Shipping Shipping
Skilled Labor Skilled Labor
Sports Sports
Student Student
Teacher Teacher
Unknown Unknown

Table NAB047: Emirate

Value Description Comment
Dubai Dubai
Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi
Sharjah Sharjah
Fujairah Fujairah
Ras Al khaimah Ras Al khaimah
Umm Al Quwain Umm Al Quwain
Ajman Ajman

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Others Others
Unknown Unknown

Table NAB048: Patient Assigned Location

Value Description Comment
Ambulatory Care Ambulatory Care
Burns Ward Burns Ward
Cath Lab Cath Lab
Consultation Consultation
Critical Care Unit (CCU) Critical Care Unit (CCU)
Daycare Daycare
Dental Clinic Dental Clinic
Diagnostics Tests Diagnostics Tests
Dialysis Unit Dialysis Unit
Emergency Emergency
Endoscopy Endoscopy
Follow up Visit Follow up Visit
General Ward General Ward
High Dependency Unit (HDU) High Dependency Unit (HDU)
Infusion Infusion
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Isolation Ward Isolation Ward
Labor Ward Labor Ward
Laboratory Tests Laboratory Tests
Maternity Ward Maternity Ward
Medical Dressing Medical Dressing
Medical Ward Medical Ward
Nebulization Nebulization
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Nephrology Ward Nephrology Ward
Neurology Ward Neurology Ward
Oncology Ward Oncology Ward
Orthopedics Ward Orthopedics Ward
Other Wards/Units Other Wards/Units
Pediatrics Ward Pediatrics Ward
Physiotherapy Physiotherapy
Radiology Tests Radiology Tests
Surgical Ward Surgical Ward
Urology Ward Urology Ward
Vaccination Vaccination
Wellness and Prevention checkup Wellness and Prevention checkup

Table NAB049: Vaccination Pattern

Value Description Comment
Dose1 Dose1
Dose2 Dose2
Dose3 Dose3
Dose4 Dose4
Dose5 Dose5
Dose6 Dose6
Dose7 Dose7
Dose8 Dose8
Dose9 Dose9
Dose10 Dose10
Unknown Unknown
Other Other
Booster Booster Shot

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Table NAB050: Vaccination Duration Quantity
Value Description Comment
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
Unknown Unknown
Other Other

Table NAB051: Vaccination Duration Units

Value Description Comment
Doses Doses
Drops Drops
Shots Shots
Unknown Unknown
Other Other

Table NAB052: Social Habit

Value Description Comment

Aerated Drinks Aerated Drinks
Alcohol Alcohol
Coffee Coffee
Drugs Drugs
No habits No habits
Other Other
Shisha Shisha
Smoking Smoking
Tea Tea
Unknown Unknown

Table NAB053: Social Habit Qty

Value Description Comment
High High
Low Low
Medium Medium
Never Never
Occasional Occasional
Other Other
Rare Rare
Unknown Unknown

Table NAB054: Social Habit Category

Value Description Comment
Drugs Drugs
Aerated Drinks Aerated Drinks
Alcohol Alcohol
Beverages Beverages
No habits No habits

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Other Other
Smoking Smoking
Unknown Unknown

Table HL7128: Allergen Severity

Value Description Comment
C Critical
M Major
MN Minor
MO Moderate
MI Mild
CO Cosmetic
U Unknown
O Other
SV Severe

Table HL7131: Contact Role

Value Description Comment
C Emergency Contact
E Employer
N Next-of-Kin
O Other
U Unknown
G Government Department
I Insurance Company

Table HL7190: Address Type

Value Description Comment
BA Bad address
BDL Birthday delivery location
BR Residence at birth
C Current Or Temporary
F Country of Origin
H Home
L Legal Address
M Mailing Address
O Office Address
P Permanent Address

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7. NABIDH Specifications Acceptance
Facility (sending organization) agrees to provide all patient clinical data covered in below trigger events described in
this inbound specification document and accepts to follow the implementation guidelines made part of this document.

Structure Structure
Supported Trigger Events Supported Trigger Events
Base Type Base Type
HL7 ADT Events
 A05-Pre-Admit Patient  A09-Patient Departed – Tracking
ADT^A05  A28-Add Patient Information ADT^A09  A10-Patient Arrived (Tracking)
 A31-Update Patient Information  A11-Cancel Admit Patient Notification
 A01-Admit Patient Notification  A23-Delete Patient Record
 A04-Register Patient  A25-Cancel Pending Discharge
 A08-Update Patient Information  A27-Cancel Pending Admit
 A13-Cancel Discharge Event  A29-Delete Person Information
ADT^A02  A02-Patient Transfer Event ADT^A12  A12-Cancel Patient Transfer Event
ADT^A03  A03-Discharge Event ADT^A45  A45-Move Visit Information (Visit Number)
 A39-Merge Patient (Patient ID)  A06-Change Outpatient to Inpatient
 A40-Merge Patient Identifier List.  A07-Change Inpatient to Outpatient
 A30-Merge Patient Information (Patient ID
Only),  A47-Change Patient Identifier List.
Note: Facility can select either one of the Merge Patient msg from A30, A47, A39, or A40. A37-UnMerge Not Supported
HL7 ORM or RDE or OMP (Medications) Events
ORM^O01  O01 – Used For Medication Orders
Note: Select either of the message type to send medication orders
OMP^O09  O09 – Pharmacy/Treatment Order Message
related to Emergency, Outpatient and Inpatient Discharge
RDE^O11  O11 – Pharmacy / Treatment Encoded Order
HL7 ORU (Lab Results, Radiology Results, Transcriptions) Events
 R01 – Unsolicited Transmission of an Observation Message.
Note: R01 used for lab, radiology, transcriptions and other orders, and for observations
HL7 MDM (Documents) Events
 T02 –Document Notification And Content
MDM^T02  T04 – Document Status Change Notification MDM^T01  T11 – Document Cancel Notification
 T08 – Document edit notification and content
HL7 VXU (Immunizations) Events
VXU^V04  V04 – Unsolicited Vaccination Record Update
HL7 PPR (Problems) Events
PPR^PC1  PC1 – Problems (Add, Update, and Delete)

Agrees To:

Facility Name (type):

Review/Validation Remark

Authorized signature

Approver Name (type):

Date (type):

Signature (electronic:)

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