An Interview With MR - Stone

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Interviewer – I

Issac Stone – S
I: Hello Mr. Stone, it’s a such a pleasure to meet you. How are you
feeling today?
S: Hello! Hmm… about that, I’m feeling quite excited to be sharing
my knowledge with you all!
I: Oh, I’m glad you are! I have plenty of questions for you.
S: Go ahead, let’s get it started.
I: It is mentioned in many previous interviews that you saw the
potential in Mr. Costolo and that’s what got you into co-founding
Twitter; the now incredibly successful social networking project. How
is it that you are able to see and judge the potential within a person?
S: Well, it’s not exactly that I’m able to see the potential within a
‘person’. It is more of what they are able to accomplish and their
efforts in producing something that will have a great impact on the
public mainly the internet. Something innovative and unusual but at
the same time, sparking people’s interest in both long and short
terms. That’s when I see the potential in something.
I: Right! I could see that many entrepreneurs like you always have to
take risks.
S: Yes, that’s right. Not much I would be able to accomplish without
the risks that I’ve taken.
I: Indeed! Moving on to the next question. Twitter has been rising in
popularity than ever since technology has developed immensely the
past years and now. Do you regret that you’ve stepped down as the
CEO of Twitter now that it’s worth much more?
S: No, not at all. When working as a CEO of Twitter, I had already
come up with many unique project ideas. But I was unable to do so;
as being a CEO I had many tasks to get done and didn’t have much
freedom as an entrepreneur. Therefore, I decided to quit. I was able
to launch many projects and foundations with the latest one being
‘Super’ of which the aim is to inspire empathy using superlatives.
I: Wow! That’s incredible. I suppose you put creativity and innovation
first rather than money.
S: Bingo!
I: You’ve said at an interview before that you had a very rough
childhood. How do you motivate yourself to go through the rough
times in life despite it seeming to be almost impossible?
S: It’s true that I had a rough childhood and that I certainly don’t
want kids these days to go through what I had to. But it’s always
important to me that I try to find a solution to the now facing
problem instead of sitting in dismay. There’s no crisis in life that we
are not able to go through, it may take a while to do so but all your
hard work will repay you greatly at the end of the day. Just like
now, I’m able to help many others and have achieved great things
in life. It’s all worth it I assure you.
I: You’re such a huge inspiration to us all! I’m very thankful that you
agreed to do this interview and took your time to do so. Thank you
so much!
S: Such a pleasure to do so! No problem at all!

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