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“Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation of Sustainable and

Renewable Energy: A Comparative Study on Bangladesh & Global Perspective”

Course: Strategic Management (W650)

Prepared for
Mr. Sheikh Morshed Jahan
Institute of Business Administration,
University of Dhaka

Prepared by
Group 10
Wakil Ahmed 54
Yeasin Arafat 60
Md. Mehedy Hassan Mredul 62
Sakib Hasan 65
Md. Mominul Haque 80

Batch: MBA 63D

Date of Submission: 28/08/2022
Global energy consumption has grown dramatically in recent years, with emerging nations
accounting for the lion's share of this increase. Renewable energy will fuel the Fourth Industrial
Revolution (4IR), according to the World Economic Forum. Furthermore, Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) 7.2b focuses on renewable energy. Solar as an energy resource has a
massive market, and the solar sector is booming since it is both profitable and eco-friendly.
Bangladesh now shares a proportion of renewable energy of just 3.57% of total energy ratio,
although the country has previously implemented a master plan in the renewable energy industry.
Whereas Bangladesh's installed electrical generating capacity has swiftly expanded to 13265
MW with captive generation capacity, this is insufficient to meet the nation's energy demand.
One-third of Bangladesh's power output is dependent on expensive imported fossil fuel energy
supplies, and 65% is dependent on the country's natural gas deposit, which will be depleted one
day. Furthermore, insufficient power output is causing the country to deindustrialize. The current
and future critical energy crisis scenario is being addressed by incorporating renewable energy
into electricity generation. The Bangladeshi government's present renewable energy plan forces
the specialization of renewable energy generating budget by reducing global pollution with
saving movement of solar, hydro, wind, biomass, and tidal power sectors. And Sustainable
energy sector such as Nuclear and Waste to energy will a sustainable source for diminishing
energy crisis and future energy solution. This paper presents the current national and global
energy scenario. Local challenges and opportunities for implementation of sustainable and
renewable energy and various 4IR technologies are used in power sector. It also contains some
strategic recommendations for the industry and the government.

Key-words: 4IR, IoT, AI, Sustainable and Renewable energy, Solar, Wind, Hydro, Waste to
energy, nuclear energy.

Table of Contents

List of Figures..................................................................................................................................5




Literature Review............................................................................................................................8

Solar Power....................................................................................................................................12

Global Perspective.....................................................................................................................12

Solar in Bangladesh...................................................................................................................14

4IR Technologies.......................................................................................................................21



Nuclear Energy..............................................................................................................................22

Global Perspective (Russia).......................................................................................................22

Bangladesh Perspective.............................................................................................................23

4th Industrial Revolution............................................................................................................25

Limitations/ Gap........................................................................................................................26


Waste to Electricity........................................................................................................................28

Global Perspective.....................................................................................................................28

Bangladesh Perspective.............................................................................................................29

4IR in Waste-to-energy..............................................................................................................29

Challenges and Opportunities....................................................................................................30


Hydro Power..................................................................................................................................34

Global Perspective.....................................................................................................................34

Bangladesh’s Perspective..........................................................................................................35




Wind Power...................................................................................................................................43

Global Scenario.........................................................................................................................43

Bangladesh Scenario..................................................................................................................44







List of Figures
Figure 1: Net solar PV capacity additions 2018-2020...................................................................13
Figure 2: Future Energy Prospect of Solar....................................................................................15
Figure 3:Solar Energy Park in Bangladesh....................................................................................18
Figure 4: Net Metering Solar system in Bangladesh - Veritas Engineering. (2022).....................19
Figure 5: Statistics of Installed Net Metering System...................................................................19
Figure 6: Net Metering System at Institute of Energy, DU...........................................................20
Figure 7: Hybrid Control System..................................................................................................21
Figure 8: Nuclear Plants in Russia.................................................................................................23
Figure 9: Plants in Ruppur.............................................................................................................24
Figure 10: Use of 4IR for Risk Control in Nuclear Energy...........................................................26
Figure 11: Waste to Energy production in Sweden (Jaganmohan, n.d.).......................................28
Figure 12: Largest hydroelectric power generating countries worldwide in 2021 (in terawatt
Figure 13: Prospective Sites for Micro Hydropower Development in Chittagong Hill Tracts.....36
Figure 14: Potential Small Hydropower Sites Identified by BPDB and BWDB, including north
eastern region.................................................................................................................................37
Figure 15: Location map of potential sites for pumped storage hydropower plants in Bangladesh
(PSMP, 2016)................................................................................................................................38
Figure 16: Location map of potential sites for small-scale hydropower plants in Bangladesh
(PSMP, 2016)................................................................................................................................39
Figure 17: Electricity percentage production from hydropower sources in Bangladesh from 1971
to 2018 Renewable energy in Bangladesh: current situation and future prospect, 2022).............40
Figure 18: Compound Annual Growth rate of Wind energy Source: GWEC Annual Report 2021
........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 19: Present Renewable energy installed capacity in Bangladesh. Source:! Bookmark not defined.

For the partial requirements of the course named Strategic Management, we were assigned to
take on this report. We have chosen power sector as our concern industry to work on. According
to the World Economic Forum, Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) will be driven by Renewable
Energy. In addition, 7.2b of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which focuses on renewable
energy. Hence, we have selected the topic titled” Challenges and Opportunities for
Implementation of Sustainable and Renewable Energy: A Comparative on Global and
Bangladesh Perspective”. In Bangladesh, we have total renewable energy is 910.78 MW which is
only 3.57% of our total energy installed capacity. In our renewable energy sources, Solar has the
lion share with 676.79 MW installed capacity. By 2041, Bangladesh government has a vision to
achieve 40% of the energy from the renewable sources. In 2012, Bangladesh government has
formulated Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority Act, 2012 and formed
SREDA as a nodal agency to promote, facilitate, and disseminate sustainable energy (SE), i.e.
covering both the areas of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) to ensure.
Subsequently, SREDA and Power Division of Bangladesh government had jointly made a master
plan called” “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan up to 2030”.

Additionally, Russia-Ukrainian war started in the late February of 2022 has caused the global
price of oil and gas to skyrocket. Government of Bangladesh had to raise fuel price by a
staggering 50% just to adjust its subsidy against the rising global fuel prices. It has understood
the necessity of energy security by investing more in sustainable and renewable energy amidst
this volatile global market. Bangladesh is a subtropical country, sunshine is abundant for 70% of
the year (Chowdhury, M. N. M., Uddin, S., & Saleh, S, 2014) . Because of this, Bangladesh can utilize
solar power quite well. Daily solar radiation ranges between 4 and 6.5 kWh/m2, with maximum
radiation typically occurring in March and April and minimum radiation occurring in December
and January. So, the Bangladeshi power crisis may have a potential solution in solar energy. The
country has a long desire to go nuclear through atomic power plant. After lot of hurdles, the
country is currently working on 2 units of a nuclear powerplant in Rooppur, Pabna making it 31 st
country to possess nuclear power generation capability in the face of the earth. Nuclear power
has the potentials to provide cheap, eco-friendly and long-term sustainable energy to the nation
with greater economic benefits.

In case of traditional hydropower, our country lacks resources due to low had and water flow. It
might not be rainbows and sunshine but there are scopes. Adoption to micro hydropower will be
much appropriate for our country. Waste-to-energy generation in perspective of Bangladesh is
efficient, but installation and maintenance are still at the beginning phase. As a sustainable
energy source, there is so many opportunities in this sector. Solid waste differentiation and usage
needs to be prioritized as soon as possible. Govt. has given importance to harness wind energy to
produce electricity as part of the renewable energy development. With the limited wind energy,
our scope is limited but small-scale projects are possible to implement in Bangladesh with proper
study and planning. However, Bangladesh a total 2.9 MW wind installed capacity.

Broad Objective: to investigate challenges and opportunities for implementation of
sustainable and renewable energy
Specific Objectives:
1. To investigate the implementation of solar energy plant at home and abroad
2. To investigate the implementation of wind power plant at home and abroad
3. To investigate the implementation of hydro power plant at home and abroad
4. To investigate the implementation of nuclear power plant at home and abroad
5. To investigate the implementation of waste to electricity plant at home and abroad
6. To recommend some strategies and policy adjustments

To study further regarding the 4IR in the energy sector and sustainable and renewable sources,
we have collected the required data from different convenient sources. Our main goal was to
depict the recent paradigm shift in energy sectors and how to deal with the updated world.

The primary data was gathered from six organizations: DESCO, BREB, SREDA, BPDB,
Reverie Power & Automation Ltd, and the University of Dhaka Renewable Energy department.
We have had 7 in-depth interviews with the senior concerns of these organizations. The
interviews covered questions regarding the 4IR in our power sector, the policies connected with
the 4IR, future plans, and the obstacles to achieving a large goal.

The secondary data was gathered from numerous websites, articles, newspapers, journals, etc.
We have studied renewable and sustainable energy sources and the countries that are at the apex
of reaching an ideal scenario using these sources.

Literature Review
Solar Power

Solar energy can be captured in two ways: a) through photovoltaic cells (PV) and b) through
solar thermal energy (STE) (Deb, A., Bhuiyan, M. A. M., & Nasir, A. (2013). A solar cell, often
known as a photovoltaic cell (PV), is a solid-state electrical device that uses the photoelectric
effect to convert light into electric current. Mono-crystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon,
amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, and copper indium selenide/sulfide are currently utilized
in photovoltaic solar cells. The efficiencies of different materials vary, with the current average
efficiency of a solar cell ranging from 8% to 20%. Historically, most PV panels have been
utilized for off-grid applications, therefore it can be viewed as a way to avoid the installation of
long and costly power lines to remote places. Off-grid PV systems typically include storage
devices (Batteries) to store extra electricity, allowing the cell to operate for a few hours in the
absence of sunlight (SHAKIR-ul haque Khan, T. U., & Rahman, S. H. 2012).

Solar thermal energy, on the other hand, is a type of energy in which the sun is used to generate
heat that may be used in a variety of ways. People have been using this energy for thousands of
years for a variety of purposes, and contemporary technology has further broadened the
applications for the sun's heat (Deb, A., Bhuiyan, M. A. M., & Nasir, A. (2013).

Nuclear Power

Nuclear energy is a plentiful supply of thermal energy that may be converted into a variety of
useful forms of energy, such as electricity. German scientist Martin Klaproth found uranium in
1789, and he gave it the name Uranus to honour the planet. Uranium is the element at the core of
nuclear energy. Around 6% of the world's energy and 13%–14% of its power come from nuclear
sources. Together, the United States, France, and Japan generate roughly half of all nuclear-
generated power. According to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), 439 nuclear
power reactors are currently operational worldwide.

There are 31 nations with these nuclear power plants in operation. Comparing nuclear power to
many other energy systems, it has a strong safety record. Safety improvements are still being
researched. In addition to this, there have been some significant mishaps at nuclear power
facilities. A nuclear catastrophe known as the Chornobyl disaster took place on April 26, 1986, at
the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (formally the Ukrainian SSR), which was directly
governed by the central Moscow government. A secluded village called Ruppur in Bangladesh's
Pabna district, close to the Indian state of West Bengal was chosen as the potential location for
the country's first nuclear power station. Thus, the Hardinge Bridge over the Ganges (Padma)
downstream of the site at Ruppur seemed an obvious candidate for a nuclear power plant.

After getting a favourable response from the IAEA, the government of Bangladesh opted to build
the Ruppur power plant based on its ideas. On February 24, 2011, the government of Bangladesh
and Russia signed the main agreement for the construction of a 2000 MW nuclear power station
at Ruppur near Pabna. The nation's first nuclear power plant project (NPP), which would be
finished in 2017–18 at US$1.5–2 billion, was begun by the government with the signing of the
agreement. According to an IAEA study, 449 nuclear power reactors were functioning as of 23
April 2014 among 30 nations. Since fuel only makes up a minor portion of the cost of
production, nuclear power plants are typically regarded as base load facilities.


By 2050, the amount of garbage produced daily per person in emerging and developed nations
would rise by 40% and 19%, respectively. By 2050, the World Bank predicts that the total
amount of waste generated in South Asia (SA) and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) will have doubled.
(Khan, Chowdhury & Techato, 2022). Both in established and emerging nations, the construction
of waste-to-energy (WtE) generation plants employing appropriate technology is rising as one of
the sustainable solutions for waste management. However, there aren't many criteria for
evaluating these projects' environmental effects, especially in poor nations. Air and water
quality, disturbances to terrestrial habitats, human health, emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
and other pollutants, effects on the neighborhood, land use, and visual disturbances are some of
these problems. (Kabir & Khan, 2017). Under the BAU scenario, the total estimated GHG
emissions are expected to be between 3.45 and 4.68 million MT CO2eq and 5.45 to 9.59 million
MT CO2eq by 2030 and 2050, respectively. By 2030 and 2050, respectively, Bangladesh's

anticipated highest combined renewable power generation capacity from MSW was found to be
between 4173.90 and 5645.30 GWh and 6582.48 and 11579.12 GWh. (Islam, 2017) The WTE
initiative can lower emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and unregulated landfills in
underdeveloped nations. The high capital expenses and infrastructure shortcomings have been
addressed with alternative ideas and technologies. Concentrating on avoiding GHG emissions,
increasing economic profit, and potential electricity production. In Bangladesh's cities of Dhaka
and Chittagong, six potential WtE scenarios were evaluated. The scenario with the largest net
profit, the best energy potential, and the lowest net GHG emissions was the one. According to
the CAGR technique and historical rate of MSW prediction for the scenario, the combined
estimated economic profit from the two cities in 2050 may be US $170.76 million and US
$128.87 million, respectively. (Nazmul Islam, 2016). The findings show that the energy and
energy efficiencies are 32% and 27%, respectively, and that the production costs are in the range
of 53.9–56.7 USD/MWh, which is equivalent to the production costs of the existing power plants
in Bangladesh, which have an efficiency of 87%. (Adnan et al., 2021).

Hydro Power

Britannica defines hydroelectricity or hydropower as electricity produced from generators driven

by turbines that convert the potential energy of falling or fast-flowing water into mechanical
energy. Hydroelectric power was the most widely used renewable energy source in the early
twenty-first century, accounting for more than 18% of the world's total power generation
capacity in 2019. (Britannica)

According to Wikipedia, Hydropower (from Greek: ὕδωρ, "water"), also known as water power,
is the use of falling or fast-running water to produce electricity or to power machines. This is
achieved by converting the gravitational potential or kinetic energy of a water source to produce
power. Hydropower is a method of sustainable energy production.

Types of Hydroelectric plant

According to The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the national agency for
renewable energy of the United States of America under the department of Energy (EERE), there
are three types of Hydroelectric plant:

1. Impoundment.

2. Diversion.
3. Pumped storage.

Size of Hydroelectric Power Plant

Although there are many different opinions, according to The United States Department of
Energy (DOE), these are of 3 types:

Large Hydropower: Capacity more than 30 megawatts (MW).

Small Hydropower: Capacity between 100 kilowatts and 10 MW.

Micro Hydropower: Capacity of up to 100 kilowatts.


Wind power is the conversion of the kinetic energy of winds to a useful form such as electrical
and mechanical energy generated by the movement of wind turbine blades. Wind power directly
depends on wind velocity. (M.N.Uddin, 2019)

Wind energy is one of the most important renewable energy forms which does not cause
pollution, is abundant, and reduces the use of fossil fuels. Wind energy is available everywhere
on the planet and using wind energy efficiently can contribute a lot toward sustainable
development. ("What are the benefits of wind power? | ACCIONA | Business as unusual", 2022)

Where the yearly average wind speed is at least 9 mph, or 4 m/s for small wind turbines, and 13
mph, or 5.8 m/s for utility-scale turbines, are good locations for wind turbines. The tops of
smooth, rounded hills, water, broad plains, and wind-driven mountain gaps are all desirable
locations. Higher heights above the earth's surface offer more suitable wind resources for the
generation of electricity. Large wind turbines are installed on towers that are between 500 feet to
as much as 900 feet. ("Where wind power is harnessed - U.S. Energy Information Administration
(EIA)", 2022)

Solar Power
Global Perspective

Solar PV power output is expected to climb by a record 156 TWh in 2020, representing a 23%
increase over 2019. Solar PV accounted for 3.1% of worldwide electricity generation in 2018,
and it now ranks third behind hydropower and onshore wind, having surpassed biofuels in
2019.The historic expansion in power generation in 2020 was fueled by an investment boom
driven by developers scrambling to capitalize on expiring assistance schemes in China, the
United States, and Vietnam. As projects contracted under China's old FIT plan, as well as those
granted in prior national or provincial competitive auctions, had to be connected to the grid by
the end of 2020, China alone was responsible for 75% of the growth in yearly solar PV
installations from 2019 to 2020. (IEA ,2021).

In the United States, developers rushed to finish their projects before the production tax credit
expired, however it was extended for another year in December 2020. The phase-out of the FIT
for solar PV projects in Vietnam triggered an extraordinary surge in business and residential
installations. Meanwhile, deployment in the European Union has quickened, with nations upping
their efforts to meet the 2030 climate objectives. Overall, a record 133 GW of solar PV was
installed globally in 2020 (IEA ,2021).

Figure 1: Net solar PV capacity additions 2018-2020

However, increasing annual solar PV power from 820 TWh to over 6 970 TWh by 2030 will
necessitate 24% annual average generation increase from 2020 to 2030. Although this pace is
lower than the average annual growth rate of 27% over the last five years, maintaining this
momentum will become increasingly challenging as the PV industry increases. More work will
be required from all stakeholders to increase solar PV capacity deployment from 134 GW in
2020 to 630 GW per year through 2030. China's solar PV capacity additions reached 48 GW in
2020, resuming after a downturn in 2018-2019. The hurry to complete utility-scale projects
before the FIT program ended at the end of 2020 encouraged the accelerated deployment.
Although 2020 expansion was still less than the 2017 high of 53 GW, it demonstrates China's
comeback to PV capacity development (IEA ,2021).

Overall, governmental adjustments toward less subsidy-driven deployment are likely to make
solar PV technology more cost-competitive both inside and outside of China, resulting in more
sustainable development over time. Already, 40 GW of subsidy-free development is planned
over a 20-year period at provincial power costs. The revised objective and policy scheme in the
14th Five-Year Plan, as well as future cost reductions, are projected to significantly enhance PV
development in China, with the bulk of projects being utility-scale. Distributed solar PV capacity
is predicted to grow fast as a result of new auctions for commercial and industrial uses, as well as

subsidies for residential systems. China plans to set up a 2-GW massive orbital solar power plant
by 2028.

Solar PV capacity in the United States will expand by 45% in 2020 to 19 GW, topping the 2015
record of 15 GW. The projected phase out of the production tax credit was the primary driver for
this acceleration, but the incentive was ultimately extended for another year and will continue to
accelerate capacity development. Increased corporate demand via power purchase agreements,
driven by falling prices and ongoing expansion in residential and commercial markets, will also
aid in increasing PV installations. After tripling in 2019, solar PV installations in the European
Union grew another 15% in 2020, as EU members stepped up their efforts to meet climate
targets. Germany (+5 GW), Spain (+3 GW), the Netherlands (+3 GW), and Poland (+2 GW) will
have the highest growth rates in 2020.

Brazil maintained its lead in solar PV capacity increases in Latin America in 2020, adding more
than 3 GW (58% increase from 2019). As residential and small commercial users obtain
considerable returns on their investments, generous net metering incentives are projected to
continue supporting fast development. In 2020, fewer than 4 GW of solar PV capacity was
constructed in India, about 60% less than in 2019. Due to the rigorous national Covid-19
shutdown, supply chain, construction, and logistical issues delayed the commissioning of
multiple projects. However, PV deployment is projected to increase in the future years as
additional capacity is contracted through auctions and the distributed PV sector continues to
grow gradually (IEA ,2021).

In contrast, Viet Nam's solar PV deployment boom of 2019 was replicated in 2020, fueled by the
country's FIT scheme's expiry. It resulted in 11 GW of capacity increases, which is more than
double the amount added in 2019. The 2019 building surge focused on utility-scale installations,
whereas the 2020 growth focused mostly on distributed PV systems. Due to system integration
issues, solar PV deployment in Vietnam is anticipated to slow down shortly after surging from
nearly zero to 16 GW in only two years. (IEA ,2021)

Solar in Bangladesh
Between the latitudes of 20°34' and 26°39' north and the longitudes of 80°00' and 90°41' east is
the south Asian nation of Bangladesh. As a result, it is a great place to use solar energy.

Additionally, because it is a subtropical country, sunshine is abundant for 70% of the year
(Chowdhury, M. N. M., Uddin, S., & Saleh, S, 2014). Because of this, Bangladesh can utilize
solar power quite well. Daily solar radiation ranges between 4 and 6.5 kWh/m2, with maximum
radiation typically occurring in March and April and minimum radiation occurring in December
and January. So, the Bangladeshi power crisis may have a potential solution in solar energy
(Hussain, M.1987).

Figure 2: Future Energy Prospect of Solar

Additionally, solar energy has certain important advantages, such as being perfect for distributed
resource applications and producing no waste or emissions, which have no negative effects on
the environment (Siddique, M. A. B., & Karim, S. R. 2017). Figure above shows the
approximate distribution of SHSs installation division wise and illuminates that the distribution
of the SHSs is highest in Dhaka district and lowest in Sylhet district (Hossain, M. F., Hossain,
M. J. 2017).

Table 1:Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan up to 2030

Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA)

S.R.O. No. 69 Law/2014- in exercise of the powers conferred by section 29 of the Sustainable
and Renewable Energy Development Authority Act, 2012 (Act No. 48 of 2012), of the
Bangladesh Parliament, on 10th December, 2012 as a nodal agency to promote, facilitate, and
disseminate sustainable energy (SE), i.e. covering both the areas of Renewable Energy (RE) and
Energy Efficiency (EE) to ensure. SREDA is basically doing the policy making works and
awareness campaigns for sustainable and renewable energy. In 2015, SREDA and Power
division of Bangladesh were jointly made a master plan titled “Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Master Plan up to 2030”. According to that master plan, there are primarily five
functions of SREDA and those are as followings;

Bangladesh has total 910.82 MW renewable energy installed capacity. Out of 910.82 MW, Solar
has lion share of the capacity with 676.83 MW which account for 74.3% of the total renewable
energy installed capacity.

Solar Park:

Table 2: No of Solar Energy Parks & Installed Capacity

Bangladesh has total 8 solar energy parks and 231 MWp installed capacity. Out of 8 solar energy
parks, Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) owns 7 with capacity of 233.4 MWp and
North-West Power Generation Company Ltd(NWPGCL), an Enterprise of Bangladesh Power
Development Board, owns 1 with the capacity of 7.6 MWp.

Figure 3:Solar Energy Park in Bangladesh

Net Metering Solar System:

Net Energy Metering (NEM) is a legislative framework that enables prosumers to link their
renewable energy sources to the distribution grid. The system provides for the export of energy
(e.g., electricity) generated by distributed renewable energy sources in return for energy or
monetary credits. This approach of exchanging energy is sometimes referred to as 'energy

The rate at which the client is billed is influenced by a number of criteria, including the
consumer tariff class, the type of renewable energy technology used, installed capacity, and
export restrictions. The prosumer must also follow the interconnection technical criteria and
safety rules established by the relevant government while installing such connections.

The interconnection procedure, which connects net metered distributed energy devices to the
electrical grid legally and securely, is important to the success of net metering schemes.
Interconnection standards are normally defined independently of net metering policy parameters,
although they are critical to the formulation of NEM policy.

Figure 4: Net Metering Solar system in Bangladesh - Veritas Engineering. (2022).

Bangladesh has 1683 net metering systems installment with the installed capacity of total 46.317
MWp. Detail breakdown is in the following table:

Figure 5: Statistics of Installed Net Metering System

Institute of Energy, University of Dhaka

The Institute of Renewable Energy, University of Dhaka, was founded in 2011 with the goal of
conducting academic and research activities in the field of renewable energy, as well as
developing trained workforce for Bangladesh's burgeoning energy industry.

Net Metering System:

Figure 6: Net Metering System at Institute of Energy, DU.

Technology Changes: Technology is changing rapidly so that coping up is a big challenge.

Reverie Power & Automation Engineering Ltd

We were also enlightened with the knowledge of solar energy in Bangladesh. We came to know
that, per unit, solar energy generation costs 5.5 BDT. And, from the SREDA website, they
mention that there are 4878 solar panels installed. The capacity is 2453 MW of electricity, but in
real life we are not getting anywhere close. The reason behind this is the low quality of solar
units being used, which become faulty after a few months of usage. The policy is that if someone
installs a solar unit and generates electricity, when the demand is served, then the generated
electricity will be supplied to the nearby grid. This is done by the net metering system. While the
electricity is supplied to the grid, every month, the utility department of the government balances
the amount supplied to the grid and the amount used by the individual. As a result, the electricity

bill gets lower and the individual can save funds and use them for another purpose. This policy
encouraged businessmen a lot, and as a result, small and medium enterprises installed solar
power and increased their capacity after realizing the potential. But there are also some

4IR Technologies
Internet of Things: Smart metering system.

Big Data: Real Time Energy Consumption Dash Board

Machine Learning: Battery Management System, Anomaly detection, Supply demand


GIS: Cable fault detection

Figure 7: Hybrid Control System

1. Demand Uncertainty: Uncertainty of energy demand is one of the biggest concern of
power sector. Extraneous generation of energy may lead to waste of energy as we don’t
have enough battery capacity to store that extra units of generated energy. On the other
hand, deficit in energy generation may lead to load shedding and other difficulties.

2. GRID Integration: Energy is generated in numerous generation plants and also
households that surplus units of households or factories are also transferred to grid
through net metering systems. Hence, grid integration is the most challenging task as per
SREDA officials.

Govt: Tax rebate on sustainable and renewable equipment

Reduction of import duty on sustainable renewable energy equipment

Industry: Demand Side Management

Nuclear Energy
Global Perspective (Russia)
Russia is the 4th biggest nuclear energy producer in the world with a production of around 30000
MW. Furthermore, the country is currently working of setting up plants with capacity more than
3500 MW. Russia exports nuclear power generation plants and relevant technologies to the
customers countries like Turkey, Bangladesh, Egypt etc. in 2017, Russia had an outstanding
order of 133 billion USD (Crag, 2022). Previously centralized and managed by RAO Unified
Energy System (UES)*, Russia's power supply was severely constrained. Firstly, demand
increased significantly in 2010 after more than a decade of stagnation; secondly, some 50 GWe
of generating capacity, or more than a quarter of it, is approaching the end of its design lifetime;
and thirdly, Gazprom reduced the extremely high level of natural gas supplies for electricity
generation because it can make roughly five times as much money by exporting the gas to the
West (more than 30% of EU gas comes from Russia).

Figure 8: Nuclear Plants in Russia

About 60% of the gas sold in Russia by Gazprom is used by UES's gas-fired facilities, with
intentions to cut this in half by 2020. (Also, by 2020, it was predicted that the Western Siberian
gas resources would be so depleted that they would only be able to contribute one-tenth of the
Russian output, down from around three-quarters in approximately 2010.)

Bangladesh Perspective
A proposal for the nuclear power station was initially proposed to be built in the western part of
East Pakistan or modern-day Bangladesh. In 1963, Ruppur was chosen as a possible spot, and the
property was purchased, in the Pabna district, 160 kilometres northwest of Dhaka. The
government made a solid commitment to constructing a plant in Ruppur in 1999. It enacted the
Nuclear Power Action Plan in 2001. Bangladesh government approved a Russian proposal to
build a 1000 MW nuclear power plant at Ruppur for about $2 billion in April 2009. In May 2010
an intergovernmental agreement was signed providing a legal basis for nuclear cooperation with
Russia. It covered siting, design, construction, and operation of power and research nuclear
reactors, water desalination plants, and elementary particle accelerators. Other areas covered
included fuel supply and waste. For constructing a second nuclear plant, site selection focused on

several islands in the Bay of Bengal, notably Mazher Char in Barguna, Muhurir Char in Feni,
Boyar Char in Noakhali, and Gangamati in Patuakhali. China's Dongfang Electric Corporation
(DEC) has expressed interest in building the second power plant, with China Nuclear
Engineering & Construction Corp (CNEC). In April 2019 the sites under consideration for a
second nuclear power plant are still under consideration.

Figure 9: Plants in Ruppur

Fuel Cycle

Rosatom is the sole fuel provider for Ruppur. In August 2019, an agreement between TVEL, a
fuel provider for Rosatom, and BAEC was completed. All used fuel must be returned to Russia,
as is customary for nations of this nature. In March 2017, a draft deal on used fuel was reached,
totaling approximately 22.5 t/yr from each reactor (42 fuel assemblies, each with 534 kg of fuel).
In August 2017, a new deal for the return of used fuel for reprocessing was inked. In the north,
close to the Indian border, BAEC is conducting uranium prospecting with a focus on the Tipam


Bangladesh plans to achieve middle-income status by 2021, in large part by putting a strong
emphasis on its science and technology industry to spur economic growth. In 2014, the Ministry
of Science and Technology (MoST) predicted that $6.2 billion will be required over the
following ten years to realize Vision 2021's objectives. This is being supported by the Science
and Technology Act of 2010, and MoST is currently investing more than $150 million annually
in the development of nuclear technology as gas sources are exhausted. Since 1986, the nation
has used a Triga 3 MW research reactor (Crag, 2022).

Regulation, safety

Although ownership of the facility remains with the BAEC, the Nuclear Power Plant Act 2015
established the Nuclear Power Company of Bangladesh (NPCB) to manage it. The 2017 passage
of a new Atomic Energy Commission bill by parliament updated 1973 legislation. A contract
relating to regulation, safety, and "the provision of advising support to the Bangladesh Atomic
Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA) on regulation, licensing, and monitoring" was signed by
the MoST and Russia's Rostechnadzor in February 2012. In Russia, staff will get training.
Responses to an IAEA integrated nuclear infrastructure assessment (INIR) from 2011 were in
progress, according to an IAEA study published in May 2016.


A contract on the sharing of technical information and cooperation in the regulation of nuclear
safety and radiation protection was signed by BAERA and India's Atomic Energy Regulation
Board (AERB) in April 2017. In April 2017, Bangladesh and India signed three nuclear energy
agreements. These agreements include one on nuclear cooperation between Bangladesh's
Ministry of Science and Technology and India's Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).
Bangladesh is a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and a safeguards agreement
and additional protocol have been in effect with the IAEA since 1982 and 2001, respectively.

Financial Costs
It is typical for nuclear power plants to not use a "fixed cost" concept. In the US, France, and
other industrialized nations, it is obvious. In the US, the cost increased by an average of 300
percent for each nuclear power station completed between 1966 and 1976. The price has already
gone up at the Ruppur nuclear power station. The 2018–19 Annual Development Programme
would allocate around USD 13.08 billion (BDT 11,100 crore), which is BDT 964 crore (USD 1.1
billion) higher than the previous year. 12.65 billion US dollars was the prior cost projection.
Russia will lend USD 11.38 billion, or 90% of the total anticipated cost. Bangladesh must pay
back the debt with a 10-year grace period in 28 years. The interest rate is 1.75 percent plus the
Libor (London interbank offered rate), and it cannot exceed 4 percent (Draker, 2022).

4th Industrial Revolution

The newest technologies are being embraced by nuclear energy businesses to improve worker
productivity and maintenance tasks. Before they arrive at a plant site, staff can train, practice,

and perfect tasks using immersive virtual reality experiences. Field workers receive critical
information via augmented reality applications, including dosimetry and radioactive activity.
Due to travel bans and restricted on-site activity at nuclear power facilities during the COVID-19
epidemic, these technologies were even more important.

The nuclear industry is utilizing augmented reality and artificial intelligence to enhance asset
management. Edge computing enables operators to extract detailed insights and deliver targeted
alerts that encourage action to stop lost performance while enhancing maintenance schedules.

Figure 10: Use of 4IR for Risk Control in Nuclear Energy

Artificial intelligence combines both big data platforms and intelligent algorithms. It fuels the
process of automation and helps to determine vulnerabilities exposed to the power plant to get
rid of any potential nuclear disaster. Framatome collaborated with a nuclear power station in
Europe to deploy data analytics and predictive maintenance technology. A plant system's
anomalous behaviour may be discovered so that any issues can be found early on and fixed by
integrating digital twins with their corresponding fault libraries. Cloned reactors will be used for
engineering research as well as operator training simulators for the next generation of operators
(Draker, 2022).

Limitations/ Gap
 Bangladesh officially does not possess uranium or any other fuel required to run
nuclear plants. So, the country has to be dependent on foreign sources to get required
raw materials and fuel.
 Establishing nuclear power plant requires huge initial investment. Bangladesh
arranged the Ruppur powerplant with a total value of 13 billion dollar at a loan
backed 90% Russia.
 Bangladesh has higher risk of nuclear disaster. If there is any nuclear disaster, a
sizable portion of the country will become inhabitable.

 More focus on new plants
 More research and development
 Diversification of sources

Waste to Electricity
Global Perspective
Sweden sends only 1% of its garbage to landfills. Another 52% of rubbish is burned to provide
electricity, while the remaining 47% is recycled. One million dwellings can be heated with the
energy produced by garbage alone, and 250,000 homes can be powered by electricity. Sweden
has decreased its carbon dioxide emissions by 2.2 million tonnes annually by turning its garbage
into electricity. In comparison to 1990 levels, carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 34%
between 1990 and 2006, and greenhouse gas emissions are expected to decrease by 76% by
2020. (& Renée Mauborgne, 2021)

Figure 11: Waste to Energy production in Sweden (Jaganmohan, n.d.)

There are 34 waste-to-energy power plants in Sweden. Between 2011 and 2015, the nation
recycled over 1.4 million tons of garbage. As part of its goal to use only renewable energy by
2040 and to have net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, the nation is also increasing wind
and solar capacity. Nowadays, Sweden imports waste from Norway and Britain to power up their
waste management plants. Other than Sweden, Japan processes 60% of the concrete waste. China
is also emerging in this process. They almost doubled their waste to electricity production after
2015. (Yee, 2018). In 2020, 4,600,000 tonnes of household waste—or 449 kg per person

annually—were managed. In 2020, 54% of garbage from homes and other sources was converted
to energy. The national goal is 90% for both; in 2020, 86% of PET bottles and 87% of aluminum
cans in the deposit system were recycled. In 2020, 61% of the packaging material was recycled;
the goal is 65%. (2022)

Bangladesh Perspective
This term is comparatively new in Bangladesh. Where the first world countries are already
recycling and producing energy from waste, Bangladesh still lags behind and the first agreement
to produce electricity from waste was signed in 2021. A 42.5 MW biopower project is the
Kaultia Waste to Energy Power Plant. It is being planned in Bangladesh's Dhaka. The project is
now awaiting approval. It will go through one step of development. After construction is
finished, the project should be put into service in 2023. (Carmen, 2022)

Every day, DNCC manages 3000 metric tons of garbage. To manage this waste, a number of
departments, including the transport, engineering, store, and buying departments, coordinate with
one another. There is a technical team and a research and development wing in the proposed
organizational structure. (DNCC Waste, 2019)

Dhaka South City Corporation collects 3200 to 3500 metric tonnes of waste per day. In 2017,
DSCC collected a total of 806762 metric tonnes of waste. A 2017 estimate puts the population of
Dhaka South at 3818766. In 2022, the population of Dhaka South City Corporation would be
42,993,345. So, the waste also increased, and this can lead to a sustainable energy source. (Alam,

Dhaka South City Corporation would use 3000 metric tons of solid garbage to generate 50
megawatts of electricity in the Matuail area in Dhaka City. The BPDB owns about 95 acres of
land, which is nearby to the power plant. A portion of this property can be taken into
consideration for the planned power generation unit using local trash from Keraniganj and the
waste transportation facility. The existing Powerpac sub-station can be used as an
interconnection for power evacuation from the proposed unit to the grid (Hasan, 2022).

4IR in Waste-to-energy
4IR integrates the use of AI, IoT, robotics, 3D printing, etc. In waste-to-energy management, AI
has significant significance in analyzing, differentiating, and forecasting the capacity and

demand at both the power plants and the waste management system. With MSW, the concerned
organization can track the daily waste collection and differentiate the recyclable and usable
waste through AI-based tracking.

In energy generation plants, AI can also track the generation of electricity by turbines and other
equipment. The storage device and controller have to be integrated with smart devices called
IoT, which can communicate data bidirectionally. The remote-control system is also connected
to the IoT and cloud systems. Smart control can reduce uninterrupted production and calculative
measurements. The generated power is shared with power grids, and the distribution is also
monitored using IoT devices.

The tasks that are monotonous and risky for human beings can be performed efficiently by
robots. And in a power plant, different measures are taken for different scenarios. The design
process can be done with 3D printing more accurately.


While most first world countries are a step ahead of us in installing waste-to-energy processes,
we have just taken initiatives to take this measure. Lack of proper coordination among the
departments of the government is the main reason for this. As we know, from solid waste it is
feasible to generate energy. The waste management system in our country is still not updated yet.
Proper waste management systems are still not followed by Dhaka North and South City
Corporations. In developed countries, like Sweden and China, they follow proper guidelines
along with safety measures, which are lagging day by day.

Challenges and Opportunities

Low motivation and a lack of creativity have prevented the adoption of new technology that
could revolutionize garbage management in India. Another significant obstacle to converting
waste-to-energy in Bangladesh is public perceptions around waste. Bureaucratic complications
are another challenge in this sector. The proper execution of a decision made still takes a long
time. Sometimes it becomes like a white elephant. Lack of efficient manpower, transportation,
research and development wings will make the progress slower. A pilot study in this sector is
also not done properly. By the year 2050, Bangladesh can generate a combined revenue of USD
751 million from the sales of carbon credits and power (Roy et al., 2022).

The geographic location of each city and the volume of garbage produced are insufficient for the
establishment of large-scale operations. To limit the production of hazardous toxic, construction,
and electronic waste in Bangladesh, 3R practices for waste-to-energy management technologies
must be applied. These practices encourage reducing, reusing, and recycling waste materials
from all industries. In terms of municipal commercial solid trash, priority should be provided.
The amount of money allocated for waste-to-energy needs to be increased in order to reduce
environmental degradation. The waste should ideally be collected by staff members who are
trained in proper disposal methods and who are wearing protective clothing, equipment, and
masks. Through print, electronic, and social media, awareness-raising campaigns for garbage
disposal and its advantages for our economy could be targeted. A city corporation or
municipality should offer a number of locations for disposing of waste so that it can be stored or
collected daily.

Reverie Power & Automation Engineering Ltd

Since its founding in 2011, Reverie has expanded from a startup to a 500 crore business. They
are employed in the sectors of generation, transmission, and distribution of Bangladesh's
electrical industry. They are capable of designing, supplying, constructing, installing, launching,
and maintaining LV, MV, HV, and EHV electrical systems up to 400 kV. To make things easier,
REVERIE built a highly integrated plant capable of producing switch gears with a maximum
voltage of 33 kV and transformers of any size. In Bangladesh, they are the leading engineering
procurement construction company (EPC) and they provide quick, high-quality power and
energy support solutions. Our teams provide every business process with a dependable and
compliant service thanks to their abundance of in-depth knowledge and skills.

Application of 4IR: In an interview with Mr. Al Amin Hossain (Assistant Manager,

Engineering and Designing) and Mr. Najebul Ahmed (Senior Engineer), we came to know about
the contribution of the private sector to the electrical department. To keep up with the 4IR, they
have taken numerous measurements involving AI, IOT, cloud-based data systems, etc. They
installed a smart metering system in Bashundhara, near the play pen school. Therefore, at the
substation where they work, a hybrid controller is used for the system management. This is a
system where the smart controller efficiently uses electricity from different sources based on the

availability of the sources and cost. Moreover, this hybrid controller forecasts the amount of
power needed for a certain period in connection with AI. The officials can access these hybrid
controllers from anywhere to ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity.

Solar:We were also enlightened with the knowledge of solar energy in Bangladesh. We came to
know that, per unit, solar energy generation costs 5.5 BDT. And, from the SREDA website, they
mention that there are 4878 solar panels installed. The capacity is 2453 MW of electricity, but in
real life we are not getting anywhere close. The reason behind this is the low quality of solar
units being used, which become faulty after a few months of usage. The price of solar units is
still higher, but due to government policy, people are getting interested in this. The policy is that
if someone installs a solar unit and generates electricity, when the demand is served, then the
generated electricity will be supplied to the nearby grid. This is done by the net metering system,
which works as a deductive system. While the electricity is supplied to the grid, every month, the
utility department of the government balances the amount supplied to the grid and the amount
used by the individual. As a result, the electricity bill gets lower and the individual can save
funds and use them for another purpose. This policy encouraged businessmen a lot, and as a
result, small and medium enterprises installed solar power and increased their capacity after
realizing the potential. But there are also some complications. As previously mentioned, the
quality of the solar panel has a crucial role in sustainability. The maintenance system is also
mandatory in the long term. But, in the small unit, proper maintenance is not carried out
properly,and as a result, electricity generation is hampered after a few days of installation.

Hydro: Hydro energy can be used tactfully in our riverine country. We can’t just build a dam on
a river, which can change the course and inundate the land. But according to the interview we
had, hydro projects are feasible in a short span of time. We can start smaller projects on a river or
water source to generate electricity. ADB-funded pilot studies have already been carried out in
Bandarban's hill tracts. There are some high-altitude springs in Bandarban and a small number of
people (150-200) live nearby each of them. The study was carried out by installing hydropower
turbines in those areas, and the project was found to be feasible. Generated electricity is adequate
for the people living there. These can be replicated in other hilly districts like Khagrachari,
Rangamati, Chittagong and Sylhet. The system can also be monitored and controlled after
installation by using remote control techniques.

Business Perspective: The IMF developed a policy setting the order priority higher for
renewable projects generating energy. This policy is circulated to encourage entrepreneurs and
investors. In Bangladesh, the Government of Bangladesh published a new circular on January 2,
2020, in an effort to comply with the requirements of its Private Sector Power Generation Policy.
With the exception of coal-based enterprises, all power-producing companies will receive a
100% tax exemption as a result of the new circular. All power generation companies that begin
operations before December 31, 2022, will be eligible for this incentive. (Alom, 2020) For the
first 20 years, this 100% tax exemption will be applicable. And later, for the next 10 years, a
50% tax exemption will be applicable. In the private sector, several organizations are going to
ace this field. Those are Bengal Group, Rahimafroz Group, Btrac, Navana, Energypac, SSG.

Government Initiatives: Utility organizations like BREB have taken some initiatives. Of the 80
samities, 10 of them have started a program of solar-based water pumps so far, but it will
eventually be replicated in all 80 of them in various phases. According to the Chairman of
BREB, in a statement to The New Nation, the price of energy will be Tk 5.46 per unit. The effort
was started at a cost of Rs 407.20 crore, according to the ministry of planning. In addition to
lowering the risks of general environmental degradation and climate change, the solar pumps
will provide farmers with water more efficiently and reduce complications. April 2018 through
December 2020 are the projected implementation dates for BREB. The government treasury will
contribute Tk 37.94 crore of the project's total cost, and ADB will loan the remainder Tk 367.63
crore. (Nation, 2022)

Strategy and Recommendation: In order to minimize market asymmetries or production

excess, combined cycle power plants can be used to produce what is needed. Currently, there are
several power plants in Bangladesh using combined cycle power plants, but it’s high time we
increased their numbers.

There are several captive power plants in our country. If we can install an exhaust system and
add turbines in accordance with the system, we will be able to generate electricity. This is like
waste to energy generation. However, this is called exhaust management.

It is a regret that there is no proper solar testing lab in our country. Some fundamental testing is
possible so far, but the way it’s getting lagged in terms of maintenance, a testing lab is

mandatory for future endeavors. Product proper management is necessary for the longevity of
solar panels and other necessary equipment.

Hydro Power
Global Perspective
Hydropower has been a major source of electricity production all around the globe for some time
now. In 2020, hydropower accounted for 17% of worldwide energy generation, ranking third
only to coal and natural gas. Over the previous 20 years, worldwide hydropower capacity
increased by 70%, but its percentage of overall generation remained steady due to the expansion
of wind, solar PV, coal, and natural gas. (Executive summary – Hydropower Special Market
Report – Analysis - IEA, 2022).

In the chart below, we can see the contribution of hydropower in the total electricity production
worldwide. (Hydropower generation by country 2021 | Statista, 2022)

Figure 12: Largest hydroelectric power generating countries worldwide in 2021 (in terawatt hours)

China, Canada, and Brazil are the world's major hydropower users. These nations' hydropower
usage reached 12.25 exajoules, 3.59 exajoules, and 3.42 exajoules, correspondingly. Several
Canadian provinces rely on hydropower to provide more than 90% of their electricity. Canada's
hydroelectricity potential is still far greater than its present usage of hydro energy due to
abundant and large water basins. Because many of Canada's hydroelectric facilities were built
before 1990, considerable rehabilitation and modernization of its power plants is required.
(Hydropower consumption by country 2021 | Statista, 2022)

Bangladesh’s Perspective
Despite the fact that Bangladesh has many rivers, hydropower generation is inadequate owing to
a lack of high head and high flow rate. (Renewable energy in Bangladesh: current situation and
future prospect, 2022). Resources are finite, and good use of them can result in the provision of
sustainable electricity to meet the ever-increasing demand. Hydro energy accounts for around
20% of global total power production. (Renewable energy in Bangladesh: current situation and
future prospect, 2022). Bangladesh is likewise attempting to maximize hydropower output
through a variety of ways.

With an output of 230MW, the Kaptai power station was Bangladesh's first hydroelectric project.
Excess rain during rainy seasons gives a chance to produce more hydropower, which is why the
Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) plans to build an extra 100 MW capacity plant
in this location. Along with large-scale hydropower projects, micro-hydropower plants have
gained popularity.

In 2005, a 50 kW micro-hydro power plant was established in Barkal Upazila in Rangamati

district. Another micro hydro power station with a capacity of 50 kW is under development in
Mirershorai Chittagong. Mohamaya irrigation-cum-hydropower project is the name given to this
power facility. Another BPDB-identified hydroelectric facility in Bangladesh is at Matamuhuri
(75 MW) and Sangu (140 MW).

In 1981, the BPDB and the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) performed a study
around the nation to identify potential hydropower plant locations. This investigation discovered
19 viable hydroelectric power generating locations. (Rofiqul Islam, Rabiul Islam and Rafiqul
Alam Beg, 2022)

Figure 13: Prospective Sites for Micro Hydropower Development in Chittagong Hill Tracts

The BPDB and the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), in association with Local
Government Engineering Department (LGED) proposed another list of Potential Small
Hydropower Sites in 1984. (Rofiqul Islam, Rabiul Islam and Rafiqul Alam Beg, 2022)

The northeastern part of Bangladesh also has the potential to contribute to Bangladesh's hydro
energy sector. As a result, the Northeast Regional Water Management Project (FAP-6) under the
Flood Action Plan (FAP) undertook a preliminary evaluation to identify suitable hydro energy
sites and rivers. The project's primary goal was to identify the most suitable locations for runoff,
low head hydropower projects.

Figure 14: Potential Small Hydropower Sites Identified by BPDB and BWDB, including north eastern

In the Power System Master Plan 2016, supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA), Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd., Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings,
Inc., They investigated possible hydropower locations for both conventional and pumped storage
hydropower facilities. The sites were built based on the survey findings. Preferred possible sites
17 and 13 have been investigated and chosen for the pumped storage hydropower plant project.
However, the projects would be difficult to implement in the current environment due to the
acquisition of recompense for land due to local people living. The identified potential sites are
likely to evolve progressively in the future, increasing the stability of the power supply. (POSM,

Figure 15: Location map of potential sites for pumped storage hydropower plants in Bangladesh (PSMP,

The map below depicts the prospective locations of small-scale hydropower projects in
Bangladesh. The JICA survey team assumed that because of the relatively moderate flows along
the Sangu main river, most of the prospective locations would result in large-scale resettlements
based on the number of sites for restricted visits. There are several potential sites based on

technological and economic feasibility. Due of the social and environmental implications, it may
not be the best location to implement. (POSM, 2016)

Figure 16: Location map of potential sites for small-scale hydropower plants in Bangladesh (PSMP,

We have already shown that in 2020, hydropower accounted for 17% of worldwide energy
generation came from hydropower. Whereas, in Bangladesh, only 1.7% of the total electricity
produced comes from hydropower. (AG, 2022). Although after the establishment of the Kaptai
Hydroelectric power plant, this percentage was more than 25% at times, (Renewable energy in
Bangladesh: current situation and future prospect, 2022) but as we produced more electricity
from other sources, this percentage declined thusly, focusing less and less on renewable sources.
This graph will demonstrate the scenario.

Figure 17: Electricity percentage production from hydropower sources in Bangladesh from 1971 to 2018
Renewable energy in Bangladesh: current situation and future prospect, 2022)

In the wake of global energy crisis, it is of uttermost importance that we as a nation become self-
sufficient in terms of energy. Hydropower could be an excellent gateway in achieving this
enormous goal. But as there are prospects, there are challenges as well.

 If we dispense with the Chittagong and Sylhet region, ours is a relatively flat country.
These lands are lower than 9 m above the sea level. Thus, the absence of high head and
high flow rate reduces the resources for creating hydropower.
 In many of the proposed sites, water flows reduce substantially during the winter period,
thus the power plant may remain unused for a considerable amount of time. This impacts
the economic feasibility of these projects severely.
 In the north east region, although the flow of water should be adequate, due to geopolitics
of this region these rivers either overflow or go dry. Without solving this issue, taking
projects in this area would be a little too risky.
 Land acquisition has also become very difficult, not only in terms of cost of the land but
also in terms of unwillingness amongst the people of the hill track districts. This attitude
might be attributed to the massive relocation incident of Kaptai power plant.

 The topographic maps for infrastructure with water flowing facilities are essential for the
initial survey and planning of the development. Also, the authority should create and
organize comprehensive maps that are required for conceptual design and future
planning, which are still incomplete in places.
 As a country, we are severely lacking land area. Building these projects requires a lot of
land and budgets also, which our country lack. Keeping that in mind, utilization of land
for these projects creates a question.
 Along with the Imation of GHG (Green House gases like methane, CO & CO2), there are
other ecological costs associated with building these projects, which impact the flora and
fauna of an ecosystem.
 Concerns over security is another point that deserves a mention. The hill tracks areas
have been militarily active because of the militants who try defy central rule. So, protest
from these parties is also a big concern.

Geographically, we are not blessed like Canada or China for producing hydroelectricity. And
because of the other challenges and limitations stated above, the prospects of Hydropower in our
country are not groundbreaking. Thus, we’ll have to get creative in order to get the most out of it.
And it seems like we have just the technology required, that is, Small Scale Hydropower
Technology (SSHT).

Small-scale hydropower technology is a key category of renewable and sustainable energy that is
gaining global attention because to its significant environmental benefits, quantity of resources,
and greater efficiency. Bangladesh has a high risk of SSHT due to its abundance of rivers and
canals that supply adequate water for hydropower generating. Notwithstanding this, SSHT
accounts for almost 2.34% of Bangladesh's electrical generation. (PROFILE: BANGLADESH'S

We have already talked about the Small-Scale Hydropower Plant (SSHP) and showed the
proposed sites above in our discussion. Keeping in mind all of the constraints, this might be the
best option we’ve got to adopt hydropower.

 In the website of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA),
Hydropower is not even listed as a renewable energy. If we really want to get on in this
journey of adopting to renewable energy sources, Hydropower might be given the kind of
importance it deserves. Awareness is paramount.
 Small Scale Hydropower plant (SSHP) could be our go to method to adopt hydropower.
 The topographical maps of the Chittagong hill tracks must be Prepared as soon as
 The field investigation, design, capacity building, and establishment of the organization
involved in hydropower plant development should be accomplished.
 A lot of project sites have been selected for establishing hydropower plants. But in
comparison, very few have seen the light of the day. This discrepancy between planning
and execution should be taken into account.
 For inclusive growth, participation of private sectors in producing hydropower must be
encouraged, bureaucratic procedures might be lessened for prompt action.
 To ensure the flow of water in the northeast region, the rivers of which have good flow,
the discussion might be initiated and overcome before establishing plants so that these
plants don’t remain unusable for the majority of the time.
 Initiatives might be taken to reduce the tension in the southeastern region of the country.
Making the people aware of the benefits and facilities they may avail of after the
establishment of these sites might be the gateway to the awareness program.
 Relocation of people is a very sensitive issue. These human costs of relocation must be
incorporated into the feasibility test.
 Just like the human cost, the ecological cost might bring about further damage to our
environment. Failing to adhere to this point might make Bangladesh a bad example to the
whole world. This might be given more importance than it deserves before taking
projects in hand.
 As all the global associations promote the use of renewable energy, technological help
and monetary assistance from them might be taken. By sharing our intention to go green,
we might just build a reputation for ourselves just as Bhutan did, going carbon negative.

Wind Power
Global Scenario
More than 120 nations have joined the UN in calling for urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions to zero by 2050 as a result of the rising amount of carbon emissions. Also, the
Covid pandemic has accelerated the shift in the energy sector causing demand for coal and oil to
decline which will decline steadily over the years.

In 2020, renewables generated more electricity in the EU than fossil fuels for the first time,
powered by 14.7GW of new wind plants reaching grid connection.

Following the commitments of developed countries like China, the USA, Japan, South Korea,
and the EU to reach net zero by 2050 the global wind installations have increased exponentially
as it is one of the most efficient methods to reach the goal of zero carbon emission.

In 2020, global new wind power installation exceeded growth compared to 2019 by 53%
surpassing 90 GW. The world’s top five markets in terms of cumulative installations are China,
USA, Germany, India, and Spain

Figure 18: Compound Annual Growth rate of Wind energy Source: GWEC
Annual Report 2021

Figure 18 shows that, the compound annual growth rate (CGAR) has increased over the years in
wind sector.

The current global wind power capacity has reached 743GW which is helping to reduce 1.1
billion tons CO2 annually equivalent to the emissions of south America. The global wind power
market has increased four times over the past decade. Before 2025, the industry will exceed 1TW
in global cumulative installations of onshore and offshore wind, according to GWEC Market
Intelligence. (Joyce Lee, 2021)

Bangladesh Scenario
with the target to shift to sustainable and renewable energy across the world, Bangladesh has
established The Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development (SREDA) under Sustainable
and Renewable Energy Development and Authority Act, 2012 to improve sustainable energy.
(Ebn Sharif, 2020)

In 2005, Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) has installed a wind power plant with
900 kW capacity in Muhuri Dam, Feni and another at Kutubdia Island of 1MW capacity. (Babu,

Only 2.9 MW of electricity is being produced currently out of 910 MW electricity produced from
renewable sources. ("RE Generation Mix | National Database of Renewable Energy", 2022)

Figure 19: Present Renewable energy installed capacity in

Bangladesh. Source:

The wind turbine in Feni, with the blades' centrepoint 50 meters above the ground, has so far
generated 588,334 kilowatt hours of electricity since resuming operations in April 2014 after

The wind turbines in Kutubdia island, each of 1MW capacity and with the blades' centrepoint 18
meters above the ground, are yet to run in full capacity. (Parvez, 2018)

USAID Bangladesh Mission, NREL, in collaboration with the GOB, completed a project.
primary results demonstrate that, for wind speeds of 5.75–7.75 m/s, there are more than 20,000
km2 of land with a gross wind potential of over 30,000 MW. Although this estimate is not
realistic when proper filters are applied to screen out undesirable land for wind development.
(Babu, 2022)

Twelve wind power plants will be built in the nation, according to the Power Division, adding
more than 500MW of electricity to the national grid. This is just one of the first nine of these
wind energy projects that will eventually start operating one after the other.

Along with the 60MW project in Cox's Bazar, three further wind power projects with a
combined 102MW of electricity generation capacity are currently under construction in the
districts of Sirajganj, Bagerhat, and Chuadanga and will be finished in 2022. A 50MW wind
power project in Chandpur Sadar and a 30MW plant in Sonagazi of Feni are both in the process
of choosing contractors. The Power Division also has six further wind power projects with a
combined capacity of 272MW in the works. In an effort to increase the share of renewable
energies in the nation's total power supply to 10% by 2025, the government has placed a strong
emphasis on the production of wind energy which was previously set to achieve by 2020 but
only 3% were achieved. (Parvez, 2018)

One of the major challenges of wind sector in Bangladesh is that the angle of the wind is not
consistent. Also, there are no consistency of the wind velocity throughout the country. Despite
projects are undergoing and many more are yet to be implemented; Wind sector prospect in our
country is very limited since it is not producing electricity in proportion to the cost. Our wind
mapping data is not adequate as well. Small scale wind projects are feasible in our country but
alternative sources should be there.

Table 3:Triple Triangle Framework (TTF) led SWOT synthesis

Domain Positive Negative

Strength Weakness
 Cost Effectiveness  Lack of technological
 Inefficient
Enterprise Domain management
 Skilled Employees

Opportunities Threats
 Adequate demand  Grid integration
 High market  Lack of collaboration
attractiveness with value chain
Industry Domain actors

Opportunities Threats
 Booming of Private  Rapid technological
sector clock speed
 FDI  Policy and governess
 Support from global  Economic and
associations Financial barrier
 Tax rebate  Resource and
Macro Domain Environment barrier
 Information barrier
 Obsolete

Triple Triangle Framework (TTF) led SWOT synthesis

Table 4:Strategic Implications for Business

Domain Positive Negative

Strength Weakness
 Capitalize the cost  Improve technological
Effectiveness capabilities
 Improve management
Enterprise Domain efficiency
 Employee training

Opportunities Threats
 Grab the demand  Use of 4IR technology
 Capitalize market  Improved
attractiveness Communication with
Industry Domain value chain actors

Opportunities Threats
 Go with the flow  Catch the
 Grab maximum FDI technological clock
 Increase speed
communication with  Protect business with
global associations the policy
 Emphasize on those  Move to blue ocean if
Macro Domain business where tax barrier persisted
rebate is maximum

 GRID Integration: Energy is generated in numerous generation plants and also
households that surplus units of households or factories are also transferred to grid
through net metering systems. Hence, grid integration is the most challenging task as per
SREDA officials.
 Demand Uncertainty: Uncertainty of energy demand is one of the biggest concerns of
power sector. Extraneous generation of energy may lead to waste of energy as we don’t
have enough battery capacity to store that extra units of generated energy. On the other
hand, deficit in energy generation may lead to load shedding and other difficulties.
 Lack of inclusiveness: No policy has yet been taken to promote inclusiveness, to include
stakeholders like investors, entrepreneurs, technical people and end users. Gaps from all
these sides are still uncoordinated and unaccounted for.
 Policy and governance barrier: From the policy level, formation of policy is not in par
with the capability of the organizations to apply those polices. A huge gap exists between
policy and execution level. Governance barrier expedites it.
 Lack of coordination: There is visible lack of coordination among different organizations
responsible for implementing renewable and sustainable energy.
 Lack of skilled manpower: SREDA has only 19 officers. This information itself shows
the dire need of skilled manpower.
 Economic and financial barrier: Though renewable and sustainable energy removes
dependency and created opportunity for a nation including environmental safety, sudden
adoption to this is money intensive.
 Technical barrier: Technologically, we are not adept to adopt this new technology of
renewable and sustainable energy.
 Resource and Environment barrier: Geographically, our country is not bestowed with
abundant resources to produce renewable energy. Environmental concerns are also
relevant as formation of GHG and elements of catastrophic events might be initiated for
little miscalculation. Also, a threat to ecosystem, to its flora and fauna.
 Also, production of materials and equipment required for renewable energy is inadequate,
should be encouraged.

 Information barrier: Also, these is distinctive information gap between the supply side
and the demand side.
 Old infrastructure and system: There is already a dilapidated but somehow functioning
infrastructure that’s running fine. Due to the shortage of farsightedness, many people try
not to fix something which is not broken.

 Keeping in mind the individual recommendations on all the individual sustainable and
renewable resources, here are some for the overall sector to grow and flourish:
 In point 7.2 (b) of our SDG, renewable and sustainable energy hold big importance,
which is further corroborated by the current energy crisis all over the globe. And sadly,
the organization responsible for ensuring this, SREDA has only 19 officers for
implementing renewable and sustainable energy. For achieving our SDG in the coming
years, the number of officers is just inadequate. Skilled manpower is a must for achieving
this target of SDG.
 With the OPEX-CAPEX model taken to encourage small scale electricity production,
people can be benefited financially, which is not known to a number of population
capable of taking part. Awareness must be created to apply such schemes.
 In the developed countries, private sectors take huge part in the generation and
distribution of energy. So far, the private sectors in our country are lacking behind
considerably. Providing a sustainable business model might be the starting point for
private sectors.
 Further tax exemption/rebate on equipment regarding sustainable and renewable might be
 Encouragement for producing equipment required for renewable energy locally might be
encouraged. Chances of exports might be looked into.
 Import of cheap quality equipment must be halted to create proclivity towards renewable
 Co-ordination amongst different responsible government organization might be

 Policy might be taken in collaboration with the ground level officers so that its gap with
the execution doesn’t become unexplainable, governance is also important in this regard.
 To reduce the technical barriers, our human resources might be trained in collaboration
with different advanced countries, associations willing to share technologies.
 Inhouse research facilities must be developed to tweak the technologies to our need and
to develop our manpower.

It is feasible if we develop both policy and practical implementation. Due to a lack of facilities
for carrying trash, large plants won't be economical. Additionally, by increasing the revenue of
large-scale facilities, the investment amount for the development of the collecting system should
be adequately covered. The size of the facility can be altered from huge to medium to small
depending on the size of the city. There have been some changes regarding the existing policy. In
terms of the Russia-Ukraine war, as we couldn’t import oil from Middle-East countries, we are
trying to import oil from Russia. Russia is also interested in this trade. Besides, we are trying to
develop our foreign policy regarding the trading of energy sources. In a very short time,
electricity from Nepal will be imported. As we have already seen that small hydro energy is
feasible in terms of efficiency, we have to replicate this source in the hilly areas of the country.
Waste-to-energy is also crucial to sustainability. We have found the efficiency is almost 87% and
the power plants are profitable also. The bureaucratic complications must be reduced to get this
project done with immediate effect. Out of the total installed capacity of 910.82 MW, solar
energy accounts for the lion's share, with 676.83 MW, or 74.3%. So, there is a huge opportunity
for the expansion of solar energy, as the electricity production is cheaper than any other source.
The maintenance system should be monitored properly after a certain period to ensure
continuous flow. Household units should be checked regularly also. Though we are using wind-
based power, there are limitations in this sector. Wind mapping is not done properly and co-
ordination is also. On the other hand, the nuclear sector is very promising. The Rooppur nuclear

plant is capable of producing 2400 MW, of which the first 1200 MW will be operational in 2023
and the latter in 2024.

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Experts’ credentials of in-depth Interviews

 Dr. Saiful Huque

Professor & Director

Institute of Energy, University of Dhaka

 Dr. Galib Hashmi


Institute of Energy, University of Dhaka

 Engr. Md. Nasir Uddin Miah

B.Sc. Engg. (BUET), MBA

Executive Engineer

Dhaka Electric Power Supply Company Limited

 Engr. Md. Raihan Habib

Executive Engineer

ICT Division, DESCO

 Sakir Ahmed

Assistant Director

Energy Efficiency Division


 Subrata Das Shuvo

Assistant Engineer
Renewable Energy Division


 Mehedi Hasan Muaz

Assistant Engineer

Automation Division


 Al Amin Hossain

Assistant Manager

Engineering & Design (Electrical)

Reverie Power & Automation Engineering Ltd.

 Muhammad Najebul Ahmed

Senior Engineer
Engineering & Design (Electrical)

Reverie Power & Automation Engineering Ltd.


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