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July 17th 1913: I gazed on the deck as everyone embarked the ship, Karluk.

It has a beautiful name

though not being a great fit for the expedition ahead. It worries me but I learnt to ignore. I’ve been
told by Steffansson- a fellow Canadian, to set off for the Artic. He’s kept everyone amused, also
unconvinced by his claims of land under Artic snow, he seems to be a pretty eloquent man- that
probably made people take part in this sketchy journey. Barely anyone knew nor experienced any of
the Artic, even the scientists do not. Well, going where luck takes us!

December 25th 1913: We’ve sailed a long way and time has travelled alongside us. Winter has
reached its depth and has brought cons to our little ship. Ice here and there, it scares me. Handsome
Steffansson on the other hand, looks really positive. Time has made me realize how foolish and
selfish of a person he is. It’s too late to turn back though doubt fills my mind each day. Fellow crew
members also seem to be facing the same thoughts as I, scared and irresolute.

January 17th 1914: The past week has been a total disaster. 10 th Jan when a huge honed ice block
broke into the ship’s hull causing deaths, lost 16. Things were peaceful before, even when we were
stuck between ice. We were able to live off of victrola concerts and enjoy the short-term luxury-
more of everyone trying to keep their moods bright as what’s waiting to come, unpredictable.
Steffansson got himself out of the trouble early, went out for ‘food’. Though the look of his face told
otherwise, I chose not to stop. Karluk was abandoned soon after the ice incidence and now I’m on
search of help and my crew members. What’s about to come, I do not know.

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