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A Narrative Report in

On-the-Job Training undertaken at Provincial Health Office – Aklan

& Metro Kalibo Water District
Vaccination Area Registration Team - Kalibo, Aklan
Office of the General Manager - Andagao, Kalibo, Aklan

Presented to the Faculty of Information and Computer Studies

Aklan Catholic College
Kalibo, Aklan

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Submitted by:

Submitted to:


On the job training is one way by which we students are given an opportunity to apply
the theories or knowledge that we have learned from our school. This helps us to obtain
applicable learning and skills by performing in an actual work setting. It is a part of curriculum
that colleges and universities implements in order for their students to undergo training within a
specific number of hours as one of their requirements.
For us students, an OJT program provides us with lots of opportunities to go through the
actual methodologies of a specific job that it is in-line with the course program that we currently
take, in which using the real tools, equipment, and documents throughout the program. In effect,
the work place becomes a development venue for us students or trainees in order to learn more
about our chosen field and practice what we have learn from our institution. Having an OJT
program also profits the companies who accept trainees. It provides extra manpower for a less
significant work cost than that of a regular employee, and most of the students are all eager to
learn the ropes of having a job so that chances are high that they’ll be given a chance to work on
the same company as an employee after graduating. On the job training program also boosts the
capabilities of both the trainee and the instructor, which is without a doubt a great thing to
partake in considering the fact that both sides will benefit from one another. Employers can use
this internship strategy as method in recruiting employees. While the trainer or supervisor can
follow the trainees’ progress, he can also define the overall performance of an on the job trainee,
as well as his/her behavior and attitude if the trainee will make a good recruit for their company
or organization after the completion of trainee’s internship.
We, trainees, can bring our freshly learned ideas into the organization that we will be
working on. Given the opportunity to converse our minds freely and without great pressure, we
may be able to contribute significantly in the work flow and services that we may be tasked to
do, and eventually help improve the organizations productivity. While training the interns,
employers are in fact required on teaching their employees to guide the trainees by stretching
their patience, develop teaching skills and make them more sensitive to the needs and mind set of
the younger generation. The course of supervision also teaches them how to share what they
know and be receptive to the questions that the trainees may ask. Hence, the internship also
becomes an avenue in training for future contributors of a company.

I. Mission


Ensure quality, equitable and sustainable health services to all through a responsive health
system in collaboration with local government units and other stakeholders.


To attain the vision, the MKWD mission is as follows:
The Metro Kalibo Water District provides affordable safe water for all at all times.

II. Vision


Responsive Health System through UHC towards a culture of quality and excellence to
ensure healthy & empowered Akeanons.


The MKWD vision was established and written in this manner:
Metro Kalibo Water District will be nationally recognized as a premier, safe water provider,
and waste water processor while taking care to preserve the environment.
III.Organizational Chart



IV. Core Values


In support of the vision and mission, MKWD commit to inculcate the following shared

P – Professionalism
I – Integrity
P – Patriotism
E – Excellence
S – Spirituality

V. Product/Services Description


Provincial Health Office – Aklan or PHO - Aklan is one the most known organization
especially during this time of pandemic. PHO – Aklan offers a way to secure the sustainable
health and empowered the Aklanons. They are also the lead for conducting the vaccination to
all Aklanons as mandated by the government and Department of Health (DOH) to all
Filipino. Currently, they held vaccination in many vaccination centers at all districts of Aklan


Metro Kalibo Water District is a government-owned and controlled corporation,
formed pursuant to Presidential Decree 198 otherwise known as the “Provincial Water
Utilities Act of 1973” for the purpose of acquiring, installing, improving, maintaining and
operating water supply and distribution systems for domestic, industrial, municipal and
agricultural uses for residents and lands within the boundaries of such districts. Moreover,
conducting such other functions and operations incidental to water resource development,
utilization and disposal within such districts are included to the service that our corporation
VI. Company/Institution/Organizational History


The original water supply system of the Municipality of Kalibo was constructed by
the Department of Public Works and Highways sometime in 1960 and operated by the now-
defunct National Water Works and Sewerage Administration (NAWASA) until 1976. The
Sangguniang Bayan Kalibo passed Resolution No. 15 dated July 29, 1976, for the formation
of the Water District. On September 28, 1976, the 5-member Board of Directors representing
the various sectors of the society, namely: women, educational, professional, civic, and
business organizations were appointed by then-Mayor Federico Icamina, hence, the district
was born.
On January 30, 1979, Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) issued a
Certificate of Conditional Conformance (CCC) No. 73 and since then, Kalibo Water District
was subjected to the provision of Presidential Decree 198 otherwise known as the Provincial
Water Utilities Act of 1973.
There was a time during its infancy stage that the operation and salary of employees
of the Kalibo Water District were subsidized by the Municipal Government of Kalibo, until
such time that it has availed of technical and financial assistance from LWUA by way of
loan. The water district was the recipient of a loan package from LWUA in the amount of
PHP 4.8M sourced from USAID for the construction of Phase I Intern improvement Program
for source development and expansion programs.
On March 12, 1992, the entry of the judgment of the Supreme Court ruling in the
Davao City Water District, et al. vs. CSC and COA declaring all water districts as
Government-Owned and Controlled Corporation (GOCC) started the transition of water
districts from private character/operation to government character/operation hence, under the
mandatory regulations and supervision of various government agencies such as Commission
on Audit, Civil Service Commission and other government agencies directly involved in the
water district operation.
As the annexation of the Municipalities of Banga and New Washington was accepted
on September 5, 1991, and March 5, 1992, respectively, the water district availed of PHP
140.0M loan from LWUA sourced out from JBIC (formerly OECF) to finance its Phase II
Improvement Program completed on 1999. The water district, being consistent with its
mandate, was officially re-categorized from medium to big water district in February 1996.
With the annexation of another nearby town in view and the various expansion projects
accomplished, the water district was renamed to Metro Kalibo Water District (MKWD) in
March 2002. The annexation of the Municipality of Balete was approved on March 25, 2002.
With the progress and development, the district has so far accomplished, upgrading of Metro
Kalibo Water District (MKWD) from big water district category to large category was
approved in August 2003. On February 12, 2007, the annexation of three (3) barangays of
Batan namely: Camaligan. Magubahay and Caiyang (CAMACA) were approved.
By keeping with good management practices, the Metro Kalibo Water District
(MKWD) received various awards such as Outstanding Water District of Years 2003, 2005,
2006, and 2007 in the Large Category both in the national and regional levels.
The Kalibo Water District started with an initial 380 household connections in 1976
and now, Metro Kalibo Water District (MKWD) has total household connections of 25,280
as of April 30, 2014. In the past few years, MKWD has engaged in the supply of bulk water
with Numancia Water District as its newest client with the interconnection of the PHP 4.6M
Kalibo-Numancia Crossing Bridge last July 2012.
To support the continued expansion of its service coverage area, the district has
implemented the construction of a 1,000 cubic meter Elevated Steel Ground Water
StorageTank at Estancia, Kalibo which is now operational.
In May of 2015, the Datem Water, Inc. commenced the delivery of bulk water supply
treated with ultra-filtration technology. The facility has a capacity of 10,000 cubic meter per
day designed to provide filtered water to the people of Kalibo.
VIII. Logo



The logo of Metro Kalibo Water District has a simple meaning that truly defines their
purpose. The logo consist of five green horizontal lines, these five lines refers to five districts
of Aklan province namely: Batan, Banga, Balete, Kalibo and New Washington. While these
five districts are the lines that are located in the logo, there is also a drop of water behind
them which obviously means supply of water.

Starting from my first practicum site which is the Provincial Health Office – Aklan (PHO
- Aklan), the tasks that were given to me during my training there were very close to my current
course in college. I was assigned primarily with registering a person to be vaccinated, and it also
involves managing the data that I record on the system, similar to what I have learned from our
institution. At some point, we from the registration team; were encouraged to provide assistance
to the post encoding team when situation demands, and the task we’ve performed on post
encoding were just as the same as data entry that is one of the primary job that we may take as an
Information Technology student.
Aside from data entry and data management, we’ve also volunteered on arranging the
function hall or the vaccination center in order to assure a continuous and flexible process of
vaccinating people. In this part, I’ve applied my organizing skills that I have acquired during
certain classes at our school. Furthermore, we’ve also helped in assisting some people before and
after their vaccination. This task was very common that it felt like it was something that is
natural to do for me. I have just used my social skills and maintained my hospitable nature while
engaging in this kind of duty, though this was a personal reference rather than that from my
school learning.
Moving on with my second practicum site, the Metro Kalibo Water District (MKWD), I
was assigned with several duties that I haven’t experience before. The very common classroom
learning that I have applied throughout my training at MKWD is showing good manners as a
person and as a student of Aklan Catholic College. I know that every action that I displayed will
reflect to the school where I am studying and will also reflect on my personality, that is why I
have decided beforehand that I will prioritize how I will behave in the organization that I am
currently training. Most of the tasks that was given to me requires a good personality since I have
to coordinate with different kinds of people, and I also address some concerns from the clients
which makes being patient and courteous a must in my working environment. Although these
tasks I have performed are the main tasks for the organization that I am training in, these doesn’t
limit me from further gaining new experience in other aspect of my training that greatly involves
technological methodologies. I have also used the same classroom learning and principle in
MKWD that I have used in my first practicum site since most of the IT tasks in MKWD were
just the same as those ones at PHO - Aklan. That is why I was able to demonstrate different
classroom learning and self-acquired traits during my on the job training in both organization.

There were not that much of issues or concerns in both the company/organization that I
have completed my on the job training with. Starting with my first on the job training site which
is the Provincial Health Office - Aklan (PHO - Aklan), I have just notice some concerns
regarding the consistency in having social distancing since during the vaccination day some
people, even employees and volunteers were not maintaining the one meter distance from one
another especially during the end of the day. This is a bit troublesome considering that people to
be vaccinated are there at the vaccination site which may leave them with a mark that if
personnel from PHO - Aklan are not observing social distancing then why would they even
bother to do so as well, I am not saying that this happens all the time and honestly I also
sometimes forgot to maintain social distancing with other people myself. That is why I think we
all have to keep this protocol in mind as much as possible.
Another thing that I have noticed is the insufficient observation of in-charge personnel on
different part of the team. One incident that made me realized this is when a television used for a
brief orientation about the vaccine fall when a strong wind blew it, the weather was obviously
not good that day so it was supposed to be anticipated by the orientation team that such incident
would happen, but since there was not enough observation at that time the television was
certainly damage due to that fault, though the PHO - Aklan had taken responsibility for the
incident that happen and there were no one to blame for that, except it was supposed to be
prevented if there were only a firm observation.
For my second on the job training site, there weren’t much different issues and concerns
either, even on different departments if there are some, those were not that great of a matter
though. My most concern was the working environment was very demanding when it comes to
time. The employees and us, trainee, could only even have our lunch during past 12 noon, but
this is very understandable because of the surge of clients/customers that needs to be entertained,
which is why employees along with us would need to make sure that everything is settled or
should be in a proper stopping line before we would take our lunch break. There are sometimes
that I get confused on some tasks that were given to me and I can’t get to ask for the second time
because the employee in-charge is really busy. I also noticed that there are a lot of papers that are
scrambled on most tables of employees and it was really a mess, and I can’t sort out those
documents because there were papers included that are very private so when I offer to arrange
those papers the employees would say no, though this is also understandable because they held
very important documents.
As what I have experience and observe, I realized that even big companies or
organizations has some anomalies when it comes to work environment. Which is why, I think
there are a lot of things for the employees to improve so that these current concerns would get

The amount of time that I have accumulated from this on the job training program was
without a doubt large. Having this amount of time to be in a real work place while still studying
made me realize my upcoming experience will be once I graduate in college, it also serve as an
insight for me to know how companies work. While I was currently training at my two on the job
training site, I have also noticed several things that can be improve based on my own beliefs and
For my first practicum site, the Provincial Health Office – Aklan (PHO – Aklan), I
recommend having a more organized and consistent handling with various scenarios for
contingencies while maintaining the phase of their work flow. This is to avoid possible negative
occurrences that can heavily impact the work flow of the whole team. Many organizations has
one or two contingency plan to avoid unpleasant incident, whether it is a small thing for them
because every small disaster can lead to bigger ones, and every small thing can still produce
great impact to the whole organization. Which is why it is better to be safe than having to regret
something that can be done now but didn’t do it, and it leads to negative incident later on.
Now for the second one, my second practicum site, the Metro Kalibo Water District. I
have also witness some things that can be further improve in MKWD, of course I am not saying
that the current MKWD is not that good, actually the work system of MKWD is really good,
there is a consistency on their work flow and the every employee has a back-up plan for many
scenario as what has been mentioned by my supervisor. Still, I think that the employees of
MKWD should further developed discipline for handling their documents, it is not pleasant to
see bulky papers on tables and that view might also impact how the people will view them, but
every employee are responsible with their area of work which is why I think that is the primary
reason why there are a lot of unsorted papers on their table since they do not have time to sort it
out, though I think it would be much easier to work if they won’t let those bulky papers in their
table for a few days. I would also recommend that the higher personnel should appoint enough
employee for a certain task since I have observe that there are more than enough of employees
that are assigned to a task which takes it long for that task to be accomplished. That is why I
think it would be effective to have a balance of people working on certain task.

The amount of time for my on the job training really puts me to different and very
valuable learning and experiences. I was able to expand my knowing about how real work look
like. Through this on the job training I have experience tasks that develop my skills in different
category and acquire more than enough capacity to be ready once I get to work in an actual
During my training at many scheduled vaccination day held by the Provincial Health
Office - Aklan, I was able to learn the flow of vaccination process to help fight back corona
virus. I was assigned in the registration team, encoding and managing the data that I have
gathered from every people that needs to be vaccinated had become accustomed to me during
those days of training. The more I entertain a person to be vaccinated, the more natural it gets for
me to work in the same phase as those official employees of PHO – Aklan. Not too long, I was
also tasked to assist the post encoding team where some of my classmates are assigned. I would
always took care of the vaccination forms and mark them orderly after the data were recorded,
and then I get to experience encoding the data that the post encoding team do. Later on, I would
voluntarily help in organizing the vaccination site and assist the vaccinee especially the old ones
once the registration stage is over. Everything felt natural to me, the work flow, the people I
work with and the amount of time I spent on recording data and managing them feels like I can
do it without any trouble at any work place.
Several weeks I have decided to engage in different work place in order to acquire more
experience. I have choose to continue my on the job training at Metro Kalibo Water District
(MKWD). The first weeks were not that busy, the days were very calm for me and it really felt
like a different work environment than at the vaccination area, but it wasn’t that long that I get to
perform different duties. Some tasks were actually not that related to my chosen field but the
experience was still worthy of gaining since I can use them for future uses. Throughout my
training in MKWD, I was able to realize that the amount of time for this on the job training was
important in order to seize the every moment of learning new things and having a familiar way to
the real world that circles around working ourselves out with the best that we can. Then, I didn’t
notice that it was my last week of training, I took on any tasks no matter how important it is and
give my best like I was actually an employee there.
After completing the four hundred and ninety-six hours (496) of my training, I am more
now confident than the day I was before I started my on the job training. I notice many changes,
like how I am familiar right now in several jobs, how I can relate to hardships of employees, and
how I know what to do for the sake of myself and the company that I will be working in once I

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