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Course name: Graduate Seminar on Current Topic in Information
Title: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease
Diagnosis and Treatment.
By: Eskedar Berhanu (pgp/980/14)
Email: Eskedrberhanu9@gmail.com
Advisor: Abdalganiy Wakjira (PhD)
Submitted to Information Science Department
Nov, 2022

Haramaya, Ethiopia
: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

In a country like Ethiopia where the economy is heavily dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry, the
cattle population is a crucial socioeconomic resource. However, a disease that has decimated the livestock
population is undermining efforts to achieve food security and reduce poverty. For the purpose of diagnosing
cattle disease, numerous expert systems have been created. The process of diagnosis begins with the
gathering of data regarding symptoms, signs, and other relevant problems. The majority of them use text
interaction to ask the person for this information. Every person has a unique manner of describing the same
idea, which makes descriptions inconsistent and makes diagnoses inaccurate. This work presents a mobile
based system for the diagnosis and treatment of cattle skin diseases which is based on the expert system
methodology. It aims to increase the availability of expert systems to run on mobile devices in offline mode
to reach the area that has no internet connection. It will enable cattle skin to diagnose and take proactive
procedures to mitigate cattle skin diseases. To address this problem, to propose an approach for cattle
disease diagnosis by integrating an expert system. The proposed system has an expert system. According to
the input symptoms, the app will diagnose cattle based on the suspect and confirm problem solver.

Keywords: Cattle disease diagnosis, Expert system, inference engine, Knowledge based systems,
Mobile application

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.


As always I don’t know, what I did to deserve your blessing. I don't think we should spend our life
praying for things, He give us what we deserve. But I do believe we should thank God for what
He's given to us. I want to thank you, Lord, for life and all that's in it. Thank you for the day and
for the hour, and the minute. Thank you for giving me everything. Thank you, thank you, and
thank you.

I would like to pass my sincere thank you to my advisor Abdalganiy Wakjira (PhD)
for his unlimited support, easy working environment and his constructive advice. He was always there
whenever, I had a question. He consistently allowed me to be efficient and leads me in the right direction.
Thank you for everything and wish you happy life. Thank you.

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................................ i
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................... iii
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Motivation ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Significant of the study ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3.1 General objective ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2. 1Theortical Background.......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2.2 Cattle in Ethiopia ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2. 2.3 Skin Disease .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.4 Skin Disease Diagnosis Techniques .............................................................................................................. 9
2.2.5 Phase of building expert system................................................................................................................... 11
3. Related Works ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Expert system with text input ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Diagnosis system with image input .................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Expert system with text and image input ............................................................................................................ 17
4. Summary.................................................................................................................................................................. 21
5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
6. Future work ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
7. Reference ................................................................................................................................................................. 24

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.


Ethiopia is ranked first in Africa and tenth in the world and has the biggest number of draft animals on the
African continent. [10]. Ethiopia has 59.5 million heads of cattle which contributes 40% of the annual
agricultural output and 15% of the total gross domestic product [10], where a large portion of the population
relies on farming and animal husbandry, livestock are important socioeconomic resources. However, there
are some factors that limit the potential economic gains, for instance, disease is the most prominent factor in
the area of cattle productivity. Therefore, disease must be controlled, whether it affects a single person or
the entire society. As it is obvious, minor disease outbreak can grow and spread, affecting the entire

Widespread endemic illnesses, such as bacterial, viral, and parasite infestation, are the main factors limiting
cattle productivity [10]. Endemic or transnational cattle diseases are typically transmissible, which hastens
the onset of an outbreak. [1]. Disease outbreaks lower animal product productivity and quality (skin, hides,
milk etc.) Animal and animal products may be restricted from being traded internationally if it is not
controlled. So that, prompt detection and diagnosis are essential to stop the spread of any disease outbreak.

To boost productivity, it is crucial to understand cattle diseases and their treatments. The field of medical
diagnosis is significantly impacted by artificial intelligence (AI) artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a
significant role in medical diagnosis. There are different AI technology used in medical domain like expert
system, digital image processing etc. The medical industry uses a variety of AI technologies, including expert
systems. A computer program or system known as "expert system" (ES) simulates the abilities of human
decision-makers in a particular sector. [2]. ES combines knowledge base with inference engine. This program
acts as an intelligent consultant or advisor in a particular environment, based on stored knowledge.

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

1.1 Motivation

The Ethiopian government designed an export development strategy to generate foreign exchange
[10].Despite the amount of livestock, there has been a decline in export earnings from livestock products in
comparison to other African countries. The highest portion of decline is directly related to skin diseases or
secondary damage that occurs when the animal scratches itself to relieve the itching associated with some of
these diseases [9]. From the total product, 65% of skin and hides are often rejected because of poor quality
[9]. The high prevalence of diseases in cattle requires serious attention to minimize the effect of the problem
it causes.AI techniques are distinguished with their successful results in relation to human and animal health
studies. They provide a new perspective to solve problems which are known in the medical
field. Therefore, the main motivation is the desire to minimize the decline by implementing AI
technologies in the animal health sector in Ethiopia.

1.2 Significant of the study

Expert systems provide many benefits to companies that have adopted AI into their customer service models.
Here are just some of the advantages presented by expert systems in artificial intelligence: Availability expert
systems are mass-produced and, therefore, readily available to any company willing to invest in an AI-
powered system .Efficiency expert systems are speedy and reduce the amount of labor expended to solve
problems .Lower Production Costs Production costs of expert systems are economical, and thus the prices of
expert systems are reasonable and accessible to many companies. Ability to Diagnose and Monitor Problems
expert systems can monitor patterns of issues that arise, pinpoint common problems, and address those
problems over a relatively short amount of time.

It helps to distribute the expertise of a human. One expert system may contain knowledge from more than
one human experts thus making the solutions more efficient. It decreases the cost of consulting an expert for
various domains such as medical diagnosis. They use a knowledge base and inference engine.

I gate so many important things to attending a seminar it has numerous benefits, including improving
communication skills, gaining expert knowledge, networking with others and renewing motivation and

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General objective

The main objective of this seminar is to develop Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease
Diagnosis and Treatment.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

The following specific objectives help to achieve the general objective.

 Identify cattle disease and provide remedies for related problems

 Increase cattle productivity
 It may help to avoid traditional thought of cattle disease and improve their understanding of
concerned body
 Analyze the data collected and choose suitable knowledge representation model.
 To minimize the decline by implementing AI technologies in the animal health sector in

2. 1Theortical Background
2.2.1 Introduction

To makes an effort to provide background information regarding the number of cattle in Ethiopia, the disease
that affected Ethiopian cattle, expert system architecture and components, and the stages of expert system

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

2.2.2 Cattle in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has a diverse population and a wealth of genetic resources for animals. According to the agricultural
sample survey report of (CSA, 2021/22), there are approximately 59.5 million cattle heads, 60.90 million
sheep, and 1.05 million goats in the nation. Tweldemedhn mekonnen claims [11], In Ethiopia, local breeds
make up 98.20 percent of the entire cow population, while hybrid and alien breeds make up 1.62 and 0.18%,
respectively. There are 28 recognized indigenous cow breeds in Ethiopia. [7].across the continent. The
population has become more diversified as a result of the various agro ecology, cultural and ethnic variety,
long-standing agricultural practices, and farming systems throughout the nation.

Four major categories can be made for indigenous cattle from Ethiopia. Sanga, Zenga, Large East African
Zebu, and Small East African Zebu. Large East African Zebu, which include Begait, Boran, and Arisi cattle,
are mostly found in Ethiopia's northwestern, southern, and central highlands. [7]. Bale, Jem-Jem, Harar,
Ogaden, Sheko/Smad, Adwa, Jigjiga, Goffa, Guraghe, Hammer, and Ambo cattle are examples of small East
African Zebu. Anuak and Raya Azebo Cattles are included in the Sanga breed group. The Fogera, Northern
Shire, Adwa, and portions of Agame cattles are included in the Zenga breed group. The indigenous cattle
breeds of Ethiopia stand out from other cattle due to distinctive morphological characteristics. These consist
of body size, horn size, and horn shape.In addition to morphological characteristics, breeds differ in non-
visible attributes including productivity, illness resistance, and climatic stress resilience. These traits are
mostly the outcome of both natural and human selection. Some varieties, such as Sheko cattle and Ethiopian
Boran cattle, are already well known for their distinctive adaptive qualities. Try pan osmosis is one of the
well-known distinguishing characteristics of Ethiopian cattle. [7].

The enormous loss of livestock population due to disease undermines efforts to achieve food security and
reduce poverty notwithstanding the potential of diversified genetic resources. [29]. Infectious diseases, non-
infectious diseases, skin conditions, pediatric issues, obstetrics and gynecology issues, ophthalmologist and
Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) disorders, as well as acute/emergency issues were the categories used by
Ethiopia's drug administration and control authority to classify livestock diseases. [4]. Skin conditions will
be the main topic of this report.

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

2. 2.3 Skin Disease

Skin is made up of so many different types of tissues, it has a complex structure. One of the most important
functions of the body is the ability to control its own temperature as well as protect itself against bacterial
invasion and physical injury. Animal skin comes in a range of textures and forms. Toads and crocodiles have
dry, warty skin; fish and frogs have slimy, moist skin; tortoises have hard shells; and snakes have soft,
malleable skin. Mammals have hair, fish and reptiles have scales, while birds have feathers on their skin.
Pigment in the skin, hair, or feathers can produce almost every color of the rainbow.

Despite their diversity in texture and structure, all animals suffer from skin disorders. The skin is one of the
first organ systems to be affected when an animal is unwell. Skin diseases in cattle can result in itchy,
inflammatory, or scaly skin, hair loss, changes in the skin's colour, obvious growths, etc. Different skin
problems affect cats; some are straightforward to treat, while others are more difficult and have zoonotic
importance. Numerous ailments that can affect cattle include those with complex underlying causes and
changing course over time. Numerous skin disorders have been recorded in numerous Ethiopian locations.

Lumpy skin disease is the main epidemic illness in several regions of Ethiopia (LSD). Table 1. displays the
LSD prevalence in various Ethiopian regions. It often appears as an outbreak since there is a significant
possibility of transmission from sick to healthy animals. A disease that developed in one area has a significant
chance of causing an epidemic there. Epizootic traits of this disease are tightly correlated with weather
conditions, such as prolonged periods of heavy rain. [15]

Table 1.occurrence of Lumpy skin disease

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

Zone Years of reported dout breaks

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

AddisAbaba 3 7 1
Afar 3 2 2
Amhara 92 68 35 40 22
Ben.Gumuz 3 5
Gambela 1 9

Oromiya 95 154 219 286 160

SNNP 18 18 14 32 17

Somali 3 9 4

Tigray 7 8 2 18 13

There are other common skin disease mainly reported in different parts of Ethiopia due to the
inconsequence [19, 20, 21, and 39]. Table 2shows the most common skin disease in Ethiopia.

Table 2 most common skin diseases

NO Location Skin disease

1 Hawassa LSD, Ringworm, Acariasus, Pediculosis, Dermatophilosos
2 Ambo Wart, Ticks, Lice, Mange mites, Dermatophilosos

Photsentization, Branding
3 Gondar LSD, Tick, Lice, Dermatophilosos, Mange

4 Adama Ticks, Pediculosis, Demodicosis and Dermatophilosis

5 Bure LSD, Pediculosis

6 Tigray (Tsegede,Welkayte, LSD, Lice ,Tick ,mange, mite


: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

Lumpy skin disease (LSD): is an infectious, eruptive, occasionally fatal disease of cattle caused by
a virus of the family Poxviridae[6]. The lack of nodules on the skin and other body parts is one of
its defining characteristics. The painful nodules are round, somewhat raised, hard, well-defined, and
well-circumscribed. The virus has substantial economic repercussions since infected animals usually
experience irreparable skin damage that lowers the market value of their hide.

Furthermore, the condition commonly results in stunted growth, infertility, abortions, and
occasionally death. A substantial quantity of cream-, gray-, or yellow-colored tissue is present within
the skin nodules. [14].In Ethiopia, LSD was first observed in 1983 in the north-western part of the
country (south-westof Lake Tana). Almost the entire nation is being affected by the sickness. Given
the disease's widespread prevalence and Ethiopia's size and composition of the cow population, it is
likely that LSD is one of the most economically significant livestock illnesses in the nation. [32].
Vaccination, limiting animal mobility, and the eradication of diseased and exposed animals are all
effective ways to reduce LSD. But to do this, you need enough money, infrastructure, people, and
information systems. Since it has been unable to put all of these strategies into practice in Ethiopia
due to the country's current circumstances, immunization has long been considered the most
effective practical method of LSD control. [14].

Bovine Papillomatosis (Warts): are caused by an infectious and contagious virus (bovine
papilloma virus, BPV) that spreads via contact from infected cattle to non-infected cattle [14]. It is
a contagious neoplastic viral disease that primarily affects animals' heads and necks and presents as
many skin growths or tumors.

Possibly while it naturally regresses, some cases may need more time or even develop into malignant
forms. Stratified squamous epithelium can appear on the skin as benign nodular lesions, fingerlike
projections, or cauliflower-like little growths that can be found alone or in clusters.

Skinny warts commonly show up on the head, eyelids, ears, neck, dewlap, brisket, shoulders, and
legs. Sporadic occurrences can also show up on the back, para-genital region, and along the lower
line of the abdomen. Warts can be congenital or acquired. They frequently affect only one species,
are viral in nature, and affect young animals the most. When young cows are allowed out to graze
in the early spring, the growths frequently fall off on their own from the affected areas, which are

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

typically the skin of the eyelids and along the lower line of the abdomen. [6]. illustrates the signs
of wart infection in cattle. Warts, which frequently occur on the head and dewlap between the ages
of 6 and 24 months, are the most common tumors in cattle. Physical contact or contact with objects
like halters or milking equipment can spread the causal virus. Lesions include things like
cauliflower-like growths and warts with a flat, wide base. Animals with weakened immune systems
may develop enormous, persistent growths (such as a BVDV infection that is persistent, for

Dermatophytosis (Ringworm): is a transmissible infectious skin disease caused by

Trichophyton verrucosum, a spore forming fungi [6]. A skin ailment caused by a fungus with a
global distribution is ringworm. Since growth rates are impacted during the active stage of infection
and the disease damages hides, it has a major financial impact on farmers. Young animals frequently
have ringworm, which is easily spread to people (zoonosis). As seen in Figure 2.3, ringworm
symptoms include greyish lesions that are somewhat elevated, well-circumscribed, and more
prevalent on the head and neck but may also affect other parts of the body. In adult cattle, the chest
and legs are more prevalent than the areas surrounding the eyes, ears, and back in calves. [14]

Treatments of the diseases

Unfortunately there are no specific antiviral drugs available for the treatment of lumpy skin disease.
The only treatment available is supportive care of cattle. This can include treatment of skin lesions
using wound care sprays and the use of antibiotics to prevent secondary skin infections and
pneumonia. Anti-inflammatory painkillers can be used to keep up the appetite of affected animals.
Intravenous fluid administration may be of benefit; however this may not be practical in the field.
The lack of treatment options for lumpy skin disease virus emphasizes the need of using effective
vaccination for preventing disease.

The animals were treated with ivermectin after mass warts removed by excision. Warts vanished
completely after a follow-up period of two months. Therefore ivermectin can be used as a treatment
of choice for bovine papillomatosis.,The most common etiological agent reported is Trichophyton
species. Treatment with oral terbinafine, itraconazole, and griseofulvin has been used with good
efficacy. Terbinafine 250 mg daily for 2–4 weeks may be preferred over itraconazole and
griseofulvin in patients on multiple drugs.

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

2.2.4 Skin Disease Diagnosis Techniques

Veterinary disease diagnosis relies on knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology and Animal
behavior, skills in the methods and techniques of clinical examination, clinical sign and
pathogenesis of the diseases [13]. Disease problems in veterinary medicine are presented to the
clinician through the medium of the owner’s complaint, which is a request for professional
assistance by giving the infected animal information. Cattle health experts use symptoms and signs
as clues that can help determine the most likely diagnosis when illness is present. In order to make
a good diagnosis the doctor will go through a process that involves several steps, allowing them to
gather as much information as possible. The steps of the diagnostic process fall into three broad

The first step is Initial Diagnostic Assessment, which the expert gather information which is relevant
to diagnosis the cattle infected. The causes of various skin diseases requires a detailed history,
because many skin diseases that look similar are differentiated based on interpreting clinical signs
and historical patterns. A complete general history including information about prior illnesses,
vaccinations, husbandry (housing, feeding practices, etc.), changes in attitude and food
consumption, exposure to other animals must be obtained. The second step is diagnostic Testing,
performance, interpretation, and communication of test results. Finally referral, consultation,
treatment &follow-up, Physician follow-up, referrals and consults will be given based on the
diagnosis result. Clinical skin disease investigations are conducted by examination of the skin of
each animal through visual inspection and palpation.

The kind of symptoms shown when cattle are diagnosed with skin disease is lusterless dry brittle
hair, hair loss, flaking skin, rough hair coat, matted hairs, a ring-like lesion on the skin, and crust
wound on the skin, etc. In our study, we include disease which is enough to be diagnosed by shown
symptoms and signs which can be captured by a camera. Palpation is a method of examination in
which the examiner feels the size, shape, firmness or location of something (of body parts when the
examiner is a health professional). So, for the inspection method we use image analysis techniques
and for the palpation, we use text information.

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

Expert system

Building intelligent systems is referred to as artificial intelligence (AI).a knowledgeable system is a

system that has the ability to solve problems and reason about a specific area. [3]When an agent's
performance cannot be distinguished from that of a human executing the same task, a system or
agent is said to be intelligent. Programming computers to exhibit particular features, such as
thinking, problem-solving, perception, learning, planning, synthesis, and classification, among
others, is one of the fundamental issues with artificial intelligence. Expert systems were the first
significant and productive Artificial Intelligence research technologies.

Expert system (ES) is one field of Artificial Intelligence that mimics the process of thinking and
expert knowledge to solve a specific problem [2]. Any computer software that is capable of making
judgments and decisions based on its knowledge can be referred to as an expert system. Expert
systems are being created to address issues that require a great deal of human skill to solve. These
problem areas include things like product design, financial guidance, and medical diagnostics. [12].

Components of Expert System

According to Engidu.et.al [1] the knowledge base, knowledge acquisition, reasoning engine, user
interface, and learning module are examples of possible components for an expert system.as
showing Figure 2.1.

Figure2-1 architecture of expert system

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

The process of obtaining pertinent information on a certain problem domain is known as

knowledge acquisition. The information can be found in books, papers, medical histories kept in
clinics, and domain specialists. The knowledge base is made up of the principles, knowledge, or
intuition that a human expert might utilize to solve issues in a particular problem domain.

The knowledge in the knowledge base is activated by a program component called the reasoning
(inference) engine. The purpose of reasoning is to investigate data and connections from the
knowledge base in order to offer solutions, forecasts, and recommendations. As a result, it is made
up of algorithms for manipulating the knowledge contained in the knowledge base to address a
challenge that the system has been given. Learning modules are an extension component that boost
performance effectiveness by drawing on prior knowledge, experience, or historical data. Users
can interact with the system to obtain information or carry out tasks via the user interface, which
is a graphical user interface.

2.2.5 Phase of building expert system

Knowledge engineering is the process of creating an expert system, and knowledge engineers are
those who carry out this work. The system must have access to all the knowledge required to resolve
a problem, according to the knowledge engineer. The knowledge engineer must also choose the
knowledge representation format and guarantee that the computer can effectively utilize the
information by choosing the right reasoning techniques. [12]. Knowledge acquisition, knowledge
representation, knowledge validation, inference, and explanation and justification are the five main
stages of the knowledge engineering process. [27].Each activity is briefly described in this section.

An expert using facts and expertise to treat a patient. In contrast to knowledge, which is what an
expert has gained during their years of training in medical school, internship, specialization, and
practice, data is the patient's record. Heuristic information is acquired by emotional intelligence as
opposed to through metric-driven data. Factual knowledge is defined as knowledge that is
measurable, observable, easily articulated, and comprehended. [8]. Knowledge acquisition is the
most important as well as the most difficult task in the development of expert system. The main
reason for its difficulty is the communication gap between the knowledge engineer and the domain
expert. The methods of knowledge acquisition can be divided into manual, semi-automated and

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

automated. The manual approach is a human-intensive method for knowledge acquisition, such as
interviews, observations, document analysis, and brainstorming etc. Semi-automatic methods uses
computer based tools to support knowledge engineers in order to facilitate the acquisition process.
Automatic methods involves using computer software to automatically discover knowledge from a
set of data. It includes Inductive learning, neural computing and genetic algorithms [8].According
to the problem at hand different methods of acquisition can be used. Some of the most common
methods are interview, observation and document analysis.

Interview: is the most commonly used knowledge acquisition technique. It can be classified as
structured and unstructured interviews. The structured interview is a formal version in which the
knowledge engineer has planned the whole session whereas unstructured interview involves
informal kinds of asking domain experts to elicit their knowledge. The success of an interview
session is dependent on the questions asked, the ability of experts to articulate their knowledge
and communication skills of a knowledge engineer to ask domain experts.
Observation: it involves observation of experts during performing their tasks. It may take different
forms like on site observation, discourse analysis and active participation. Document analysis
involves gathering knowledge from existing documentations. It may involve the interaction with a
human expert to confirm or add to the existing information or knowledge

Knowledge representation

The methodical process of encoding knowledge acquired from the expert is known as knowledge
representation. It is significant and has a significant impact on the system's effectiveness and
performance. Rules, semantic nets, frames, and cases are examples of knowledge representation
techniques frequently employed in ES. [8].

Rules: Condition/action pairs are used to represent knowledge: A certain action (or result,
conclusion, or consequence) will (or should) take place IF this condition (or antecedent, or predicate)
is met. Rules are a natural technique to simulate the cognitive functioning of human experts and to
represent it. A human specialist can read, comprehend, and uphold rules with ease

Semantic network: The relationships between different things or classes of objects serve as a
representation of knowledge. Its nodes and links depict the hierarchical connections between the
things. It is a directed network with vertices that stand in for concepts and edges that indicate the
: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

semantic connections among those concepts. Semantic networks provide the advantages of having
a clear hierarchy, traceable associations, and flexibility. However, semantic networks struggle with
knowledge representation due to the lack of internal node structure, inability to indicate interactions
between numerous nodes, difficulty in representing heuristic information, and difficulty in handling
exceptions.[ 17]

Frames: are a natural extension of semantic networks. Knowledge represented in a frame is

divided into slots. They consist of sets of slots filled by values, procedures for calculating values,
or pointers to other frames. Frames can be formalized as a set of relations between entities having
certain properties. It is a collection of questions to be asked about a hypothetical situation and
specifies issues to be raised and methods to be used in dealing with them. The advantage of using
frame based approach is its expressive power, easy to set up slots for new properties and relations,
easy to include default information and easy to detect missing values. Its drawback includes difficult
to program, difficult for inference, lack of in expensive software.

Case: based representations store a large set of previous cases with their solutions in the case
library and use them whenever a similar new case occur. It avoids the personal influence of
individual experts. It pass the expert and look directly at the information that allowed them to learn
and acquire their problem solving capability.

Evaluation measures how well conclusions and choices are supported by the available data. This
calls for examining a system's capacity for decision-making in the case of expert systems. Therefore,
the evaluation of expert systems requires assessing a various characteristics of their constituent parts,
such as the quality of knowledge represented, the quality of the knowledge base, and the decision-
making process. In order to verify the accuracy or determine whether it meets certain requirements,
this is typically done through test cases with domain experts. [2]. By contrasting system decisions
with the appropriate responses, the system is assessed. A sound system would come up with the
same conclusions as the professionals.

Based on user input and the facts from the knowledge base, the inference engine derives facts or
draws inferences. Expert systems use a variety of reasoning techniques, including rule-based, case-

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

based, model-based, and hybrid reasoning. [1].RBR (rule based reasoning) is reasoning technique
which solve input problem by, finding applicable rules by matching against the rules of the
knowledge base then, intermediate results are generated by choosing one of the inference mechanism
forward or backward chaining, and the process is repeated till the desired solution state is reached.
RBR allow compact representation of general knowledge. It have natural way of knowledge
representation and adding or removing rule 18 is possible without affected the system. RBR
encounter inference efficiency problems for very large rule bases. The drawback of RBR is
conclusion can’t be drawn from the rules if missing or unexpected data is found. Also, when rules
increase, maintaining the knowledge base is difficult. CBR (case based reasoning) is one of the
reasoning techniques which solve input problem by, Identifying and adapting similar problems
stored in a library of past experiences/problems [1].

Generally case based reasoning process follow four steps, retrieve the most similar case, reuse the
case, revise the proposed solution and, retain the new solution as a part of a new case. CBR have the
ability to encode historical knowledge directly and allow simple additive model for knowledge
acquisition. If an appropriate case can be found, new problems can often be solved in much less
time. However, cases do not often include deeper knowledge of the domain. This handicaps
explanation facilities, and in many situations it allows the possibility that cases may be misapplied,
leading to poor quality or wrong advice.

They also encounter inference efficiency problem for large case base and it is difficult to explain the
reasoning steps. Model based reasoning (MBR) is one of the reasoning technique which solve input
problem by following series of steps that logically follow the model. It use functional and structural
knowledge of the domain in problem solving. Model based reasons are often built using scientific
and theoretical knowledge. It allow the transfer of knowledge between tasks. MBR lack descriptive
knowledge of the domain and the complexity increase because it operates at a level of detail and the
output cannot be predicted on unusual situations. By combining the above reasoning methods to get
a cooperative effect where the strengths of one system can compensate for the weakness of another
has been also used for many expert system

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

3. Related Works

3.1 Expert system with text input

In this, discuss research works which are related to plant and animal disease diagnosis. Reviewed diagnosis
works that are related to expert system and diagnosis which used both methods.

Engidu et.al [1] For the purpose of diagnosing livestock diseases in Ethiopia, a web-based expert
system with hybrid reasoning that combines rule- and case-based reasoning has been built.
The system accepts user-submitted text-based symptoms and searches the case database for a
suitable remedy. Rule-based reasoning will be used if case-based reasoning is unable to detect the
sickness. The system also includes a learning module that provides the capacity to learn from
previous decision-making experiences. Learning module performance was 100%, and the system
was assessed by system performance testing and user acceptance testing, with matching scores of
91.67% and 82.34%, respectively. They come to the conclusion that the suggested approach offers
a promising outcome for use in diagnosing cattle.

Derejaw Lake [2] created a web-based expert system employing rule-based reasoning to diagnose
infectious and non-infectious cow diseases in Ethiopia. Users of the system can read disease details,
post diseases, and view current serious cattle diseases in addition to receiving diagnoses.
Additionally, it has an English and Amharic knowledge base. Veterinarian domain experts and
animal health assistants evaluated the system; the system's average performance score was 87.2%.

BerhanuAebissa [3] created a rule-based expert system for diagnosing coffee sickness. The system
aids laypeople in recognizing main diseases and pests that frequently affect coffee and offers the
proper description, remedies, and preventative measures. In 83.6% of the cases, the system
concurred with the expert opinions of humans.

Ahmad Zamsuri [33] developed android application expert system to simplify the disease detection
and showing the brief information about the cattle’s using rule based forward reasoning engine.
The system start by asking questions about the symptoms occurred and it deal with the uncertainty
values in cow disease using Certainty Factor (CF). They conclude the prototype designed was
88% easily operated by the user or it is user friendly.

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

Solomon Gebremariam [17] built a self-learning expert system prototype for the detection and
management of diabetes. The created rule-based expert system employs the knowledge modeling
technique of decision trees. Possible answers are first presented, and then supporting data from the
knowledge base is chosen to verify the result. This is a backward chaining inference technique. The
prototype performed 84.2% of the time overall

Desalegn Aweke Wako [25] created a rule-based expert system for diagnosing wheat disease. The
system functions by accepting text-based symptoms from wheat plants and looking for potential
disease causes. System testing and user acceptance testing were done on the system. Performance
as a whole for the system is 87.78%.They recommended conducting additional research to include
images that depict symptoms in order to identify the harm done to the wheat crop.

Endang Sugiharti et.al [26] created a tool for diagnosing dental diseases. The program is rule-based,
and it uses the patient's complaints about their symptoms to make a diagnosis. Twenty patients test
the system's accuracy; there were 19 similar cases and one case that did not fit. Thus, a 95% accuracy
rate from system testing carried out by 20 patients was obtained.

Guimiao Jiang et.al [20] expert system for equine disease diagnostics established. The approach
offers differential diagnoses based on illness indicators in equine patients as well as symptom-based
diagnoses. The system also offers a number of modules, such as illness learning and expert online,
that provide users the chance to further their education. The knowledge of equine sickness is
abstracted using object-oriented and ontology technology. Uncertainty inference model, which is
based on enhanced reasoning of evidence credibility, is the reasoning method employed. The
diagnostic precision is 88% according to the system's functional evaluation. Diagnosis system with
image input

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

3.2 Diagnosis system with image input

Shweta [21] created a method that uses image processing to identify plant diseases. The system uses
photos from smart phone cameras as input, and then performs image analysis. In order to speed up
processing, the original image is scaled to create thumbnails. K-Means Deep learning algorithms are
utilized for illness identification and classification after color, texture edges, and morphology data
are taken from the image and segmented using clustering.

Nikos Petrellis[22] created a windows phone application that uses image processing to identify plant
diseases. The user runs the plant disease identification application after taking images of plant
portions with lesions. The image is made grayscale, and a threshold is applied to identify the afflicted
area or section of the plant. By counting the amount of pixels with a particular red, green, or blue
color level, the histogram is used to derive lesion characteristics including the number of spots, their
grey level, and their area. The technology uses GPS localization to pinpoint the precise rural area
where the plant is located and records past weather information. An accuracy rate of more than 90%
has been attained in the disease recognition process when the application is tested for vineyard

Getahun Tigistu [5] created a technique that uses image processing to detect floral diseases
automatically. They employ picture improvement and segmentation to get rid of noise. Then, using
Gabor feature extraction, the texture features of an image were recovered. From these texture
features, seven separate measures of central tendency and dispersion of the extracted Gabor texture
features were determined. The training and testing data that are utilized to identify are extracted
based on the features that are extracted. The classification of an image into its class of disease is
completed by choosing an appropriate machine learning pattern identifier. With an accuracy rate of
83.3%, the created method can effectively identify the flower under examination.

3.3 Expert system with text and image input

Amarathunga et al. [23] designed rule based expert system for diagnosis of human skin diseases. In
their system the user will upload an image of infected skin and answer questions based on the skin
condition to detect diseases and get a treatment. The system have two components image processing

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

and data mining component.

 Image processing component: The image must be captured at 5cm distance between camera
lens and affected skin without any light effects. To eliminate noises from the particular skin
image and to get smooth image, median filtering and Gaussians used. Threshold segmentation
is used to separate healthy skin from disease. Color and shape feature esare used to create the
classification model.
 Data mining component: information is acquired by a questionnaire which is displayed as a
form on the user interface to get details about the diseases. Then based on those images
extracted features (color and shape) and answer from the questionnaire the classification
modelis created. Multi-Layer Perceptron MLP classifiers is used.

CarlLouieArutaet.al [18] developed a mobile application for the diagnosis of skin diseases using
case-based reasoning with image processing to detect diseases by applying similar past problem

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

It uses image processing and case based reasoning methods. The system receives image input with
specified resolution and input from user. Then it search any previous cases 90% similar to the entered
data. Texture feature is extracted using ABCD rule. Multilayer Perceptron Classifier (MLP) is used
to build classification model. If the system found a similar case, it will generate a diagnostic solution.
But if the system didn't found the case, it will retrieve another case from the case library. The system
can successfully detect 6 different skin diseases with an accuracy of 90%.However it didn’t mention
how the cases will be retrieved and how the current case is compared to the previous case.

P.Spyridonoset.al [31] incorporate image analysis techniques to confine subjective evaluation of his
to pathological variables. The resulted diagnostic model could be seen as a two level structured
diagnostic system. In the lower level an automatic image analysis system is employed to extract cell
nuclei quantitative descriptors. These descriptors feed some of the concepts of the FCM model
working in the upper level.

Table3: related work summary

Category Title Algorithm Authors Result

Expert Web based expert system  Hybrid reasoning(rule and Engidu Gebre- 91.67%
system for diagnosis of cattle case based reasoning Amanueal,FekadeGetah
with Text disease  Success and failure driven un andAntenehAssalif
Web based expert system  Rule based reasoning DerejawLake 87.2%

For cattle disease diagnose

Web based cattle disease  Rule based reasoning Ahmad Zamsuri, 88%
expert system diagnosis  Forward chaining inference Wenni Syafitri,
with forward chaining engine Muhamad Sadar

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

Development of  Rule based Desalegn Aweke 87.7%

Knowledge Based System Wako
for Wheat Disease
Diagnosis: A Rule Based
Developing a  Rule based BerhanuAebissa 83.6%
Knowledge Based
System for Coffee
Disease Diagnosis and
Expert Diagnosis of fish  Feed-forward J.N.S.Lopes,
system diseases Using Artificial back-propagation A.N.A.Gonçalves
with image Neural neural networks
Detection and Analysis of  K-Means Clustering ShwetaR.Astonkar, 89%
Plant Diseases Using for segmentation V.K.Shandilya,
Image Processing  Color, texture and
Technique morphology
 Deep learning
A Smart Phone Image  Threshold for segmentation NikosPetrellis, 90%
Processing Application  GPS localization
for Plant Disease
Development of Automatic  Threshold and color Daniel Hailemichael 87.78%
Maize Quality Assessment structure tensor for Lemessa
System Using Image segmentation
Processing Techniques 
Color and shape feature

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

Automatic Flower Disease  Ostuthresh old GetahunTigistu, 83.3%

Identification using image for segmentation
processing  Gabor feature extraction
Expert Mobile-based medical  Case based reasoning Carl Louie Aruta,Colinn 90%
system Assistance for diagnosing  Multilayer RazenCalaguas,JanKryss
with text Different types of skin perceptron Gameng
and Diseases using case-based Classifier(MLP)
image Reasoning with image  ABCD for
Processing feature extraction

4. Summary

As shown in Table 3. many expert system are designed to diagnose diseases from observed
symptoms. Most of the muse symptom described using either text or image. There are also research
done by combining image and text for plant and human disease diagnosis. But the image analysis
part is done by shallow networks which need manual feature extraction. Using manual feature
extraction is not good for classification tasks because, the specify restrictions on what features
represent the input data. Generally existing work don’t use automatic feature extraction in the image
analysis and not tested for animal disease.

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

5. Conclusion

Cattle production is an important field in economics. Controlling disorder increase cattle production and
satisfy food security. So, this paper introduced for developing a mobile application for diagnosing and
treatment of cattle. The framework composes of three main components: knowledge acquisition, the expert
system, and mobile based interface. The poultry mobile application is a useful tool for assisting farmers in
diagnosing and treating cattle skin diseases and tool for sharing knowledge. The framework was evaluated
by developing a cattle skin diagnosis and treatment application. The mobile application was developed on an
Android platform, the cattle knowledge base was represented as XML files. The knowledge was acquired
from the veterinary expert using the knowledge acquisition component. It runs in offline mode, so the
knowledge will be available even if there is a lack of internet connectivity

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

6. Future work
This study examines many places… that can be made even better as well as certain elements that ought to
be added and merged to improve the system.

For future work, we need to implement expert system for cattle skin disease care and feeding. Also, it will
integrate the symptoms with images that can be used instead of text legal value. Using the input as a natural
language is one of the future work which we will investigate in it.

 Expanding the dataset to incorporate additional diseases.

 Including illnesses that are investigated in a lab.
 Body mass index should be taken into account when the suggested architecture is being treat

: Mobile Based Expert System for Cattle Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.

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