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Telemetry Information Restoring in Satellite Communications

Kiril Alexiev † Ivan Tkachenko Maksim Ivanushkin

MMSIP Department of Space Engineering Department of Space Engineering
IICT - BAS Samara State Aerospace University Samara State Aerospace University
Sofia Bulgaria Samara Russia Samara Russia

Sergey Volgin
Department of Space Engineering
Samara State Aerospace University
Samara Russia


The satellite communication plays an important role in the control • Information systems
of outer space. It serves both the remote control of satellites or the
satellite system and the transmission of information from satellites KEYWORDS
to Earth. The information transmitted includes both information Signal restoration, Self-similarity signal decomposition
describing the internal state of the satellite systems and
information from the objects monitored by the satellites. The last ACM Reference format:
one plays important role in satellite control and it will be mainly Kiril Alexiev, Ivan Tkachenko, Maksim Ivanushkin, Sergey Volgin. 2020.
considered in this article. Usually, only a very small number of Telemetry Information Restoring in Satellite Communications. In
satellites move in geostationary orbits (i.e. they are located above Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Systems and
the same point above the earth's surface. This means that most of Technologies (CompSysTech’2020). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.
the satellites must adapt their antennas to the Earth's receiving
devices. The change in the position of the satellites in relation to
the Earth communication stations with the satellites is associated
with a significant change in the parameters of the channel and 1 Introduction
results often in a loss of transmitted information. Every observed or measured physical process is characterized by
some regularities in it. In case of loss of a part of the signal, these
This article proposes a method for lost data restoration. It is based
regularities could be used to recover irretrievably lost part of the
on the hypothesis for correlation between previously sent data
information. The present paper suggests an approach how to use
with the lost ones, valid for the transmitted information about
signal regularities for restoring damaged part of signal. The signal
internal state of satellite subsystems. An efficient algorithm is
recovery task is part of the more common task of processing a
suggested for detection of the closest up to scale data segment in
damaged signal. The signal generated by the sensors is subject to
successfully sent data with the data segment, surrounding lost
many disturbing factors and as a result it is altered or partially
data. Algorithm demonstration and validation are presented over
lost. The restoration of such a damaged signal is only possible if
data from AIST small satellites.For accuracy check of the
there is a priori information on the statistical characteristics of the
structured paper, user can run the option
disturbing factors and the pattern of signal behavior (the observed

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal system). In these cases, various methods such as deconvolution,
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or interpolation/extrapolation, filtration, etc. can be successfully
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned
applied. The most important signal characteristics are the signal
by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To mean and variance [1], the signal periodicity [2,3], the probability
copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires distribution of the signal samples [4], etc. Often these
prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from characteristics have time-varying nature and complex signal
models have to be applied. In a number of cases, however, a priori
CompSysTech '20, June 19–20, 2020, Ruse, Bulgaria
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
information about the noise or the observed system is absent in
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7768-3/20/06…$15.00 whole or in part. In these cases, new intelligent and adaptive data recovery methods are sought, with the required noise parameters

CompSysTech’20, June, 2020, Ruse, Bulgaria K. Alexiev et al.

and/or system behavior evaluated dynamically in real time and the additionally provides the smoothness of the interpolation function
initial signal restoration in the form of some optimization task. - the continuity of its derivatives to a certain extent. It is important
The approach proposed in this paper is of type, described above. to note that only an appropriate selection of interpolating
The object under consideration is to recover a lost signal by functions and a suitable upsampling rate can improve the accuracy
searching for the self-similarity of a part of the signal, around the of signal recovery process.
lost piece, with other parts of the signal. The issue of the impact Another class of signal recovery methods are the extrapolation
of different types of noise is not addressed (its effect is ones [8]. These methods use available measurements to construct
negligible). Another piece of signal, as close as texture (behavior) a signal behavior model and new points are generated using this
can be used to recover, regardless of the difference in amplitude model beyond the endpoints of received observations. The
or time scale. extrapolation methods for signal recovery apply one side
The second chapter discusses the main approaches to signal information from the received data (the data received before loss
recovery. of information) and as consequence they have limited capabilities
The following chapter discusses an approach for decomposing a in recovering lost data, especially in the case of a larger series of
self-similar library signal. lost bits.
Chapter four discusses several major cases of signal recovery. Regression analysis is a mathematical tool in mathematical
Chapter 5 discusses the results obtained and then conclusions statistics used to find the functional relationship between two or
follow about the applicability of the proposed algorithm. more random variables [9]. The regression model is set
analytically with:

2 Signal restoration = , (1)

Standard noise protection algorithms are divided in two main The described relationship is correlational, not functional, due to
groups – using error correction algorithms and automatic repeat the lack of a uniquely consistent relationship between x and y.
request. The second one has found wide implementation in The most characteristic feature of a regression analysis is that it
TCP/IP protocol suite [5], but it requires retransmission of data looks for the closest match without trying to find the reasons for
when the receiver detects an error and its implementation for it. The linear and nonlinear regression analysis can be applied in
satellite communication is questionable due to limited energy and order to reconstruct missing data.
time resources on the satellite. The approximation analysis [10] is used to represent the signal
The application of error correction algorithms makes the overall through a simplified functions, which in turn can be used to
system more complicated. Its successful implementation is related recover missing measurements. The key in approximation analysis
to a prior statistical knowledge about the number of missed is the choice of the functional signal behavior model and the
individual bits or groups of bits and their percentage in the all accuracy of the approximation. The functional model usually
transmitted information. The chosen algorithm should correct the implies some a priori knowledge of the behavior of the measured
specified number of errors/missed detections. The quantity. To avoid this dependency, the signal is decomposed into
efficiency/advantage of error correction algorithm is usually a linear combination of basis vectors.The most famous of these
estimated as a reduction of bit-error rate of coded sequence in are the use of Fourier series, Chebishev, wavelets, and etc. The
comparison with uncoded one. Starting with the simplest signal is represented as:

repetition block code, going through the cyclic, BCH, Reed-
Solomon, convolutional, turbo and etc. codes all of them requires (2)
not only additional computer/coder/decoder resources but also
leads to significant increase of the volume of transmitted where , , … are the coefficients in decomposition and
information [6]. = 1, , , ,…, , … for the case of
The implementation of signal recovery methods for the case of Fourier transform.When the series signal decomposition is
missed/omitted part of signal are also numerous and varied in fulfilled, one can use (2) to calculate omitted measurements. The
capabilities and implementation. problem of these methods is to find compact and interpretable
The interpolation methods [7] on the basis of the obtained orthogonal signal representationsfor different sets of input signals.
measurements generate a new larger set of points, preserving the For example the smooth analogue signal has good sin series
values of the signal at the already obtained points. Often, in the representation, but every singularity signal has to be presented by
field of signal processing, this method is called up-sampling. infinite dimensional series (practically by very long time series).
Normally, in these methods the new values are in the intervals Something more, the series signal presentation does not depend on
between the measurements already obtained. Polynomials of the place of singularity, i.e. the decomposition is not dependant
various degrees are most commonly used for interpolation. Linear from local signal properties, which is very important in signal
interpolation is the best one for singularity signals (pulse train restoration.
signals, rectangular, sawtooth, etc.). Cubic polynomial Recovering a part of the signal is often associated with learning
interpolation is more suitable for smoother signals. Spline about its local properties. The time-frequency analysis is the main
interpolation also uses polynomials (usually of low degree) but approach applicable in this case. Time-frequency (TF) Fourier

Telemetry Information Restoring in Satellite Communications CompSysTech’20, June, 2020, Ruse, Bulgaria

analysis is widely used to analyse signals containing many been already applied in applications for restoring the texture of
oscillatory components with slowly varying amplitudes and images (with 2D signals).
instantaneous frequencies. Short Term Fourier Transform (STFT), In this article, the focus is on restoring one-dimensional signals by
Continuous Wavelet Transformation (CWT), and Wigner-Ville properly decomposing the signal.
Distribution are the most typical examples of time-frequency
analysis [11-16]. Recently, a new method of time-frequency
analysis has emerged - the so-called Hilbert-Huang Empirical 3 Self-similar decomposition (SSD) of signals
Mode Decomposition (EMD) transformation [17]. EMD is an The SSD [26] is an attempt to combine signal representation in
original decomposition algorithm used in many applications [18- the time domain with a representation in the frequency domain. A
19]. short description of the most important consideration will be
Another class of algorithms used to recover signals is based on the given here.
Kalman filter (KF) and its modifications. This type of algorithms The algorithm SSD is based on the hypothesis that the most
presupposes a knowledge about the function of transition of the important points in the observed signal from information point of
investigated system from one state to another (system model), as view are its extrema. A signal may encode the information in
well as a knowledge of sensor noise statistics and the errors in the many different ways by signal modulation. But nevertheless the
system model. Originally, Kalman filter was designed to evaluate way of modulation, the information is encoded into the changes of
linear systems only [20]. Later it was generalized for nonlinear the signal. The changes of a signal can be determined only by
system (Extended Kalman filter - EKF). Further its modification comparing the values of several signal points. For any two
with Expectation Maximization (EM) supplementation was neighbouring signal points (the smallest set to compare) there are
proposed. Today many versions of the KF are available like only three possible states –signal preservation, signal growing or
Generalized Pseudo-Bayesian (GPB) estimators of different signal decreasing. The set of three neighbouring points
orders, Fixed Structure Interactive Multiple Models (IMM), possessesricher possibilities – it has means to detect the transition
Variable Structure IMM, Probabilistic Data Association IMM, of the signal from one state to another. The signal state change
and so on [21–25]. All of them are estimating the nonlinear points are considered as the most important signal information
system parameters. Although there is rich variety of methods and carriers and they play key role in the SSD algorithm. These points
algorithms, they are mainly based on linear approximation.A are signal extrema used as border points for signal segmentation.
significant limitation in this class of methods is that they are based The algorithm realization uses a library from basic signal shapes
on the assumption that the observed system is Markovian, i.e. the for signal representation. It is expected that they are repetitive
state and at the last moment completely determines the behavior at ones within the observed signal. This idea is not new. There are
the next moment. However, in many applications this condition is two different approaches for signal description using the
not fulfilled and the missing signal can be incorrectly restored. properties of shapes. The first one uses a set of a priori defined
The methods described above demonstrate the huge variety of signal shapes or dictionaries [27-31]. Each fragment is compared
available signal recovery methods - from the simplest ones, which with this set and classified according to its similarity to the
imply signal interpolation in missing measurement regions to corresponding pattern. The second approach comes from fractal
those using behavioral models. analysis where a signal is described using its self-similarity.
The approach proposed in the article is closer to those using Usually the fractal analysis is applied in order to estimate the
behavioral models. Signal recovery is based on the hypothesis that degree of repetition of a given shape at different scales. The
in the behavior of the observed/measured satellite application in the context of the second approach is limited due to
subsystemparameters characterises with repeatability due to the the small number of fractal signals in practice. The SSD approach
cyclical rotation of satellites around the Earth, the periodic may be regarded as an extension of the second approach. The
rotation of photovoltaic panels to the sun, the periodic flight over main steps of SSD algorithm are given on fig. 1:
the one and same point on the Earth, etc. The repeatability is
observed up to an accuracy of magnitude, both in amplitude and
time. In order to use the repeatability of measured signals the
received signal is decomposed into a library of major components.
The signal decomposition does not use preliminary determined Input Denoising Find Segmen- Library
shapes like well-known sinusoids, wavelets, etc. The signal signal Extrema tation
segmentation depends entirely on the behaviour of the observed
signal. This means that signal decomposition is specific for each Figure 1. The architecture of SSD algorithm
processed signal. The library of segmented components are used The received signal (first step)almost always is contaminated with
to recover lost signal sections. noise. Correct signal detection requires filtering/smoothing the
The basic idea is to recover the missing part of the signal by using signal (step two) in order to reduce the influence of the high
a library component(s) such that the structure of the signal around frequency noise. Simultaneously the signal is smoothed to
the lost piece of information is as close as possible (up to scale) to compensate round-off error of ADC. The third step of the
another fragment of the signal. This idea is not new one. It has algorithm localize the signal extrema. The segmentation process

CompSysTech’20, June, 2020, Ruse, Bulgaria K. Alexiev et al.

(fourth step) consists of breaking down input signal into non- Pearson's criterion. In order to be applied correctly correlation test

signal measurements in the damaged segment -. as

overlapping parts called segments, followed by their aggregation the library segments have to be resampled. Let us denote the
(fifth step). Segment aggregation is performed by fusion of
doubles, triples, quadruples, ..., n-tuples of similar segments. -.# , … , -./ , -./010# , … , -.& . The damage segment contained
The signal contains also two edge parts: the part of the signal initially N measurements, but m from them were lost in
before its first extremum and the part of signal after its last transmission – the measurements from k+1 to k+m. Let denote the
extremum. All segments characterize by their monotonicity measurements from i-th segment s3 from the library by
(before aggregation), position and scale. This information allows s3# , s3% , … , s34 . The number of received measurements is L. The
to reconstruct the signal from the library of the fetched specific resampling procedure creates N points s3# , s3% , … , s3& . Then m
signal segments.
from them are removed (from k+1 to k+m) and the remaining
The most important procedure of SSD algorithm is the search for
points are renumerated from 1 to N-m. The modified expression
similarity. It is calculated by Pearson correlation coefficient:
for the Pearson correlation coefficient will be:
! ∑& =
& &
$'# "#$ "%$ (∑$'# "#$ )(∑$'# "%$ )
! 5 ∑&81 &81 &81
6'# "$6 "76 9∑6'# "$6 :9∑6'# "76 :
% %
*+! ∑& %
$'# "# $'# "#$ ) ,+! ∑$'# "%$ (∑$'# "%$ ) ,
(∑& & % &
% %
;< ! 5 ∑&81
6'# "$ 9∑6'# "$6 : =< ! 5 ∑6'# "7
% &81 &81 % 9∑&81
6'# "76 : =
6 6
This similarity estimate is preferred to be used for normally (4)
distributed fluctuation of signal points, which is in conformity If the Pearson correlation coefficient of the closest segment
with character of additive measurement noise. surpass a certain threshold (for example 0.98) the damaged part
A demonstrative example of implementation of SSD algorithm on from -. may be replaced by the removed part from the closest
a sinusoidal signal with linearly increasing amplitude is given on segment after its rescaling and shifting. Sometimes it may
Fig. 2 [26]. The input signal is displayed on Fig. 2a, where the happened that the damage segment is unique one and there are no
aggregated segments are depicted with different colours. SSD similar segments. The case could be resolved by using standard
algorithm determines 3 primitive shapes depicted on Fig. 2b for interpolation techniques, knowing (and preserving) the
signal description. monotonicity of the damaged segment.
The algorithm described above is applicable when the number of
remaining measurements in the damaged segments N-m is
sufficient for similarity search. In other case the surrounding
segments have to be used.
A simple demonstration example is given on Fig. 3. The signal
from satellite “AIST” [33, 34] is received with some losses
(Fig.3a). Telemetry data, received from the “AIST” small satellite,
a. Segmentation b. Three primitive shapes is an array of measurements of main parameters, defining the state
describe the signal of the spacecraft. Telemetry data is transmitted to the ground
Figure 2. SSD algorithm for sinusoidal function with linearly station as a series of frames. Structurally, these frames are series
increasing amplitude of bites of predefined length with a header in the beginning and a
control sum at the end. Telemetry data is the main source of
information about the events, occurring onboard of an operating
4 Implementation of SSD for signal restoration spacecraft. Through the process of telemetry analysis, the
The previous chapter gives the idea how to decompose a signal emergency markers are identified, the satellite’s operation is being
using self-similarity. The result from implementation of SSD over monitored, the platform’s performance is evaluated and failures
a signal is a library of segments and/or doubles, triples, and malfunctions of the onboard equipment are detected. The
quadruples, ..., n-tuples of similar segments. Usually each library algorithm detect and restore the lost information (Fig.3b).
is unique and corresponds only to the decomposed signal.SSD of
the signal guarantees, that an observed signal may be restored by
using only the elements of library. Let us suppose that a part of
signal is damaged/lost. The influence of the damaged part of
signal on SSD result depends on how large is the lost part of the
signal and how many extrema were missed. Let's look in detail at
the particular cases:
Case 1: A part of segment is lost. The signal extrema are not a. Segmentation of a signal with b. Restoration of signal
damaged. When insignificant part of segment is lost the task for losses
signal restoration is trivial one. The rest of damaged segment is Figure 3. Restoration of a signal with losses in a segment
compared for closeness with the segments in the library using

Telemetry Information Restoring in Satellite Communications CompSysTech’20, June, 2020, Ruse, Bulgaria

Case 2: The lost part of signal contains one or more extrema. This require specific attention, be it an outlier or a sudden change in
case is more complicated due to the loss of the most important the operating parameters of the spacecraft onboard equipment.
measurements. For k lost extrema at least k+1 segments (k+1 -
tuples of similar segments) have to be used for signal restoration.
The algorithm of restoration of these segments is analogous to the 6 Conclusion
one in the previous case. The choice of the number of segments to The state of the spacecraft monitoring is carried out using
be considered is extremely delicate. This is due to the bigger information regularly sent from the satellite to ground stations
amount of the lost measurements and the problems related to the about the operation of various systems and sensors on board.
sufficiency of surrounding segments for similarity check. The Often this information is corrupted due to complicated
minimal number of k+1 segments is often too scanty to restore communication links and has to be restored. The paper proposes
correctly the signal. The choice of bigger number of segments an approach for signal restoration based on the repeatability of
leads to difficulties to find corresponding similar n-tuples in the satellites signals as a result of cyclical functioning of almost all
library. This strategy is successful only for highly repetitive satellite systems and sensors. The algorithm uses self-similar
signals. decomposition of received signal. Two cases of algorithm
When the packet of lost information contains one or more realization are considered – without extrema loss and with
extremal point (Fig.4a) surrounding segments are included and the extrema loss. The examples demonstrate signal restoration for the
signal is restored by using the closest preserved signal texture both cases. A discussion is given for algorithm applicability and
(Fig.4b). its pros and cons.
It is important to note, that the signal restoration is fulfilled using
similarity up to scale in amplitude or in time. REFERENCES
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