Extract Essential Oil John Vu

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Diploma Candidate Number:

John Vu Van Phuc Y13

Word counts: 3839
Extraction and purification of essential oil from aromatic plants
Title: Investigation the amount of essential concentration
Research question: How does the mass of aromatic plant material affect the volume of
essential oil?
Background Information:
- Essential oil: Essential are a compound extracted from plants, the oil capture the plant’s scent
and flavor, or “essence”
- Sodium Chloride is the chemical name for salt used to remove contaminating water of oil
- Seperatory funnel can be used to separate oil and water by using Sodium Chloride
- Steam distillation is the most popular method used to extract and isolate essential oils from
plants for use in natural products
Details about Rosemary:
Traditionally, it is associated with memory (in Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote “There’s rosemary,
that’s for remembrance.” This may be due to a chemical in rosemary called ursolic acid, which
prevents the breakdown of a neurotransmitter (brain chemical), a process which has been blamed
for memory loss in sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease. As well as memory loss, rosemary has been
suggested to be helpful for treating: migraines; rheumatic pains, muscle aches, and arthritis;
digestion problems, including intestinal cramps; and exhaustion. REF. 1.
REF. 1... https://chempics.wordpress.com/2017/02/01/rosemary-rosmarinus-officinalis/

Rosemary active compound is Rosmarinus, carnosol, and canonic acid (normal rosemary/
type 1) .The green molecular structure is the carbon atom skeleton of α-pinene (alpha-pinene),
one of the key components of the familiar scent of rosemary. Rosemary (Rosmarinus
officinalis) is native to the coastal Mediterranean, but as a hardy perennial herb it can easily
weather cooler climates, surviving winter temperatures down to -10 °C.

Diagram 1. Pictures of the Organic aromatic material and the extract from rosemary.
REF.1 Theory and modelling of Chemical Sciences)

Personal Interest:
Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that employs
plant extracts to support health and well-being. In modern times, relaxation is the most
important, thing during the stressful Covid-19 time, but the price for relaxing relaxation and
wellbeing is costs a lot. For a person suffering from depression, anxiety, social distancing,
mental illness overall, essential will be an excellent choice. Personally, I’ve suffered of
depressed more than 2 years and I have found that the use of essential oil is necessary for
wellbeing especially during the Covid-19 pandemic time.
There are a lot of case studies for the topic recently... According to Jong-Seong Park from
Chonnam National University Medical School data, REF 2. “We can see that heart rate
increased but in positive way, which means more applications are. There are some
essential oil may not efficiency for human brain because they contain too much water that
affect to the concentration of essential oil. This also a reason my investigated research
question will be “How does the amount of water can affect the smell of essential oil.”
Timeline of Rosemary:
Rosemary has been used medicinally back to the ancient green and romans in 500 B.C and
dried sprigs of rosemary even show up in Egyptian tombs from 3,000 B.C. A contemporary of
both Pliny the Elder and Galen also wrote of rosemary in his opus De Materia Medica, the gold
standard about the use and identification of medicinal herbs for 1,400 years. Spanish was
cultivate in the 13th century where it became a popular condiment for salted meat from the 15 th
to 18th centuries
Rosemary or the other name is Rosmarinus, is from the Latin for ‘dew’ (ros) and “belonging to
the sea’ (Marinus) in reference to the warm Mediterranean region of its origin. There are a
twist about this name with a bit bible, which is come from Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, as she
fled from Egypt, sheltered next to a rosemary bush. She threw her blue cape onto the bust and
the white flower turned blue since then the herb has long been called “Rose of Mary’’.

In early 20th century (1935), German Chemist Wilhelm Hauffmann & Company created a
formula for medicated oil with a distinctive a green colour from chlorophyll ingredients.
In medicated oil mostly contain menthol, alcohol, chloroform, methyl salicylate depends on the
brand ingredients, sometime also have, Eucalyptus, cinnamon, cajeput, incense camphor, cineol
to get different aroma.

Caution of Medicated Oil that containing strong aroma such as Cineol, Camphor.
By containing menthol which is dangerous to respiration system, need to caution when
inhaling medicated oil or applying on skin.
Inhaling huge amount of Medicated Oil can cause of inhibition of cardiovascular and
respiratory center in young children.
REF 2: https://blog.gardeningknowhow.com/tbt/history-of-rosemary-plants/
Preliminary experiment investigations (phase 1, 2 and 3):

Independent: types of organic aromatic plant material
Dependent: Volume of organic essential oil cm3
Controlled: time of distillation (5.00 hours), boiling point (95oC), stp, volume of water used
500.00 cm3
Start of Preliminary Experiment: 26/2/2019 (Phase 1)
Step 1: Set up all necessary experiments.
Step 2: Collect Rosemary (of mass 10.000g (+/-0.0001)
- Requirements of collect Rosemary
- Choosing one with most smell and deep green provide best smell (Contain more enzyme, which
mean more oil contain/Sticky one)
Step 3: Dry for 3 hours (Prediction the smell will be increased because it may like tea)
Step 4: Add 500ml cm3 water in Florence flask
Step 5: Check all sectors of Florence Flask with Distilling Columns/ Check Florence Flask
Bung make sure there are no leak of air.
Step 6: Check that water is moving through the Liebig condenser. Make sure water can move
all the way up top near Thermometer.
Step 7: Check stp Thermometer at room temperature (25 ℃)
Step 8: Clamp Florence Flask on Rings Stand by Utility Clamp
(Tie your hair, wear goggle because experiment is flammable. Make sure shirt labcoats
are is buttoned, all chairs are under table, Clear the way for evacuate evacuation in case
of a fire and make sure the GAS VAN valves are not open)

Prepared Preparation for experiment investigation:

Step 9: Turn on Bunsen Burner at 20%
Step 10: Place the Bunsen Burner on Burn Plate
Step 11: Turn on Water to cool down the Liebig condenser
Step 12: Keep a close watch of the boiling temperature, the best temperature will be 95℃
Maintain at 95℃. (94℃ is the boiling point of essential oil)
Step 13: After 1 hours, all essential has been extracted

Step 1: Set up all necessary experiments.
Step 2: Collect / Lemon grass (Mass of Rosemary and Lemon Grass unknown/ Erro0
- Requirements of collect Lemon Grass:
- Choosing the fresh Lemon Grass to produced good smell
Step 3: Dry for 5 hours (Prediction the smell will be increased because it may become like tea)
Step 4: Add 500ml water in Florence flask
Step 5: Check all sector of Florence Flask with Distilling Columns/ Check Florence Flask
Bung make sure there are no leak of air.
Step 6: Check water is moving through Distilling Columns. Make sure water can move all the
way up top near Thermometer.
Step 7: Check Thermometer exactly at room temperature (25 ℃)
Step 8: Clamp Florence Flask on Rings Stand by Utility Clamp
(Tie your hair, wear goggle because experiment is flammable. Make sure shirt labcoats
are is buttoned, all chairs are under table, Clear the way for evacuate evacuation in case
of a fire and make sure the GAS VAN valves are not open)

Prepared for investigation:

Step 9: Turn on Bunsen Burner at 20% (WITH CLOSE AIR/ NOT OPEN-AIR VAN)
Step 10: Start located Bunsen Burner under Florence Flask with Burn Plate
Step 11: Turn on Water to cool down the Distilling Columns
Step 12: Careful of temperature, the best temperature will be 95℃. Maintain at 95 ℃. (94 ℃ is
a temperature to produced essential oil)
Step 13: After 1 hours, all essential has been extracted


Advantage: Disadvantage:
- Know how to set up extract experiment - optimal Mass of Lemon Grass and Rosemary
equipment not consolidated
- Figured how much mass of the plant to be - oil and water (Still in aqueous stage) are still
used for extracted present in the distillate

- Lack of knowledge of oil extraction. Need more research


Start of Preliminary experiment: 7/1/2020 (PHASE 2)
Step 1: Prepared all equipment that you need
Step 2: Captured frangipani (immense size)
- Requirement to collect Frangipani:
- Immense size Frangipani (Contain oil)
- Smell good.
Step 3: Rinse frangipani with normal water
Step 4: Add 500ml water into Florence flask
Step 5: Add 48g of frangipani.
Step 6: Check all sectors of Florence Flask with Distilling Columns/ Check Florence Flask
Bung make sure there are no leak of air.
Step 7: Check water is moving through Distilling Columns. Make sure water can move all the
way up top near Thermometer.
Step 8: Check Thermometer exactly at room temperature (25 ℃)
Step 9: Clamp Florence Flask on Rings Stand by Utility Clamp
Step 10: Wear Safety Goggles to prepared start Experiment
Step 11: Check all safety requirements before doing the experiment.

(Tie up long hair your hair, wear goggle. Make sure lab coats are buttoned, all chair are
under table, Clear the way for evacuate evacuation in case of fire and make sure the GAS
VAN valves are not open)
Prepared for experiment:
Step 12: Turn on Bunsen Burner at 20% (WITH CLOSE AIR/ NOT OPEN-AIR VAN)
Step 13: Start located Bunsen Burner under Florence Flask with Burn Plate
Step 14: Turn on Water to cool down the Distilling Columns
Step 15: Careful of temperature, the best temperature will be 95o℃. Maintain at 95o℃. (94
℃is a temperature to produced essential oil)
Step 16: Watch the Boiling Point of Water because it may overflow.
Step 17: after 15 minutes contained 50ml of frangipani

Advantage: Disadvantage:
- Have knowledge about extraction of - Still cannot define which organic material
essential oils have most oil
- Know how to set up Distiller distillation
equipment alone

- Need more knowledge about how to separate of oil and water.

Preliminary experiment Investigation: 12/6/2020 (PHASE 3)

Change methodology by mixing 2 different smell to create mid note and high note smell
volume of oil (Using old essential oil)
Step 1: Choosing Blue pea essential oil to carry out this experiment/40g of blue pea
Step 2: Set up distillation equipment
Step 3: Try to use Chamomile but unsuccessful
Step 4: Using 40 ml Blue pea of 250 ml and 10 ml of ethanol (100% pure ethanol)
Step 5: Have total 5 extract with ethanol
Extract 1: Extract 3:
- Full smell of ethanol ( time of extract 15 - Smell of ethanol reduced 30%
minutes ) - Can smell essential oil
Extract 2: Extract 4:
- Still full smell of ethanol ( time to extract 15 - Still only reduced 30% of ethanol ( After 30
minutes ) minutes )
- Blue Pea Essential not that much
Extract 5:
- Trying to add 5 coffee beans to overwhelm
the smell of alcohol.

Seeking out how to separate oil and water by using ethanol as an evaporated.
Use Rosemary as organic material because have more oil than other aromatic plant.
Actual Investigation

Independent: Mass of rosemary organic aromatic plant material
Dependent: Volume of organic essential oil extracted
- Can be changed because it affects the concentration of the essential oil. If the strong
concentration equals a strong smell and plenty of Rosemary oil in terms of volume.
- Control Variable: Temperature, volume of water, mass of sodium chloride
- Temperature must be controlled because temperature can make essential oil evaporate too
quickly, it will make aqueous stage more water (The percentage of oil and water in aqueous is
little so need to be careful with temperature)
- Volume can be affected because water is the main part of extract oil. If water is more than 500
ml, essential oil will be absorb a lot of water. Less than 500 ml may not have enough water to
extract in long term.
- Mass of Sodium Chloride need to change because Sodium Chloride will be used to absorb all
the water in essential oil
- One of a reason that Sodium Chloride supposed to be in here is because essential Oil may
contain Water (Aqueous stage). By using Sodium Chloride, pure salt can remove impurity
(water) efficiently.

 With 9.784g (+/- 0.0001) of rosemary organic aromatic plant material
 With 5ml cm3 of essential oil that based on Preliminary experiment the ratio can be 2:5
 2 will be water and 5 will be essential oil if can extracted all water completely.
1x Bunsen Burner 1x Small funnel
1x Utility Clamp 1x Conical Flask (100ml cm3)
1x Ring Clamp 1x Bung
2x Ring Stand 1x Separatory
1x Florence flask 1x beaker 25 ml (To contain Oil)
1x Distilling Columns 1x beaker 50ml (To contain Aqueous)
1x Glass Funnel 1x Sodium Chloride Solid (dry)
1x 250g-500g to Rosemary (+/- 0.0001)

Hazard   Risk   How can it be minimised   Emergency action   Level of risk ( High Medium Lo

 Water N/A  n/a   Using Paper to wipe   N/A

Bunsen Check Bunsen Burner vales Turn off immediately Medium

Burner if over flame
Rosemar N/a N/a N/a N/a

Apparatus diagram

Not using Heating Mantle, beside that using Bunsen Burner.

Step by step: Extract Aqueous Stage from Rosemary
Step 1: Prepared all equipment that you need as in apparatus set up diagram
Step 2: Captured Rosemary
Step 3: Rinse Jasmine with normal water
Step 4: Add 500ml cm3 water into Florence flask
Step 5: Add ~ 9.784g of Rosemary
Step 6: Check all sector of Florence Flask with Distilling Columns/ Check Florence Flask Bung
make sure there are no leak of air.
Step 7: Check water is moving through Distilling Columns. Make sure water can move all the
way up top near Thermometer.
Step 8: Check Thermometer exactly at room temperature (25 ℃)
Step 9: Clamp Florence Flask on Rings Stand by Utility Clamp
Step 10: Wear Safety Goggles to prepared start Experiment
Step 11: Check all safety requirement before doing experiment.
(Tie your hair, wear goggle because experiment is flammable. Make sure shirt labcoats
are is buttoned, all chairs are under table, Clear the way for evacuate evacuation in case
of a fire and make sure the GAS VAN valves are not open)

Prepared for Investigation:

Start Investigation:
Step 12: Turn on Bunsen Burner at 20% (WITH CLOSE AIR/ NOT OPEN AIR VAN valves)
Step 13: Start located Bunsen Burner under Florence Flask with Burn Plate
Step 14: Turn on Water to cool down the Distilling Columns
Step 15: Careful of temperature, the best temperature will be 95℃. Maintain at 95o ℃. (94 is a
temperature to produced essential oil)
Step 16: Watch the Boiling Point of Water because it may overflow.
Step 17: Try to wrap the Beaker that going to contain Oil. Because this is only low
concentration of oil, it is easy to evaporate.
After contain Oil/Water in small beaker. (Separate oil and water by using a small amount
of Sodium Chloride)
Step 18: weight the mass of Sodium Chloride <3.40 gram (Less than 3.40)
Step 19: Set up Separatory Funnel with Ring stand
Step 20: Take small funnel put on top of Separatory Funnel to easy pour Water mix with Oil
Step 21: Slowly add 3.40 grams of Sodium Chloride into Separatory Funnel by Spatula
Step 22: Carefully take out Separatory Funnel out the Ring Clamp and gently mix Sodium
Chloride with Oil/Water just made
Trial Volume Time
1 5cm 15 minutes
2 30cm 45 minutes
3 70cm 1 hours

The weight of rosemary before extract is 9.784g (+/- 0.001)
The weight of rosemary after extract is 4.515g (+/- 0.001)
The volume of water = 500 cm3 (+/- 5)
The volume of aqueous stage 160 cm3 (+/- 5)
The volume of Essential oil after separate water = 7cm3
Mass of Rosemary = 9.784g (+/- 0.001)
Temperature= 98 ℃ (+/- 0.5)
Time = 2 hours = 160cm3 product (Aqueous Stage)
2 hours – 120 minutes
Density of Rosemary = 0.903 g/mL at 25 ℃
Rate of reaction= Amount of reaction used/Time
Rate of reaction = 160/120 = 1,333 M/min
Density = m/V
m=Density x V = 0.903 x 5 = 4.515g (Density using Online Data)
Measure value− ActualValue
Pecentage error × 100
Actual Value

= × 100=116.70 %

Rosemary is a plant that contains a huge amount of oil that can increase a boiling temperature
because Rosemary have a layer of oil on surface by that a reason increased a boiling
temperature. By this layer of oil, the time of extract oil also longer, is take more than 1 hours to
extract 80 ml cm3 of aqueous stage for 500 ml cm3 of water and 9.784g (+/-0.0001) of
Rosemary organic aromatic plant material
- By trying with different type of flowers and also different time of the year, the result are also
differences. Also with different condition of Plant Cell by different weather condition may
affect to the lipid bilayer
- Rose Mary (Mediterranean), Jasmine (South East Asia), Blue Pea (South East Asia) ,
Frangipani (North America)
REF3 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7076711/ ( Contaminated of water
with lipid bilayer cause by CO2)
REF4 :https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/aldrich/w299219?lang=en&region=US
(Density of Rosemary)
With this data we can calculate the lost mass of rosemary and turn into the volume of
essential oil that we have.
- Density of Rosemary are 0.903g/mL at 25 ℃. This experiment was in 100 ℃ = 3.612 g/mL
was created.
- Mass as begin is 9.784g loss 6.172g and produced 160 cm3 (Aqueous Stage) and left
4.515g of Rosemary of 2 Hours of Experiments
- 2 Hours got 160 cm3 , 1 Hour Approximately 80cm3 , 30 Minutes = 26.6 cm3
- Using Aqueous Two Phase Extraction to separate Oil and Water to get Pure oil without
contaminated water. Using 160 cm3 of (Aqueous Stage)
- After Experiment, Gather 7ml of pure Essential Oil by using Organic Chemistry without use any
- The Percentage Error is more than 100% by the cause of the environment during the
- By using this equation can calculate what is the Density of the Product
Mass(g) 9.784
- D= = =1,398 g/ml
Volume(ml) 7

Conclusion of Analysis:
- Losing the huge amount of Mass can create the loss of intense smell Rosemary
- After around 1 Month, the Aqueous Stage still keep strong aroma smell. With main containing
volatile compounds which are α-Pinene, 1,8-cineole, camphene, camphor, p-cymene,
myrcene, limonene, and β-caryophyllene. The smell of wood

After doing more than 3 phase preliminary experiments, finding out how to separate oil and
chemistry without using any chemical or using Equipment which can determine water in oil
(Aqueous stage). So why NaCl but not other substance/Method?
Because the salt ions are charged, they dissolve much better in a polar system, which is also
slightly more charged than a nonpolar solvent. For this reason, salt ions attract the water
molecules much more strongly than alcohol molecules do because alcohol is less polar than
Besides using NaCl as a separate aqueous stage, there are equipment that can determine how
much water that contain in Essential oil such as FluidScan oil analyzer. This equipment is only
available in university.

Evaluation Experiment:
Even though with more than 100% of fail cause by environment of experiment but after 3
months, Aroma still intensive by successful extract all the oil inside stem of Rosemary. The
woody smell are come from C16H10
The material that using for this extract is Rosemary from Mediterranean area. Rosemary from
Mediterranean usually keep oil inside the stem because of the hot weather. To minimize the
evaporation happening, Rosemary was in a needle shape to reduce a Respiration happened.
By keeping oil inside stem cell, volatile compound was still maintain through the extract

More than 42 %->44.7% of 1,8 cineole contain in Rosemary and assumption that
successfully extract around 19% of 1,8 cineole aroma of Rosemary (The smell of woody).
4 . 515
× 100=19 . 38 %
9 .784
Assumption that 9.784g (Before the extract) contain 42% of 1,8 cineole.
After extract is 4.515 g (After Extract) Containing 19.38% which is comparable to public
Conclude Evaluation Experiment
Successfully extract 19.38% volatile compound, create and keep Rose Mary smell more than
2 months

REF5: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3736918/#:~:text=1%2C8%2DCineole

Reason why investigation got error.

Percentage Error =116.70% because the reaction has been sit through the weekend so it is
the most affect to the error.

Water can diffuse through the lipid bilayer also water also can pass through the cell
membrane with a long term of time stay inside water by that the oil inside Rosemary can
be dilute with water. The oil contain inside Rosemary may also evaporated with water
during the combustion.
According to “V.R. Paudel and V.N.P. Gupta* Central Department of Botany Tribhuvan
University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu”
“The overall study suggests that the essential oils from aromatic plants at their different
concentrations have adverse effects on the seed germination”
- ”Rosmarinus officinalis L type has been found to have several phytocompounds presenting
pharmacological activities may be isolated from essential oils and extract of R.officinalis L,
varying the concentration of these molecules in each specimen of the plant. The
phytocompounds most reported include caffeic acid, carnosic acid, chlorogenic acid,
monomeric, acid, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, ursolic acid, alpha-pinene, camphor,
cornosol, eucalptol, rosmadial, rosmanol, rosmaquinones A and B, secohinokio and
derivatives of eugenol and luteonin” According to Jonatas Rafael de Oliveira
- Ref: https://jbiomedsci.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12929-019-0499-8#ref-CR13

Concentration of Essential Oil is based on the mass of aromatic plants and the type of
aromatic plants. The more aromatic plants have phytocompounds, the more concentrated it will
Successfully extract Rosemary Essential Oil using organic compounds. There is no chemical
affect to this investigation. Separate aqueous stage by using NaCl (salt), contained 5ml of pure
Essential Oil with 19.38% of 1,8 Cineole aroma rosemary
Even through with high Percentage Error by leaving Rosemary in water more than 2 days and
Under/Higher room temperature (During Saturday and Friday there are no Air conditional so
the temperature cannot maintain at 25 ℃) by that rapidly change temperature and with 2 days
without any reaction, the water is easily getting through lipid bilayer and contaminated the oil.
When the combustion start again (on Monday), the product which is Aqueous stage may have
more water than the first combustion (The mass of Rosemary does not change during the
Investigation). By contaminated with water, when start combustion oil and water are
evaporated into the air. The amount of oil collect which is small percentage of purity essential
oil, with high combustion temperature may accidentally open the lipid bilayer and make
Rosemary oil contaminated with water.

The purity are check by the boiling point

- Only create enough amount of heat to open the lipid bilayer and lowest the percentage
contaminated by water.
- The best temperature to extract essential oil is 60 ℃ to 100 ℃ Average temperature will be
around 80℃ to enough heat to open the cell wall.
- Keep the product in close flask, reduce the evaporated of volatile compound.
- Measure water before the combustion, cold water may affect to lipid bilayer

1/ https://michelesorganics.wordpress.com/2014/04/01/5-amazing-things-you-may-not-know-
about-rose-essential-oil/ [accessed data 11/8/2020]
(fluid%20in%20the%20lungs). [Accessed data 11/8/2020]
REF. 1... https://chempics.wordpress.com/2017/02/01/rosemary-rosmarinus-officinalis/
[accessed data 11/5/2020]
REF 2. According to Jong-Seong Park. Department of Physiology, Chonnam National University Medical
School, 42 Jebong-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61469, Korea [accessed data 11/5/2020]
“To evaluate the autonomic nervous system activity quantitatively, analyzing HRV in the frequency domain is
known to be a valuable method (TFESC, 1996). By frequency domain analysis of oscillation in R-R intervals, HF
(0.15~0.40 Hz) reflects the activity of parasympathetic nervous system, and LF component (0.04~0.15 Hz) reflects
both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous activities (Peter et al., 2015). LF/HF is used as a relative marker
of sympathetic nervous activity (Landolt et al., 2017).

There are a few reports on the effects of essential oils on the autonomic nervous system by measuring the HRV.
Lavender inhalation elicits a significant increase in HF components and reduction in LF/HF ratios, suggesting of
increased parasympathetic nervous activity and reduced sympathetic activities (Saeki, 2000). Inhalation of
petitgrain essential oil showed LF decrease and HF increase (Nagai et al., 2000).”
Ref: http://www.bslonline.org/journal/view.html?doi=10.15616/BSL.2017.23.3.286#:~:text=There%20are%20a
REF 3: https://blog.gardeningknowhow.com/tbt/history-of-rosemary-plants/ [accessed
REF4: https://essentialoilscure.com/champaca-essential-oil/#:~:text=Pure%20essential%20Oil
%20blends%20with,to%20achieve%20your%20desired%20quality. [Accessed data
https://innovagreen.co.uk/2018/11/02/a-brief-history-of-jasmine-tea/ [accessed data
[accessed data 9/10/2020]
data 12/10/2020]
https://jbiomedsci.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12929-019-0499-8 [Accessed
https://blog.gardeningknowhow.com/tbt/history-of-rosemary-plants/ [Accessed 13/10/2020]
%20is%20one,pharmacological%20properties%20%5BPerry%20et%20al [Accessed

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