Elementary Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Name: Nick Adams Date: 11-7-21

Grade/Class: 3rd grade Lesson #1

1. Lesson Objectives: (measurable/observable, based on standards and

Students will demonstrate their ability to learn familiar songs by rote on Recorder,
and transpose basic melodies to different keys.

National Standards and Frameworks: (list specifics, number and description)

Performing (Rehearse, evaluate, and refine AND Present) and Responding
(Interpret, Analyze)

2. Assessment/product/process/skill result: (evidence of learning, based on

Students should be able to sing Mary Had a Little Lamb, and play on recorder in
both the key of C and D.

3. Required prior knowledge/skills:

-Students should be able to match pitch and create and respond to basic rhythms.
Students should know how to produce sound and play distinct pitches on recorder.

4. Review and/or support for new skills needed:

-Review recorder C scale

5. Accommodations: (special needs and/ ELL)

-Different instruments for physically disabled students
-Write lyrics/agenda on board

6. Materials, Repertoire, Equipment needed:

-Accompianing instrument (Piano or Guitar)

7. Lesson Sequence:
A. Opening (introduction, “do now”, warm up etc.)
-Hi Class! I would like everyone to find a chair and sit down. Today we’re going
to do some warm-ups and then play some recorder! We are going to learn a new note
and play a song that I’m sure you all know in two different keys!

-Rhythmic Echoes -> Play rhythms on hand drum and students clap rhythms
back in response, then students come up with their own rhythms and class claps
-Vocal Warm-Ups -> begin with lip trills, vocal falls, then sing through scales and
simple patterns moving by half-step.

B. Learning Activities and Pacing (number and list as many as needed,

specific learning experiences and instruction, specific instructions for
students and teacher reminders, including review, pacing is allotted
-give students recorders -> “I’d like everyone to sit still in their chairs while I go
and get everyone’s recorders. Once you get your recorder, I’d like you to sit in rest
position, feet flat on the floor, back straight, and recorder on your lap.” Students that can
not play recorder due to special needs may play glockenspiel. (2min)

-Recorder warm ups -> first, breathing exercises: students breathe in for 4 counts
and out for 2, then in for 4 and out for 4, then 6, etc. (3min) Next, students put recorders
in chin position and have them finger up C major scale (2min). Finally, students play C
scale. (2min)

-Ask Class, “Who here knows the song, Mary Had A Little Lamb?” Students raise
hands, then sing through song with kids while accompanying them with piano. First, I
sing and students listen, then everyone sings together (3min)
-Play Mary Had a Little Lamb on Recorder in G. Tell students- “We are going to
play the song on recorder now! I’d like you to listen to and watch me play, and then I will
give you some time to figure it out yourself. All the notes in the melody are part of the C
scale we played before.” Give students some time to play and try to figure it out. (5 min)
-After giving students time on their own, gather class again and ask “has anyone
figured the song out?” If a student or multiple has figured it out, ask them if they would
like to play for the class, or play it with the teacher on in a small group. Then, go over
the fingerings for whole class. (5min)
-Have entire class sing Mary Had a little lamb then play on recorder,
accompanied by piano. (2min)
-Tell class, “Ok class, now we are going to learn a new note! This note is going
to help us play Mary Had a Little Lamb in a different key! That means we are going to
play the same melody but starting on a different note.” Have class put recorders in chin
position and show/demonstrate F# fingering. Then class will play note F#, make sure
students have correct fingers and are closing all holes completely.(5min)
-Have class play D major scale up to A using the F# (2min)
-Tell class, “I’d like you to try and play Mary had a little lamb starting on D. I’ll
give you a hint that the new note F# is used.” Give class time to play, then bring
together and make sure everyone knows. Ask class to compare the melody using F#
and F natural, stating that F natural sounds weird and when you use F# it sounds the
same as the one in G. (7min)

C. Assessment Activity (description of evidence of learning from #2,

formal or informal, with pacing, either embedded in learning activities
or separate)
Assessment: Class plays Mary Had a Little Lamb and play the melody on
recorder in both G and D.
D. Summative Activity/Closing/Wrap-up:
-“You did great today, class! I’d like everyone to put away your recorders gently
and safely. Everyone remember that new note F#, we are going to keep using that!”

8. Agenda: (to be posted in the classroom)

Rhythmic Echoes
Vocal Warm-ups
Recorder warm-ups
Sing and play Mary Had a Little Lamb
New note-F#
Mary Had a Little Lamb in D

9. Assignment and Due Date: (if applicable)


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