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Unit Skills Tests | Answer Key


Unit Test 1A 3 c
1 ‘This is because the first school for the deaf
According to a recent study, / today’s teens prefer was established in 1817 in America by a man
building relationships online. / However, some called Gallaudet – who had learned teaching
parents find it difficult / to put themselves in their methods at a school for the deaf in Paris – and
children’s shoes / as face-to-face communication / Laurent Clerc, who had studied there.’
was valued more in their day. / Experts advise 4 b
families / to work together at creating bonds / in ‘However, hearing people’s attitudes to
order to improve / their own levels of self- deafness and to sign language have changed a
awareness. lot since then.’ and ‘Finally, we shouldn’t ignore
2 role models such as Kevin Hall […] who […]
1 face-to-face has helped change attitudes towards deafness.’
‘Reading texts in one language and writing 5 d
them down in another instead of ‘If they can’t get a place on a course, a practical
communicating face-to-face like interpreters do solution is to use one of the many free websites
left me less than inspired.’ and video resources available on the Internet.
2 regrets It’s easy!’
‘I’ve been working as an interpreter for three
years now and I don’t regret my decision to
switch from one to the other for a minute.’
3 complete stranger
‘I was once at a training event organised by an
association for professional interpreters that I
belong to and was offered work at a conference
by a complete stranger I had struck up a
conversation with.’
4 experienced
‘Working as an interpreter isn’t easy though.
Even those with plenty of experience may feel
uneasy when working at a conference requiring
specialised knowledge of, say, a subject like
medicine or engineering.’
5 joke
‘Everything was going very well, right up until
the end when I had to translate a joke from
Spanish to English. Although my Spanish is
excellent, I just didn’t get it as the speaker used
an idiomatic expression I didn’t know.’
1 down
2 keeping
3 kidding
4 relief
5 goodness
1 d
‘Fingerspelling […] seems to be a practical way
of clarifying meaning and must be easier to
learn for people who aren’t deaf.’
2 a
‘Another similarity with spoken language is that
we can find regional variations in the use of
symbols within one signing language, […].’

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Unit Skills Tests | Answer Key

Unit Test 1B 3 d
1 ‘Interestingly, there was a lot of opposition to
According to a recent study, / today’s teens prefer signing in Britain in the twentieth century, as
building relationships online. / However, some deaf children were encouraged to learn lip-
parents find it difficult / to put themselves in their reading and fingerspelling. British law only
children’s shoes / as face-to-face communication / recognised BSL as an official minority language
was valued more in their day. / Experts advise in the UK in 2003!’
families / to work together at creating bonds / in 4 a
order to improve / their own levels of self- ‘Finally, we shouldn’t ignore role models such
awareness. as Kevin Hall, the first deaf professional golfer
2 on the American PGA tour, who has inspired
1 inspired the deaf and hearing alike with his courage and
‘Reading texts in one language and writing has helped change attitudes towards deafness.’
them down in another instead of communicating 5 b
face-to-face like interpreters do left me less ‘To conclude, some people believe children in
than inspired.’ hearing schools should learn sign language so
2 hospitals and courts / courts and hospitals they can better communicate with deaf
‘I started out working in public service classmates […].’
interpreting. […] I spent a year conveying
messages between people who don’t speak
each other’s languages in locations as diverse
as hospitals and courts.
3 emergency department
‘When I was finishing my Master’s, the local
hospital got in touch with my university as they
desperately needed someone to go to the
emergency department […].
4 training event
‘I was once at a training event organised by an
association for professional interpreters that I
belong to and was offered work at a conference
by a complete stranger I had struck up a
conversation with.
5 architects
‘I was once working at an international
convention for architects. […] Although my
Spanish is excellent, I just didn’t get it as the
speaker used an idiomatic expression I didn’t
1 weight
2 breathe
3 blue
4 would
5 dumps
1 c
‘Statistics published by the World Federation of
the Deaf state there are about 72 million deaf
people around the world, over 80% of whom
live in developing countries.’
2 a
‘Finally, we can find regional variations in the
use of symbols within one signing language
within one country […].’

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

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