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INTEXT QUESTIONS [PAGE NO.269] Ans. In the case of a long-time perspective in

managing our resources, these
Q1. What changes can you make in your resources will last for the generations to
habits to become more environment- come. This management ensures
friendly? uniform distribution among the people.
Ans. We should switch off the electrical It conserves the natural resources for
appliances when not in use. Water and many years and not just for a few years,
food should not be wasted. Close the as in the case of a short-term
tap when not in use. Dump the objects perspective in conserving natural
made of plastic and glass in designated resources.
recycling boxes. Plastic, paper, or glass Q4. Why do you think there should be
must be recycled or reused and not equitable distribution of resources?
dumped with other wastes. This is What forces would be working against
because objects made of plastic do not an equitable distribution of our
get decomposed easily. Besides soil
Ans. Natural resources of the Earth must be
fertility, they badly affect our distributed among the people uniformly
environment. We should dispose the so that each and every one gets his
wastes safely and not disperse in public share of the resource.
places. These are a few things that can Human greed, corruption, and the lobby
be done to become more environment- of the rich and powerful are the forces
friendly. working against an equitable
Q2. What would be the advantages of distribution of resources.
exploiting resources with short-term
Ans. There should be a judicious use of Q1. Why should we conserve forests and
natural resources as they are limited in wildlife?
nature. We should not exploit resources Ans. We should conserve forests and wildlife
for our short term gains as this would to preserve the biodiversity (range of
only lead to depletion of natural different life-forms) so as to avoid the
resources for the present generation as loss of ecological stability. A large
well as generations to come. Hence, we number of tribes are the habitants in
can say that there are hardly any and around the forests. If the forests are
advantages of exploiting natural not conserved, then it may affect these
resources for short term gains. habitants. Without proper management
Q3. How would these advantages differ of forest and wildlife, the quality of
from the advantages of using a long- soil, the water sources, and even the
term perspective in managing our amount of rainfall may be affected.
Without forest and wildlife, life would
become impossible for human beings.
Management of Natural Resource [179]

Q2. Suggest some approaches towards the Ans. The source of water in our region is
conservation of forests. ground water. Water from the source is
Ans. Some approaches towards the available to all the people living in that
conservation of forests are as follows: area.
(a) People should show their participation
in saving the forest by protesting NCERT TEXT BOOK EXERCISES
against the cutting of trees. For [PAGE.NO. 278-279]
example, Chipko Andolan
Q1. What changes would you suggest in
(b) Planting of trees should be increased.
your home in order to be environment-
Rate of afforestation must be more than
that of deforestation.
Ans. Changes that can be undertaken in our
(c) Some people cut precious trees such as
homes to be environment-friendly are
Chandan to earn money. Government
listed below:
should take legal steps to catch these
(i) Switch off the electrical appliances
wood smugglers.
when not in use.
(d) Habitants of forests must not be
(ii) Turn the taps off while brushing or
bothered by the forest officials.
bathing and repair the leaking taps.
Otherwise, this would result in the clash
(iii) Throw biodegradable and non-
between tribal people and the
biodegradable waste into separate bins.
government officials, thereby
(iv) Construct composting pits.
enhancing the naxal activities in forests.
(v) Food items such as jam, pickles, etc.,
come packed in plastic bottles. These
INTEXT QUESTIONS [PAGE NO.276] bottles can later be used for storing
Q1. Find out about the traditional systems things in the kitchen.
of water harvesting/management in Q2. Can you suggest some changes in your
your region. school which would make it
Ans. One of the traditional systems of water environment-friendly?
harvesting used in our region is tanks. Ans. Changes that can be undertaken in our
Q2. Compare the above system with the schools to make it environment friendly
probable systems in hilly/mountainous are listed below:
areas or plains or plateau regions. (i) Electricity can be saved by switching
Ans. In plains, the water harvesting off lights and fans when not required.
structures are crescent-shaped earthen (ii) Turn the taps off when not in use.
embankments. These are low, straight, (iii) Biodegradable and non-biodegradable
and concrete. wastes should be thrown into separate
In hilly regions, the system of canal bins.
irrigation called Kulhs is used for water Q3. We saw in this chapter that there are
harvesting. This involves a collection of four main stakeholders when it comes
rain water in a stream, which is then to forests and wildlife. Which among
diverted into man-made channels down these should have the authority to
the hill sides. decide the management of forest
Q3. Find out the source of water in your produce? Why do you think so?
region/locality. Is water from this Ans. The forest department of the
source available to all people living in government should have the authority
that area? to decide the management of forest
produces. This is because the forest
[180] Science [X]

department is the care taker of the (iv) We should practice rainwater

forest land and is responsible for any harvesting.
damage to the forest. (v) We should practice car pooling to avoid
Q4. How can you as an individual the excessive use of petroleum.
contribute or make a difference to the (vi) We should use alternative sources of
management of (a) forests and wildlife, energy such as hydro-energy and solar
(b) water resources and (c) coal and energy.
petroleum? Q6. List five things you have done over the
Ans. (a) Forest and wildlife: last one week to –
(i) We should protest against the cutting of (a) conserve our natural resources
trees (deforestation). (b) increase the pressure on our natural
(ii) We should protest against the poaching resources
of wild animals. Ans.
(iii) We should stop the annexation of forest (a) To conserve our natural resources:
land for our use. (i) Travel by a CNG bus for long distances
(b) Water resources: and walk for short distances.
(i) Turn the taps off while brushing or (ii) Use recycled paper
bathing and repair leaking taps. (iii) Throw biodegradable and non-
(ii) We should practice rainwater biodegradable waste into separate bins
harvesting. (iv) Plant trees
(iii) We should avoid the discharge of (v) Harvest rainwater
sewage and other wastes into rivers and (b) To increase the pressure on our
other water resources. natural resources:
(c) Coal and petroleum: (i) Use non-renewable resources of energy
(i) We should take a bus or practice car (ii) Waste water
pooling to avoid excessive use of (iii) Waste electricity
petroleum. (iv) Use plastics and polythene bags for
(ii) We should stop using coal as a fuel carrying goods
(angithis). (v) Use escalators
(iii)We should use alternative sources Q7. On the basis of the issues raised in this
of energy such as hydro-energy and chapter, what changes would you
solar energy instead of depending incorporate in your life-style in a move
largely on coal and petroleum. towards a sustainable use of our
Q5. What can you as an individual do to resources?
reduce your consumption of the various Ans. One should incorporate the following
natural resources? changes in life-style in a move towards
Ans. Natural resources such as water, a sustainable use of our resources:
forests, coal and petroleum, etc. are (i) Stop cutting trees and practice
important for the survival of human plantation of trees.
beings. The ways in which we can (ii) Stop using plastic and polythene bags
reduce the consumption of various for carrying goods.
natural resources are as follows: (iii) Use recycled paper.
(i) We should stop the cutting of trees (iv) Throw biodegradable and non-
(deforestation). biodegradable waste into separate bins.
(ii) We should use recycled paper to reduce (v) Waste minimum amount of water while
the cutting down of trees. using and repair leaking taps.
(iii) We should not waste water.
Management of Natural Resource [181]

(vi) Practice rainwater harvesting.

(vi) Avoid using vehicles for short distances. Instead, one can walk or cycle to cover short
distances. To cover long distances, one should take a bus instead of using personal
(vii) Switch off electrical appliances when not in use.
(viii) Use fluorescent tubes in place of bulbs to save electricity.
(ix) Take stairs and avoid using lifts.
(x) During winters, wear an extra sweater to avoid using heaters.

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