Student Council President Speech

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I would like to begin letting you guys think for a little while; If you could create one thing

in our school,
what would it be? Good afternoon to you all. I am Malena Viana from DP1 and I am running for Student
council president. You must be thinking, why would I even listen to her? Why me? What is special
about me? I could go yadayadayada I already do this and that and that. But you don't see me around
that much, do you? That's because no other position in school has got me as interested as the student
council president. Last week, I spent hours pondering how I could impress you guys enough to elect
me. Should I showcase my achievements? But then I thought, If I win, I will have to present myself all
over again? So to make things easier I decided that I would ask some people around to help me. If you
could describe me in two words, what would they be?
*Plays video*

I think for now you've heard enough of me. But we all have to agree, what is really going to matter at
the end of the day is how I channel your ideas. Which takes us all to the next part of this presentation;
the fun part of this presentation. Ideas!!!! Disclaimer: there is no 100% guarantee that all of these will
occur of course because we live in a community and it is really important to recognize what is within
our possibilities but if they are approved i'll give you at least a 99.99 9%

So to start off the ideas for events we have a really popular one and one of my personal
favourites, world cup day; including allowing you all to wear football shirts (the Brazilian ones of course)
watching a game on a big screen and having a card flip competition. I am very artistic so I couldn't have
skipped the idea of an arts competition, with some form of displaying your wonderful works in the end.
Apart from that some themed, charity bake sales, hosting big sport events and to finish a really good
one, winter fair!! With workshops and all that kind of stuff.

Now for the activities! A really really important one, mental health week, we all can agree that we all
have to learn some self management skills. Next it would be very interesting to introduce new
disciplines to our school, perhaps a robotics club, and financial education, since both could be really
important for our futures. I also thought tutoring and volunteering clubs would be really good to get our
community involved helping others within and outside it. And lastly, having a careers week especially
for MYP4's and 5's would be great for letting you guys into different worlds before deciding your DP

Last but not least we have some extra aspects which I introduced based on investigating with some
people around me. To those who always forget your chargers, like me, I thought having charging
stations would be of great mutual benefit and would spare some of us from the "I have no battery and I
forgot my charger". I know a lot of people who aspire to major in fashion so maybe some fabrics etc in
the arts room. I thought of suggesting a vending machine and my personal favourite, a kindness rock
garden so you can spread some love.

I'd like to finish off answering the why me? Question. Here's a brief explanation why, if you wanna read.
But to sum it up, I'll help you with creative and innovative solutions, Ill help you guys by quickly seeing
the bigger picture and understanding a situation clearly before taking action and you can all come talk
to me, even if it's just to say how your day went.

If you don't know much about the council, trust me, I'll guide your way! I have a passion for all of these
important skills! And remember, be a Winner, vote Malena- r!


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