6 Top Ten Inventions of All Times

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Top Ten Inventions of All Times

Let’s watch the YouTube video and complete as much as we can of the following
table :

Invention Where and when was it invented ? Use

10. Paper In China, 2nd century BC

9. In China, between the 9th and 11th Sea navigation, discoveries


8. Refrigeration

7. Print text on a wide scale, spread information

and knowledge

6. Plumbing Unknown origin, 31st t0 26th centuries


5. Contraceptive pills in the 60’s ; the rest Extend and change our lives
is not mentioned

4. Engines 1712 Transportation, industrial revolution

3. Unclear, 4th century BC

2. Telegraph (1836), telephone (1876), Made the world smaller

moving pictures (1925), computer (late
40’s), www (late 80’s)

1. Became popular in the mid 20th century Brought light and power to people

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