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Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6 (2010) 556 – 562

Original Article
Poly(citric acid)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers—new
biocompatible hybrid materials for nanomedicine
Ashkan Tavakoli Naeini, MSa , Mohsen Adeli, PhDb,c,⁎, Manouchehr Vossoughi, PhDa,b
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Received 3 June 2009; accepted 24 November 2009


Linear-dendritic ABA triblock copolymers containing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as B block and hyperbranched poly(citric acid) (PCA)
as A blocks were synthesized through polycondensation. The molecular self-assembly of synthesized PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers in water
led to formation of nanoparticles and fibers in different sizes and shapes depending on the time and size of PCA blocks. Ten days after
dissolving PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers in water, the size of fibers had reached several millimeters. Mixing a water solution of fluorescein as
a small guest molecule and PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers led to the encapsulation of fluorescein by products of molecular self-assembly. To
investigate their potential application in nanomedicine and to understand the limitations and capabilities of these materials as nanoexcipients
in biological systems, different types of short-term in vitro cytotoxicity experiments on the HT1080 cell line (human fibrosarcoma) and
hemocompatibility tests were performed.

From the Clinical Editor: This manuscript investigates the potentials of linear-dendritic ABA triblock copolymers containing poly(ethylene
glycol) (PEG) as B block and hyperbranched poly(citric acid) (PCA) as A blocks for future applications in nanomedicine.
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Key words: Nanomedicine; Citric acid; Molecular self-assembly; Linear-dendritic; Encapsulation

Preparation of macroscopic objects with a well-defined tional movements, interaction of polymers with other molecules
structure at the atomic or molecular level continues to be a or blocks leads to supramolecules, supramolecular polymers,
very interesting subject, especially when working toward or nanostructures.14-17
applications such as nanomedicine that have a critical need for Actually, supramolecules are products of the “bottom-up”
a well-defined structure. Molecular self-assembly is an approach approach in nanotechnology. As a result of the noncovalent
to achieve this goal, because in this approach engineered interactions between building blocks in supramolecules, they are
molecules or macromolecules, as building blocks, self-assemble promising multidisciplinary materials for use in nanomedicine,
in special routes to form different objects such as micelles,1,2 because they will degrade back into individual molecules that
vesicles,3-5 ribbons,6 films,7 fibers,8-10 and tubules.11-13 can be broken down by the body.
Supramolecular self-assembly of polymers is an area of Linear-dendritic macromolecules in which linear polymers
research that has recently attracted much interest. They offer are conjugated to dendritic macromolecules are a type of hybrid
promise for many applications in different fields ranging from materials that have attracted increasing interest in recent
self-healing polymers and inks to adhesives and personal-care years.18-22 Because of the conjugation of two different types
products. As a result of their intrinsic properties and conforma- of macromolecules, linear and dendritic, they are one of the
most important classes of materials for use in supramolecular
self-assembly. Different sizes and shapes of supramolecular
assemblies can be prepared depending on the shape and
No conflict of interest was reported by the authors of this paper.
⁎Corresponding authors: Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Ave, properties of the linear and dendritic parts.23-27
Tehran, Iran. Citric acid is a cheap and biocompatible compound that is
E-mail addresses: (M. Adeli), used on a large scale in the food and drug industries. Despite the
(M. Vossoughi). large-scale production and intrinsic importance of this material,
1549-9634/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: A.T. Naeini, M. Adeli, M. Vossoughi, Poly(citric acid)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers—new biocompatible hybrid
materials for nanomedicine. Nanomedicine: NBM 2010;6:556-562, doi:10.1016/j.nano.2009.11.008
A.T. Naeini et al / Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6 (2010) 556–562 557

Figure 1. A schematic representation of poly(citric acid)–poly(ethylene glycol)–poly(citric acid) copolymers.

Figure 2. Matrix-assisted laser diffraction initiation–time of flight mass spectra for PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers synthesized using citric acid/PEG = 2 (A1), 5
(A2), 8 (A3), 10 (A4) molar ratios.

especially in biological systems, there are apparently no reports patibility tests were performed so as to investigate their potential
of the production of polymeric materials based on this application in biological systems.
compound. Herein ABA triblock copolymers of poly(citric
acid) (PCA) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) are synthesized
and characterized. Molecular self-assembly of PCA-PEG-PCA Methods
copolymers in water led to the formation of different objects,
from nanoparticles to fibers that were able to encapsulate PEG (molecular weight [Mn] = 1500), citric acid, tetrahy-
fluorescein as a small guest molecule. Based on their molecular drofuran, diethyl ether, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were
self-assembly, linear-dendritic PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers are purchased from Merck. A dialysis bag (Mn cutoff 2000) was
promising nanomaterials to use in nanomedicine. Hence, purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, Missouri). The cell
different types of short-term in vitro cytotoxicity experiments line (HT1080, American Type Culture Collection) was obtained
on the HT1080 cell line (human fibrosarcoma) and hemocom- from the Pasteur Institute (Tehran, Iran). MTT (3-(4,5-
558 A.T. Naeini et al / Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6 (2010) 556–562

Figure 3. Gel permeation chromatography diagrams for poly(citric acid)–

poly(ethylene glycol)–poly(citric acid) (PCA-PEG-PCA) copolymers syn-
thesized using CA/PEG molar ratios of 2 (A1), 5 (A2), 8 (A3), and 10 (A4).
Figure 4. Atomic force microscopy image of A2 poly(citric acid)–poly
(ethylene glycol)–poly(citric acid) copolymer in water after 5 days.
Table 1
Some characteristics of PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers synthesized using four using dynamic light scattering (DLS) (Zetasizer ZS; Malvern
different CA/PEG molar ratios* Instruments, Worcestershire, United Kingdom). The molecular
PCA-PEG- Molecular weight Mn PDI %PCA Diameter weight distributions were determined by gel permeation
PCA molar (MALDI-TOF (GPC) (GPC) (TGA) by DLS chromatography (GPC) using a Pump 1000 with a PL
ratio mass) (nm) aquagel-OH mixed-H 8-μm column connected to a differential
A1 1757 2733 1.18 44.38 1.8 refractometer, with water as the mobile phase at 25°C. Pullulan
A2 1889 2877 1.11 55.67 2.0 standard samples were used for calibration. Optical microscopy
A3 3446 2933 1.08 58.41 2.1 images were recorded using an Olympus AHBT3-VANOX
A4 3771 2964 1.09 75.01 2.2 (Tokyo, Japan).
DLS, dynamic light scattering; GPC, gel permeation chromatography; A 2 mg/mL solution of the sample was prepared in 50%
MALDI-TOF, matrix-assisted laser desorption–time of flight; PCA-PEG- acetonitrile in water with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). The
PCA, poly(citric acid)-poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(citric acid)' PDI, polydis- sample was then put into an alpha cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid
persity index; TGA, thermogravimetric analysis. (10 mg/mL) matrix, and matrix-assisted laser diffraction
* Molar ratios as follow: A1 (2), A2 (5), A3 (8), and A4 (10).
initiation–time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass analysis was carried
out in a Voyager-DE STR instrument (Vernon Hills, Illinois).
dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide) pow- Synthesis of PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers and toxicity tests
der, LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) Kit, crystal violet staining/kit,
RPMI 1640 medium, and fetal calf serum were obtained from Procedures for synthesis of PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers,
Sigma-Aldrich, Roche (Indianapolis, Indiana), Promega (Madi- crystal violet test, MTT assay, LDH cytotoxicity assay, and
son, Wisconsin), Biologos, Illinois, and Biosera (East Sussex, hemolysis assay are reported in the Supplementary Material
United Kingdom), respectively. section (available in the online version of this article).
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectra were
recorded in DMSO-d6 on a Bruker DRX 400 MHz apparatus Molecular self-assembly of PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers
(Vernon Hills, Illinois) (Bruker) with the solvent proton signal
PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers (1 g) were dissolved in deio-
for reference. 13C NMR spectra were recorded on the same
nized water (50 mL) at 25°C and the solution left at this
instrument using the solvent carbon signal as a reference.
temperature without stirring. Then certain volumes of solution
Infrared (IR) measurements were performed using a Nicolet
were withdrawn at set time intervals and used for TEM, atomic
320 FTIR (Nicolet Instrument Corporation, Madison, Wiscon-
force microscopy (AFM), and DLS experiments immediately.
sin). Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) analyses were
performed by a LEO 912 AB electron microscope (JFE Encapsulation of fluorescein as a small guest molecule by
Enterprises, Brookeville, Maryland). Thermogravimetric analy- products of molecular self-assembly
ses (TGA) were carried out in a thermal analyzer (Model DSC
60; Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) under a dynamic atmosphere of Water solutions of fluorescein (typically 1 g/100 mL) and
an inert gas (i.e., N2) at 30 mL/min (room temperature [20- PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers (typically 1 g/50 mL) were mixed at
250C]). The particle size and polydispersity were determined room temperature and stirred for 1 hour. The resultant solution,
A.T. Naeini et al / Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6 (2010) 556–562 559

Figure 5. Representation of the molecular self assembly of A2 poly(citric acid)–poly(ethylene glycol)–poly(citric acid) copolymer in water by transmission
electron microscopy after (A) 1, (B) 2, (C) 3, (D) 4, (E) 5, (F) 6, (G) 7 days and optical microscopy after (H) 8, (J) 9 days.

containing fluorescein and copolymer, was left at room for end methylene groups of PEG, 3.6 ppm for PEG methylene
temperature. Certain volumes of this solution were withdrawn groups, and 2.6–2.8 ppm for methylene groups of PCA (AB
at set time intervals and used for different experiments. system) (see Supplementary Figure 2, found in the Supplemen-
tary Material section in the online version of this article).
In 13C NMR spectra, chemical shifts at 175, 170, 73, 68, 67,
Results 64, and 40 ppm are assigned to the carbonyl and carbons of PCA
blocks. Chemical shift at 71 ppm is assigned to PEG (see
Linear-dendritic PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers were synthe- Supplementary Figure 3, found in the Supplementary Material
sized through polycondensation reactions (Figure 1). In this section in the online version of this article).
synthetic route, PEG (Mn = 1500) was used as core and citric During the last decade, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry has
acid was polymerized on it. The molecular weight of copolymers become an essential tool for the characterization of dendrimers
depended on the molar ratio of citric acid to PEG (CA/PEG). CA/ and hyperbranched polymers. Figure 2 shows the MALDI-TOF
PEG = 2, 5, 8, and 10 molar ratios were used to synthesize mass spectra of the synthesized copolymers. According to
copolymers (referred to throughout this work as A1, A2, A3, and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry results, the molecular weights
A4, respectively). of A1, A2, A3, and A4 were 1757, 1889, 3446, and 3771,
The IR spectrum of A2 shows absorbance bands of respectively. Whereas the molecular weight of PEG used was
hydroxyl and carbonyl groups of PCA blocks at 2400– 1500, it was observed that the molecular weights of PCA blocks
3600 cm−1 and 1738 cm−1, respectively (see Supplementary were 257 for A1, 389 for A2, 1946 for A3, and 2271 for A4.
Figure 1, found in the Supplementary Material section in the Figure 3 displays the GPC diagrams of A1, A2, A3, and A4.
online version of this article). Molecular weights of copolymers depended on the CA/PEG
H NMR spectra of this copolymer show chemical shifts at molar ratios directly and were between 2730 and 2960. Because
12.5 parts per million (ppm) for acidic hydroxyl groups, 4.2 ppm of the self-assembly of copolymers in the solution state, there
560 A.T. Naeini et al / Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6 (2010) 556–562

Figure 6. Optical microscopy images of fibers resulted from water solution of A2, A3, and A4 (from left to right) poly(citric acid)–poly(ethylene glycol)–poly
(citric acid) copolymers, which differ only in the size of the poly(citric acid) block.

Figure 8. Influence of concentration of A1 (gray bars) and A3 (white bars)

copolymers on viability of HT1080 cell line after 24 hours' incubation time
Figure 7. Encapsulation of fluorescein by fibers resulted from molecular self- (MTT assay). The red bars show the result for untreated control cultures.
assembly of A2.

DLS experiments showed that the diameter of synthesized

was a small difference between their molecular weights PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers in a fresh solution (1 g/100 mL) is
compared to the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry results smaller than 5 nm and that there is a direct relationship between
(Table 1). However, in low CA/PEG molar ratios a shoulder at size of PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers and CA/PEG molar ratios
higher molecular weights can be seen. It seems that in low CA/ (see Supplementary Figure 5 in the Supplementary Material
PEG molar ratios homogeneity of reaction decreases, and the section in the online version of this article; and Table 1).
proportion of citric acid is not sufficient to react with all end Molecular self-assembly was observed for PCA-PEG-PCA
hydroxyl functional groups of PEG. Polydispersity indexes of copolymers in aqueous solutions. When a water solution of
molecular weights of copolymers were relatively narrow— copolymers was left at room temperature, supramolecular
between 1.08 and 1.18 (Table 1). assemblies appeared gradually, so that after several days they
TGA experiments confirmed the MALDI-TOF mass were observed visually.
spectrometry and GPC results. According to these experiments, Figure 4 shows the AFM image of molecular assemblies
the PCA content of PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers directly of A2 produced in water after 5 days. As can be seen, after
depended on the CA/PEG molar ratios. There are two main this time point the size of molecular self-assemblies had reached
weight-loss temperatures for synthesized copolymers; the first 40–50 nm. In this figure each particle is coupled with other
(at 150–210°C) is assigned to the decomposition of PCA particles, precluding detection of a single particle; in other
blocks, and the second (at 380–410°C) is related to the words, particles are self-assembling.
decomposition of the PEG block (see Supplementary Figure 4 The molecular self-assembly of copolymers was investigated
in the Supplementary Material section in the online version of using TEM experiments. In these experiments water solutions of
this article). According to the TGA diagrams, the PCA copolymers (typically 1 g/50 mL) were prepared and their self-
contents for A1, A2, A3, and A4 are 44%, 55%, 68%, and assembly followed day by day. Figure 5 shows the molecular self-
75%, respectively. assembly of A2 during 9 days. During the first day aggregations
A.T. Naeini et al / Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6 (2010) 556–562 561

Figure 10. Effect of concentration of A1 (gray bars) and A3 (white bars)

copolymers on cell membrane integrity after 24 hours' incubation. The red
bars show the result for dimethyl sulfoxide (0.1% vol/vol)–treated negative
Figure 9. Effect of concentration of A1 (gray bars) and A3 (white bars) control cells.
copolymers on functionality of HT1080 cell line after 24 hours' incubation
(crystal violet staining assay). The red bars show the result for untreated
negative control cultures. Because molecular self-assemblies of PCA-PEG-PCA
copolymers can encapsulate fluorescein, they can be used to
transport drugs and other molecules in biological systems. One
appeared as small particles with an average size around 3 nm. On of the most interesting topics to investigate in the use of these
days 2, 3, and 4 particle sizes increased gradually, reaching 5, 7, copolymers in biological systems is the effect of their
and 12 nm, respectively. On day 5 the size of particles increased molecular self-assembly on their toxicity, transport capacity,
steeply—probably as the result of self-assembly of produced reorganization by the immunogenic system, and internalization
particles (see also Figure 4). After 6 days the size of particles had into the tissues and cells. Thus, to investigate their potential
reached 150 nm (Figure 5, F). On day 7 rodlike particles, which application in biological systems (especially for drug delivery)
are the precursors of the fibers, had appeared (Figure 5, G). Self- and to understand the limitation and capability of these
assembly of rodlike aggregations finally led to the long fibers. materials as nanoexcipients in such systems, we performed
After day 7 the size of aggregations had increased sufficiently to different types of short-term in vitro cytotoxicity experiments
investigate by optical microscopy. On days 8 and 9 the fiber-like on the HT1080 (human fibrosarcoma) cell line, as well as
objects were observed by optical microscopy. hemocompatibility tests.
DLS experiments were used to investigate the self-assembly The results of the MTT assay, as an indicator of
of PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers in water. For this reason DLS mitochondrial function, showed negligible toxicity compared
diagrams of A2 (1 g/50 mL) in water during 4 days were with the control group up to 1 mg/mL concentration after
recorded (see Supplementary Figure 6 in the Supplementary 24 hours' incubation (Figure 8).
Material section in the online version of this article). On day 1 The crystal violet staining assay is a colorimetric method
the diameter of aggregations was around 1 nm. On days 2, 3, based on counting the adherent and almost functional cells that
and 4 not only had the diameter and size distribution of can take up the dye. The results of the crystal violet staining
aggregations increased, but multiple peaks had also appeared. assay for A1 and A3 after 24 hours' incubation are shown in
These results confirmed the TEM observations and self- Figure 9. According to these results, negligible toxicity
assembly of copolymers. compared with the control group up to 0.5 mg/mL concentration
Size and shape of supramolecular assemblies depended on the was observed after 24 hours' incubation, whereas 1 μg/mL
structure of copolymers. Figure 6 shows the optical microscopy concentration showed toxicity against the controlled medium
images of fibers produced by molecular self-assembly of after this time.
copolymers, which differ only in the size of PCA blocks. This Figure 10 shows the results of the LDH assay for treated cells
figure shows that the size of PCA blocks directly affects the with A1 and A3 copolymers against 0.1% (vol/vol) DMSO as
diameter of the fibers produced, so that copolymers with larger negative control, after 24 hours' incubation. According to these
PCA blocks produce fibers with greater diameters. results, toxicity was observed only for 2 mg/mL concentration.
The diameter of fibers resulting from molecular self-assembly Hemolysis assay showed no sign of harsh hemolysis (b9%)
of A2 after 10 days was 1.2 μm, whereas for A3 and A4 for A1 and A3 copolymers up to 0.5 mg/mL concentration
diameters were 2 and 3.5 μm, respectively. within 2 hours of incubation (see Supplementary Figure 7 in
Interestingly, the products of molecular self-assembly of the Supplementary Material section in the online version of
PCA-PEG-PCA copolymers were able to encapsulate fluores- this article).
cein as a small guest molecule. Figure 7 shows a fiber resulting
from molecular self-assembly of A2 in the presence of
fluorescein. As can be clearly seen, fluorescein has been Discussion
encapsulated in certain segments of the fiber. Probably these are
the fiber segments containing assembled PCA blocks, because Results of the crystal violet staining test and of the LDH and
these blocks contain a large number of functional groups that hemolysis assays showed a dose toxicity profile that can be
can interact with fluorescein. ascribed to a variety of reasons including chemical and physical
562 A.T. Naeini et al / Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6 (2010) 556–562

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