Moral Reflection

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Moral reflection is a person's definition of what is good and evil, it is determining

whether they are drawn to perform good or evil. Moral reflection is formed by the
environment, your current circumstances, and outside influences such as, friends,
media, and even religion. My experience with this was when the time that I stopped 1
school year, I was on the lowest spot in my life at that moment so I decided to take time
for myself and figure out what’s the problem and how to deal with it. At first it was really
boring, got nothing to do, no job, only doing chores at home, watch movies, and always
sleeping/lying down, so what I did was I plan to do something to do in each day, I list
every task that I should do in a day, making some plans for the week, more time for
myself, and do something new, it was good though until my crippling depression came
(no longer able to complete basic life tasks such as getting up and doing task every
day). It was really tough though, it was really hard, and I always wanted to give up but
decided not to. Since I had crippling depression, what I did was read some books and I
found the book that made me realized and gave me an answer to my problem. The
book is called “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, there’s a
quote there that hits me, which helped me with what I am today, and says “Begin with
the end in mind” it is to develop a personal plans in life and use it to guide all I do in life.
Until now I still always keep that in mind, whatever life choices I make, I ponder it and
apply everything I learned on that quote.

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