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Purpose of The Game

 Game is a fun and engaging way to

review the lesson. Children are
encouraged to recognize and recall the
key language effortlessly.
 Game is also an active way for
practicing listening skill and developing
social skill.
 The games can also be used to practice
vocabulary and sentence structure for
more advanced children
 Some games help children to describe
vocabulary and specific structures or
phrases by using actions, gestures and
body language.
 Game create a natural context for
language use.

Game Instruction
1. Before playing the game, make sure
to introduce the new vocabulary to
2. Start the game by introducing the
name and rules of the game.
3. Try to keep the rules short and clear.
4. Demonstrate the rules clearly using
verbal language combine with
5. Make sure to keep the game
lighthearted, so failure is not an issue.
6. Don’t be afraid to adapt and adjust
the game to suit your purpose and the
needs of your children.
7. Encourage children to use full
sentence structure when playing the
game, especially with 4-6 yrs.
List of Activity Cards
1. Guessing animals
2. Roll and move like an animal
3. Letter/Word train
4. Animal puzzle
5. Spin the bottle
6. Fishing for flashcards
7. Spin the wheel
8. Roll the dice
9. Weather movement
10.Read my lips
11.What’s missing?
12.What’s in my bag?
13.Flashcard hunt
14.What number is it?
15.Find your partner
16.Find the missing sound
17.Mime the word

List of Activity Cards
18. Cup snowman bolwing
19. Balance on the Christmas tree
20. Slap the card
21. Match the card
22. Bean bag toss
23. Whispering
24. Pass the envelop
25. I am going on a picnic
26. Grab it!
27. Bingo
28. True or False
29. Carnival cups
30. The maze
31. Jump and say
32. Tap the card
33. Air writing
34. Letter train 4
Guessing Animals
Goal: This activity helps children to
improve their listening and speaking
skills at the same time develop children’s

Guessing Animals
 Flashcards of animals
Pre-teach/review: vocabulary of animals
and their actions.
 Mix the flashcards.
 Pick one card (hide it from the children)
 Describe the features of the selected animal.
Ex: I have four legs and a long tail. I like to
chase a mouse (I’m a…CAT)
 Ask the children to raise their hands if they
know the answer. They should say “Is it
 Answer with: Yes, it’s a cat.
 Continue the procedure with all the other

Roll and Move Like an Animal

Goal: This activity helps children to exercise

their gross motor skills at the same time
practice their vocabulary and speaking skill.

Roll and Move Like an Animal

Preparation: a cube with pictures of animals and

movements on each side.
Ex: snap like an alligator,
swaddle like a penguin
 Review the names of the animals and their
 Roll the die.
 Name the animal it lands.
 Read the sentence on the die.
 Ask the children to move like the animal.
 Pass the dice to a child next to you and ask the
child to roll the die.
 Ask the children to say the animal’s name, then
read the sentence from the die.
 Ask the rest of the children to move like the
animal on the die.
 Continue as long as the children are interested.
Letter/ Word Train
Goal: This activity helps the children
improve their vocabulary as well as gross
motor skills.

Letter/ Word Train
 Flashcards of letters/words enough for all the
Ask each child to pick one card.
 Tell the children to make a train by lining up
their cards as the teacher calls out the
 Ask each child to say his word/letter before
she/he can join the train.
 Call out another letter/word. The child with that
word/letter repeats it and follow the train.
 Continue until everybody gets into the train.
 Get the children to go around train and while
walking. Children take turn to say their words
out loud, starting from the front to end, another
way back.
Children can swop their cards continue with the
Animal Puzzle
• ,

Goal: This activity helps children to

identify the common body parts of an
animal. It also helps children to exercise
their memory and problem solving skill.

Animal Puzzle

 Animal puzzle
 Vocabulary pre-teach/review: animal’s body

 Mix the pieces of puzzle on a mat.
 Pick 1 picture and ask the children to name
the body part.
 Call out another body part and invite a child
to find it and match it with the first piece.
 After all pieces are put together, ask
children what animal the picture shows.
 Have the children repeat the animal’s body
parts once again.

Spin the Bottle

Goal: This activity is an exciting way to

review vocabulary with children. It
also helps improve their

Spin the Bottle
 Flashcards and a bottle.
 Have the children sit in a circle. Then lay
out the flashcards in the inner circle, with a
bottle in the middle.
 Introduce the vocabulary to children before
playing the game.
 Tell children that they are going to play
“Spin The Bottle” game.
 Spin the bottle. When it stops spinning, say
the word which the bottle points to. Explain
to children that is how we play the game.
 Invite a child to spin the bottle and the
whole class will say the word.
Extension: Put away the flashcards, spin the
bottle. When it stops spinning and point at a
child, the child will be shown a flashcard and
he must say what it is on the card. If the
answer is correct then that child can spin the
Fishing for Flashcard
Goal: This activit helps children
improve their concentration and eye-
hand coordination. It is also a fun way
to practice their pronunciation and

Fishing for Flashcard
 Flashcards of words or letters & fishing rods
with magnet.
Pre-teach/ review: vocabulary/letter used in the
the game.
 Tell the children that they will play the
“Fishing game” with flashcards.
 Show the flashcards on the floor facing up.
Ensure that all children are able to see all the
 Show the children the fishing rod and say:
“This is a fishing rod”. Then show children how
to hold the rod with their hands and start
fishing. Say the word on the flashcard that
sticks on the string.
 Invite one child at the time to fish and
encourage the other children to ask questions
“What is it? Or what letter is it?”
 Encourage everyone to say the word aloud
every time they caught one.
Spin the Wheel

Goal: This activity would be a fun way

to practice pronunciation and
vocabulary with children. Children can
also practice listening and learn to take

Spin the Wheel
 A spinning wheel with the pictures of the
vocabulary to be revised.
 Pre-teach/review: vocabulary used for the
 Tell the children that they are going to play
“Spin the Wheel” game.
 Spin the wheel. When it stops spinning,
say the word which is pointed to. Explain to
children that is how we play the game.
 Invite a child to spin the wheel . When it
stops, encourage the whole class to say the
word out loud.
Alternative: The child who spins the wheel
has to say the word on the board/ Older
children can practice asking questions before
spinning the wheel and give an answer after
Roll the Die
Goal: This activity helps children to
identify 6 kinds of weather: sunny,
cloudy, windy, stormy, rainy and snowy.

Roll the Dice
 A cube with different weather pictures on
each side.
 Pre-teach/Review: Weather vocabulary

 Demonstrate how the game is played. Ask
the children to guess which weather will be
 Roll the die and ask the children to say the
weather word.
 Invite one child to the front. Help the
child make the question “What’s the
weather like today?”. Everyone guesses.
 The volunteer child then rolls the die. The
class observe and call out the correct
answer, for example, “ It’s sunny.”
 Continue playing until everybody gets the
chance to roll the dice.

Weather Movement
• ,

Goal: This activity helps children

develop their gross motor skills and
practice vocabulary in a fun way..

Weather Movement
 A weather cube, a movement cube and
weather flashcards
 Children sitting in a circle
 Demonstration: Roll both the weather cube
and the movement cube. One cube will land
with a movement word, for example SKIP
and the other with a weather word, for
example SUNNY. The teacher then skip
around the room until she finds the Sunny
 Play the game: the teacher will roll the
cubes and everyone follow what are shown
on the cubes.
 Continue playing until all weather cards
have been collected around the classroom.

Read My Lips

Goal: This activity helps children

improve their pronunciation and gets
their attention and concentration.

Read My Lips
In this game, the players try to guess words or
phrases by observing the lip movements of
the lipper.
 Children sitting in a cicle.
 Review: vocabulary to be used in the game.
 Demonstration: the teacher plays the role of
a lipper, children are lip readers. The teacher
mouths a word and the children have to
guess it.
 Continue to mouth different words or
phrases for the children to guess.
 The teacher then can invite a child to be the
lipper. He/she will come to the front and
mouth a word for the class to guess.
* Children would get confused at first. So
repeatedly mouth the phrase/word until one
of your children guesses the correct answer.
What’s missing?
Goal: This activity helps children
improve their memory. It will also help
them develop their pronunciation and

What’s missing?
 Flashcards of vocabulary to be used in the
Gather all the children in a circle and teach
or review the vocabulary.
 Tell the children that they are going to play
the “What’s missing?” game.
 Show the flashcards on the floor facing up.
Ensure that everyone can see all the
 Tell the children to close their eyes. When
they all do, take away one flashcard. Then
tell them to open their eyes.
The first child to spot and say the missing
card wins the round.
Continue with the rest of the cards.
What’s in My Bag?
Goal: This activity teaches children to
recognize objects through touching and
feeling. In this way they can focus on their
sense of touch at the same time practice
their vocabulary in a fun way.

What’s in My Bag?
 Collect common objects and put them in a
 Gather the children in a circle.
 Pre-teach or review the vocabulary of
common objects.
 Announce that the class will play “What’s
in my bag?” game.
 Show the bag and tell the children there are
some things inside the bag and the children
need to discover what each item is.
 Invite a child, tell him to put his hand inside
the bag and ask him to feel one item from
the bag.
 Encourage the child to say how the object
feels (soft, rough, hard etc.) and finally
name it.
 Continue until all the items are out of the

Flashcard Hunt
Goal: This activity helps children
recognize vocabulary, improve speaking
and interacting skills while enjoying the
hunting game.

Flashcard Hunt
 Flashcards of the vocabulary on a certain
topic. Hide the cards around the classroom.
 Pre-teach/review the vocabulary.
 Tell the children to pretend they are going
on a treasure hunt. They have to search for
hidden flashcards and then say the words out
 The children start hunting around the room,
saying the words on each card that they find.
 Continue untill all the flashcards have been
 When all are done, sit the children in a
circle and review the words together.

What Number Is It?

Goal: In this activity, children will be

motivated to learn numbers in a fun

What Number Is It?
 Numeral flashcards and different objects as
 Have children come together as a group.
 Lay out the number cards in the sequential
order. For each number, count and put the
amount of any object next to the number
card accordingly.
 Say that they will play “What number is
 Begin the play by mixing the number cards
altogether. Lay the number cards on the
floor, face down. And put the objects at
another side of the room.
 Then ask a child to choose any card and
check the number. That child then needs to
go and get the right amount of any objects
and put them next to the number card.
Mime the Word

Goal: This activity helps the children
practice or review action verbs.

Mime the Word
 Vocabulary pre-teach/review: action verbs.
 Tell the children that they will play
guessing words by observing actions.
 Get one flashcard, without saying, act out
the word with an action. Ask the children to
guess the word.
 Divide the class into teams. In each team,
one child will do the action/mime the word
or all team members do the actions together.
 Each team will take turn to guess the word.
The team that can guess the most words

Cup Snowman Bowling

Goal: This activity helps improve

children’s gross motor skills and recognize
vocabulary related to Christmas theme.

Cup Snowman Bowling
 Paper cups with snoman faces and a ball.
 Children sitting in a circle.
 Tell the children that they are going to play
cup snowman bowling game.
 Demonstration:
- Pile up the cups in a designated area. The
teacher stand at a far distance.
- Now roll the ball and try to hit the
 Invite one child to play the game.
 Once a child hits the snowman cups, give
him/her a high five to recognize his/her

Balance on the
Christmas Tree

Goal: This activity helps children improve

their balance, coordination, motor
planning and strength. They will also
learn how to decorate a Christmas tree.

Balance On The
Christmas Tree
 Using tape in green color, create a large
Christmas tree on the floor. Place Christmas
decoration objects in a pile at the bottom of
the tree.
 Demonstration: Get an ornament and walk
along the tree branches. Find a spot where
you want to place the object and put it there.
 Invite a child to try.
 Continue until all children have a chance to
decorate the tree and until all ornaments
have been used.
After finishing decorating the Christmas tree,
challenge children by getting them to take the
decoration off the tree.

Slap the Card
Goal: This activity helps children recognize
vocabulary and improve their hand-eye
coordination skills in an interactive way.

Slap the Card

 Flashcards placed randomly on the board and
one or two swatters.
 Children sitting in a circle
 Pre-teach/review vocabulary
 Demonstration: Call out a word and look for it
among the flashcards. Then slap the correct card
with the swatter and say the word out loud.
 Invite 2 children to come up. Each child will
stand on each side of the board, holding a
 Say a random word and see who will be
quicker to slap on the correct word/picture.
 Give both children high-five after each turn.
Alternative: Children can choose the word in
stead of the teacher/ Form teams and one person
from each team runs to the board to hit the
correct word/picture.
Match the Cards
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Goal: This game is also called “Memory

Game”, an interesting activity to
improve children’s vocabulary as well as
memorization skills.

Match the Cards
 2 sets of flashcards
 Introduce the vocabulary to the class
before playing the game.
 Place both card sets face down on the
 Invite a child to turn over 2 cards, saying
the words aloud.
 If the cards match, the child can keep the
 If the cards do not match, the child will
turn the cards over again in their original
 The child with the most cards at the end
of the game is the winner.
Bean Bag Toss
Goal: This activity helps children
improve their gross motor and eye-hand
coordination skills. It is also a fun way
to practice pronunciation and

Bean Bag Toss
 2 bean bags and some baskets (depending
on number of words that are introduced)
 Pre-teach/review: vocabulary used in the
 Lay out the baskets in a row, put 1 flashcard
in front of each basket.
 Make a straight line on the floor.
 Stand behind the line, ask the children to
choose a random word card. Then throw the
bean bag into the basket with that card.
 Invite 2 children at a time to play the game.
Encourage children to say the word before
throwing the ball into the basket.


Goal: This activity improves children’s

listening and speaking skills. Children
also understand the importance of
communicating clearly with other.

 Vocabulary pre-teach or review
 Children sitting in a circle
 Tell children that they are going to
play the “Whisper Game”.
 Explain to children that they need to
be very quiet in order to play the
 Pick a vocabulary card, then whisper
the word to the child next to you.
Then tell that child to whisper that
word to the next child.
 Continue until the last child in the
circle hears the word. Ask that child to
say the word outloud.
 Then show the flashcard for everyone
to check the answer.
 Continue with a new word.
Pass the Envelop

Goal: This activity is an exciting way to

practice pronunciation and review
vocabulary with children.

Pass the Envelop
 Music, audio player, flashcards, an
 Gather children in a circle.
 Review the vocabulary before playing.
 Put all the flashcards inside the envelop.
 Tell the children that they are going to
play “Pass the Envelop” game.
 Play music and pass the envelop around
the circle.
 Stop the music at intervals during the
 When the music stops, the child who is
holding the envelop will select a word
from the envelop and say it.
 The child can keep the flashcard the card
and the game continues.

I am Going on a Picnic

Goal: Children can recall words as

well as improve their decision
making and memorization skills
I Am Going on a Picnic

• Flashcards, a bag
• Pre-teach/review vocabulary used in the
• Explain to the children that they are going to
play “I’m going on a picnic” game. Ask:
“We’re going on a picnic, what should we
• Introduce the bag, and explain that we need
to put things that we need in the bag.
• Say: “I will bring some…(banana). Then put
(banana card) inside the bag.
• Turn to the next child, repeat the question
then pass the bag to that child.
• Ask the child to repeat the sentence, with the
thing he/she wants to bring. Then fill the bag
a flashcard.
Grab It!

Goal: Children can practice vocabulary

in a fun and engaging way. The activity
also helps to develop children’s gross
motor and listening skills.
Grab It!
• Stick flashcards on the board.
• Divide the class into 2 teams standing in 2 lines.
Make sure the runway to the board is clear.
• Call out a word. One child from each team run to
grab the card, then run back to the end of the
• Call out another word, the next child from each
team will run to the board to grab the
corresponding card and say the word, then run
back to the end of the line. The team has the card
first can get a star.
• Repeat the game till no more flashcard left.
• For more advanced level, describe a word and
have the two children race to find the correct

Goal: This game is a great way of

reviewing vocabulary.
• Draw a square grid on the floor (like the
bingo game, 30cm×30cm each square) .
• Put 1 flashcard in each square.
• Prepare an extra set of the flashcards, put
them in a bag.
• Children sitting on the sides of the square.
• Invite 9 volunteers to play.
• Pull out a word in the bag and read it out
• One of the players would find the word and
stand in the corresponding square.
• Pull out the 2nd word, and the second child
will find the correct square.
• The last child to fill the row will shout
• Continue until all squares are filled.
True or False

Goal: This activity helps children to
practice giving short answers, at the
same time strengthen their listening
True or False

• Vocabulary flashcards.
• Gather children in a circle.
• Pre-teach/ review the vocabulary.
• Hold up a flashcard and ask a yes/no
question, for example, “It is an apple?”
• Ask the children to respond with “Yes it is”
if it’s TRUE and “No it isn’t” if it’s
• Continue with another flashcard.
• The child who gives the correct answer can
have a chance to make a question with the
next card.
Carnival Cups

Goal: This game helps children to

review vocabulary in a fun way.
Carnival Cups

• A number of cups
• Pictures of the target vocabulary folded
up into small pieces hidden inside the
• Gather children in a circle
• Move the cups around.
• Invite a child to choose a cup. He/she
needs to say the word inside that cup.
• If the child could not pronounce the
word, elicit by giving extra clues.
• That child then can get a chance to
switch the cups and invite the next
The Maze

Goal: This activity is a good way to

review vocabulary at the same time
help children with problem solving
and concentration skills.
The Maze

• Create a maze on one side of the room,
using color tape/ rope.
• After introducing the vocabulary, put
the flashcards along the maze.
• Explain to children that they are going
play the maze game.
• Demonstrate by walking into the maze
and say the words that you encounter
along the way, with the eyes opened.
• Invite one child at a time to walk
through the maze and say the words
that he/she sees.
• Remember to give children a high five
after they have completed the task.
Jump and Say

Goal: Children improve speaking

skill at the same time exercise their
gross motor skills.
Jump and Say

• Flashcards and hoops
• Children can sit in the U shape or in a
semi-circle shape
• Line the flashcards and hoops in 2
paralleled straight rows with space in
between on the floor.
• Demonstrate the game by hopping
into a hoop and say the word next to
that hoop.
• Invite a volunteer to try the game,
encourage him/her to say the words
aloud when hopping along the line.
Tap The Card
Goal: This activity helps children
recognize the letters and identify their
Tap the Card
 Place letter cards on a board/table.
 Have the class form two groups, each
standing in a line on either side of the
 Say the letter name. One children from each
team tries to be the first to tap the letter and
win points for his/her team.
 Children who already tap the letters can go
to the back of the line and the next two
children from each team will take their
 Say the sound of the letter.
 Say a word that begins with the sound.
 Use picture cards instead of letter cards.
Children can name the letter, sound, and
Air Writing
Goal: This activity helps children remember
letter formation, which is a motion-oriented
‘memory’. It also helps to strengthen the arm
and shoulder muscles in preparation for
Air Writing

 Make sure children are familiar with the
letter before playing the game.
 Show children how to write the letter in
the air with a finger or any body part.
 Get children to choose a body part, such
as head, elbow, toes, bottom, leg, etc…
. Then tell them that they are going to
write the letter with that part.
 Teacher writes the letter in the air and
children will guess what letter it is.
 Each child take turn to write the letter in
the air and the rest of the class will guess.
Letter Train
Goal: This activity helps children improve
their vocabulary as well as gross motor skill.
Letter Train
 Flashcards in multiple copies enough for all
Ask each child to pick one of the cards.
 Tell the children to take turn to join the train
by lining up when teacher calls out the
 Call out another letter/word, then ask the
child with that word/letter to repeat the
word/letter and follow the train.
 Continue until everybody gets into the train
Extension: Get the train to go around the
room and while walking, children take turn to
say their words, starting from the front to end
and another way back.
Children can swop the card with each other
and then continue with the game.
Find Your Partner
Goal: The aim of this activity is for the
children to identify and make the
connection between a letter with its
beginning sound of a word.

Find Your Partner
 Letter cards and picture cards
 Put the picture cards on one side of the
 Show the children a letter card, then invite a
child to find the picture card of the word that
begins with the letter.
 Show the children the picture cards and get
them to find the matching letter cards.
 Give half of the class letter cards and the
other half the matching picture cards. Have
children walk around and find the matching
beginning letters or picture cards. Those
who find the cards will have to name the
letter, sound and picture.
 Children leave their cards on their desks
and walk around saying the letter sounds
and matching pictures. 70
Find the Missing Sound

Goal: The aim of this activity is that

children can read words by sight and
figure out the words they are familiar

Find the Missing Sound
 Vocabulary flashcards or real objects +
word cards
 Moveable alphabets
 Pre-teach/review: vocabulary and letter
 Show the children a picture or object
and the matching word with a missing
letter, for example: h_t.
 Ask the children to name the object and
spell its name.
 Ask the children to guess which letter/
sound is missing.
 Continue with another object.


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